
2018-05-01 ―― 自分で、自分の能力を見切っていない [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The contents of your folder inside of "Golden Week holidays"


you put it in the "Recycle Bin".


In addition, I will strongly recommend


to completely erase it so that you can not be revived




By the way, now, in my "consecutive holidays" folder,


- completing restoration of the town interiors


- Neighborhood Association Website Reform


- construction of a neighborhood association mailing list server


- building a family home watching system (New system using SORACOM device)


- contribution of contributions requested from a certain academic society


- manuscript of the May series (at least to the drawing)


- domestic housework, outpatient support, visitor response, repair, maintenance

が入っています ―― しかも、この連休中に仕上げないと、その後の予定がガラガラと崩れる、と。

Moreover, unless it finishes during this consecutive holidays, the schedule after that will collapse with rattle.


Although it can not be helped,

―― 自分で、自分の能力を見切っていない

"I have not estimated my own performance by myself"


I think only.

2018-05-02 ―― マスコミは、真実を報道するのが仕事ではないのか? [長年日記]


I am watching TV news at my parents house.


Interviews at the plathome of the Shinkansen often are shown.


At the start of GW, there are many interviews of family father mainly.


"I am relaxing at my parents house"


At the end of GW, there are many children under 5 years old.


"I enjoyed collecting insects with my grandpa"


―― マスコミは、真実を報道するのが仕事ではないのか?

"Should media report the truth a work ?"


I always wonder.



The subject of the interview should be people called "housewife".


At the start of


"Every time GW comes, I am tired of" Hell starts at husband's parents home"


At the end of GW,


"I am thinking that "time stops and "bon holidays" should not come"

―― くらいのこと、普通に放送すればいいのに、と思う。

I think that the above should be broadcast normally.



With those broadcasts, I think that someone comes to know


- there is a husband who is not noticed at all in his wife's real intention.


- The existence of grandparents is a huge pressure to the young generation,


- Relationship "Relatives" is extremely annoying to exist,


- large consecutive holidays, after all, lose personal diversity, and interferes with 'Work way reform'


2018-05-03 ―― 舐めんな。会話が成立する人間に対して、何の贅沢を言っていやがる。死力を尽して言葉を交せ [長年日記]


One of the tasks of this GW, was


"Building a monitoring using SORACOM and Raspberry pi"


and I was working for it at my parent home.

残念ですが、タイムアウトとなりました ―― 構築を完了できず、機材を自宅に持ち帰ることになりました。

I was sorry, but it was a timeout - I could not complete the construction and I decided to take the equipment home.


食事、掃除、風呂、庭の草取りや除草剤の配布、電球や電池の取り替え、介護ホームへの母の見舞いに加えて、特に、今回は、町内会の仕事で時間を思いっきり持っていかれ ―― そして、決定的なのだったのが

Meals, cleaning, baths, weeding in the garden and distribution of herbicides, replacement of bulbs and batteries, and mother's visit to nursing home. Besides that, in particular, this time, I took many time for the work of the neighborhood association.

The crucial trouble was,


"Suddenly occurring father's sleep".


I had to change my schedule for him sleeping time.



It has been quite a long time since I could not have a normal conversation with my father.


My father has lost not only the idea of the season but also the concept of the time zone, I have not observed what my father is thinking from outside for a long time.


―― 故に、



A woman in a drama shouting loudly, "I do not know what you are thinking!"


I want to say to you that

―― 舐めんな。会話が成立する人間に対して、何の贅沢を言っていやがる。死力を尽して言葉を交せ

"Do not be silly. Why can you say such luxury to the person who can talk with others. Talk to your lover to the full extent of your power"



I think that I am qualified to say that.


(To be continued)

2018-05-04 ―― いや、知っていたんだけどさ。上手く動かないと、何かにすがりたくなるよね。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Apart from that.


I installed a SORACOM device in a Raspberry PI and made a security system for my parent's house. Needless to say, the parent's house is different from my room in my house, naturally.


(Step1) Firstly, because the shape of the HDMI interface was different, I could not connect the Raspberry PI to the display, so I went to buy a converter in the electric shop.


(Step2) When connecting the keyboard, mouse and display to the PI, the power overload (?) causes the PI to go down and start the infinite motion of the reboot (the system might be destroyed).


(Step3) Not to improve the situation, even if the USB power supply was converted, I made SSH environment in the personal computer, and SSH communication was carried out via the WiFi mobile access point, making various PPP environment with building while updating variously , I created an SSH server environment on the the PI.


(Step4) So, I installed SSH client on my personal computer, since there is no LAN cable that directly connects the personal computer and the PI, I ordered the cable to Amazon, addressed to my parents' house,


(Step5)The way of setting fixed address from Ubunts 16.04 has changed to a setting I have never seen before (who decided the crazy setting of "No eth0". I seemed to forget me with anger. Who made this absurd setting file of "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules".

