キュウべえ:「とりわけ最も効率がいいのは第2次性徴期の少女の希望と絶望の相転移だ」(魔法少女まどかマギカ 第9話)
―― 感情エネルギーの取り出し技術が、一般的なエネルギー抽出技術より簡単というのは、フィクションでも受け入れるのが難しいなぁ。
―― 特殊相対性理論の式(E=MC^2)にあて嵌められるように、まどかの体重分の質量を、励起状態に持っていける技術開発の方が、ずーっと簡単なような気がする(ただ、この方法でもエントロピーの増大は防げない)
キュウべえ:「まどか、君はエントロピーという言葉を知っているかい? 簡単に例えると焚き火で得られる熱エネルギーは木を育てる労力につり合わないって事さ。エネルギーは形を変えるごとにロスが生じる。宇宙全体のエネルギーは目減りしていく一方なんだ」
―― キュウべい。君はプレゼンテーションに失敗している。まず、説明の対象(中学生)に対しても相応わしくなく、説明の方法(提示する図表)も、悪戯にオーディエンスを怯えさせているだけだ。
このコラム、1996年にリリースしているのですが、賞賛して頂いているブログをたまたま読み、 これが「魔法少女まどかマギカ」のあの名場面とリンクしたので、ちょっと書いてみました。
The other day, I wrote the specification to get money from my "Hokkyoku-Ramen fund" under the three conditions.
One of them, was to
(2)Take a photo of "Hokkyoku-Ramen" after you complete eating.
Please see this photo.
I went to the Machida-shop to get this photo, though I felt sick (I was too busy for business and private issues at the last weekend).
In addition, the total time I have been in restrooms became more than the period I could finish reading a whole pocket book.
(Continuation from yesterday)
Unfortunately, I have not got any contact until now.
Incidentally, I have no intention to dispute their books.
It is opposite. I want them to destroy my logic.
If you give me a experimental data that indicates "segmented diet is possible", I am going to dismiss my logic immediately. There is no theory about the diet method.
If anything, I am going to start thinking the logic of the segmented diet with my heart and soul.
私は ――
I will make a best effort to save a technology of segmented diet that
"Though I don't know the reason, it works well"
I think that this should be my mission to have been in both field of technical and intellectual property right.
だから、―― 怖がらずに ―― 私にご連絡下さい。
So please let me know your original method about segmented diet without fear.
I will not crush a logical collapse message with rude manner, like becoming barren area thoughtlessly in old days.
(Continuation from yesterday)
It is the value of "resource consumption machine".
It might be hard to understand and say "consume resources," however, how do you think "eating rice and bread" ?
Using water, electricity, and taking a crap, social infrastructures are required, and needs will occur there.
Even if "AI" so called, work as a substitute for us, we need some people who operate the AI.
Even if I became bedridden, some services are required for long-term care, and a flow of money will occur there.
For example, actually, I go back my country home frequently, and I have to spend considerable money for the bullet trains.
I go to a wedding ceremony, even if I am called (I have not been called recently).
According to a funeral, many attendees will have gathered using the transportation, though it is not that the people come back to life(I have also not been called recently).
A dead body is also "valuable" during a fresh period.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
Among them, especially what I was shocked is
- Tel Aviv Airport Shooting case
In 1972, three Japanese terrorists shot automatic rifles at the terminal at Tel Aviv 's Lot Airport in Israel.
they killed 24 civilians who were at the terminal, give injuries to over 100 people.
- Dhaka JAL Hijack case
A hijack case that the criminal requested the release of nine terrorists who were serving and detained in Japan and 1.6 billion yen.
The Government of Japan issued "super legal measures" and responded to the release of terrorists.
I do not know what kinds of brain circuit can create a foolish idea of "killing irrelevant civilians and fulfilling the revolution", and there is no plan to make an effort to understand in the future.
