
2013-12-01 もうノリは、るろうに剣心の「四乃森蒼紫」です。 [長年日記]


Recently, I wrote that I bought some old books from used book stores.


I noticed at this time of day, that some of the used books are not worth reading until the end of pages, because the books were sold off.


In my opinion, many of the old books were read one third of the total.


I could find it from fill-in or stains.



What I did is to throw the books into the wastebasket.


As a matter of courtesy, I used to read the whole pages of the book.

「何も捨てなくても」という意見もあるかと思いますが、流通経路に載せ る前に、この本を自らの手で抹消しなければ、という使命感に狩られます。

Though some persons might say "you don't have to act like this", I believe that I have to make the book extinct with my own hands.



"So, I do away with the evil outlaws into the darkness. This is my final mission as a leader of covert intelligence security agent.”  


I do fancy myself as Aoshi-Shinomori in Ruroni-Kenshin

2013-12-02 ―― 米国! よけいなことをするな!! これは我が国の誇りの問題だ [長年日記]


The other day, I happened to listen to the music, "This is the happiness and safe committee" presented by Hatsune Miku just for 15 seconds.


Before listening to the whole music, I want to appear my impressions of the song.


In short, I think the content of the song is the book "1984" written by George Orwell, which criticizes the totalitarianism of USSR.


Great Mike! She has always reached the communism criticism.


If she were born in 1960 or 1970 era of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, she should have make her emotional prop.


Now, how would you like this illusion of mine?



So, according to Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, US seem to have been helping Japan for territorial dispute of China.

―― 米国! よけいなことをするな!! これは我が国の誇りの問題だ

Does anyone shouts "Leave me alone! It is none of your business.”?


I don't find any documents whose tone of the above phase at the moment.


Do you know the papers?

2013-12-03 「超開運パワーストーンでぐんぐん幸せになる本!」というのを買ってみようかと思っているんですよ。 [長年日記]


I am going to buy the book whose title is "Super good-luck power stones make you happier and happier".


I would like tell you "shriek of my joy" on my blog site.


Yes, I am really exhausted from the fiscal and mental stresses.


今朝、出勤の時、電車内の朝日新聞のデジタル広告『あなたはたった ふた駅でTPPに詳しい人物になれる。』

This morning, I saw the advertisement of "ASAHI Digital Newspaper in the train, which said “You make you a specialist of TPP during passing through just the two stations"

―― 私は、もの凄く勉強したつもりでいて、それでも、まだ詳しいとはとても言えんけどなー などと。

In my case, I did study it very hard, but I never think that I made me a specialist of TPP at all.


Yes, I am really tired.

2013-12-04 この時期の高校生くらいのカップルは、観察していて大変楽しい。 [長年日記]


When I have a lot of chance of business trip recently, I notice that

―― 冬場になると、イチャつくカップルが増える

More and more lovey-dovey couples increase in winter season.


I think the word "increase" is not enough but "increase explosively".


I can see some couples as pretty as a picture through the year. But the distinguished point is "not pretty couples" also take part in the category.


One of the reasons might be that Christmas day is coming soon.


As a matter of Christmas, the above my column is my favorite. If a publishing company hopes to run it, I am going to allow it to re-open the article without fees.



During this cold period, it seems not to be odd to walk greasy (?), some of them might be afraid of the event of Christmas.



I like to observe high-school couples in this season.


The boy looks like to want keeping in touch with the girl, so he is trying to give her back or hip touch, or to hesitate the action.

「おい! そこのカップル。これでも飲め!」 と、暖かい缶コーヒーを二つ、彼らに投げたくなるような、可愛らしさです。

I want to throw two canned coffees to them with saying "Hey you! Drink them!!"


I don't care whether their naive relationship changes to distributive something.



Now I think all we have to do is take advantage of anything that ranges from English speaking school to the Christmas event.


If the government invests the cost against the society with fewer children, I think "that is it".

2013-12-05 勝手に思い込んでガッカリしている私が悪いだけです。 [長年日記]

私は、アニメ「シュタインズゲート」を見たとき、アニメというのは、全てこのような凄い作品ばかりなのか? と思いこみました。

When I watched the animation "STEINS;GATE", I was astonish at the concept of the worldview. I assumed any animation produced in Japan, is likely to be excellent.


I was very excited that "Now! The paradigm shift is coming here!"


Now I understand that was my misunderstanding.