(Step6)そこで、自宅から持ち込んだパソコンに、SSHのクライアントをインストールしましたが、Amazonで購入されたケーブルを使ってみたのですが ―― この結果、今の時代、クロスもストレートも関係なく自動設定されることを知り、

(Step 6) So, I installed SSH client on my personal computer. I tried using a cable purchased at Amazon, and as a result, I knew that it was automatically set regardless of cross and straight.

―― いや、知っていたんだけどさ。上手く動かないと、何かにすがりたくなるよね。

"Well, I knew it. However, if it does not work well, we will want to cling something"


(Step7) I tried logging in the PI from SSH using SORACOM, however, I could not figure out the configuration of the relay server, and eventually time up was coming without achieving the original objectives.



So, what I want to say, are


"I am a writer (or a columnist) who makes mass produces stupid squirrels,"


At the same time,


"I am also an engineer to attentive to system construction not for money



If even 1% of this power is poured into such things as "personal connections", "heart" or "compassion",I, maybe, will make me a person who can say

―― 世界は、この俺の手の中にある(*)

"- The world is in my hand"


(*)Stein's Gate Episode 23 "Stein's Gate on the Boundary"


I believe it quite seriously.

2018-05-05 ―― 参考にならん [長年日記]


While I was returning to my parents' house, I made reservations for the construction of my parent's cable TV.


Because the cable television company requested "they want to change to optical fiber" (construction fee was free).


So, I was able to observe the construction that pulled the cable from the overhead catenary line up close.


I asked young workers who came to the construction, to watch the whole construction process.


In particular, I was interested in the part that creates the interface of the optical fiber, so I have been watching their work, however, they used a handy type crimping device, and made interface part at the moment.

―― 参考にならん

"Not to be helpful"


In the case of electricity, I can understand both analog and digital, however, I could not make a image of making the joining optical fiber.

まあ、それにしても、光ファイバの線の細いこと ―― 髪の毛くらいの太さしかなかったです。

Well, even so, the optical fiber was thin, like thickness of the hair.


自宅から700メートル離れた公民館まで、光ファイバを引張って、公民館で町内会サーバ立てたい(というか、無線LANを使えるようにしたい)とか、一瞬思いましたが ―― 工事やメンテナンスを考えると、アホらしくてお話にならない案です。

I came to think that I would like to pull the optical fiber from the house to the public hall 700 meters away, and establish a neighborhood association server (or, I want to make it possible to use wireless LAN), however, they were stupid ideas from the view of construction and maintenance cost.


Before that, this is a breach of contract

2018-05-06 「クスリをくれ」 [長年日記]


My mother got insomnia from getting old.


Moreover, she seemed not take them as prescribed, and there were quite a few unused sleeping pills in the parent's house.

当然 ―― ありがたく、この私が、全てを回収してきました。

Naturally - thankfully, this I have collected everything.



Recently, when my wife and her daughter can not sleep, they come to me, with saying


"Give me some medicine"



江端家の薬物汚染は、この私によって進行しているとも言えますが、私も、簡単にはクスリを渡しません ――

It can be said that the pollution of the Ebata's drug is progressing by me, I also do not give medicines them easily.

I am a man who is aware of the fear of sleeping pills.


But, well, this drug pollution seems to end in a fairly near future.


It's because the stocks will run out soon.

2018-05-07 ―― そして、現実に、エラいことになったのです。 [長年日記]


I started my own website in 1994.


At that time, there was no platform for HP creation, so I wrote everything in html.


And still, I continue editing with a sticky text file.


There is no problem because I have not worked with other people.



However, this time, urgently, it became necessary to renew the homepage of the neighborhood association, and I had to spent most of this consecutive holidays on that work.


The problem was that I had to make HP that


"anyone can easily post"


"anyone can easily manage"


―― パソコンを日常的に使わない人も含めて

"Including those who do not use personal computers on a daily basis."



Currently, I am the general affairs department head of the neighborhood association, and, I will finish my term in April next year.


However, even after the term, the HP management must continue.


If you continue to leave the operation of HP to a specific individual, it will be troubled after that person retires.

―― そして、現実に、エラいことになったのです。

And, in reality, we got in trouble.


(To be continued)

2018-05-08 そして、『ドメイン名も含めて、現在のホームーページを丸ごと捨てる』ことを決断し、1からホームページを作り直すことにしました。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The present Internet provider who has managed our neighborhood association(NA) server, could not accept my claim, thought I had to change the administrator and submit papers.


For the Internet provide, they should have been in trouble because they could not send a credit letter to me. Finally I concluded "this provider doesn't have a future".


I made up my mind that I discarded this HP with the domain name and rebuilt a new HP from scratch.



After that I bought commercial software package for making HP, however it had many functions and luxury wastefully. I was afraid it was not user-friendly.


The concept of the HP I want to build, is a simple text-based "big" and "erasable" white board for an agenda, in short

―― Web回覧版

"Web bulletin board"



(To be continued)

2018-05-09 回覧板には、「近隣住民とのコミュニケーションを図る機能がある」と言われています。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Changing the subject,


It is said that a circulation board has a function to promote communications in a neighborhood unit.


