
2020-12-01 「一生運動しなくても、日常生活に支障がなく、健康で快適な人生を送れる薬」 [長年日記]


The other day, after doing about 10 squats, my legs started shaking and I couldn't walk.

―― これはまずい

"This is not good"


Entering the telecommuting phase, after the emergency declaration has been lifted, I go to the public pool about twice a week and swim about 1000 meters.


I thought the first challenge in the corona disaster was prevention of infection and the second challenge was lack of exercise (and obesity).

水泳と食事制限で体重を維持できている ―― と思っていたのですが、実は、『筋肉を削り取っていただけ」という事実に呆然としています。

I was stunned by the fact that I thought I was able to maintain my weight through swimming and diet -- but actually, 'I was just shaving off muscle.



It's no surprise, but "swimming" is not part of our daily life.


The basic idea is to walk. or light run.


Of course, swimming would be beneficial in improving immunity.


However, daily physical fitness is maintained/operated in everyday life.



This corona disaster lasts until an effective vaccine or drug is developed and used safely.

And even with the advent of a vaccine and a drug, it will be impossible to completely subdue the corona scourge (we humans have never triumphed over a virus).


If so, it seems impossible to return to the past when remote offices were not the norm



The society of the future is a society that does not move and does not/can't exercise.


However, this is not a new paradigm.


In the past, with the spread of trains, buses, and private cars, humans came to stop walking.


Compared to the last time, the amount of change this time is small, but the small absolute value is incomparable.


My walk rate is sometimes even less than 100 steps/day. Because I just walk around the house.



If it's a part of my life, I can accept "exercise" as a part of my life, but to be honest, the pressure to "exercise" is painful for me.


Only behavioral changes can hardly be expected to transform us into a "body that doesn't need exercise".


If we expect the evolutionary process to take place, we have to prepare a very difficult environment, "person who does not exercise, becomes a survivor".


Even if we could create that environment, I think it would take at least 10,000 years or so to facilitate evolution.



So, that leaves us with drugs.


"A drug that will allow me to live a healthy and comfortable life without a lifetime of exercise and without interfering with my daily life.


You can only rely on this drug.


Well, after all, the last line I expect is science (chemistry).




"Drug Olympics"


Let's start looking into it seriously, shall we?


I think "Tokyo 2020" would be a good place to start.

2020-12-02 「なし」「ない」「いない」「いなかった」「なかった」「いたことがない」「そんなものはない」 ―― どれを入れても、ログインシステムは、回答が違うと答えてくる。 [長年日記]


Every time I log back into iCloud, I get tired of being "angry".


This login alone is enough to make me want to destroy all Apple products.


I'm annoyed every time by the crappy question check that follows after authenticating with the correct login and password.


―― あなたの子どものころの親友の名前を入力してください

"Enter the name of best friend in your childhood"



―― あなたの好きなスポーツチームを入力してください

"Enter your favorite sports team"



―― 質問の答が一致しません。

"The answers to the questions do not match"



It should be a match.


Because this is a fact.


I never had a best friend and never had a second in my life as a favorite sports team.


So, I had set up the answers like those.

「なし」「ない」「いない」「いなかった」「なかった」「いたことがない」「そんなものはない」 ―― どれを入れても、ログインシステムは、回答が違うと答えてくる。

"None" "None." "None." "None." "Wasn't." "Never." "There is no such thing" Whichever one I put in, the login system will answer with a different answer.


In the first place, when setting up this question, I make following answers,

―― あなたの子どものころの親友の名前を入力してください

"Enter the name of best friend in your childhood"



―― あなたの好きなスポーツチームを入力してください

"Enter your favorite sports team"



The system complains,

―― 同じ回答を入力しています

"You are typing the same answer"



じゃあ何か? 私に虚偽の答を入力しろと? そうだな、そう言うんだな?

What then? You want me to enter a false answer? Well, you would say that, wouldn't you?


Do you want to tell me to type in the name of my bullshit best friend and type in the name of a non-existent sports team.


So that's what Apple is.


Okay, all right.


Apple is a company that is "good" at making users lie involuntarily, right?


Or rather, why doesn't Apple just let me create both "questions" and "answers"?


Apple can't even design and build that level of system?


Are you stupid?


Previously, I could have smashed all the Apple products and thrown them straight into the garbage just for this unpleasant incident.


But now, at home and at work, I can't ignore Apple products.


For now, I can only hope that iCloud will stop this dumb question.


例えば ――

For example --


Question: Enter the name of the person you consider to be the worst and worst of all U.S. presidents


I'll make a question like this.

その回答は、もちろん、4年前より以前であれば、「ニクソン」と入力したかもしれないけど ――

The answer, of course, is that if it had been earlier than four years ago, I might have typed "Nixon" -- but


Nixon was the kind of person who could do "resignation in charge", I thought.


By now, his character evaluation has been dramatically (suitably) updated in my mind.

2020-12-03 「なるほど、これが『美術部部長』という人間の資質か」 [長年日記]


The other day, I went on an overnight trip to Hakone with my family.


My wife said she won the event for the experience stay. She is a good wife.


And so, the family went around the standard tourist attractions of Hakone.

特に、今回は「美術館」を重点的に回りました ―― 次女の現状(高校の美術部部長)と、将来(デザイン学)へのインスパイアになれば、とも考えていました。

In particular, this time we focused on the "museums". I also hoped that my junior daughter's current situation (head of the high school art club) and it helps her future (design studies).



I can't say that I'm an art lover, but still, I like looking at art to the extent that I can say "I like it or not".


I was surprised to find myself as if my soul had slipped away, when I was standing in front of a painting in a museum in Paris, France,

―― なぜ、こんな素晴しい人類の至宝が、この国の国民から(以下省略)

"Why such a great treasure of humanity from the people of this country (hereinafter omitted)"


I was thinking about how rude it was, and so on.


At that time, I was in a meeting for a few days, and I was really pissed off.


うん、ある国の一部の人間の挙動だけを見て、その国の国民の全てを非難するなどというとは ―― ネットでしか騒ぐことしかできない一部のバカに任せておけばいいのです。

Yeah, you can leave it to some idiots who can only make noise on the net, just watching only the behavior of some people in a country and blaming all the people of that country.

Confusing "nation" with "people" is a disservice to the understanding of the country, and

Not trying to verify the facts with their own eyes and ears is not fair.


Well, aside from that.



I also thought I was a pretty slow viewer at the museum, but I couldn't compete with my daughter's concentration.


The first day at the "Forest of Sculpture", of course, and the second day at the "Okada Museum of Art", my daughter set a record of four hours in the museum.