Recently, I used to watching the initial program of animation only and completing it.

2009年頃、韓国歴史ドラマ「大王四神記」を見たとき、韓流ドラマといういのは、全てこのように凄い作品ばかりなのか? と思いこみました。

In the 2009, I watched the Korea historical program "King and four guardian gods", and I was also surprised at the worldview. I also assumed any Korean work is likely to be fantastic.


Now I also understand that was my misunderstanding too.



Neither Animation nor Korean program is wrong. The only man to be blamed is ME, who had his own illusion and was discouraged by himself.


Above and beyond this.



Now the second daughter begins to study Japanese history, and she is working the Japanese ancient period.


In order to organize her international history understanding, the Ebata's restart the watching "King and four guardian gods" by rental DVD.


That is just our excuse. We remembered the excited stories in the 2009, and want to watch them again.


Now there are three chances to watch them in a week, at Saturday dinner time, Sunday lunch and dinner time.



The other day, I missed one story because of my holiday work.


My wife asked me to follow the program absolutely, but I always have no time to watch TV seriously, so I answered "No problem for me to skip it".


She insisted on saying "it is unforgivable behavior!" in a rage.

一家の家長に対して、この敬意の表れ。さすがは、我が妻 ―― と、久々に惚れ直してしまっているところに、付け加えて言われました。

"The honor for the head of family" It's great! Well done, my wife!!

When I fallen in love with my wife again, she said


"Too rude manner against Mr.YON!"

2013-12-06 私は、「シュタインズゲート」という、そのコンセプト自体を愛しているのです。 [長年日記]

「シュタインズゲート」の実写舞台化 ―― うーん、ギャグとしては最大級の楽しさだ。「その方、褒めてとらす」と思っていたのですが。

The theater adaptation of "Steins;Gate”? O.K. It is a nice gag story. I give you a compliment --- I thought.




It is great!



I love not just the contents but the concept of "Steins;Gate" I don't care the live-action, theater-action and others at all.


In spite of something of the character images, the love of mine toward "Steins;Gate" is not fragile.

様々なメディアで、色々な表現で、カモン! オールオッケーですよ。あと100年は、この話が続いて欲しいものです。

Any media, any presentation will be good as long as I live. I want to be going to keep this trend for 100 years at least.


O.K.! Let me get the ticket! Where can I do?


It has been finished.

2013-12-07 私は、ついに、納豆を手に取ることができなかった。 [長年日記]


I love "curry and rice". It is not familiar that the food was produced in Japan for the first time, not India.


I was convinced the theory. In fact, I saw Indian curry and rice in India more than twenty years ago.


I also love the food "Natto". When I was in the college in Kansai area, some of my friend made fun of me that I kept eating putrilags.


It is good that Natto is inexpensive.


Whenever I see the price tags of "natto" and "bean sprout", I am encouraged that two foods will save money for my old age.



I love eating the curry and rice, adding raw egg, croquette, hamburger and many pickled shallots.


I float some side dish on the sea of curry soup, and the status keeps fluid change.


Especially, looking at yellow of an egg flows over the sea and expands the contaminated zone, I find out the change of a sort of political geopolitics.


I eat the worldview including "Senkaku" and "Takeshima" on the curry soup.


Curry and rice is a kind of intelligent meal, and the effectiveness is to grow up important talent like a ballplayer "Ichiro" and null talent like me.



The other day , I found the man put natto into the curry at company cafeteria.


That convinced me that it must be evolutional delicious.


Last day, I ordered the curry and rice again, and get a raw egg, a croquette, a vegetable salad, but

―― 納豆を手に取ることができなかった。

I could not get natto.


"Curry and rice" and "natto".


I could neither integrate two foods nor reconstruct the new curry. I could not proceed to a new undiscovered frontier.



私にこそ、この言葉が相応わしい ―― と、今でも落ち込んでいます。

I was so discouraged, thinking "The word is suitable for me".

2013-12-08 『右の頬を打たれたら、やめる』 [長年日記]


There is a popular education ways that is "Scolding intentionally to make their motivation"


I think this way is obsolete currently.


I believe the saying "Scolding on intentionally to make their motivation" is just excuse for inefficient teachers and trainers.


To begin with, I think that the way is no longer effective.



Gospel according to St. Matthew says that "Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."


The other day, my colleague told me the nice following,


In my opinion, "Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, I stop it."


It is Nice.


I also do same things, never struggle against the scolding.