私、この週末に、「超法的措置」の法的根拠を、かなり真剣に探しました ―― 当然、そんなものはないのですが(あったら、法治主義国家の自己否定になる)、
I searched quite seriously the legal basis of "super legal measures" this weekend, of course, there is not such a thing (if it is, it becomes self-denial of a legalist state),
「行政の権利の濫用」を根拠として、誰かが訴えを行って(テロの被害者の遺族なら、訴権はあるでしょう)、最高裁が「違憲ではない」という判断をしている―― とかいうような、判決文を探していましたが、残念ながら、見つけられていません。
Based on the "abuse of administrative rights", if someone gets a lawsuit (if they were bereaved of the victims of terrorism, there would have a right of it), the Supreme Court is making a judgment that it is not "unconstitutional". I was looking for a sentence like that, but unfortunately I have not found it.
(If you know, please let me know)
(To be continued)
先週の土曜日の「劇場版 夏目友人帳」初日に『レイトショーを見に行こう』と家族に提案したのは、私です。
It was me, who has proposed to go to the late show of "Natsume Yuujincho (movie)" to my family, last Saturday.
It is rare for me to go to the movie theater, however, I wanted to go for once.
Recently, I have felt bad about my work, and I wanted to calm me down with watching "Natsume Yuujincho"
Well, I had fun.
感動のラストに落し込む ―― という感じではなく、むしろ、淡々に、ゆるやかに、優しく描かれている映画でした。
The movie didn't try to make a great impression, but showed the scenes lightly, calmly and gently.
In the car on my way home, we warmed up the topic of "How pretty Nyanko-sensei was!"
"Natsume Yuujinchou" is the comics of magazine serial, and the sixth qtr of animation have been completed. From the look of things, this is amazing.
嫁さんが、アニメが苦手で、さらに妖怪や幽霊ものに怖がることから、私は、意図して、リビングのテレビでは見ていなかったのですが ――
In the Ebatas, my wife is bad for animations, and have a fear of spectre or ghost. So I have made an effort not to watch "Natsume Yuujinchou".
On one occasion, she watched it by chance, she continue to watch it.
She said, "This is O.K."
As a opening special gift, the illustration and postcard of "Natsume Yuujincho" for each people, were given.
My daughter got a set of them, however, both my wife and I are not interested in the goods.
However, I think that there are some people who want "the illustration and postcards", and I will give it to them.
On the other hand, I don't want to put it on show, by Yahoo auction or Mercari.
If you just send me the mail, which you write "I want the illustration and postcards", I can accept the first two persons.
(Please seek my address out from my HP).
I will reply mails to only the first two persons, and please give me your post address(I don't need real your name).
I will pay for the stamp, to avoid my bother.
It is O.K. if you visit my HP for the price (e.g.140 counts for 140 yen).
Of course, I am not supposed to admit the request from resellers.
(Continuation from yesterday)
しかし、信仰者側には、その説明をする責任 ―― 立証責任 ―― はないのです。
However, the believer has no responsibility to explain it. It is "burden of proof".
A burden of proof is a basic principle that "the proof will be obliged to explain to the profitable party."
考えてみれば、これは、あたりまえです ―― 『利益を得る者が、汗をかく』のは当然です。
Thinking of it, it is natural that "a peron who break a sweat, will get profit"
However, there are surprisingly many people who do not know this principle.
The believer only needs to "believe" God (the existence and function), not the burden of proof.
逆に、非信仰者(つまり私)、すなわち、神の存在、または、神の機能を否定したい側に、その否定を証明する責任 ―― 『ないことを証明する』 ―― いわゆる、"悪魔の証明"の義務が発生します。
Conversely, non-believers who want to deny the existence of God or the function of God, will be obliged to prove their denial. That is so-called "demon proof".
This is why this barren debate has not ended since history.
The non-believers (like me) can say, that "assuming that God does not exist, I can explain the above-mentioned unreasonableness and absurdity neatly".
But this is just a hypothesis.
This level of hypothesis is far from being a "proof of the absence of God".