Our family was able to get a good sleep in a chair in the exhibit room and get some rest.

She said that


"I thought I was going to look around at a very fast pace"


and I understand


"I see. This is the human quality of 'the director of the art department'".


2020-12-04 私の提案する方法は、我が国のお国芸である『同調圧力』です。 [長年日記]


The corona disaster has revealed to the world that we are the world's leading "IT backward country".


And thus, the "Digital Agency" was created, albeit belatedly.


We should be grateful that the government acted, even if it was late.


However, it should be noted that the backwardness of IT in our country is not in "IT systems" but in "IT literacy".


In other words, it's not about IT as a system, but about education or human "feelings" such as motivation, aversion or avoidance.


However, I don't think the government has been negligent in doing this.

「デジタル暗号」や「デジタル署名」の安全性を技術的に理解せずに、デジタル化の法案に反対をしつづけてきた「野党」に責任がある ―― のは事実でしょうが、それ以上に、

The "opposition" is to blame, because they continued to oppose digitization legislation without a technical understanding of the security of "digital encryption" and "digital signatures". It will be true, but more than that,


The "ruling" should be to blame, that failed to understand the security of "digital cryptography" or "digital authentication" technically and push it hard.

しかも「与党」は ―― 私の主観ですが ―― ジジイやババアだけでなく、若い(30~50歳)議員ですら、そのITリテラシーの乏しさに目を覆うばかりです。

Moreover, the members of "ruling party", not only the old man and the old lady, but even young (30-50 years old) legislators, are blinded by its lack of IT literacy


I mean, what parliamentarian can properly explain "digital encryption" or "digital signatures"?


If there are such legislators, please refer them to me.


I want to come up for interview.



Unfortunately, it's true that getting "IT literacy" takes time and basically computers don't work the way we want.


I can't tell you how many times I've thought about throwing my computer out the window.

今なら、『何度、サンノゼ(San Jose)のVPC( Virtual Private Cloud)に、ミサイルを撃ち込もうと思ったことか』となるでしょうか。

Today, it would be, 'How many times have I thought of firing a missile into a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in San Jose?


Well, if they have such a tedious and painful time, it might be more efficient to go around the constituency by stepping on ditchboards.


Aside from that.



I think the government and the administration have been warning a lot about the digital divide since about 2000.

あれから20年経過しました ―― (全てではないが)民事や刑事の「時効」に相当する時間です。

Twenty years have passed since then -- the equivalent of (not all) civil or criminal "statute of limitations" time.


So I think it's time to dismiss the "gentle approach" to the digital divide as having expired and start "catching up".


The method I propose is our country's national specialty, 'Synchronized Pressure'.


- If you just come to the counter without using your phone, There is a cost of $8,640.


- The number of people filing their tax returns online has already exceeded 70%. The administrative operating costs of the remaining 30% of people are about 12 times higher than those of online users.


(The numbers are my experience (fiction). I'll look into it properly if you request.)


Well, you can just do the above without saying anything. It will be quite effective.



And if there is still no improvement, then the following might be good,


- If you can get the process done on your PC and smartphone, instead of coming to a government office, we can "repeal" the bill to increase the cost of healthcare for the elderly.


In addition,


With the aid of a video clip that can be seen before the movie screening, and putting the government's publicity the following.

■Stop the 税金泥棒

- Stop the Tax Thief



It seems to me that this is the direction in which the "Digital Agency" is expected to work.

I don't think it's about "AWS adoption" or anything like that.


However, if they really do this, the ruling party may fall in the next election.

2020-12-05 で、今日は、自分用のメモとして、こんな動画を作っていました。 [長年日記]


My wife called me at work and informed me that the door was not working.


Well, I've been doing doorknob repairs for a long time in my student lodgings, and I was confident that I could fix them normally.



―― レバーハンドルが動くのに、ラッチボルトが外れない

"The lever handle moves, but the latch bolt does not release"


I've never seen such a phenomenon.


I removed the lever handle part and looked at it, but I couldn't figure out why.


I did not observe any anomalies in the latch part, either.


However, I found an unfamiliar piece of metal sticking out of the latch area. While holding the piece of metal with pliers, I turned the movable part of the lever handle, and the latch bolt happened to move.


I opened the door, without missing its timing.


Then I dismantled the doorknob at once.



Observations showed that the transmission part of the latch had been damaged by metal fatigue and could not be opened or closed at all.


I ended up with a deadlocked situation, where I couldn't open or close the door and, therefore, couldn't even disassemble the doorknob.


If such a condition occurs in a closed room, such as a toilet, there is no way to escape.


So, I decided to destroy part of the door in advance to ensure a way out.

So today, I made this video as a note for myself.

2020-12-06 『四の五の言わずに、AWS(VPC:Virtul Private Could)を使って、2社以上で協業システムを構築しやがれ』 [長年日記]


In today's NHK news,

―― クラウド活用をしてデータ共有をした企業に、その投資額の3%を法人税から差し引く

"3% of the investment is deducted from corporate taxes for companies that share data by cloud IT system."

―― 減価償却費に投資額の30%を上乗せ(初年度だけ)(*1,*2,*3)

"Additional 30% of company's investment to depreciation (for the first year only)(*1,*2,*3)"

というニュースを聞いた時には、正直、耳を疑いました ―― 『DX = クラウド』じゃなんだけどなぁ、と思いまして。

I honestly couldn't believe my ears when I heard the news that. Because I'm not sure "DX = Cloud" is not correct.


But now I've reconsidered " that's good too"


Right now, the priority would be to go digital, rather than worrying about those details.



The tax reform bill by the government and the ruling party is, with misleading saying

『四の五の言わずに、AWS(VPC: Virtual Private Could)を使って、2社以上で協業システムを構築しやがれ』

"Don't say a word, use AWS (Virtual Private Could) and build a collaborative system with two or more companies"



Just on the condition that the

―― 政府にシステムの内容を報告しろよ

"Tell the government what's in the system"



Well, it is natural.


"I'm well aware that DX is quite a difficult trial, if they are not a "company with a lot of engineers" like the one I work for.


I think the "digitization drive" with tax incentives is good.


ところで、私、週末には、AWS Lightsailを使って、クラウドコンピューティングで、システム構築の勉強やっています。

By the way, I'm doing a weekend study of system construction, in cloud computing, using AWS Lightsail.

AWSの本家プラットフォームを使うと「EC2 + LBS + Route53 + ドメイン費用 = (個人では)バカ高」となるからです。

Using the original AWS platform would be "EC2 + LBS + Route53 + domain cost = (personally) ridiculously high".