It's too much of a bother.

2013-12-09 「逆上がり」ができるかどうか、というのは、はっきりいって「どうでもいいこと」です。 [長年日記]


A junior school is located next my company.


The kids are playing on the ground under a boiling sun, or in blowing a cold wind.


I refused to obey the order, though I don't know whether the kids enjoy playing on the ground.


I can come to a conclusion that the reason why I have been complete as the men who always run away from anything with giving excuses was be on such junior school's educational curriculum.



I feel pains whenever I see the assist equipment of "forward upward circling".


Now, some children were suffering from the stupid education curriculum.



To be able to, or not be able to do "forward upward circling" is not worth discussing.


In fact, most parts of the world are made by "trivial matters".


The trivial matters are made of logical or nonlogical matters.


For example, "trimming" is classified with both "trivial matter" and "logical matters".


For example, "working efficiency", "barrier free" and "esthetic preference" and so on.


No matter whether it is true or not, it becomes valuable of ordinal activity if it is explicite logical and refutable theory.



How about "forward upward circling”?


It is both "trivial matter" and "nonlogical matter".

無理して「論理付け」するとすれば、―― 突然、橋が崩れ落ちて、そこに掴まった友人を、『ファイトー!』『いっぱーつ!!』と言いながら、引き上げられるだけの、腕力を付ける ―― ということでしょうか。

If I try to make the logical story beyond the reason, it should make your arm muscle in order to draw up your friend who is climbing the broken bridge, saying "Fighttttt!" "Ippa----tsu"


To tell you the truth, the correct answer is not to approach the danger bridge, from the view of an educational point or a caution sign.



I want the administrators to adopt the explicit logical and refutable tools as educational materials.



I would like to make the national administrators understand the following that producing a lot of workaholic who avoids child care, and contributes aging society with fewer children.

2013-12-10 「あたしって、ほんとバカ」というフレーズが、娘の逆鱗に触れました。 [長年日記]


In my serialized column, there is a phase that,


"Tomoichi Ebata was a conceited jerk"



To tell you the truth, I wrote a different phase in the draft edition.


"I was so stupid (by Sayaka Miki)"



I incurred the wrath of my daughter, who was the second grade of junior high.

―― 「まどか☆マギカ」の著作を著しく毀損する

She thought that this phase must insult the spirit of "Madoka Magica".



She shouted "write it up immediately”, threatening not to provide any illustration more.



Though I always stick to my first edition and seldom change the contents of my works, I couldn't help obey my daughter's command at that time.

2013-12-11 私は今、真の「保守勢力」による政党の政権奪還を望んでいます。 [長年日記]


When the present regime regained control at the last selection, I changed my claim "Save the article 9 of the Constitution" to "please keep the article 9 the 2nd section" with toned-down.


See below.

■「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (前編)

The day that she told me the need of a constitutional amendment of the article 9 (1/3)


I concentrate the stop of the constitutional amendment, so I didn't care of that blocking passage of a bill of "special national security laws". Of course, I have already read the whole article.


Though some persons were unaware of the following, the three principles banning the export of weapons have started to be reviewed (not yet).



I am a genuine conservative person, so I don't like to change anything that I don't want to change in Japan.


I feel uncomfortable that my conservative policies are sheltered by opposition and liberal parties. It is so ironically.


I think that the present regime try to build new work frame of Japan, like the group of young military officers at "2.26" affair.

―― なんで、あんなに、無駄に元気いいんだ、今の政権党。

Why is the present regime so powerful unnecessarily?



I hope the true conservative party is going to regain control of power.


For example, speaking on a soapbox,

「何も変えません! 今の枠組みを維持します!」と公言し、

"We don't change anything! We do keep the framework in Japan!!"


"According to the present domestic and international aspects, we do patchwork, backward and default way perfectly".

そういうメッセージを発信してくれる政党です。そんでもって、―― 私なら、絶対に一票入れる。

I want to need the party as above, and I absolutely vote the party.

2013-12-12 最高裁初判断「性別変更した男性と、精子提供の子は父子」が持つ、凄い意義 [長年日記]


Now I am writing some columns as the subtitle of "Calculation of marriage".


This is the latest one.


One after this month, I am going to write the difference between "pro forma marriage by law" and "de facto marriage".


The day before yesterday, a perfect Supreme Court ruling came out in order to explain the above difference.