However I am negative against this opinion. I think it will be useful as a detector of abnormal condition for "living alone", and very persuasive.


Even if it is useful, I am afraid that it means "too late" to find the abnormal condition, when the circulation board was not passed normally.


First of all, I am a distributor of the board, and I also distribute it once a month.


However, even if it is "too late", I think "to detect" might be meaningful.

―― これからは、気温も湿度も高くなっていきますから。

Because, "both air temperature and humidity become high from now."



In my opinion, I want to propose to install the following system,


"to observe "living alone" by human detection sensor"


"to send the detections to the NA-server"


and I want to manage the server by the community of the NA.


(Of course, persons who can say "I do not care about my privacy even if there is a human sensor", can use this system)


For me, I can realize this system just by 10,000 Yen as installation cost and 300 Yen as operation cost. (Three systems has already been working at our parent's house and my house).

ラズパイ(5000円) + soracom(6000円) +人感センサ(30円) を初期コストとして、あとは月々300円(soracomの通信費で足ります。

The breakdown is that Raspberry PI(5000 Yen), soracom(6000 Yen) and human detection sensor(300 Yen) and monthly communication cost (300 Yen / month).

独居宅100件、MTBFを1年くらいと見れば、まあ、町内会のボランティアでもなんとかなりそうです ―― 少くとも、回覧板回すコストよりは安い。

Based on 100 solitude houses, one year's MTBF, I can manage the systems as volunteer efforts of NA. At least, the cost might be cheaper than to manage circulation boards.


Of course, this monitoring service will be uninsured, because they are the volunteer efforts of NA.


(To be continued)

2018-05-10 『なんで、コンピューターって奴は、こんなに馬鹿なの?』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Turning to the board, anyway I could finish making the HP whose policy is "anyone can post contents" with a plathome "WordPress".


However, I don't know "my trial will work well as I expect".


Watching the behavior of my parents and wife, I was made to realize that

―― パソコンが嫌いな人は、もう問答無用で、パソコンが嫌いである

"Persons who dislike PC, dislike PC without reason"

―― 下手すると憎悪している

"They hate PC if they are unlucky"




To begin with, I can tell you that

―― 人類はパソコンが嫌いである

"Human being dislike PC"



Even I have been using PC every single week, I also can tell you that


"How are computers foolish so much?"



Compared with the persons I have met before, the stupidity of computers is , how to say, "piece de resistance"


There is no way that artificial intelligence(AI) overcomes human being intelligence.


AI is just algorithm, that works in the stupid computer.


(It is that as it may. Please read my columns about AI)



The hot issue is this one year I have been in th NA, before I retire.


Whether I can give a literacy to post to the HP or not.


My trial is going to start.

2018-05-11 ―― って、このくらいのことは、「国民の常識」とは言わないまでも、「現職の大臣が知らない」ってことは、絶対にないと思うのです。 [長年日記]

「セクハラ罪」という罪はない ―― と、現職の大臣が発言して騒ぎになっています。

"There is no crime of "sexual harassment"". The incumbent minister speaks that and makes a fuss.


Perhaps, I think that what he meant was that there is no law called "crime of sexual harassment".


For example, in Japan's current law, there are no laws of


"a crime of unjustly insulting Ebata"


"A crime that caused Ebata to excessive programming"


In that sense, I think that he is correct.


しかし ―― 「セクハラ罪」は、

However, "sexual harassment" is a crime of

「民法415条、715条、719条、723条、刑法204条、224条、230条、 231条、208条、176条 177~180条と『同義の罪』である」

"Civil Code 415, 715, 719, 723, and Criminal Code 204, 224, 230, 231, 208, 176, and 177-180"


I think there is no problem about the above interpretation.


For sexual harassment, in the first place, the government themselves stipulates in detail and thoroughly


"in rule 10-1 of the National Personnel Authority"


which is the rule that regulates the code of conduct of civil servants.


Above all, many private enterprises are making internal regulations with this rule as the paradigm.



I think that how to use the word "an offense subject to prosecution only on complaint (from the victim)" by the Minister is not appropriate either.


For example, if I do "stubborn" in a public place, that is a crime.


Even if there are no witnesses, no evidence, even if the prosecution can not proceed, it is a "crime".


This is clearly stipulated by law.

However, although it is a "crime", in order to handle it as a criminal case trial, the crime pleaded by the victim is required for the procedure, is just called "an offense subject to prosecution only on complaint (from the victim)".


(In addition.recently, with regard to sexual harassment etc, the law is revised in the direction that even the binding of "parental complaints" is lost)


―― って、このくらいのことは、「国民の常識」とは言わないまでも、「現職の大臣が知らない」ってことは、絶対にないと思うのです。

What is this thing, not to say "common sense of the people", I do think that "the incumbent minister" do know it absolutely.


I think that he tried to tell "the joke" and left them cold.


Because, "Minister" is "Minister."


He is an elite in the elite and should be "walking intelligence" with excellent leadership.