Let me change a subject.
When I was a student, I was consulted by a female friend.
"A friend (female) is clearly dating a "bad man", and I am telling her to "stop from dating", but she never hear me"
"She said "you misunderstand him" and she have never heard anyone"
"What should I do?"
In response to this consultation, I answered as follows.
"I am sorry but I think that you can't do anything. "Faith" is not logical"
I can't do "proof of the absence of God".
However, I am proud that the above story is a good explanation of the "essence of faith".
Recently, I've been watching NHK's "documentary series 72 Hours".
It is a program that broadcasts 72 hours of coverage of the people of the city in a certain location.
There's no need to be tense like the NHK specials, where I have to watch it without missing a beat.
It's not like other commercial TV shows that edit out people who act and behave in a peculiar way for fun or funny.(The scene where they interviewed someone from my town was quite uncomfortable.)
I like it a lot because I can relax to watch it.
However, it cannot be denied that this "documentary series 72 Hours" is a collection of "good comments" and "heartful comments" from the people.
But as long as it's structured as a program, I think that it cannot be helped.
The other day, my wife and I were watching "Tokyo Sumida River, Quiet Summer without Fireworks" while eating dinner.
There was an interview scene with an elderly man who said that "he came to Tokyo to make a name for himself", and "he couldn't do it".
I mentioned it in my diary the other day.
"What does "the flag" mean?"
I keep thinking about it.
Ebata: "I don't understand the idea that "there are opportunities if you come to Tokyo". In the first place, are there any advantages to Tokyo that are worth talking about?
Wife: "The number of colleges, jobs, people you meet, entertainments, and the information you can get and the speed at which you can get it, and everything else will be different"
江端:「まあ、私の場合、ネットと通販があれば、十分に足るけど ―― まあ、その通りかなぁ。特に「人脈」については、都会は圧倒的に有利かもしれない」
Ebata: "Well, in my case, the internet and mail order are enough for me. However, I guess you're right. Especially when it comes to "networking", the city may have a huge advantage.
Wife: "Well, in your case, I don't think you have the benefit of that because you are a misanthrope.
(To be continued)
The concept of a "directory" has existed since the beginning of computer operating systems (OS).
A directory is a way to streamline your work by putting all related programs, data, and configuration information in one place.
In short, it's a "desk drawer," a "cabinet," and a "locker.
It is the oldest, but still effective, method of knowledge management that has existed since the beginning of human civilization.
Incidentally, virtualization, such as "Docker containers," is a way to treat this directory as an independent computer.
The image is that of a computer with desk drawers that work independently of each other.
Recently, I have been working without this 'directory'.
I don't have any trouble with that.
The reason for this is the search engines.
Recently I have been using the Google search engine to find articles in my website.
If I can remember one or two keywords, I can get to the article I want.
Most of the time, it is "no problem".
What's more, WordPress, a content management system (CMS), is the driving force behind this "directory-free" approach.
I've been throwing my notes, diaries, and programs into this site.
I've set up some rough categories, but I've never relied on categories to find information about myself.
I could easily go back to my notes by typing in keywords in the "Site Search" section, so I think,
―― 苦労して情報をカテゴライズする必要ってある?
"Why should I really need to go through the trouble of categorizing information?"
最近、私、PostgreSQL + postGIS + QGIS をテーマにして本を書いているのですが、キーワードだけで、自分のメモに辿りついています。
Recently, I am writing a book on the subject of PostgreSQL + postGIS + QGIS, and I have been following my notes with only keywords.
"It's amazing. I was doing this. I'm great"
I'm impressed with what I did.
プログラムをコピペだけしたものだったり、ちょっとしたTipsのメモだったり、その背景やら目的やら不在で、他の人にとっては、ゴミのようなメモですが ――
Many of them are just copied and pasted programs, or are little tips memos. To others, they are like garbage, without any background or purpose.
Only I, the one who produced that garbage, can read it as information that makes sense.
