
2015-10-01 ―― 私(のロジック)を叩き潰さないと、あなたたち困るよね? [長年日記]


Patented innovation is basically the innovation of technology.


Contrary to our expectation, according to the interpretation of patent law,

―― その発明の内容が、論理的に説明できなくてもいい

"The innovators don't have to explain the mechanical function logically"


is permitted.


The technology like "though I don't know the function, it works well" is going to be patented.


Even if the low possibilities, but the constant rate of repeatability is observed, Patent office in Japan allows the patent.


I like the realistic thought of patent law.


I believe that this is that "to cover technical idea".


"No explanation of technical functions, no value of the innovation." is absolutely nonsense, I think.


And now, for something completely different.



When I checked the titles of book that include "segmented diet" from Amazon site, I could find that there are 756 books in Japan.

This time, I concluded that "segmented diet is impossible logically" in my column of this month.


And in the columns I wrote,

"Please let me know if you have a logical explanation about "success to segmented diet". I can change my thought within 3 seconds."


So I am strongly expecting that at lease one person of the 756 authors gives me a contact.


―― 連絡くるよね?

"Is the contact coming? "

―― 私(のロジック)を叩き潰さないと、あなたたち困るよね?

"If you destroy my logic, I think that you are in trouble as an author of the books ?"


(To be continued)

2015-10-02 ちなみに、私は「論争」をしたい訳ではないのです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Unfortunately, I have not got any contact until now.



Incidentally, I have no intention to dispute their books.


It is opposite. I want them to destroy my logic.


If you give me a experimental data that indicates "segmented diet is possible", I am going to dismiss my logic immediately. There is no theory about the diet method.


If anything, I am going to start thinking the logic of the segmented diet with my heart and soul.


私は ――

I will make a best effort to save a technology of segmented diet that


"Though I don't know the reason, it works well"


I think that this should be my mission to have been in both field of technical and intellectual property right.


だから、―― 怖がらずに ―― 私にご連絡下さい。

So please let me know your original method about segmented diet without fear.


I will not crush a logical collapse message with rude manner, like becoming barren area thoughtlessly in old days.

2015-10-03 小学生の頃、日記を毎日担任の教師に提出するというのは、最大級の苦行でした。 [長年日記]


I talked that I was a child who dislike to write sentences.


When I was a junior school, it was the highest possible penance to submit a diary to a teacher in charge every day.

―― そんな、毎日毎日、ネタがあるもんか

"Does a new topic come everyday?"


I copied the previous day's diary, changed the contents a little, and submit it to the teacher very day.



I talked before, however, the appearance of a word processor and PC made me a "a poor writing making machine" like now.

学費と生活費を稼ぎながら苦学生を続けつつ、十数万するワープロや、100万円近いラップトップパソコンを購入していた私は ――

When I was a working student while earning school expenses and cost of living, I purchased the word processor and laptop computer by less than 1 million yen.


Probably, something of mine would be out of order from that time.


Still, thanks to the word processor or the PC, my life changed completely.

片っ端から何もかもをワープロやパソコンで書いて書いて書きまくり、計算して計算して計算しまくり ―― まあ、今と同じようになっていたのです。

I wrote, wrote and wrote, and calculated, calculated and calculated all from one end, like now.


Thanks to PC, my life became fun.


(To be continued)

2015-10-04 ですから、「外国人の上司や同僚と英語で仕事ができない方は、あちらのドアからご退出下さい」と言われる未来を、今から想定しておいた方が良いと思うんですよ。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, thanks to a PC, there will be persons whose life has a great experience.


I heard the story that there is an announcement "The one that cannot use Word and Excel, please leave that door" in the meeting place of the reemployment.


It was the unpleasant times in this sense.


I could not image the time is coming, that Word and Excel is treated as the same of abacus or electronic calculator.



So we might make a future image of "The one who cannot work with foreign boss and coworker. please leave that door" from now.


As for me, I think that I can run away from the tragedy by a small margin.


(To be continued)

2015-10-05 「美術という教科は、私に『絶望』を教えているのか?」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


It was everything I could do, that I could do to keep results of the art education in "3" (five phases of evaluations) through the entire period of the K-12.

私には、芸術的な才能がないと ―― そう思っていました。

"I do not have artistic talent" I thought.


Above all, it was not enjoyable.

―― 目に見えている風景と、自分の描いた絵画の間の、絶望的な距離

"Hopeless distance between scenery in front and the picture which I drew"

―― 自分の思い描いていたオブジェと、自分が作った粘土細工との間の、理不尽なまでの不一致

"Unreasonable disagreement between the art object which I imagined, and the clay work which I made


"Does the subject of the art want to teach me "despair?"