このような、「週末クラウド独学者」に対して、政府の補助も検討して頂きたいのですが ――

I would like to ask you to consider government subsidies for these "weekend cloud self-students", though,


Is it still too much to ask?



(*1) Depreciation is a system to divide a large investment (payment) of a certain size into multiple years.


For example: a system of 10 billion yen worth of equipment is purchased each year for 200 million yen for 50 years.


The benefit of this program is that (A) companies do not incur a large deficit when they purchase equipment, and (B) 200 million yen is deducted from their profits each year, thus saving the taxpayer money.


(*2) I understand that the "extra 30%" means that the amount of normal depreciation will be larger -> make the profit look smaller -> lower taxes.


But if the annual depreciation disappears, the company should be in trouble.


If this is the case, it seems to me that the system allows for a virtual increase in the first year's depreciation and amortization, leaving the depreciation expense unchanged, which is a "de facto tax break".


(*3)This is the study of Ebata.

2020-12-07 『会食の人数に制限を設ける意義が分からない』とか言っている、地方自治体の首長がいて、正直驚いています。 [長年日記]


I can't get it out of my home right now (I work from home).


My daughters and wife are returning to life before the coronal disaster, though,


Right now, I am the least likely source of coronavirus infection in my family.



I have already written (or co-authored) three columns on this corona disaster from a medical/technical point of view.





However, I still think "when I was infected, I am infected" and I've never thought of myself as an exception.


Infection is a simple probability.


Infection prevention is a "low-probability behavior" and its "continuation".



I'm honestly surprised to hear some local government leaders say, 'I don't see the point of setting a limit on the number of people in a dinner party.

p(α, N) = 1 - (1 - α)^N で α:感染確率 (例:0.1) N:会食する人数(N = 0,1,2,...)で、エクセルでグラフを描いて下さい。

p(α, N) = 1 - (1 - α)^N where α: probability of infection (e.g., 0.1) N: number of people eating (N = 0,1,2,...) and draw a graph in Excel.


Four people have a 34% risk of infection, but 10 people break 65% and 30 people break 95%.


Of course, the ideal is zero (i.e. "don't do any dinner party"). In this case, the risk of infection is 0%.


In this way, I think the idea that the minimum number of people who make up the body of a dinner is "four" is persuasive.


The above formula is too simple (*), but I think it is enough to derive the basis for the "four" basically.


(*) I can also do simulations based on random numbers and seating position. Maybe even worse infection probabilities can be calculated.



In any case, if I get infected or sick, I will publish in this diary.


In real time as much as possible.


I will release a detailed report on the subsequent responses, analyze the causes of the infection in my own way, and summarize the warnings and recommendations based on them as a fourth column.



Anyway, since I've been working from home, I've had to deal with more and more sales people coming to my home.


Recently, I noticed the magic word to fight off this sale.


"I'm in a (remote) meeting"


Most sales will walk away with this.


So, let's abuse this magic word.

2020-12-08 要するに、私が「美味しい」と感じるのであれば、そのプロセスは、正直、どーでもいいのです。 [長年日記]


I am not a gourmand.

ただ、私は ――

However, I have experimented that


When a local engineer asked me what the best American food was, I was able to ask him back, "If there is such a dish, tell me about it"


When I was on a business trip to London, I said to a local expatriate, "London's food is pretty cool, isn't it? I was told that "London is not England"

―― という程度には、「絶望的な味オンチ」ではないだろう、と自認しており、

I admit that I'm not a hopeless tastemaker, and,


I believe I can distinguish between what is "good" and what is "not good" and verbalize it.



Recently, I have been watching with great interest the acquisition of Otoya Gohan-dokoro by Otoya Holdings.


The point of contention in this acquisition case was whether to have "completely homemade food" or to outsource part of the cooking (central kitchen).


I really like the set meals at the "set meal restaurant"


When I lived in Kyoto as a student, eating "ginger-grilled set meal" or "saury set meal with natto" at the set meal restaurant "Hiyoshi" at Eizan Electric Railway in Kyoto, Hachiman-mae station, is a reward to study and work.


And, well, I am a bit sensitive when it comes to "set meal restaurant" and "set meal".



I don't insist on "completely handmade".


Even if it's a "central kitchen,", it's good enough for me, as long as I can eat a good set meal.


In short, as long as it tastes good to me, I honestly don't care about the process.


Perhaps "completely handmade" wins in taste, but this is a trade-off for price.


If the difference in taste is unrecognizable to me, the cheaper the set meal, the better.



This is why I am looking forward to the future of Otoya Gohan-dokoro.


Of course, there is always the possibility that I might get a "big miss", but then I just go to another set meal restaurant.

2020-12-09 「貧乏な週末エンジニアの勉強の為の必要経費」ですね。 [長年日記]

サブスク ―― サブスクリプションサービスは、「定額料金を支払うことで、一定期間のサービスが受けられることを保証するサービス」のことです。

Subscription -- A subscription service is "a service that allows you to receive a service for a fixed period of time by paying a fixed fee"


I am unwilling to do this, but I (the Ebata family) have been paying a lot of money for subscription.

■AU光 8000円/月

- AU light 8,000 yen/month

■Amazon Prime 4500円/月

- Amazon Prime 4500 yen/month

■時々、Netflix 700円/月

- Sometimes Netflix 700 yen/month

■イプシムSIM + 固定IPアドレス 1000円/月

- IPSIM SIM + fixed IP address 1000 yen/month

■楽天SIM + IP電話 750円/月

- Rakuten SIM + IP Phone 750 yen/month

■Amazon Lightsail 500円/月

- Amazon Lightsail 500 yen/month


What's somewhat annoying is that the latter three are linked to "company work".


Well, not to say "company business", but it is a necessary tool for "weekend system building studies".


So I choose the most meager and inexpensive menu.


通信がブツブツ切れても、メモリ不足でプログラムが起動しなくても ―― とりあえず「システム」として組込むことができます。

Even if the communication is broken, or the program does not start due to lack of memory -- it can be embedded as a "system" for now.


It's "a necessary expense for a poor weekend engineer to study.

でも、普通の趣味よりは、安いよなぁ ―― とは思うんですよね。

But it's cheaper than a normal hobby -- I guess.


I think it's cheaper than the monthly cost my daughter spends on eating ramen.

2020-12-10 私は、過去は振り向かない人間です ―― 特に、他人の過去は。 [長年日記]


My evaluation of a person is "The person who can make things is the best"


The guy who draws a "conceptual picture" of something and feels working, is


maybe she/he might is really the "best" guy,


They cannot impress me.