我が国の現職大臣が「ただの(無知性な)オヤジ」なんて ―― そんなこと、私は、信じたくない。

The incumbent minister of our country is "just an ignorant man". Such a thing, I do not want to believe.


In fact, I think that his sense of economic field is "amazing" especially.


You might think, that


"Why does the "Ebata" defend the powerful person at this time? "



"Is Ebata adhering to the minister?"


"Does Ebata have to be overwhelmed by the minister because of any interests? "


and so on.


Not like that.


That can't be true.


If such a thing happens, I will be glad and innocent and willingly, on the next day I will publish it in this diary.


So, basically, no one comes closer to me.



Needless to say,


"Both the surname of this person and my past address were the same Kanji (reading is also same)"




"Both the surname of this person and a first name of my family are the same Kanji (reading is different)"

ということも ――


There is nothing to do about these issues.

2018-05-12 ―― パパ。珍しく、爆笑していたね [長年日記]

―― パパ。珍しく、爆笑していたね

"Unusually, you had a burst of laughter didn't you?"


My wife said to me that.

最近、笑うことが少なくなってきたように思えます ―― そりゃまあ、半世紀も生きていれば、そうのん気に笑ってばかりいられるものではありません。

It seems that it has become less used to laugh lately. - Well, if I live for half a century, it is not something I can only laugh with.

それに、人をバカにしたり、騙したりすることで笑いを取るコンテンツは 『嫌い』――

Also, I "dislike" the content that makes someone laugh at making people foolish or cheating...


However, I am not an elegant person to say the above.


However, since the contents need "physical strength" and "nervous" at the same time, I pretty feel rather tiresome.



Well, aside from that, the reason why I had a burst of laughter, is that I just watched a TV programs.


Unusually, it seemed to be addicted to my point of laugh.


It is an animation called "Hinamatsuri(Hinna Festival)".

2018-05-13 『だから、200万円の入ったカバンを電車の中に置き忘れてしまったんだよ』 [長年日記]


It was on a train at late night on Friday night.


I was surprised because a man in front of me, started talking loudly at the incoming smartphone.


Since commuter train is my precious study, telephone conversation in the train always annoys me. However, the inside manners have improved recently, and I rarely came across such a case.



The man was speaking in a loud voice, as if he could make everyone hear his story.


"So, I left my 2 million yen bag in the train."

―― 何だって?



"At the Tokyo station, the officer keeps that bag, so I'm on the way to taking it "


"No, I can not make it in time for the last train, so I will use a taxi from Tokyo Station on the way home."



I thought that "perhaps, this man, within a radius of 20 km, was one of the most uneasy feeling now"


He will not be able to wipe anxiety until confirming that 2 million yen with your eyes and holding it by hand.


Because of that anxiety, he is calling in a loud voice in the train.

If it was true, I thought,

―― 許せる

"It is O.K."



I wanted him to cheer up, "if you can soften even a little anxious, keep talking on a smartphone forever"



However, from the security point of view, I thought that this man's remarks were masculine.


Someone took that man back, and confirmed he received 2 million yen cash, they knocked him down from behind. They can rob the 2 million yen without labor.



However, I thought that this man was perhaps panicked


Even he called a loud voice in the car, even he made a cheeky remark, I thought that he would have been panicked, and been able to see the surrounding.

2018-05-14 『シニアに優しい学会』 [長年日記]

For a research engineer, who


- lives a life for more than half century, and


- is not expected an excellent fruit in the future,


their paper, to have been submitted to an academic society

―― 査読なしで、ACCEPT(受理)する

"should be accepted without reasons"


I think that "this is a good manner in the academic society isn't it?"


There are "senior bus or train pass", so I think


"senior papers pass" is also good for workshops and memoir



When I find the word "Congratulation!" in a notification mail, I am about to collapses on a floor withe relieved, before feeling happy.


However, reading reviewer's comments, I fell depressed.


At this age, I feel uncomfortable just by looking at the word "REJECT".

I also think that this is a typical "retributive justice".


これからの学会は、もっと敬老の精神を持つべきだと思うのです ――

I think that future academic societies should have a more aged spirit


"Senior-friendly academic society"


I think that this concept will surely "go".

2018-05-15 『△△教祖の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすれば、オマエにも分かる!!』 [長年日記]

ネット上での議論 ―― あれは議論なのか?、と思うようなものも含めて ―― このようなセリフを吐く人がいます。

Discussion on the net - I sometimes wonder if that is a discussion? , I think - there are people who say such lines.

『△△教祖の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすれば、オマエにも分かる!!』

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!"



At the stage when I find out this line, "the person's defeat" comes to decided definitely.



The purpose of "I win by argument" is "my own interest".

で、自分の利益を得る為には、その立証は自分が行わなければならない ―― これを、裁判では「挙証責任」といいます。

In order for my own interest, I have to prove the logic by myself. This is called "burden of proof" as a law term.


In civil trials, plaintiffs, and in the criminal trial, prosecutors, will bear burden of proof.