I really thought it.



However, now I work making the design of the logo(sample) as a volunteer.


Who knows my life is going.


On behalf of the daughter whom it becomes busy, and difficult to ask an illustration, I came to have to draw an illustration by myself.


For these two years, I have studied how to use draw tool desperately by myself.The commercial books are totally useless to me, because I only want to only draw "line drawing". Finally, I completed how to make(not draw) illustrations for oneself.


This is never done without PC.



For a certain person, this may be the machine like the devil,

文才や画才から完全に見放されていた私を、この世界に連れてきてくれたパソコンには ―― やっぱり感謝しなければならないなぁ、と思うのですよ。

However, PC which brought me the world, even though I was completely given up by literary talent and artistic skill, I want to say "thank you" after all.

2015-10-06 私は、若いネーチャンの中でも、アイドルが舞台に登場すると、「きやぁぅぁぅやややああああーー」と叫ぶ、ネーチャンが、―― 嫌いでした。 [長年日記]


I hear that "Old men like young women" is an accepted theory.


If it is true, I think that I am out of the theory, located in out-band of 3σ of standard deviation.


I don't dislike young women, but I don't like them especially.


Let me think of it.


If a young woman who can argue about justice of Islamic fundamentalist or safety of prototype fast-breeder reactor, I think that I come to like her.


私は、若いネーチャンの中でも、アイドルが舞台に登場すると、「きやぁぅぁぅやややああああーー」と叫ぶ、ネーチャンが、―― 嫌いでした。

I dislike the specified young women who raise a queer cry when pashs come on the stage.


To tell you the truth, I hated them with passion.


I thought that they are really dumb


(Of course, I should accept that they hate an old man who want to expound his theory about unusual topical news)


But today I apologise to all of such young women.


I admit my mistake.



Last night, I found two new title of book, whose author is Nishio Ishin-sensei on the bookshelf in bookstore.


I almost raised a queer cry in the bookstore(It was true).


I could not contain myself for joy.


I felt happier than getting notice of allowance in EU or China or being encouraged with praise about my technical draft sheet by IETF chair person.


When the joy flood over our limitation, it is going to change shrill voice and go out of the world.


I could understand it.


They also cannot leave their joy in their body, when their favourite idols is coming on the stage.



I think that the life with the shrill voice is greater that the life without it.

2015-10-07 要するに、行政庁も被害者も「ネット詐欺に関して『最初から諦めている』」ということです。 [長年日記]

This time, I contributed the column of my cyber-fraud experiment.


It was only three hours from the release to coming in third. I have never seen such a popular work for a long time.



To tell you the truth, I had already finished a researching in the internet before writing this column.


In result, I could know the following trend.


(1)There are enormous numbers of warring web site of cyber-fraud (in policy authority especially)


(1)There are also enormous numbers of experiments of suffering from cyber-fraud (in post site)


On the other hand,


There is no advice against the cyber-fraud after the suffer by executive authorities.


There is no action of compensation for damage against the cyber-fraud by victims.


In short, both authorities and victims give up against the cyber-fraud from the first start.

―― じゃあ、発生から対応まで詳細に記載する試みは「新しい」かな

"A column that is described from the start to the end, seems to be new"


I thought that.


今回のネット詐欺に関しては ―― 他の人ならともかく ―― ネットワークの研究者がひっかかったという点において、結構、多くの人に勇気を与えたんじゃないかな、と思っています。

About this column, I think that it could cheer many people up, because even not ordinal people but a network research engineer was cheated.


"If a network researcher is also cheated, it cannot help that I am cheated."


If you think it productively and you can jump across an obstacle against cyber-fraud, it is absolutely my pleasure.


(To be continued)

2015-10-08 私への「バカ、アホ、間抜け」ツイート、その他のコメントは、重要な資料として画面イメージで保存してあります。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


In this case, I can agree that I am dummy with no room for excuse.


So I anticipated that no person who tries to charge me with my faults and make comments about that.


After all, there are some people who want charge and make fun of victims.


I don't get angry with those messages just this time. thought I get mad with them.


It is true that I am dummy in this case.



But making fun of cyber-fraud victims will come to


- being depauperate against opening the accident for the victims,


- being hesitated to do the compensation for damage and suit at law,


- help to increase cyber-fraud accidents, after all.


I am afraid of that.



On the next January, some papers is going to arrive at me, and start the process of refund,


I have already saved these tweets and comment as picture images.


I am going to use these images for my future columns


As a accessory to a crime.