The person who draws the "concept picture" may have been someone I used to respect.


"It doesn't matter"


I think that.


My evaluation is always from my ongoing perspective.

私は、過去は振り向かない人間です ―― 特に、他人の過去は。

I'm the kind of person who doesn't look back at the past, especially other people's past.



But I guess it doesn't really matter to most people in the world how I'm regarded.


It is actually "me" who is in trouble.

「敬意を払えない人間」からの「命令」が ―― 私は、不快でしょうがない。

I can't help but feel uncomfortable about orders from "people I can't respect".


Not only that, but when we hear trivial self-beliefs or good arguments that don't fit the situation, my zero motivation turns into a negative one.


Even if the "order" is legitimate, reasonable, and decent.


This is the essence of "narrow-mindedness" among my three major attributes of my three main attributes: shallow, narrow-mindness, and cowardly.


This attribute, by the way, is not "self-deprecation". It is a result of self-analysis based on an engineering approach.



Narrow-mindedness is a disease.


If I want to treat this disease, I may be able to treat it.


However, I, the person in question, have no intention of treeating it.


Because "narrow-mindedness" is my personality.


It was this "narrow-mindedness" that allowed me to continue writing my column for more than eight years.


(If you reread my column from this perspective, I think the content will come easily to you.)



My "narrow-mindedness" is both a weakness and a strength of mine.


I think I can choose to either continue to be "narrow-mindedness" or to stop being "narrow-mindedness".

しかし、どちらにメリットがあり、どっちがラクであるかを考えれば ―― いや、考えるまでもなく

But if I think about which one has advantages and which one is easier... No, I don't have to think about it.


My choice is clear.

2020-12-11 「もの凄く人気のあるアニメに、『ラブライブ』なるものがあるけど、見てみたいと思う?」 [長年日記]

最近、Amazon Primeとか、Netflixとか見てみると、"fate"というアニメがズラっと並んでいるのを見ました。

Recently, when I looked at Amazon Prime or Netflix, I saw a whole bunch of "Fate" anime lined up.


It seems to be a pretty famous anime, so I just watched the first season until the end.


My impressions is

―― 分からん

"I don't understand it"



Of course, this is one of those "as a receptor, my performance is poor" choices.



When I told my second daughter that, she said to me,


"You should take it easy"



He said, "even if the content is popular, there is no way around it.


"But if I'm missing something, it's a shame"


To my continued insistence, she said.


"There is a very popular anime called 'Love Live', would you like to see it?



Yes I can understand.


I can't do what I can't do.


It is important not to push myself too hard.

2020-12-12 キッチンの蛍光管をLED直管ライトに交換してみた件 [長年日記]


After replacing the fluorescent tubes in the kitchen, the lights no longer came on, and I considered that the ballast (starter) was apparently malfunctioning.


When we built this house, we didn't even have the idea of LED bulbs, and there was no such thing as a straight LED light to replace fluorescent tubes as we know them today.


I thought I would take this opportunity to change the circuit so that I could bypass (ignore) the starter and connect the LED straight tube light.To begin with, I don't know much about how fluorescent tubes and straight LED lights work (I couldn't find any information about them on the Internet).

で、今回、「オーム電機 LED蛍光灯 直管形LEDランプ G13 40形 昼光色 グロー専用 LDF40SS・D/17/23」を使って調べてみました。

So, this time, I used "Ohm Electric LED Fluorescent Lamp Straight Tube LED Lamp G13 40 Type Daylight Color Glow Only LDF40SS-D/17/23" to check it out.



How should I connect the LED straight tube light?


Now you have a rough idea of how to connect the wires.



When I inserted a flathead screwdriver into the red circle, the wires came off.


This is how the wiring is numbered (I looked up the specs on the internet to get an idea).


Change this to the following.


Before disconnecting the wires, tag the wires with their numbers.


Soldering was difficult this time, so I used this kind of joining tool to connect the wires. Insert the dynamic wire facing the outer sheath, and crush the metal part with pliers.


I connected the wires and checked the lights.


Now, the ballast (starter) is no longer needed. The standby power consumption will also be eliminated, which will save some power.


Note: If you reverse the direction of the LED straight tube light, it will short circuit. As you can see in the video, the reverse direction is because of a short circuit. You should put a fuse in the wiring (I just noticed this too, and I will take care of it later).

2020-12-13 どの世代であっても、自分の老化を実感します。 [長年日記]


It is naturally unknown for what reason I will die in the future.


However, at this point, I can name a few that have a high probability.

―― 誤嚥性肺炎(ごえんせいはいえん)

"Swallowing pneumonia"



ここ1年の間、唾液や食べ物を飲み込むときに、誤って気管に入ってしまうこと 「誤嚥(ごえん)」が多発しています。

In the past year, there has been a large number of cases of aspiration, which is the accidental ingestion of saliva or food into the trachea.


In terms of frequency, 100% within two to three days.


And the duration of aspiration is becoming shorter and shorter.


When food or other substances enter the trachea, the reflex function to expel the foreign substance from the trachea is usually activated by choked.


Aspiration pneumonia refers to inflammation in the lungs caused by foreign substances that could not be expelled due to the slowing down of this function and remain in the lungs.


It is caused by a decrease in the swallowing function of food due to weakening of the chewing strength and the muscles that move the tongue as a result of aging.


Although I am not yet in a position to be included in the category of the elderly, I can still feel the decline of functions due to aging every day.



No matter which generation you are, you will feel yourself aging.


Even my daughters (a college student and a high school student) are saying that they are getting older.


Well, I have said similar things in my 30's and 40's.


Aging is a natural phenomenon.



There are two patterns of feeling that you are getting old.


(1)"One day, suddenly"




(2)"Day by day, step by step"



"Aspiration" fits into the pattern described in the (2) above.



I'm uncomfortable with the fact that I (basically) don't have a choice in how I die.


"Minimal pain and fear"

をお願いしたい ―― 誰に向って言えばいいのか分かりませんが ―― と、祈っています。

Though I don't know who I'm supposed to be talking to, 'm praying for it.

2020-12-14 『ならば「若い」を理由にしておいた方が、視聴者にはウケがいい』 [長年日記]


I often have watched variety shows featuring so-called "young talents," such as programmers in their teens and entrepreneurs in 20s.


I don't know about "entrepreneurs", but I can understand most of what "programmers" do.

私が、これらの番組のMC(Master of Ceremony:進行役) の進め方を見ていて、どうも不快を感じるのは、

What I feel uncomfortable about the way MCs (Master of Ceremony) conduct these programs is that they say,

―― 若い人は、できるのよねー

"You are young, so you can do it"




This is quite a "rude" statement.