『△△先生の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすればオマエにも分かる!!』―― では全くダメです。

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!" is nonsense


- The person who insists on correctness of "the book "AAA" by the guru John Smith" should


- understand the contents of the book deeply. and


- break (or defend) the opponent's argument


The person has a "responsibility" of the above.


By the way, the method used for this proof of responsibility is "reason", and


"theory" is to assemble several "reasons",and to make it a well-ordered story .


Well, set it aside.


(To be continued)

2018-05-16 素直に「不愉快」だと思うし、静かに「激怒」しています。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Reading bulletin boards in the Internet, there are many case of "clamping "burden of proofs" against a opponent", especially using by short messages (like Twitter). Sterile arguments happen and resource of time are

―― なんで、お前が主張するロジックを、「この私」が立証しなければならないんだ?

"Why do I have to prove the logic that you claim?"

―― アホか、お前?

"you are stupid, are you?"


In such a scene, I have witnessed many times.


I do not pretend to afford such things as saying "I do not care" or "This guy are really a fool".


I think that these are obediently "unpleasant" and are calmly "furious".


Anyway, before we teach elementary school children 'English' or 'program', I think that "principle of burden of responsibility" should be taught thoroughly.



However, if this principle is thoroughly done,


- People who are not competent enough to develop "reason" will be forced to silence

→ 「なんとなくイヤ」とか「説明できないけど不快」を表明する機会が失われる

Opportunities are lost. for example, "Somehow disagreeable" or "I do not understand easily" or "I can not explain it but I feel uncomfortable"


- Based on "reason", we will definitely work advantageously on the authority / power side

→ 権力サイドは、「理」の使い方が得意ですし、情報量も多いですし、データ改竄も容易にできます(今回の森友学園事件等で、さらに、はっきりしました)

The power side is good at using "reason", has the amount of information, and falsify data be easily (we could make them clear about Moritomo Gakuen incident)


The problems also occur easily .


I think this is going to be a "society feels stuffy" with this.



I can not think of a means to solve this clearly.


So after all

"We should understand what I can not understand"


That leads to the conclusion.

2018-05-17 例えば、C/C++とPythonは、喧嘩しません。 [長年日記]


I think that fighting about doctrine and interpretation in religion is probably like this.

The difference of following programs between

int a[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
  a[i] = i; 



int a[101];
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i){
  a[i] = i; 

と、記載するのを、絶対に許せない ―― というようなもの。

absolutely unforgivable for me.



For example, C/C ++ and Python do not fight in my mind.


For me, the above two languages coexists friendly.

2018-05-18 ―― 会社を追い出されたあと、やることがなくて、行く場所がなくて、安い居酒屋で時間を潰す中年男性がいる [長年日記]


"Time-saving" is promoted by "Working way reform" in recent years

―― 会社を追い出されたあと、やることがなくて、行く場所がなくて、安い居酒屋で時間を潰す中年男性がいる

"A middle-aged is spending time at a cheap bar, after being kicked out, has nothing to do, no place to go.


When I hear the story, I thought reflectively


"It's a lie."



However, there seems to be a person who "does not do it after being driven out of the company" certainly exists.


Well, here,


Coming home early, which is the person valuable,


(A)watching animation at home, or building a system of hobbies,


(B)spending time at a cheap bar


is absolutely the latter(B). He opens his wallet.


If he uses money, the economy turns.

「行く場所がなくて、安い居酒屋で時間を潰す」は ―― 働き方改革のロールモデルとして、政府白書に追記されるべきです。

"A middle-aged is spending time at a cheap bar, after being kicked out" should be added to the government white paper as role model of "working reform".

2018-05-19 『オタクだって、変態だって、沢山いるのに』 [長年日記]


Previously, I read it in a column,

自己紹介をする度に、「オーケストラ」をやっていると言うだけで、高尚な人物と見なされて ―― 会話が続かなくなる、という話を読んだことがあります。

I have read the story that every time he introduces himself, being a member of "orchestra", he is regarded as a lofty person and the talk will stop.


"A lot of even geek and pervert"


He seemed to be mourn in the column.



In my case, I am doing "numbers" as a hobby.


It is "numbers" not "math".


"Math" makes use of expressions, but my 'number' is to calculate something using the computer.


Then, it is fun for me.


趣味が「数字」です ―― と言えば、一体、私は、どういう人間に見られるのか。

If I say "my hobbies is "numbers", what kind of human beings can I see?


Well, no matter how you look at me, I am O.K.


"Even geek and pervert is good "


This sense of saying is quite pleasant, that is "I can lie down this world with numbers".

2018-05-20 ラブソングの多くは「セクハラ」「パワハラ」「モラハラ」「異常性愛」で成立しているなぁ、と実感します。 [長年日記]


Recently I have many opportunities to write a column on "Harassment".


During the research activities, various data appears in an irritating manner, and I have found some lyrics of songs.


I realized many love songs are established with "sexual harassment" "power harassment" "moral harassment" "abnormal sexual love".