In addition, I think you know well, if you read mu columns in this time,

『ツイートのアカウントを消して(見えなくして)掲載する』 ―― などという気遣いは、私にはありません。

I don't have considerate of erasing the accounts of tweets, at all.

2015-10-09 「パパ。今日の日記怖いよ」 [長年日記]


Last night, when I came home, my junior daughter said to me,

"Papa. Today's your diary is really scary.


Ebata:"What? well, I got it. But I think it is not scary. just writing an action lists."

次女:「本当? 怒りまくっている様子がダダ漏れだよ」

Daughter:"Really? It is clear that your anger became overflowing."


Ebata:"No-no. For this case, I don't get angry with anything. In this case, there is no double that I was really dummy.


I let me think about it at a moment,After thinking it for a moment, I happened to come an idea to me.


Ebata:"Well, just came to me, The reason is "I don't angry."




Ebata:"I might be able to understand me, as a person who lives in another world, regardless of my emotion"




Ebata:"I think that I can use the most powerful intimidation of mine, when I become to calm down."



So to speak, when I was a college student, I was called "Icy Ebata" in the campus.


"If you move Ebata to anger seriously, Ebata will abandon not only you but also all of your background."


あの時の気持を思い出すと、確かに、―― 氷のように冷静だった

Now I try to remember the feeling at that time, certainly I was cool like ice.


The old feelings is coming through.



But I want to know who is going to be in trouble, even if I get angry ?


Eventually I have not been able to have any special power.


(To be continued)

2015-10-10 極論すれば、―― 民主主義の否定。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


We can hardly say with any finality that


Above all, "aging" is a power in itself.


Officially, we use honorific to older persons, and hesitate to criticise them with strong tone and hard expression.


(The reason is likely to that the company I am working is a type of old company)


Come to think of it, we are induced to show our respect senior students even in junior or high school.


I can accept the system with small wonder.

部活でロクな活躍をしなくても、―― 下手すれば、自分よりも遥かに技量が劣る人であっても、先輩という理由だけで、敬意を示すことが「範」とされるのは

Even if the senior student doesn't have a good activity, if it's worse case, he/she is inferior to our skill, the reason of "showing our respect for the senior looks like a good manner", is


cheaper than other ways for our society, in conclusion.


極論すれば、―― 民主主義の否定。

In an extreme case, it is denial of democracy.


"An elder should has power" is a kind of request of society, in order to be fast in making decisions.


(To be continued)

2015-10-11 ―― 勿論、それは、まったくの虚構だったのですが [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


In fact, upper-class persons like department managers and executives has not used rude words to even me.


(Probably, the persons who is in the class know well that it is better for them to control Ebata with gentle manners.)


In opposition, I feel the younger workers become ashamed in front of me. I can understand that the person who has lived for almost half of century as a researcher, should be scary, for example, like a cat-monster that becomes older and make eight tails by itself.


When even I was younger, I thought any senior researcher is the greatest person in the research field.

―― 勿論、それは、まったくの虚構だったのですが

Of course, it was just virtual image.



As I recall, I think I have another power.


It is "media".


About present serialised writings, ad-hoc contributions, my web site, and even this diary, I can make them use of it as power.



それと、これは権力とは違うと思いますが、私は「長文を書く」という能力 ――というか、「暴力」を使います。

In addition, I think I have a violence of "long writing", not power, as a long writing.

例えば、140文字制限のメディアのメッセージに対して、その10倍から100倍のメッセージ量で反論する能力 ―― 「暴力」というのは、これは、ある種の「卑怯」とも思えます。

For example, an ability to argue with quantity of message from 10 times to 100 times against a message of the media of the 140 characters limitation.

I think this "violence" is also equal to "cowardice".


It is like "bringing machine gun into the sumo ring".


(To be continued)

2015-10-12 ―― 想像力の欠如した、低能な人間 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


According to "violence", both "number" and "data" will be violence.


Now I was given works of serialised columns, and only few people has taken objection to the contents until now.


The person also can understand my thought with logically.


Of course, I sometimes make a mistake and I modify my opinions.


However, the cases have been rare despairingly.



Both "number" and "data" are difficult to understand and argue against them.


From the opposite view, "number" is the best weapon, and "math" is also the best tool to try to mislead the public.

「数」は暴力であるが故、暴力に対抗する為にも「数」の学問―― 「数学」は大切なのです。

"Number" is violence. So we have to study "math" in order to fight against the violence.


However, there is a writer couple who says "delete quadratic function from the compulsory education process" and a prefectural governor who says "girls should learn names of flowers by heart without learning trigonometrical function".