It doesn't mean we can do it because we are young, and it doesn't mean we can't do it if we are seniors.


In short,

―― やらない奴が、やらないだけ

"The people who don't do it, just don't do it"



To be honest, I am uncomfortable with the attitude of justifying one's "not doing" by creating a special category of "young people" for it.


For example, "programming" is difficult, depressing, and hard, but I don't think it's impossible.


At least, I believe that we can manage better than English.


Because no matter how many times you make a mistake in the code, if you keep correcting it, it will eventually start working.


(When I told that, my wife told me, "English is much easier than programming")



When I was complaining to my junior daughter about this, she said, "You don't understand, Dad".


'Most people in the world don't try. But they don't want to accept that reality"


'If that's the case, it's better to use "young" as an excuse, as it will be more popular with the audience'


'Of course, the MC must be 'well aware' of such things'


2020-12-15 我が家では、手洗いは当然、取り皿の分配、取り箸まで徹底しておりますが、「家庭内感染は、もう避けられない」と、腹を括っております。 [長年日記]


Do you remember "Abigun"?


Also "Lemdesivir" and "Dexamethasone".


This is a "new corona treatment," although the name has completely disappeared recently.


This medicine is used "after" infection or illness with the new corona.


The approval of Abigan is expected later this month, and if approved, this will be the third case in Japan.



Now, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has developed a "vaccine" for the new coronavirus.


The vaccine is a deliberate way to infect people with the new coronavirus.


This is expected to prevent the development of new coronas.


Nevertheless, it is still not clear whether the vaccine's effects are definitive or not.


Still, it is a great hope at the moment.



However, this infection has so far been an "infection of someone somewhere. On the other hand, what used to be "someone else's infection" is now approaching as a "real threat right in front of our eyes," to the extent that we can name people close to us.


In our house, we wash our hands thoroughly, distribute plates and chopsticks, but we are prepared for the inevitable household infection.

To further prevent infection in the home, I just purchased two transparent partitions from Amazon.


With telecommuting and school closures, there are more opportunities for family meals, plus

―― 我が家は、家族での食事時には、全員がしゃべりまくる

"Our family is all talkative at family meals"


We need to be prepared for that.


I am assuming that the vaccination will be available "next summer".


I decided that if we could reduce the risk of infection by even 1% for another year or less, well, it would be a good enough investment.


(To be continued)

2020-12-16 ―― このオッサン達、仕事と離れて、一人飯もできんほど「ヘタレ」なのか? [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


By the way, I went to work the other day after a long absence, and on my way home, I went into a Chinese restaurant, and, well, what can I say, I saw something amazing.


They are a large number of old men at a table, eating and talking loudly to each other.


He was wearing business attire, so he must be a working man.


Judging by their age and appearance, they seemed to be older than the general managers.


I don't think there were any young people among them.

―― このオッサン達、仕事と離れて、一人飯もできんほど「ヘタレ」なのか?

"Are these old men so "lousy" that they can't even eat alone, away from work?"



If they are a teenager, well, they may have no choice.


The pinnacle of their value system is the number of friends they have, and the situation where they don't have to eat alone.


Nevertheless, they are now enforcing the "eat alone" rule in their study house (according to my second daughter).


In comparison, what is the abomination of these old men?


Of course, I am not acquainted with these "old men", but I am also angry that I cannot say that they are "strangers who are 100% unrelated to me", given the location of that Chinese restaurant.



These old men may not be all old men, but looking at this ratio, it can be inferred that a significant number of males are these "lowbies".


I'm not saying that you should continue to eat alone for the rest of your life.


I'm just asking you to reflect on the fact that we already know pretty clearly how infections work, and that the medical field is in a terrible situation right now.

飲食店を応援するなら、今だけは『一人飯』という手段で応援しろ ―― いつもの私のように。

If you want to support restaurants, support them only now by means of 'eating alone' -- as I always do.


―― 仕事が終ったなら、とっとと帰れ

"When you finish your work, go home soon"

―― 仕事のことは、仕事の時間中だけで完結しろ

"Complete your work stuff only during work hours"

「飲みニケーション」などという、下らないイベントでしかコミュニケーションを維持できない「ヘタレたちの饗宴」を目の当たりにして ――

Witnessing the feast of lousy who can only maintain communication through such trivial events as "drinking communication"...


It had been a long time since I had eaten Chinese food out, and there was nothing that could make it taste worse.

2020-12-17 『なんで、お前ら(政治家)だけが、「リモート政治」という新しい政治手法(メソッド)を案出して、試そうとしないんだ?』 [長年日記]


Yesterday's Diary whose title was

"Are these old men so "lousy" that they can't even eat alone, away from work?"


My entry in this storybook was made on December 1.


The reason why I remember that story so accurately is because I had a physical checkup that day and went to work in the afternoon.


So, it was only later that I knew that among these "lousy old men" were politicians (and the highest-ranking government officials in Japan).



How to say... I'm already feeling less and less motivated...


We're really trying our best...


After all, we're "taken lightly"...



Of course, I understand that dinner and golf are very important "tools/methods" for politicians.


It is no wonder that the job of reconciling conflicting interests and guiding the people to the best solution is "not easy".


At the same time, however, it is natural for politicians to take responsibility for their policies and to make efforts to achieve them.


In our daily lives, we stumble over various things and struggle with "remote XX" every day.


It's been a real "cattle steps", but we are still trying my best.

私がIT技術者であったとしても、SkypeとTeamsとZoomを使い分けて、毎日、いつも「誰か一人が参加できなくなる」とか「音声が途切れる」とか、「サーバがダウンする」とか ―― そういうことが「簡単」とでも思っているのか?

If I were an IT engineer, using Skype, Teams, and Zoom, every day, all the time, "one person can't join" or "the audio cuts out" or "the server goes down" -- do you think it's "easy" to do that?


Don't take the piss!


Of course, it is really painful!!


I'm truly pissed off at this situation where I have to use these systems!!!


しかるに―― だ。



"Why don't you (politicians) just come up with a new political method called 'remote politics' and try it?

試す頭がないなら、ないなりに ―― せめて「フリ」ぐらいはして見せろ。

If you don't have the brains to try it, then do it -- or at least pretend to.


Don't run a loose event that can be easily exposed by the media.

ともあれ ―― もう、あんたらには、大きくは期待していないけど、最低でも、「私のやる気を削ぐこと」だけは勘弁して下さい。

Anyway -- I don't expect much from you guys anymore, but at the very least, please don't "demotivate me".