●「最後の雨」 - 中西保志 「誰かに盗られるくらいなら、強く抱いて君を壊したい」 判定:ストーカー

"Last Rain" - Hoshi Nakanishi "I want to hold you strongly and destroy you if you are stolen by someone" Judge: Stalker

●「関白宣言」 - さだまさし 「俺より先に寝てはいけない、俺より後に起きてもいけない」 判定:モラハラ

"Male dominance declaration" - Sada Masashi ""Do not go to bed earlier than me, you do not get up later than me" Judge: Moral harassment

●「心の旅」 - チューリップ 「眠りについた君を、ポケットに詰め込んでそのまま連れ去りたい」 判定:異常性愛 & 誘拐

"Journey of my Heart" - Tulip "I want to take you asleep in my pocket and take it somewhere" Judge: abnormal psychology & kidnapping



Well, how to grasp such content is a little "delirious" (or "cowardice"), however.


But, if you think carefully, you certainly think.



My work (as a column writer) is made up by looking for such "delirious vector".

2018-05-21 ―― 中村主水は、「国家権力の犬」であった [長年日記]


Previously, I wrote that "I cannot understand why a person of ability like "Gorgo 13" work as a assassin"

それと同じ流れなのですが、私には「必殺仕事人」の方々が、なんで、闇の暗殺者なんて ―― 金にもならん上に、逮捕されるリスクを背負って ―― 仕事をやっているのか、訳が分からないのです。

This is a same story. I also cannot understand why "the absolute assassins" are working as assassins. Because I don't think that they can earn much money and riskless to be arrested.


In a word, "the absolute assassins" cannot be established as a business model.


In addition, "the absolute assassins" cannot be done from the viewpoint of technical issues.


暗殺は、そもそも、そのチャンスが少ないです。実戦 ―― On Job Training(OJT) ―― の機会が得られないのです。

There is few change to assassinate routinely, in concrete form, few change of On Job Training(OJT).


In addition, even if they don't need to improve their performance, they need daily hard yards to maintain their skill.


I think that a power of the state could give them the skill of assassin, for example police, Self-Defense Forces, secret military agency. Otherwise it is a training school of terrorist.


However, watching the drama of "the absolute assassins", the hero of the drama, "Nakamura Mondo" had never got the training in a special physical plant.



In addition, the method and device of "the absolute assassins" is something to feel of absurdity.


To begin with, a Japanese sword is not a killer-device for a certain death.


That is a weapon that leads to massive bleeding, and difficult to realize a instant death.(I know it well).

ましてや、かんざしで、即死させるなど、もっと難しいですし、弦楽器の弦で人を縊死させるのは、ほとんどフィクションといっても良いでしょう ―― フィクションなんですけどね。

Moreover, I am afraid that both topknot and string of instrument are useless for a instant death, It is likely a fiction (Absolutely it is a fiction)


If they don't realize the instant death, "the absolute assassins" will be ruined by the power at the moment by testimony of an eyewitness.



What I want to say, is that

―― 国家権力をバックとしない「仕事人」は、現実には存在しえない

There is no place in working for "the absolute assassins" without the power's backup.





―― 中村主水は、「国家権力の犬」であった

"Nakamura Mondo" might be a kind of "police spy"


I thin that this hypothesis is powerful.



In short, now, for me,

国際学会のカンファペーパーの査読者のコメントに不愉快な思いをしながらも、ペーパーの修正を余儀なくさせられており ――

Though I feel disagreeable experience by the comments of reviewer of an international academic conference, I have to modify my paper.


"There is no easy work like "the absolute assassins" in the world."


I am just venting the anger altogether.

2018-05-22 私達の多くは「やりたいこと」など持っていない。与えられた条件の中で「やれることをやるだけ」である [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number"(49) : Work style reform(8) "

Who made me a patient? The inseparable relationship between work and disease


自分でも、本当に不思議なのですが ――

Even though I myself really wonder, I can understand


(A) "Pay 100% effort on the goals I decided"




(B) "Pay 100% effort on the goals that others (company) decided (without my permission)"


is really incomprehensible.


No, I don't criticize anyone. this is for "myself".


Moreover, in my case, the achievement rate of (B) is overwhelmingly higher for me.


Now I am thinking,

―― 本来、私達は、「自分自身でやりたいこと」など持っていない

"Originally, we do not have "I want to do it myself"

―― 私達を動かすものは、全て他人または外部からの依頼(or命令)または環境である

"What makes us move is a request (or command) or environment from others or from outside"



For example, most Japanese are interested in dieting, spending 3 trillion yen each year, and most of them have failed.


This is a typical example of "failing goals decided by myself".


However, if "going on diet and keeping it" becomes a business order, and the failure connects to your demotion, reduction of salary, dismissal", I think that we can expect a considerable effect (aside from privacy and legitimacy).



So, I said well,


- The guys who say "Do what you want to do, basically do not know anything.


- Many of us do not have a "want list". It is "Only do what we can do" under the given conditions.


- We replace "what we can do" with "what we want to do", we are alive in a virtual world, like "I choose my life by myself"

―― と。


In this way, the content of this column makes even me satisfy.