The reason why I presume and tell

―― 想像力の欠如した、低能な人間

"they are unimaginative and dumb"


is that they cannot understand dangers of the power with "number" and "math"


(To be continued)

2015-10-13 ―― 相当、「性格の悪い」権力者 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


In my case, I


- have lived my life for almost half century,


- have (thin) connections to Web media and publishing


- have a ability about unnecessarily long writing,


- have knowledges of math and statics and use some analytics tools



So, I might be a kind of power even if it is petty.



―― 相当、「性格の悪い」権力者

A person of power who considerably "has a bad personality", probably.




I am continuing to be a person of power who considerably "has a bad personality".


On the other hand, I know that the person like the above is likely to come under terrorism attack and lead a life of misery.


Any just argument and justice doesn't pay, if my family and I are attacked and are murdered.


I can say "1+1=3" at any time, if I need.



So the future task of mine is clear.

―― 人に恨まれない程度の『権力の濫用』

"Abuse of power", but never wronged any one


2015-10-14 ツール本を「分かりやすく」「簡単に」書くことは、難しいです。 [長年日記]


We can get some book for "MS word and excel" just for 500 yen.


Unfortunately, I am afraid that the quality of the books seems not to be good.


Difficult, small characters and all kinds of function that will not be used --- in short, they are illegible books.


But it cannot be helped. Publishing companies don't pay much money for the 500 yen books.


And the "500 yen" is attractive for me.



Last week, I went to Kanda's book street to find MATLAB and Simulink of the 500 yen book, and it was in vain. Moreover I could not find a book for beginners.


Come to think of it, there is no market, indeed.


Absolutely, the market size is determined by the number of research engineer who in special have a high-mathematical mind, need statistical work and hope to make sequenced and discrete event simulation technologies.


Above all, the prices of the software are more than 800k~2000k yen.


(If I were a student, I could get them at about 10k yen, and absolutely would buy it.)



It is difficult to write the explains of software tool easy-to-understand.


The most important point is not "how to add the function" but "how to delete the function". It depends on editor's philosophy.


If all functions are described, the readers are difficult to complain about the book.


But after all, I think "describing all" is the same of "describing nothing".


To tell you the truth, "writing long is disgusting!"



Suddenly, I decided to stop today's diary now.


I have just noticed that "it is me that who ties myself down"

2015-10-15 ―― 「友達がいない」ことは問題ではない。「友達がいないように思われること」が問題なのだ [長年日記]

―― 「友達がいない」ことは問題ではない。「友達がいないように思われること」が問題なのだ。

""Having no friend" is not a problem, The problem is "Being looked like having no friend"


This is my junior daughter's quote I have registered in my mind.

―― パパに『ぼっち』を名乗る資格はない。全国の『ぼっち』に失礼だ。

"You are not qualified to write down "loneliness". You are rude to "loneliness" in Japan."


This is my senior daughter's quote I have registered too.


According to their quotes, I think that a concept of "friend" is a kind of torture, from some animations and books I have watched and read.



In retrospect, for me, I dislike any kind of group action, so any school trip and excision is absolutely torture events.


Especially, "division into small groups", that means,

―― 校外において、教師が、生徒を管理する負担を減らすために存在している

a system of avoidance of responsibility for teachers in order to reduce their tasks in field activities,


annoyed me very much.


Whenever I faced these torture events, I had to make underhanded deals in order to avoid "loneliness".


I thought to be depressed and be disgusted indeed.


(To be continued)

2015-10-16 そして、こういう「個性」は絶対的な意味において、誰からも保護されることはありません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


I was a student who wanted to deep sleep and concentrate the sightseeing in the trip.


I was not interested in the talk about "who likes who" at all.


I really wanted a special room for quiet sleep to take a enough rest during the trip.



When I talk about this story, my wife looks at me as if I were an alien.


I can admit that I was one of the eccentric students in my school days.


But this is "individuality" by nature.


And this "individuality" is not absolutely going to be protected by anyone.



"Individuality" is basically uncontrollable. If it is controllable, it does not deserve the name of "individuality".


"Individuality" is something like scrap of a dust-cloth in abuse and discrimination.


Most of them are not judged "to be good" for the world.


結局のところ、小中高の学校で『個性を育成する』なんてことを、平気で唄っている ―― のは、まあ良いとしても、

After all, school juridical persons who say "growing up children's individuality at elementary, junior high and high schools" are .. well. it is O.K.


But if they believe it with serious mind, I think that they are essentially dummy beyond redemption.


(To be continued)

2015-10-17 今の私なら、「わざと『拷問システム』を破綻させる」ように仕向けることができるのですけど。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Now I am going to make "the torture system" destroy on purpose.