2020-12-18 ■拘置所で弁護士に接見を受けている被告人 [長年日記]

The two partitions I ordered from Amazon have arrived.


The larger the partition, the greater the sense of security.


How to say....


A defendant being interviewed by a lawyer at a detention center.




Suspect eating food during interrogation


It's a great way to kill two birds with one stone with enjoying an indescribable sense of the extraordinary.



Nowadays, household infections are dancing to the top of the list of infection risks.


I don't think there will be a "mask war" as before, but please consider purchasing one.

2020-12-19 比較的大きな「日記の更新遅延」が発生するのは、この「修羅場週末」であることが多いです(他にもありますが)。 [長年日記]


I have a monthly column published in the magazine.


I call this weekend right before the deadline "Hell Weekend" and my family goes into a handling state of 'I don't exist'.


If you want to know it deeply, please try to read

"The weekend before the deadline, a black aura wafted through the Ebata household."




When I enter this "Hell Weekend," I can't see or hear anything but the writing process.


I'm playing background music, but I'm not hearing it.


My brain would have no room for anything else.


It's often during these "Hell Weekends" that I experience relatively large "diary update delays" (though there are others).


So, if my updates are delayed, I would appreciate it if you could guess that "Ebata is in quite a state of hell.



Incidentally, late at night after writing the first edition, I like to spend time picking up the lines of the illustrations while drinking "beer (non-alcoholic).


I can enjoy the music while creating it, and since I only need to deliver it just before the Web release, I have relatively more time to spare.

子どもころ「作文」と「絵」が大嫌いだったこの私が ―― 予想もしなかった未来にやって来たようです。

I hated writing and drawing as a child, but now I've arrived at a future I never expected.


I sometimes wonder what I would be doing in a world where computers didn't exist, but I can't imagine what I would be doing at all.

2020-12-20 なにしろ、江端家家長(私)が、『このような状態がインモラルである』などと1mmも思っていないからです。 [長年日記]


In the Ebata family's living room,


My junior daughter was watching Youtube on her phone.

■長女が、パソコンでAmazon Primeを見ながら、スマホでYoutubeを見て、

My senior daughter was watching Amazon Prime on her computer and Youtube on her phone.


My wife, while listening to the audio transmitted by the FM transmitter, watched the TV that was farthest away from the kitchen.





I bring my tablet into the bathroom to watch the news.


No one is using earphones.

この段階で、リビングの中だけでも、4つの異なる音声が存在している訳ですが ―― 江端家では、この4つが自然に共存しています。

At this stage, there are four different voices in the living room alone -- in the Ebata family, these four voices coexist naturally.


これは、「新型コロナ感染を防止する、家庭内3密防止対策」を狙ったもの ―― ではありません。

This is not aimed at the "three close preventive measures in the home to prevent new coronary infections".


In the Ebata family, this has been the default state for some time.


After all, the patriarch of the Ebata family (it's me) doesn't believe that such a situation is immoral, not even a millimeter.



As a result, I think this is one of the use cases to respond to the Japan Medical Association's current call for maximum vigilance:


"I want you to take all the measures you can, one by one"


2020-12-21 『みんな、もう、腹をくくろう』 [長年日記]

―― 良い来年を迎える為に、今は我慢の時です

"Now is the time to be patient so that we can have a good next year!"


This was shouted in the spring and summer.


And now...

―― 良い2021年にするために、今は我慢の時です

"Now is the time to be patient so that we can have a good 2021"



Well, I think the critical difference between now and when the emergency was declared is that the "new corona cure" and the "new corona vaccine" are now in scope.


Indeed, if these are developed, we can go back to the time when there was no new coronavirus, "to some extent".



However, I feel nervous.


I can't help but be concerned about the unusually strong infectivity of this virus.


Besides, viruses have a strategy of surviving by mutating.


Even if a "new corona cure" and a "new corona vaccine" are installed, I don't think the virus can be completely eradicated.


Ultimately, I believe that these effects come down to a "matter of proportion".


The "matter of proportion" is "the number of sick must be controlled to the extent that it does not cause medical collapse"


だから ――

So, I think that


From now on, we will live our whole life in such a way that "being alone" is "daily life" and "gathering with others" is "extraordinary life".


"Let's face it, people"


I think it's okay to start saying things like that now.



Oh, I just saw the news that 'approval of Avigan until the end of this year, has been postponed'.


One more thing broke my heart.

2020-12-22 『それが現在では"共感" ―― というか"空気"と呼ぶものが、"批判"のベースとなった』 [長年日記]


I think I once wrote somewhere that "parents are relieved when their children are just reading a printed book".


So ,I think I also gave children some advice

―― 子どもは、親を安心させるためだけでいいから、活字の本を読んでいるフリをしろ

"Children should pretend to be reading a print book, if only to reassure their parents."



In the first place, the idea that "young people are losing interest in print" is also quite spurious.


Even reading articles on their phone requires print. In the first place, social networking sites, where messages are exchanged in print rather than spoken, are difficult in their own way.


I believe that the younger generation is more familiar with the fear of trouble caused by printed matter.


昨日、件(くだん)の「無礼な後輩」と電話で話をしてたのですが ――

Yesterday, I was on the phone with this "rude junior"...


"It used to be that a man who could criticize another had to be intelligent and well-informed enough to do so"


『それが現在では"共感" ―― というか"空気"と呼ぶものが、"批判"のベースとなった』

It is now "sympathy"--or rather, what we call "atmosphere"--that has become the basis for "criticism"


We agreed that this is right (maybe).



This is an unfortunate time for intellectuals (in a good way).


The "intellectual elite" have been defeated by the "you-know-who" who can read the "atmosphere"


There is no prospect of reinstatement for the intellectual elite.


"By reading a lot of books, you can become an intelligent person, and if you become an intelligent person, you can have a good life (education, job, etc.)"


This paradigm is already unreasonable.


Rather, people who live by their senses and intuition, without knowledge or intellect, sometimes seem happier.


If that is the case, one of the ways to become a winner in life may be 'not learning'.


(To be continued)

2020-12-23 「この勉強は楽しい」「あの勉強はエキサイティングだ」「あの教科、もう一度回すぜ!」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


An elementary school student is claiming on YouTube that he doesn't need to study because they have the Internet.


Of course, as an adult, I may be able to say something gloomy, but at this point, I have no opinion on the matter.


He is a unique subject for me to experiment on.