The relationship between a man who change the gender and the children who was provided by a third person is “father and child” by The Supreme Court's first decision


This judgment has provided us with tremendous interesting three topics as follows.


(1)Legal position of the person who are GLBT persons after treatment


(2)Artificial insemination of using the sperm of a third person.

(3)民法772条の父親の「推定」の意味 (法律用語としての「推定」の話)

(3)Meaning of the father of Civil Code Article 772 of the "estimated" as a legal term


I am going to publish serially about the above topics, please look forward to reading my columns.

2013-12-13 『リア英』と『プア英』 [長年日記]


Recently, I write the English translations for my daily column, but I have deep reasons for this my actions.


The reason is going to open to my serialized column of 「Not loved by English」at the 16th this month.


By the way, the above criticize of this putting down with English sentences, become more and more burned day by day.


The other day I asked the editor office to offer a new column about these problems, because they were very terrible, and more over, they were interesting.




"Mr.Ebata. You are "REA-EI". You live in another world that differs from our "POR-EI" world.


Um? What does "REA-EI", "POR-EI" stand for?


"REA-EI" stands for "Real English", that means the persons who are really loved by English. The other hand, "POR-EI" is "Poor English". That is "US". We can use really poor English only.


That is your misunderstanding. I am not "REA-EI" but "POR-EI" truly.


That's it, Mr.Ebata. The persons of "REA-EI" incline to cling to an idea that "I am POR-EI". And I want the person to be blasted perfectly, and disgust us "POR-EI".


I was shocked to hear his talk, feeling identity crisis.


How do I express the collapse of my spirit?

―― 実は私には出生の秘密があって、『実は今上天皇陛下のお子であり、皇位継承権第一位の皇子なのだ』 ―― と言われたくらいの、衝撃でした。

For example, "In fact, I am a son of His Majesty the Emperor, and a prince who is the first in the succession line"

「・・・この私が、『リア英』?」―― という話を含めて、いろいろな『プア英』『プア英』が満載となるコラムとなる予定なんですよ。

The above story including, I want to write the new column about a full of "REA-EI", "POR-EI".


ね、読みたいでしょ? 皆さん。

How do you like to read the column?


Yes. I want to write it down soon too.

2013-12-14 私は、こういう見え透いたお世辞が ―― 大好きなんです。 [長年日記]


The old days, a colleague who had worked in a factory asked me to explain a kind of network technologies.


Speaking of network technologies, It is Mr.Ebata. Speaking to Mr.Ebata, it is network technologies.

私は、こういう見え透いたお世辞が ―― 大好きなんです。

I do like any more fawning compliments like that.


"O.K. How about video teleconference system?


I answered.



When I started up the video teleconference system, there were at least five persons in high position, for example, division manager, technical manager and so on, though the colleague was absent with a cold.


I had thought that we had a chat about technology topics over a cup of coffee, so, of course, I had no preparation for them.

―― はめられた



I thought that is might be inevitable, but it was an unfaithful act without notices before.


Any contents of presentation should be changed by the person ranks, experiments and the number of attendant.


Especially, a person in high position knows well or doesn't know at all the special field of the technology, so I had to prepare unidirectional material before the meeting.



If Some people said "The guy whose name is Ebata was not good at the presentation", my reputation seems to be going down dynamically.


In spite of an engineer, I am just a salaried employee.

2013-12-15 もう一度、あの日の恐怖を思い出してみましょう。 [長年日記]


I read letters of the law whose name is "Basic law of national land enhancement".


At the first glance, it looks like monotony law, but it is really interesting from the view of another aspect.

At the first glance, it looks like monotony law, but it is really interesting from the view of another aspect.


Though some analysts tell us that this law results the compartmentalized public administration, I think it is opposite; the compartmentalized public administration was defined by the law.


I estimated that the population in Japan becomes decreasing 20% of the present after 100 years ago, I am afraid that we have to emigrate to urban area and integrate social infrastructures.


I mean, "Discarding rural areas". I think it is a final decision in order to survive this country. But this law says the opposition against my opinion(Article 2: multiple cities)


On the other hand, the law also defines the three decentralized areas "Tokyo metropolitan district", "Osaka metropolitan district", and "Chuubu metropolitan district"(Article 8).

―― という話を、後輩にしたところ、

I told the above issudes to a junior fellow,

後輩:「江端さん。そりゃ分散のアプローチが間違っていませんか? 南海トラフで、その3つの分散は、纏めて全滅ですよ」

Ebata-san, There seems to be wrong approach, I think. The big earthquake in pacific zone will hit the three areas at the same time.