For example,


- About "division into small groups", I don't do anything and I make the teacher achieve managerial responsibility.


- For such an event, I declare absence, and I make a clear of the incompetence of the teacher.


But I could not do the above with lack of knowledge because of child.


I think that I am very sorry that I could not counterattack like even this level.


(To be continued)

2015-10-18 ―― 友人やクラスなどに何の価値もない。お前は、そのようなものに振り回される必要はないのだ [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

―― 友人やクラスなどに何の価値もない。お前は、そのようなものに振り回される必要はないのだ

"Friends or the class have no value. It is not necessary that you are worry about such things around you."

―― お前が「ぼっち」であることが苦しいと感じるなら、卒業まで、お前は私が守り切る。卒業後はお前のことなんか、さっさと忘れてやるけどな

"If I feel pain for your loneliness, I will have saved you perfectly until your graduation. Of course I will forget you after graduation quickly.


Are there teachers who can tell this phrase to their students tightly?


As a parents, I always tell my children them.



"You don't have to be ruled by something which are named "harmony" or "friendship based on a suitable turn shuffled properly."

―― ということを、最初に教えてやるべきです。

I think that they should teach the above to their students for the first time.


It is mysterious.


All adults should know that


"The number of people are almost becoming zero after the graduation."


(To be continued)

2015-10-19 しかし、『自分と同じ価値観を、一生涯、共有できる友人』と考えていたティーンエイジャにとっては、天地がひっくり返ると思えるほどの大事件だったのです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


When I was a teenager, I was surprised that our views became different between my friend and me after graduation in three months.


Of course, I think that it was a timid difference in outlook with high-sight.


But it was a unspeakable major incident for me, because I thought "he was an eternal friend in my life based on the same values".

しかし、ティーンエイジャの3ヶ月は、色々な人間、メディア、本に接しながら ―― 例えるのあれば、極左から極右へ、または、コミュニズムからイスラム原理主義へと ―― 自分の主義を変更するのに 十分な時間です。

The time of just three months is enough for teenagers to change their principle and opinions. For example from ideology of far-left activist to far-right, or from communism to Islamic extremism.


Of course, this change will happen in ourselves at any time. But they cannot understand that all of us become changing. So they get angry or sorry for the distance with shifting the responsibility.


According to the difference about their principles and opinions, the teenagers cannot treat their friends with tolerance.


"The number of their friends becomes almost zero in three years after graduation."


This is obvious "laws of nature".


This doesn't mean that "being a loneliness", but continues changing their friend based on the phase of their life.

Moreover I think

―― そうでなればならない

"It should be so"



(To be continued)

2015-10-20 「友人を失わずにいる」ということは、「自分が何も変わっていない」ことで、「進歩も退化もしていない」ということです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


"Life without losing friend" means "nothing to change one's life". And it also means "no setting up" and "no setting back".


I think that "it is denial of my life".


Moreover, friend is not only a variable that is switched on each phrase of my life, but also a parameter that keep changing with time.


If friend is a parameter, the class is an array of the parameter.


Anyway, for you as a main routine, your friends are

―― ただの変数のパラメータに過ぎない

just parameters of variable

that is referred by the main routine only for one year for example.


You may treat your friends as just parameters.


You will forget your friend within three years.


(To tell you the truth, "you forget "what you have forgotten your friend"")


But there are some cases that a behaviour of the main routine is changeable, based on change of the values of parameter. So this is a teenagers characteristic of "unstable system".


(To be continued)

2015-10-21 ―― 「友人作り」なんてことは止めなさい。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


"I have no friend who share a sense of value."


I had a time when I had been annoyed at it like others.(It was a real story)


At that time, I told the story to an adult, the person adviced me the following.

―― 「友人作り」なんてことは止めなさい。

"Stop finding a friend."

―― 先ず、自分がのめり込めることを見つけて、そのことに対して、たった一人で、しかし、本気で「狂って」みなさい

"Firstly, you find what you make you crazy, and you are crazy for it seriously by yourself."

―― そうすると、同じ方向で「狂って」いる人が、自然と浮かび上がって見えてくるから

"If you do so, you can find out a person who also is crazy for it."

―― それが、あなたにとっての「特別」だ。

"It is "the special person" for you."



I didn't accept the advice fully at that time.


Even now, I don't think that this is the best advice.


But I think that some important intentions are included in this advice.


That means "it is me to make me enjoy" and " it is a dirty trick to expect the roll to others".