彼が「将来、惨めな人生を送ることになっても」、あるいは、彼が「将来、勉強不要論を立証して見せた」としても、あるいは、全く別の人生を歩んだとしても ――

If he ends up living a miserable life in the future, or if he proves that he doesn't need to study in the future, or if he leads a completely different life,


I don't care of him.


His life-long experiment is all for my benefit.


Because I can get one of the data from the social demonstration experiment.


I'd rather see a thousand such children appear on the scene.


The more samples of data I have, the more helpful it will be.



The purpose of study is discussed in phrase of

- 知的エリートになるとか、ならないとか、

- To be or not to be an intellectual elite.

- 良い人生を送る手段になるとか、ならないとか

- To be or not be a way to lead a good life.



- ネット時代において有用/不要なものなのか、

- To be useful or unnecessary in the Internet era



I think this is inevitable.



But as for me...


"This study is fun," "That study is exciting," "I'll turn that subject around again!


It would be nice if studying could be talked about like an attraction at Disneyland...however,


Basically, "study" is a synonym for "suffering.

2020-12-24 ―― どうも、「リア充」というのも、100%無条件に幸せというものではないようだ [長年日記]

私のクリスマスは呪われている ―― という思い込みが、単なる記憶の紐付けであることは知っていますが、

Christmas is cursed -- I know that my belief is just a memory string, however, I

- had written a patent (patent specification).

- 国外に飛ばされていたり、

- had sent out of the country.

- 屋外で震えながらシステムのチューニングしていたり、

- had been outdoors, shivering, tuning my system.


I haven't been able to tie them to a very good memory.


This year,

- 2時間おきに目覚ましをかけて、シミュレータの再起動コマンドの投入の繰り返し

- I was repeatedly waking up every two hours and throwing the simulator restart command.




People seem to refer to people who have real boyfriends, girlfriends, and lovers as "real people" as a general term.

―― どうも、「リア充」というのも、100%無条件に幸せというものではないようだ

"However, the real people is not always perfect happy"


Whenever I look at my two daughters, I think that.


Especially in the midst of this corona disaster, the form of "love" will be asked to change its behavior.


The descriptions in the traditional "dating books" will not be able to handle this at all.


In this unprecedented time in human history, they have no choice but to pioneer a new "mode of love behavior" on their own.



"Well, good luck with you" I thought, cheering them and eating the cake.

2020-12-25 私は、日本の神様(天皇陛下のご先祖)が、結構「ポンコツ」だったという話が、結構好きです。 [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (9) Blockchain(3)

Japan's premier blockchain is the world's longest-running system



This time, unusually, I touched on Japanese mythology, but of course, I knew nothing about Japanese mythology.


To be honest, I know more about the Old Testament and the New Testament (somewhat).


So, I referred to the instruction book this time.

This is the book.


I love this book so much, I brought it into the bathroom and I think I have reread it about 100 times already.


Thanks to this book, I fell in love with the stories of Kojiki and Japanese mythology.


I was running around and taking pictures all over Izumo Taisha.

特に、宝物殿の中で見た、模型の古代の出雲大社本殿(高さは現在の4倍、約96mあった(仮説))の模型や、その根拠となる「古代御本殿心御柱」の遺跡は ―― 正直「震え」ました。

In particular, the model of the ancient main shrine of Izumo Taisha (which was four times as tall as the current one, about 96 meters (hypothetical)) and the remains of the "Ancient Main Shrine Heart Pillar" that formed the basis for the model in the Treasure Hall -- honestly, I was shaken.


I also enjoyed the Shimane Prefectural Museum of Ancient Izumo History. The "Bronzes and Golden Daggers" was particularly impressive.

それに、―― 趣味が悪いと言われるかもしれるかもしれませんが ―― 私、人様の絵馬を読むのが大好きです。

In addition, this may sound like bad taste, but I love to read other people's Ema(votive tablets).

The Ema (votive picture tablet) at Izumo Taisha, the "largest matchmaking shrine in Japan," was full of "outrageous descriptions" as I expected.


という訳で、今回、私は、「天皇制 = 与信システム」という論を展開したのですが、そういう話がなくても、日本神話は「なかなか、イケているコンテンツ」です。

This time, I developed the theory that "the Emperor System = Credit System". Even without such a story, Japanese mythology is "pretty cool content"


I quite like the fact that the Japanese gods (the emperor's ancestors) were quite "clunky".

お正月に神社を参拝する時に「どの神様が祭られているか」を知るだけでも、楽しさが何倍にも増幅されると思います 。

When you visit a shrine on New Year's Day, just knowing which deity is worshipped there will amplify your enjoyment many times over.

2020-12-26 ―― お前は、他人を多様性のある他人として認めることができず、すぐに「纏めよう」としたがる、低能で単純なバカだよな [長年日記]


The other day, I learned about the word "asexual" in a comic book.


So I asked my family if they knew about "asexual".


My wife and senior daughter (college student) didn't know, but my junior daughter (high school student) did.


(1) "Sex" is a sex difference on a biological level


(2) "Gender" is a cultural sex difference


(3) "Sexuality" is a combination of the two, plus gender differences that include reproduction, pleasure, love, and self-expression.


Well, I have some knowledge that the so-called "LGBT" refers to the above (3).


Recently, abbreviations with more acronyms such as "LGBTQIA" are being used.

- クエスチョニング


- クィア


- インターセックス


- アセクシュアル



There seems to be others.



What is asexual?


Asexuality is a sexuality in which a person is unable to have romantic feelings or feel sexual desire for another person.



It seems that friendship and love for friends and family are normal, but "romantic feelings and sexual desire" are weak or absent.


I thought I knew a lot about the diversity of sexual directions (vectors).


However, the fact that the vector was "small or absent" was completely unexpected.


I've been neglecting my studies here lately, and I'm feeling a little sorry for that.



I am a person who likes to eat alone, but that does not mean that I am a person who loves solitude.


However, I do understand the discomfort of being "summarized easily" this.


I may never understand asexuality itself.


However, I believe that I can understand the discomfort of being "summarized easily" into some category for being asexual.



I will tell the guy who wants to be "summarized easily", with saying "Ebata is a person like that"

―― お前は、他人を多様性のある他人として認めることができず、すぐに「纏めよう」としたがる、低能で単純なバカだよな

"You're an incompetent and simple idiot who can't recognize others as "diversified others", and wants to get together right away."


I don't hesitate to make him or her "summarize easily".

2020-12-27 いずれにしても、私、「岩波、中公、講談、ちくま、あたりの本を理解するために、全力を尽す」などということに、1mmの価値も見い出せません。 [長年日記]


My junior daughter likes "well-cooked beef.