Probably I think they estimate not to do simultaneously. If I were an administration, I am going to define four areas, "Sapporo", "Tokyo", "Takamatsu" and "Fukuoka".


Obviously, if there were "discarding rural areas" included in the law, the Diet not just refuse the bill, but also upset the regime.

それに、まだ「地域を切り捨てる」という決断をするには早いかもしれません。少子化の問題だって、何かの奇跡が起きて、持ち直すかもしれないじゃないですか ―― その奇跡に、全く心辺りがないとしても、です。

And it seems to be too early to judge it. The problem of society with fewer children might be resolved in some miracle works -- I don't know them at all.

_ -----


The reason why I investigate the law is to make proposal material of the system against some kind of disasters in Japan mainland.


I strongly introduce you to read the following paper.


You must be excited, more than crisis novels around you.


特に、地震直後に、停電→テレビ・ラジオ・PC全滅→情報ゼロ という状況は、リアルです。

Especially, the story of blackout, inactivate of TV, radio, and PC and no information is very real.


In the day of the earthquake disaster, the cell radio is the last straw.


This is a good change. Let us try to remember the fear of the day.

2013-12-16 『リア嬢』と『プア嬢』 [長年日記]


The day before yesterday, I went to furniture merchandising store after an absence of several years to buy the second daughter's chest.


I have only three blue jeans, three shirts and two cardigans, two jackets all year. As far as I am concerned, I can't understand my wife's concept of clothes store,

―― 私は、嫁さんを信じているので、きっと意味はあるのだ

I believe that the concept must be meaningful, because I believe in my wife.





When I came back home, my wife told me "The cake of the shop is good", "The pudding in the store is excellent" with viewing retails along the road.


When I hear her phase "The Japanese cracker is wonderful"


I caught my breath.

―― もしかして、我が妻は『リア嬢』ではないかと。

She might be a "REA-JYO" isn't she?

「リア王」ではないですよ。「リア嬢」―― リアルお嬢様、です。

Not Lear-Ou(King Lear) but REA-JYO. It means a girl of the rich.


It is very easy to tell us some brands of cake, or names of nice restaurant in Paris as latecomers.

そういう、できあいの上品さは、しょせんは「ガラスの仮面」であり、その程度のお嬢様とは「プア嬢」―― プアお嬢様なのですよ。

Such an extemporaneous chastity can be made easily. It is so called "glass mask", and the girl is a just "POR-JYO" that means a girl of the poor, after all.



"How did you get such a delicious Japanese cracker on earth?


Un? My mother bought them as usual in my childhood".


That's it.


Do you make the image of daily scenery, with such a brand food as usual?


The name of the brand Japanese cracker never appears in our daily life, when we eat the crackers just once a year, for year-end gift-giving, for example.


―― そうか、私は「リア嬢」と結婚してたのか

I have got married "REA-JYO".


Though I was overcome by deep emotion,


My wife abandoned the value of the brand "REA-JYO" by herself when she was selected by me.

2013-12-17 ようやく「カモ」から卒業した私は、「ニューズウィーク日本版」を日本語で読んでいます。 [長年日記]


Last October, I moved to another section, and I found "Newsweek (in Japanese edition) " in the shared area. I read the past issues every day.



I have a bitter memory about "Newsweek".


After entering the college, I was a new fresh student in the full of hope, and I believed that I had to study English very hard.


Recklessly, I admitted the annual subscription of "Newsweek (in English edition)".


It went without saying that the result.


Many Newsweek not be opened at all had been stacked on the floor.


Now the business like that, is going strong, that targets young guys who cannot grasp their English performances by themselves, and are full of reckless hope.


I had been a top of the sucker list, and the sales reprehensive had not be able to stop laughing.


After joining the company, whenever I found English-language newspaper in my co-worker's post in the dormitory, I was afraid that the victim was in here.


Now some economy newspaper company did some business using commercial messages.




After about 30 years ago, I was graduated from the sucker list and read "Newsweek in Japanese edition" everyday.


Though I know the reason why I couldn't read the magazine was the luck of my English performance, even if I had the performance, the result was same.

―― 内容がつまらん。



Am I interested in "U.S. president current", "Economy in the U.S", "Middle East situation" and "terror attack" ?