友人が、「自分を楽しませて貰う為」とか「自分が一人であるように見られない為」の「道具」と考えるのであれば、友人を作るのは難しいのではないか ―― と、この私でさえ思えます。

Even I think that it is difficult to find a friend, if you think that your friend is a sort of "tools" in order to "make you enjoy", or "lose the vision of your loneliness"


"Being crazy" means that "enjoy" that is generated by myself, is overflowing beyond myself, and the persons who are crazy, can share their "enjoy" each other.


(To be continued)

2015-10-22 ―― 本心です。 [長年日記]


Today, a new column is released, so I take a day off.

"Let's turn the world by "Number" Diet (19)

The Purpose of diet is diet itself?



In this column, my comment,

『この「無礼な後輩シリーズ」は、既にEE TImes Japan編集部においても、(また、一部の読者の間でも)評価されているようで、私は愉快ではありません』

"I am uncheerful that the series of "the junior coworker with rude manner" is valued by EE Times Japan (and a part of readers)"


―― 本心です。

is true, from a bottom of my heart.



In addition, I have already uploaded a material of the academic seminar. If you are interested in it, please try it.

"Examination of "We, human being are destined to fail diet" mathematically"

2015-10-23 ―― 自分が、粉々に粉砕されるかと思えるほどの衝撃を受けた [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


When I was a college student, I knew that a student of same grade of mine, tried to find a new original problem of "experiment report", that was not mandatory, and he also made a simulation program of the problem just by 8-bits PC at that time, and tried to solve the problem as an appendix.

At that time,

―― 自分が、粉々に粉砕されるかと思えるほどの衝撃を受けた

I remember that I was shocked as if I had been crushed into pieces.



That was a tremendous impact for me, with running around the college campus for the event of political agitation, demonstration and workshop, and I felt that these activities are something different from my real intention.


It was an act of sheer madness, emerging like a flash of nuclear bomb in front of me, during walking a road in a dark night.


"Solving the indicated problem" is not all.

というか、それは 、実際のところ「勉強」ですらない。

Indeed, it is not "study" in fact.


I understood that I had not understood what the purpose of "study" was.



He didn't tell his activity to anyone. Moreover, I was not proud of it, and didn't let it be known.


Because he just enjoyed solving the problem that he found by himself.


This gave me the second impact.

That means,


"Study" is not needed for credit and argument, but

―― 勉強とはアミューズメント(娯楽)である

just an amusement.



(To be continued)

2015-10-24 「国家を維持することを目的とする教育」が「楽しい」ものになる訳がない [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


As modern state, the reason why nation give education to citizen is that it is a business model to make profit of nation.


And this "business model" is likely to be working well in Japan now.


Of course, some policymakers of other nation try to restrict chance of education for citizens to govern the nation (for example, Islamic fundamentalist, and socialist in the continental near Japan)


Anyway, there is a strong relationship between studying and state power, and, in short, it is easy for the state power to control the direction of citizen's policy.

例えば、戦時中の日本軍の非戦闘員への暴行を、クローズアップして繰り返し教育を施し、憎悪を駆きたててさせることで、政府の方針を ―― 比較級 ―― で支持させる、ということだってできますし、

For example, some nations are trying to repeat past histories in WW2 of violence by Imperial Japanese Army during the period of compulsory education, and make them arouse hatred to Japan in order to gain support to present the government, as "comparative degree".


At that time, in Japan, the state power tried to make them as patriotic persons with muting their criticism, and when one of cried out against war, other said "traitor" to them.


One of Japanese nation common sense is "atomic bomb is absolute evil" that is based on our compulsory education. But if the state power try to change this common sense , for example "atomic bomb is necessary evil because of active pacifism", for the power balance, I believe it becomes possible.



I strongly think that "mutual education" is absolutely impossible by the state power.(The phrase of "mutual education" has already included a contradiction in itself)


"Compulsory education" should be designed to work for the state power. If not, I feel unpleasant. And if as is, I will say "Are you dummy?"


The purpose of the state power is to continue the nation.


Oh, I am sorry. Let back to board.



What I wanted to say, is


"Compulsory education is for continuing the nation, so nobody makes it enjoyable"




So, it was inevitable for many people that he who was enjoy studying, looked like

―― 「狂っている」




Because his action was beyond the reach of nation's intention.


(To be continued)

2015-10-25 それは、彼らの一人一人が「狂っている」からです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


There are something like him, when we try to watch the world.

Linuxを筆頭とするOSS(Open Source Software)なんて、本当にその創成期においては、「バカ、アホ、間抜け」呼ばわりでした。会社で、OSSの話なんぞしようものなら、良くて嘲笑、悪ければ罵倒されていたものです。

According to OSS(Open Source Software) for example,Linux Operating System that is head the list, when it started, the activity was called "stupid, stupid and was stupid". It was true that my company coworkers called me ridicule at best, and abused at worst.