(I could not rest at all)

2018-05-23 ―― 根回しと腹芸 [長年日記]


Now I am working for NA(Neighborhood Association), and I also studying everything everyday.


I am really surprised at the difference of cost-consciousness.

The meeting cost of all board members (20 people ) of the NA at the weekend is about 2400 [person min. ]. On the other hand, the cost of using e-mail is about 3 [person min. ].

―― 非効率性 800倍 (2400 / 3)

The inefficiency is more than eight hundred times. (2400/3)


It might be a little overwhelming.


However, for me who is impatient like me, this operation of the NA makes me considerable stress.


On the other hand, the core spirit of running the NA not "IT", but

―― 根回しと腹芸

"groundwork" and "implicit signaling"


例えば、私がどんなに論理(ロジック)を尽しても全く動かない案件が、いわゆる「町の顔役」の一言で、一気に動き出す ―― ということが、結構な頻度で発生します。

For example, it is quite frequent that a project, which does not work at all even if I makes a perfect logic, starts easily by a person who is called "influence peddler"


This is something I can not realize even if it takes over a million years.


It is very interesting.


(To be continued)

2018-05-24 『答:メールはなくても困らないものだからから』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

もっとも興味深いことは、この世界が"IT"を前提としている ―― もっと簡単に言えば、メール、SNS、Webの利用を前提としている ―― という仮説が、"偽"ということです。

The most interesting thing is that the hypothesis that this world is premised on "IT" like using mail, SNS, Web - is "false".


I am now the director of the Public Affairs Division of the neighborhood association(NA), and I now recognize that I am a radical, who am pushing ahead with IT.


For the beginning, I'm starting to build a mailing list for Steering Committee members (Board) of the NA, but to tell you the truth,

―― 最初から「つまづいて」います。

"Failed" from the beginning.


Some people do not disclose their email address.


I initially thought "they have high privacy and security awareness", but recently I have learned amazing things.


"They do not have a mail address"



When I heard this, I thought "It would be kidding."


Because, "30 years" has passed since it use e-mail for the first time , with be called "geek" at the university campus.

"10年" で、ライト兄弟が飛行機を作ってから、最初の戦闘機が作成され

In "10 years", the first fighter plane was created after the light brothers made the first airplane

"15年" で、グラハム・ベルの特許査定から、 東京・横浜で電話サービスが開始され

In "15 years", telephone service began in between Tokyo and Yokohama from the patent assessment of Graham Bell,


However, it is "30 years".


Above all, now, the number of mobile phones and smartphones are over lightly exceeding twice the labor force population(It is not "two people each have" but the average is two)


How, how long have they been able to keep away from "only" e-mail for 30 years?


"Answer: Because they do not have any problems without e-mails"


(To be continued)

2018-05-25 ―― などと、「この私」が言うと思いますか? [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


People who have never used e-mail do not know the convenience of e-mails, so no motivation to use e-mails will occur.

だから、メールを使わない人は、別に悪くない ―― ということになります。

So, people who do not use e-mail are not bad separately.


(So, only people (that is, me) who mange the organization by using e-mails will be unilaterally stressed)


では、視点をかえて、「800倍の非効率を与えている」ということは、責めに帰すことにならないのか? について検証してみましょう。

So, changing the point of view, "Does it give 800 times inefficiency ?" Is not this a problem? Let me verify.


For example, considering only the organization "company (company)", you will be fully responsible.


- No early decisions are made and actions can not be advanced until the next meeting.


- To people who can use e-mails, they must force unnecessary communication methods (telephone, visit)


It can be said that it is "disadvantageing companies", it is no exaggeration to say that "there is no qualification of the members of the company"


Initially, at a joint consultation meeting of company re-employment, the attendees is said that


"That is the exit door for people who cannot use WORD, EXCEL"



Companies such as those who can not use e-mails, they probably do not even make assumptions.



However, the NA is not a company.


It is a volunteer organization, to facilitate communication among residents, to provide safety and security to residents, to activate the town, and to provide better regional services (various, regional festivals etc).



- It is not reasonable to bring such a company's operation policy


- Analog operation with long time constant is the communication platform in town


- In addition, the neighborhood association thinks socially vulnerable people as top priority


- Therefore, such an inefficient mode of operation should be prospectively approved

―― などと、「この私」が言うと思いますか?

Do you think "this me" would say?


(To be continued)

2018-05-26 私は、「ボランティア」という言葉が、あまり好きではありません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


I do not know other people, but I


- am a company engineer who works to the limits of my performance everyday,


- am a weekend writer who is struggling with a personal computer for 18 hours a day, even on weekends.

ですから、「3通のメールで済むことを、月1回、2時間以上のミーティングで時間を奪われること」に、―― 心底から困っているのです。

So, I really feel trouble from the bottom of my heart, that "To be deprived of time at meetings of once a month, 2 hours or more, instead of three times mail exchanging"


I want to finish only what I can do in the shortest possible time.



I am thinking that the NA should be registered as a general incorporated corporation, and make it as a profit organization that provides the service (and I will be given a money).