My wife likes "ripe persimmons".


So, in the end, they are doomed to be defeated in the "battle for the meat of the all-you-can-eat sukiyaki" or the "battle for the high-grade persimmons that were sent to them as gifts.


In other words, the strategy of "take your time and wait" is no match for the strategy of "take what you can get it fast".



The study period I allow for my series of columns is less than a month (I need about 6 working days to write).


So, from someone who has studied the subject thoroughly, the content of my column may seem


(1) The accuracy of the information is low.


(2) The number of items in the study area is limited.


(3) The content of the discussion is thin.

かもしれません ―― というか、まあ、確実にそうでしょう。

They will be for sure.

つまり、その分野に10年以上もかけて検討している人に勝るような内容にならない ―― というのは良く分かっています。

In other words, my column is not as good as those who have spent 10 years or more examining the field -- I know that well.

よく分かっているのですが ――

I know exactly what I'm doing. I also think that


"I wonder why so many (x all) books of Iwanami, Chuko, Kodan, Chikuma are so hard to read and so unenjoyable?"


私が、3回以上読み直ししなければ分からない本というのは、"知のキャリア"としては失敗しているのじゃないかとさえ思います ―― もっとも「私にとっては」という意味で、ですが。

I think any book that I have to reread more than three times to understand is a failure, just for me.


Well, let's just say that I, as a receptor, am ignorant, illiterate, and uneducated.


Anyway, I don't find even a millimeter of value in "doing my best to understand books from Iwanami, Chuko, Kodan, Chikuma, and so on.


I would choose to read 10 or more simple, easy to understand books for fun.


"Hard reading" is the worst use of time in life.


(To be continued)

2020-12-28 私は、子どもたちに、常に「7~8割で切り上げよ。決して100%を目指すな」と言い聞かせてきました。 [長年日記]


(To be continued)


I have said to my daughters that "Never aim '100%". satisfy '70%-80%' again and again.


This means


(1)spended time from 0% to 80%


(2)spended time from 80% to 95%


(3)spended time from 95% to 100%


are almost same, and this is common sence of mathematical statistics.


I think "after satifying '70%-80%', do many what I want to do"


A person who says "making you a master is meaningful" is always a success.


I think that we should not hear the voices of "making you a master is meaningful " of the success, because the success ignores enoumous numbers of "unsuccessful master".



Thus, "100%" is a combination of "slow","hard" and "discomfort". I think we shold not aim to that.


I also think that "100%" is a just result to "keep enjoying alone".



In conclusion,


- my daughter should go to "all-you-can-eat sukiyaki" alone.


- my wife should get high-grade persimmons in her room


These are correct answers.

2020-12-29 こんなちゃちなペルソナではなく、もっと、複雑で、動的で、理不尽で、不条理な、そんな人間のエージェントオブジェクトを、自分のパソコンの中に作り出したいのです。 [長年日記]

I've been writing about money (credit) in a big way over here.


But in fact, the root of all this knowledge is actually these animations.

- Maou-Yu The Demon King & hero

- Wolf and Spice


私は、これらのアニメから貨幣について学んだ ―― のではありません。

I did not learn about money from these animations.



これらのアニメについて、以前も言及してきましたが、私には、よく分からなかったのですよ ――

I've mentioned these animations before, however, I didn't really understand


the roles and functions of the multiple currencies that appear in the anime.


I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to understand at least what the main character of an anime is talking about. The bitcoin and blockchain stuff came to me, so I am learning about them.



But it's still totally "far away".


Money and economics are completely inexplicable because of the non-linear and absurd involvement of the mechanisms of the human mind, which cannot be calculated.


That's why I want to simulate a "human".

I want to create a more complex, dynamic, unreasonable, and absurd human agent object in my computer, rather than this tiny persona.


(It's not something dubious called "artificial intelligence," but an agent based on object-oriented programming.)

ただ、この研究、結構な予算が必要そうな上、その投資を回収するモデルが、どうにも思いつかないんですよね ―― 色々、姑息なことはやっていますけどね。

But this research is going to require a lot of money, and I can't think of any model to recover that investment. I'm doing a lot of makeshift, though.

2020-12-30 ―― 正月の過し方が分からん [長年日記]


This year, due to the new Corona disaster, neither my wife's Kyushu area team nor my Tokai area team (just me) will be able to go home.


This is the first year end and beginning of the year when the family will spend time together at home.

―― 正月の過し方が分からん

"I don't know how to spend the New Year"


What are the dishes for New Year's and the end of the year?


I'm in a panic, making mail-order reservations for Osechi and searching for a fish shop in my neighborhood using Google Maps.


これまでの年末年始は、実家で、掃除して、料理して、でもって、持ち込んだパソコン一式で、プログラム、コラム執筆して、してと ―― まあ、かなり忙しい日々を送っていたものです。

So far, I've spent the New Year's holidays at my parents' house, cleaning, cooking, and programming, writing columns, using a set of computers I brought.


But now, as for me, I'm still moving around, for whatever I can.

私が、「のんびりした正月」を体験できないのは、「私の環境」 ―― というよりは、「私の資質」に因るところが大きいようです。

The reason why I can't experience a "relaxed New Year's" seems to be largely due to my environment -- or rather, my qualities.


Well, I guess that means I'm still the same no matter where I am.

2020-12-31 このように、私の回りに限っても、これだけの想像もしなかった世界が出現しました。 [長年日記]


I have been forced my behavior change for this year.


About my private life in this year, there are the following issues.


(1) They wouldn't let me come to work.


(2) I've found that I can have a meeting remotely without business trips.


(3) The whole family started to eat dinner together.

(4) Two 60cm x 60cm acrylic plates have been permanently installed on the table in my living room.


(5) When I saw the images of last year's naked dance festival and the rush to return home on TV, I was astonished (and muttered, "Really?)




As an IT engineer and a believer in democracy,


(6) The acquisition of personal information by the state is supported/welcomed by the public (e.g., contact infection applications).


(7) Socialist countries are more capable of suppressing viral infections than democratic countries.


These were shocking incidents.



In this way, even in my immediate surroundings, a world that I had never imagined has emerged.


In addition, in the last few days,I was also surprised by the fact that

A column I released in March of this year is now back in the ranks.




In this year, the world has been forcibly rewritten by the Corona disaster.


I don't think it's possible to return to the world before the corona disaster.

コロナ禍中、またはコロナ禍後の世界をどうやって生きるか ―― 来年は、これまで以上に、それを問われる一年になると思います。

How to live in the world during and after the corona disaster? I believe that next year will be a year in which we will be asked this question more than ever before.