First of all, the contents were not suitable for me.


Though "computer", "control network", "GPS" might catch me, it was also meaningless for me in campus life.



This sucker list business should be criticized violently, but none of them accuse the business.


Whoever tries to accuse the company, with saying,

―― お前のところの雑誌、私には一行も読めんぞ!

"I can't read just one line in your magazine."?


2013-12-18 メリハリが大切だ、とよく言われますが、これって本当なのでしょうか? [長年日記]


Some persons always tell us "Making sharp in my life is important". Is it true story?


Though I am a research engineer who engage in make a new idea of technology and try to realize the idea, I have no experiment to do them during working time.


Let me pick the places where I spark an idea.


The path between my home and the train station,



Ugh. I don't pick them anymore.


Come to think of it, one is the Disney Land. I don't like to get in line, so I used to write a patent description in my head.


I can tell you that I have never reached any idea in my office. The idea is coming out of the office.



I like to work with taking my time, when I have time.


Concentration gets me down. I can accept that the way is non-effective, but any work will end eventually.


To begin with, I don't have enthusiastic anything I want to do.


I envy persons who enjoy baseball and soccer.

著作権法を調べたり、妊娠のメカニズムを調べたり、オタク文化を調べたり ―― それがキャリアアップに繋がるかというと、全く絶望的な作業であり、寂しい人生を送っているのです。

Researching copyright, pregnancy system, geek culture, they don't relate to my carrier despairingly. It is really lonely life.


So you don't have to send me threatening letter. It is absolutely meaningless.



Going back to the story, "Making sharp in my life" is really good isn't it?


Who shows me the evaluation data?


If I understand the righteousness of "making sharp", I come to believe in the religion.

2013-12-19 まあ、「その力量もない」ことを客観的に認識できる程度に、私は自分のことを分かっているのです。 [長年日記]


We have to waste much important time for our life, if we hesitate anything for the reason of my age.


So, I am always going to get anything that entertains me, even if it is light novels, whose definition is "a novel for entertainment book for junior or high school student.


I have only three books of "Monogatari in series " whose author is Ishin Nishio-san.


But it is too hard for an old man to buy such light novels, because of fancy frontispiece and title.


Charming girls, and meaningless long title.


For example, I put a word "My" in the column of Google search engine, the outputs are,


"There is not so cute my sister"


"Childhood friend and my girlfriend are too shambles"


"My youth of romantic comedy is wrong"


It is impossible for me to bring the book to cash register isn't it?


It is easier to buy erotic magazines at convenience stores more that the above.



When I watched the animation of the above "My youth of romantic comedy is wrong",


I was really shocked.


That's it. I have wanted to express the psychological description of the protagonist.


"Why did I was denied to being alone or doing alone with no questions?"


"Why should I care of the meaningless of the phase "spirit of harmony or friendship in classes"?"


I had spent the teenage period with the above thought.

だから、「一人でいること」を自分の意思で選択できることになった時(大学生)、私は初めて自由になった気がして、―― その時、本当の友達ができた、と思うのです

So, when I could choose "begin alone" in college life, I really felt free. At that time, I could make true friends in my life.



The work "My youth of romantic comedy is wrong" should have been written by me.

なぜ私ではないんだ! 悔しい!!―― とまでは思いませんでしたけどね。

Why not ME! Regretful!! I didn't think so.


As far as I am concerned, I know well that I had no ability to catch the author's talent.

まあ、だから、―― 「黒子のバスケット」事件のようなことを、起こさずに済んでいるのですが。

So I don't have to make an accident like "Kuroko-no-basket" comic's trouble.



I have a proposal.


I think the secondary work of "My youth of romantic comedy is wrong" will go well for my generation and over.


Dear Mr./Ms. Author.


How do you like to give me the licensing agreement of the secondary work?


I can make another work on the time 1970's radical period, based on your excellent concept.

―― と言い切れるだけの力量があればなーーーと、本当に思います。

I wish I had the capacity of writing literature with the above phase.

2013-12-20 私なりに色々研究してきたのですが、「全く訳が分からん」のです。 [長年日記]


Before time, I advertised that "I hate Twitter". Now I have not changed the basic opinions since then.


Except for the announcement of renewal daily and the inquiry comments about my work, I don't use it at all.


On the other hand, I always do use SNS system.


To get the information of traffic jams and train accidents in real time, Twitter is excellent. I understood Twitter played an active role in the big earthquake disaster.