I do not like the word "volunteer" very much.


Whatever the small amount, I think that the organization of gold narcotics should be easy to understand.


However, in the case of NA etc., I also feel that it seems to happen easily, such as "familiarity" or "adhesion".


If so, my opinion may not be totally "good".

2018-05-27 江端:「そしたら、『江端さん、自惚れるのも、いい加減にして下さい』って言われた」 [長年日記]


Ebata: "I hear that one of the reasons for attending the drinking party is to be that "we fear being a bad mouth of others". Is it true?"


Senior Daughter(SD): "Yeah, there is something, if I miss my absence, someone absolutely must say evil of me"


Ebata: "But, I really wonder it"


SD: "What?"


Ebata: "Before I asked my juniors, "If I am absent, you will be excited by my abuse?""


SD; "Well."


Ebata: "Then, He said to me "Mr. Ebata, Give me a break.Do not be conceited.""


SD: "Yes?"


Ebata:"He also said to me, "Why do we have to crush the time of an enjoyable liquor seat with Mr.Ebata's topic?"


SD: "How to say... People at your company are truly "amazing" aren't them? "

2018-05-28 ―― 「健康な日常生活が終了」してから「死に至る」までの期間 [長年日記]


Recently I have noticed that people who are able to maintain a healthy daily life despite the elderly,


"do not like alcohol and tobacco at all"


I told the story to my wife, she pointed out,


"My parents house and your parents house are typical counter-examples, aren't them ?"


Yes. She was right.



As I mentioned before,


"A person who is able to maintain a healthy everyday life despite being an elderly person" is


still "a person who is able to maintain a healthy everyday life".


Finally, everyone finishes that state.


So, I think that the trend I should investigate is,

―― 「健康な日常生活が終了」してから「死に至る」までの期間

Period from "Healthy everyday life ends" to "Death"



私は、『医療が十分に発達していなかった昔は、この期間が、現在に比べて十分に短かかった』という仮説を持っています ――

I have the hypothesis that "this period for early people, was sufficiently short compared to for present people, Because medical care was not well developed.


This hypothesis may already be thoroughly investigated and studied.


I'll look it up.

2018-05-29 「『血液型と性格に関連があると信じている』と表明することが、かなり高い確率で『ドン引かれる』」 [長年日記]


The other day, I heard a conversation between two ladies with an OL style in the meeting room of the station.


Female A: "So, the whole family is AB type (blood type)、but they look normal.


Female B: "Oh, that is amazing!"


I initially thought that these two people deliberately enjoyed "funny conversation" on purpose.


Female A: "Ms.X is personality of type B isn't she?"

女性B:「あ、それ分かる! そうだよね」

Female B: "Oh, I understand! That's right"


Oh, they are serious.

この二人、マジで血液型と性格に因果関係があると信じているんだ ―― と、呆然としてしまいました。

I was stunned that these two people believe a causal relationship between blood type and personality.



There is no causal relationship between blood type and personality. This is the fact that the verification has already been completed both scientifically and statistically.


Currently, even variety shows mention that "not related to blood type and personality"


Also, the person who talks about "blood type story", daringly plays "fool" (for manzai and conto)


However, these two women in front of me,


"To give voice that "to believe that it is related to blood type and personality"" is weird with a high probability


This becomes a common sense recently.


(To be continued)

2018-05-30 ―― 事あるごとに血液型を聞きたがる日本人が、海外で『キモい民族』として取り扱われている [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


If they know the story of the genetic probability, they can understand that the whole family will be AB type is not special, as the same of the whole family who has each A, B, O, AB type. (The AB type in the Ebata family is 75%).

血液型の発生率が、その国の血液型人口比率と「同じ」になる ―― なんてこと、高校1年生の「生物」か「数学」の授業で学んできたはずです(そういうことになっています)。

The incidence of blood type becomes "same" as the blood type population ratio of that country. They must have been learned it in biology or Mathematics class at high school.(We suppose so.)


(If it does not become "the same", human blood type should be unified in one type)


In addition, I want to tell you that,

―― 事あるごとに血液型を聞きたがる日本人が、海外で『キモい民族』として取り扱われている

"We Japanese are treated as "disgusting nation" who want to hear other's blood type every time abroad.


That is also quite famous.



I am sending this diary to my two daughters.

―― もしお前(娘)たちが、今、私の目の前にいる「女性A」「女性B」のような会話をするような人間に育ってしまったら・・・

- If you (my daughters) are becoming such human being who talks like "female A" "female B" in front of me now ...

―― 父は、マジで泣くぞ

- Your father will cry seriously

2018-05-31 もう、世界にはシュタインズゲートだけあればいいんじゃないか ―― [長年日記]

"The world only needs Stein's Gate"

と、昨夜、「シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ 第8話」の「最後の10秒」を見て思いました。

Last night, I thought when I saw "last 10 seconds" of "Steins Gate Zero 8th episode".

# 但し、シュタインズゲート第22話の視聴を前提とする

(However, you need viewing of Stein's Gate Episode 22)