But now, it is no exaggeration to say that no IT system based on the OSS exists.


So called "subculture", in the "comic market(comike)" movement is a kind of typical example.


Everyday, enormous creations are released and they can affect economy absolutely.


The reason why OSS and comike continues until now, is clear.


Each member of them becomes crazy.


They don't want to belong to the community because of their activities.


It is opposite.


Their "enjoy" happens to make the community unexpectly.


They always let them move alone, by a "crazy" engine with fuel of "enjoy".

彼らは、―― 社会主義とか資本主義とか宗教か常識とか、そんなものがなくったって ――、『債券(金銭)対価がなくとも、世界は動く』という事実を示し ―― ここまで世界を追い詰めたのです。

They have driven the world into the corner, with showing the fact that the world can move without credit, for example, socialism, capitalism, religion, and common sense.


Both "crazy" and "enjoy" can move the world, is tried-and-true.



"Ebata-san is doing analysis of many data and difficult calculation and making a column every month without you profit."


Some people often tell me the above.


You know , the reason why I am doing them is

―― 私が、たった一人で、狂って、そして、楽しんでいるから

"I am alone, crazy for it, and enjoy it"



So I always call me "loneliness".


But I think that I can share a recognition that "Ebata has not moved the world".


(To be continued)

2015-10-26 なぜなら、これらの価値の根拠は「手に入れにくい」こと「数が少ないこと」にあり、なにより「分かりやすい」のです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


- Much money than others


- Stronger power than others


- Higher academic background and qualification than others


- more beautiful and cooler lover the others.


I think that these value will not change for more then 1000 years.


Because the background of these values are un-come-at-able, few count and understandable.


Against the above


Being crazy and enjoying alone


is more un-come-at-able and complicated absolutely.


But you don't have to check ratio of your happiness than other's at least.


上手くいけば、この方法は「友達を探しに出かける」コストより、はるかに安いコストで、自分を幸せにできる ―― 結構、イケている方法 ―― かもしれません。

If successful, this way might be cooler to make you happier, because the cost might be lower cost than finding your friend.


So I, who became an adult, want to contribute the same message to younger people

―― 「友人作り」なんてことは止めなさい

"Stop finding a friend."

―― 先ず、自分で狂ってみなさい

"Firstly you make you crazy."



(To be continued)

2015-10-27 「もし私が、江戸川コナンになれる薬を手に入れたら、『友達になる』というアルバイトをするんだけどなぁ」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


It has been prolegomenous.


From now, I am going on to the main issue.


Sometimes I think, that

If I could get a medicine to change to Edogawa Konan, I will start to become "being your friend" as a side job,



"having a lunch with the "friend", who is your client"


"Saying something to the "friend" at the head"


"Leaving school with the "friend""


"Backing up a story of "the friend" "


"with smiling"


It is easy as apple pie.


According to my junior daughter's saying "It is not problem to have no friend. The problem is "I look like that"", the above items must be necessary and sufficient condition, if she is right.



Let me think of it. I don't need the medicine to become "Konan"


It is a good idea that I set the trend for this side job at elementary, junior high and high schools.


Well, the cost from 300 yen to 500 yen might be enough for the children, I think.

(I am going to ask my daughters about the cost from the view of both as provide and as consumer")


The guardians might pay for the side job, if it can save their child.(If I were, I will pay).

しかも、雇い主であるあなたは、その「友人の演技」が、自分の要求するKPI(Key Performance Index)を満たさないのであれば、そのアルバイトを解雇できる、と。

If their performance (KPI) of the side job cannot satisfy you, you can fire them at any time.


How do you like it?


I think that this is a typical "Win-Win" business model.




Development to make a medicine to become "Konan" might be difficult, but I can become an agent between a provider(guardian) and a client(child).

お互い名前を知られるのは避けたいだろうし(バレバレかもしれないけど)、バレた時のデメリットも大きそうですので、そこは、各種の暗号技術とか使ったシステムを作ってですね ・・・、などなど、夢は広がるばかりです。

They must want to avoid to open their names each other, because the demerit becomes immense. So I can help to make this system from the view of some IT technology. for example security, scalability and so on.



How do you like this idea?


I think you come to feel bad.




(To be continued)

2015-10-28 でも、「スケバン刑事(デカ)」の朝宮サキだって、国家権力(警察)のエージェントとして学校に潜入していたじゃないですか。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


But "Asamiya Saki" who is a heroine in the manga comic "Sukeban Deka(titty-boo detective)" has infiltrated enemy's organisation as an agent of the police organisation.