Added, to get the reaction from reading audiences for my works, the count of Twitter and Facebook is valuable information for me.



But I don't know whether the counts of such SNS are really credible.


For example, when Twitter counts showed only single digit, the ranking of the page views (PV) became the top of the list.


When Twitter counts became more than one hundred, the Facebook counts were nothing but tithe. And the opposite cases were too.


Though Twitter, Facebook and PVs were on the bottom, the counts of print download became high scores.


Let me summarize as follows.

"I can't understand it at all."



I thank that my works are placed on the ad web site,so I want to give the PVs to the ad companies.


Though I have been studying the trend for long time, I can't get the cause and effect at all.


Recently, I am getting tired to analyze the statics trend.



So, I come to stop studying the trend analysis anymore.


If I could make a clear the cause and effect, it might be useless. I don't make any work beyond the reach of my work. I don't do anything even if nobody read my work.


Recently, I begin to think that the conclusion is "I do my best, while allowed me to do my best"

2013-12-21 ―― そんなに、怒らんでもええやんか [長年日記]


Now I leave illustrations of my column to my daughters.


The first daughter is in charge of the columns about English, but the second daughter take a rest for another column, because she is a student preparing for an exam.

で、私が描いているのですが ―― これが難しい。

So I am doing the drawing alternatively, but it is too difficult for me.


I plead with the first daughter to make the concept and under drawing of my columns.


After that, I make line drawing and painting after all.


When I submit the line drawing to my daughter, she cannot accept my works at all.


"You don't understand the concept. It is the worst work. O.K. O.K. I will draw it again."


My line drawing is modified to her style, and is changing it for another work.

―― そんなに、怒らんでもええやんか

"You don't have to scold me so hard."

―― 私がグレたら、どうするんだ

"If I go wrong, what do you on earth?"


I could not say anything, and I was just looking at my daughter's working with my head down.

2013-12-22 アニメ「恋物語」のオープニングを見て、椅子から落ちそうなほどビックリした人は、日本中に、相当数いたと思います。 [長年日記]


I am sorry in advance, because the topic of today is for the persons who know the following issues.


I read any works for Mr. Ishin Nishio.(I have only serried Katana-gatari, Monogatari).


Anyway, I ripped off some tips of the novels, and used in my works.


Would you please count up the tips and tell me the numbers? (I don't know it either.)




I believe that there are many persons who is really surprised to see the opening scenes and music, falling off a chair.

あーーー!、そうか! そういうことかぁーーー! !

Uh---, I see. I got it!!


At this late date, I could reach the understanding of the original novel. I was shocked that my reading comprehension was really low. I was about to read it thoroughly.


I'm afraid I'm past it. I was taught from the anime opening song.

2013-12-23 彼らが、その分野の科学や技術に興味がないのに、それを演技で補っているのが、透けて見えるのです。 [長年日記]


When I investigate some field of technology, what I do are


(1) To get the outline by watching NHK program,


(2) To keep the relative book in public library,


(3) To purchase the books I need, and write my memorandums in.



I think that the important issue is not quantity but time.


"Gestation period" might be good for me.



I don't read a lot of books of the field. I read the same book more than two times.


At one point (when waking up, especially), some knowledge come to me, and are build up suddenly, with thinking,

―― あー! そういうことか!!

I got it!!



I feel that it is not only "paradigm shift", but "paradigm explosion".


After that, I think writing the contents are not so difficult.


On the other hand, the quantity of the research seems to be great too.


Anyway, I can't start the investigation without the NHK program of the above.



I always rely on "NHK Ondemand", that is contents site to broadcast the previous program by the internet.


This site is useful for me, because I can skip the time that I don't need.


I don't care the comments of guest and "navigator" so called.


Don't make engineers be silly.


Our engineers can easily understand that they are not interested in the field of technology and make up for their knowledge by their performance.


I really want not to do such performance, because I feel ill at ease.

_ -----


The persons who are interested in any field of technology, study the field by themselves, and feel happy to get new concepts and ideas profoundly,

―― そういう「可愛い」または「美人」の女性ゲストやナビゲータ

and pretty girls or beautiful women


are going to live the guest or the navigator in their life about the performance of science and technology program.

I will bet you.


2013-12-24 私には、専門書の購入費用の100ドルよりも、リュックサックに4000円を支払う方が、ずっと難しいのです。 [長年日記]


Every day I go to my company with wearing a black rucksack and side bag.