However, I feel some troubles recently
About some kinds of topics in my website, I cannot ignore the numbers from overseas.
In addition, they are IT-engineers absolutely,
The top access number in my website, from the beginning of using WordPress,
■"dial tcp: lookup db on no such host exit" に苦しめられる日々の終焉
The end of days annoyed by "dial tcp: lookup db on no such host exit"
and, more recently, in
■Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "volume": invalid moun t path: 'db_data' mount path must be absolute
"Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "volume": invalid moun t path: 'db_data' mount path must be absolute"
■E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? が出てきた時
When "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" appears
have got a lot of hit. I am sure that
―― 絶対に、国外のエンジニアの検索でヒットしている
"Engineer overseas hit, absolutely"
So, I guess they are disappointed and move on to other pages when they see my articles that 'only I can understand' and that are 'only written in Japanese.
I feel very heavy and guilty.
For my own English practice, I have been writing my diary in English as well.
However, I have no intention of having anyone read my English text.
So I'm writing "bullshit English". It's easy-going.
しかし、これからは、『後ろめたい気持ち』から逃げるために、『プライベートな技術メモにも英語を併記しなければならないのかなぁ』 ――
But from now on, in order to escape from the 'guilty feeling', I wonder if I have to write my private technical memos in English as well.
To be honest, I feel depressed when I think about it.
To compensate for the lack of computer resources, I had migrated my PC, which had been left in Windows 7, to Windows 10 yesterday to create a docker environment.
_ https://wp.kobore.net/%e6%b1%9f%e7%ab%af%e3%81%95%e3%82%93%e3%81%ae%e5%bf%98%e5%82%99%e9%8c%b2/post-7655/
dockerのイメージだけを、リモートに送り込む等、夜遅くまで、色々試していたのですが、データベース丸ごとをイメージにするのは難しく、docker export/import/save/load 全部を試した挙げく、
I was up late at night trying various methods, such as sending docker images to a remote location, but it was difficult to create an image of the entire database, and after trying docker export/import/save/load everything,
―― コンテンツ本体を、手動でUSBメモリにコピーして、現在、DB再構築の真っ最中
"Manually copied the content itself to a USB memory stick, currently in the middle of rebuilding the DB"
Well, I don't mind, since it is a program that I am making alone.
As for me, I don't want to add too many PCs to be managed, however I have no choice.
I cannot leave the simulator stopped due to database overload.
I need three minutes to annoy to choose between getting 100 yen or 200 yen icecream.
However, I wouldn't worry too much about buying a $300,000 gaming PC to run my simulator.
When I was a struggling student, I had purchased a computer with a list price of 850,000 yen with cash.
The "pursuit of high-specification computer" is like a "curse" for engineers.
As I have written many times in the past, an 850,000 yen PC (a supercomputer too) at that time cannot beat even a 5,000 yen board computer today.
【新着記事】笑う人工知能 ~あなたは記事に踊らされている~https://t.co/Etn57t9goN pic.twitter.com/zgn8DmkMeh
— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) September 28, 2016
Engineers & researchers with common sense should not dance around the "spec.".
Although the subject (content) of this book is incompatible with my way of life
"Do the math in your environment"
If it is to be read this way, I think it is a correct suggestion.
It was recently announced that this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will be awarded to two scientists who have developed the technology leading to an mRNA vaccine for a new coronavirus.
―― 凄く嬉しい
"I'm so happy."
I have previously stated that
"I am convinced that this is a milestone in the history of science, an innovation worthy of a 10-year Nobel Prize advance."
However, I was honestly surprised by the award so quickly.
With the news of this award, I learned that the mRNA research itself was published long ago (2005).
In other words, mRNA vaccine research also seems to have cleared the so-called "Nobel Prize time lag problem.
I also feel closer to "mRNA" research than ever before, knowing that they had been fed "cold rice" (a period of cold treatment) for quite some time.
Stories like this give researchers courage - even if I am an unknown researcher.