Because She had called her "a tool of the police" in the work by herself.


In my opinion, the existence like her, is not quite "fiction".


I think that some students engage in this agent job illegally. (when I have an opportunity, I will talk the story)


If there are the students like that, "job contract" between guardians and students, based on principle of private autonomy, has no problem basically.


Above all, when a conflict happens between them on the ground of contract delinquency, a court will declare invalid by the reason of offensive to public order and morals before the labour law.


To tell you the truth, I am not interested in the above.



What I want to say is, that


"I cannot understand the values of friend"


"But I know well that the value of act like friend, is a bond that can turn into money."


It may be that what you are longing or waiting, is just like a bond, that statutes of limitations will expire.

あなたが「それ」を、心を砕いて守るべき価値があるかどうかは ―― 私の意見ですが ―― 正直、相当に疑わしい、と思っています。

I am seriously doubt whether "it" is valuable something that you should save or devote yourself, in my opinion.


(To be continued)

2015-10-29 無理して、いきなり「友人至上主義」を、捨て去る必要はありません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

もし、あなたが、ティーンエイジャであって、「友人とは人生で最も大切なものの一つという考え方」 ―― 面倒くさいので、以下「友人至上主義」と言いますが ―― を持っているのであれば、

If you are a teenager and believe that "Friend is one of the important thing in your life", I let it call "friend supremacist",


I think that you are "as you are".


You don't have to discard your believe against reason.

ただ、その比率を、少し小さくして、その代りに、「一人で」「狂って」「楽しむ」 ―― これも面倒くさいので、以下、「一人至上主義」(あるいは「ぼっち至上主義」)と言います ―― を、取り入れることを提案したいと思います。

But I want you to try that you star to take over a new concept that "being crazy for something alone", I also let it call "loneliness supremacist" little by little.



Talking about "loneliness supremacist",


I seem to belong in a group of "loneliness fundermentalist" in the "loneliness supremacist".

江端<長女>の言う「パパに『ぼっち』を名乗る資格はない。全国の『ぼっち』に失礼だ」と言わしめた理由は ――

My senior daughter said, "You are not qualified to "loneliness". You are rude to the real loneliness in Japan."

I think the reasons why she said to me like that, are


"If you use the word "loneliness", your background should be reflected in your emotion of "against your hope"."


"You should have some aspect of "lonely", "sense of alienation","isolation" and "victim against unreasonable violence"."


"It is arrogance to use "loneliness" with positive attitude at least"



But I want to say that ""loneliness fundermentalist" also should share some burdens in their way.


(To be continued)

2015-10-30 人様の恋愛沙汰 ―― 特に芸能界関係者の ―― なんて、自分の人生に1mmも関係してこないようなイベントを、どうやって楽しむことができるのか? [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


In fact, "loneliness fundermentalist" has a lot of demerits.


Especially, it is also important to remember that they can get few information in their life.


Getting human resource information before the moving is hopeless, and any ceremonial functions information is spreading out around me.


Moreover, my sensitivity level is extremely low, for example, I have noticed a pair of a man and woman at my same unit, had already get married before one month of the wedding ceremony. When they went to come to tell me that all the way, I knew that.


I know there is something wrong with my character, but for me, I also think that others have also some problems.

人様の恋愛沙汰 ―― 特に芸能界関係者の ―― なんて、自分の人生に1mmも関係してこないようなイベントなんかが、なんで必要な訳?

According to love affair of others, especially it is for entertainers, why do I need the information ?

―― うーん、全く分からん

Well, I don't know at all.



However, the low sensitivity of human relationship like me, has absolutely demerit, if you want to try an love affair or promotion.


Moreover, "loneliness" is a kind of abnormal condition, because it means the social relationship deny us or is denied by us.

つまり、そういう異常な状態を、「どーでもいい」という考えられる、メンタルの強さ ―― というか、「壊れれた心」なくして、「ぼっち至上主義」を実践するのは、危険ですらある言えます。

But for a mental toughness (or a broken mind), that make us feel "what's matter?", the activity of "loneliness fundermentalist" would become danger.


To return.


(To be continued)

2015-10-31 ―― リトマス試験紙が、青になろうが赤になろうが、それが一体何だというの? [長年日記]


Today, a new column is released, so I take a day off.

Mr.Ebata's struggling for DIY Home Security System by EtherCAT(5) "

60,000 maids "union?" Communication methods of EtherCAT



In this column, my comment,


"What's matter even if litmus paper becomes blue or red on earth ?"


It is my wife who said the above,

―― 実在します。

has existed.