I have already told you that I had incurred police suspicion anywhere because of this fashion style at


For example,


Heathrow Airport, London,


Fountain neat the NAGATA-CHO subway station, and


Head-office building.



But it is O.K.


They were obviously proof that they worked well.



Recently I think there is another reason they suspect me. I might be looked like "poor".


The other day, I noticed that my rucksack was worn out at the bottom, and my folding umbrella was dropped down.


To be honestly I was shocked.


It may not be what it once was, but I am still a research engineer who can handle confidential information.

My company never forgives me, and does more than dismiss.


If I were an information administrator, I would offer to send an assassin to the target.


I responded to this accident as soon as possible.

新しいリュックサックを購入する ―― のではなく、特殊な縫い針を購入したのです。

Not I purchased a new rucksack but I bought special needle.


It was a big needle for carpets. It you struck a needle into someone's heart, you could kill them easily.


Using this needle and nylon string for fishing, I closed all holes of my rucksack.



Is Ebata so poor? It is absolutely "Yes". It is more difficult for me to purchase the rucksack than some specialized books.


It is usable isn't it? Of course, it looks awful.


When you multiply "Confidential information" by "an engineer” by "difference concept of values from ordinary person”,


You can find out a poor terrorist.

2013-12-25 「マッチ売りの少女」というビジネスモデル [長年日記]


My birthday is November 1st.


If someone set my birthday party at October 31th selfishly,


I bet I will get mad with him/her.


Though the man was dead more than 2000 years ago, we should make fun of him too much.


I do blame any person who makes a noise at December 24th because it is too shameless.


The Ebata's couple had been graduated from the amazing colleges whose indispensable subject was science of religion.




Yesterday, December 24th, I went back home after doing my works in a sloppy way.


It was very cold night with chill wind.


On the way to the nearest train station, two persons were selling Christmas cake and fried chickens on the ad-hoc desks in the parking lots.


Thought the clerks seemed to be apparently college students, the figures shouting “How do you going for a cake?" was, how to say,

―― 痛々しい。



I don't care what they thought working at Christmas Eve day, (In my generation case, we had been really foolish absolutely).


Anyway, though they are not sympathized against all generations, I thought


"Let me get a cake to reduce inventories with sorry"


もしこれが、お歳を召されたお爺さんやお婆さん、あるいは小学生が売り子をしていたら、購入してしまったかもしれない ―― と思うくらい、悲惨な風景でした。

If they were old men or women, or junior school students, I absolutely would buy one.


「マッチ売りの少女」の販売戦略は、需要者の購買意欲とまったく無関係な観点から、需要を喚起するという、最強のビジネスモデルだったのだ ―― と昨日、私は思い知りました。

The business strategy "A girl who sells packets of matches" is the strongest business model, and it causes demand to consumers without buying inclination.

I fully realized the above.

2013-12-26 「江端さんは、大人気ないですよ」 [長年日記]


"Ebata-san. You are childish."


My junior colleagues often blame me.


"If there is a person who blames your works using twitter, who wins you? You have investigated a lot of information with patent logical minds?”


"It is your misunderstanding. I don't care winning or losing. I just want to ask a question to readers...."


"But you get angry, don't you."


I wouldn't say "never mind", but I had some good debates with guys, and made good collaboration works too.


"But with as a start, you get angry with their comments indeed."


I tried to let me think for a white.


"Yes. I have admitted that I am unlearned, petty and cowardly. But Mr.Mitsuo Aida also said that "If I am attacked, I have to fight back, because I am only a human.""


"Ebata-san. Mitsuo Aiea never left such a fiery saying."

2013-12-27 「新興宗教にでもはまったか?」 [長年日記]


When I had a breakfast at the living room before going to work,


the first daughter of junior high school was casting a spell in the front of the PC.


"Does she devote herself in new cult?”


I looked to the display,


she was singing a song of "Hatsune Miku" with her headphone on.



When I asked her what she was doing for, she told me that she prepared for going KARAOKE.


I couldn't understand "Practice for KARAOKE?”


She shouted that "Too difficult to sing Vocaloid songs well!"


Yes. I agree. The Vocaloid songs are not suitable for human's skill as a singer.



”If you don't like, you should not go KARAOKE against reason.”


”You might not be able to understand well, "getting along" in the human is very very important.”


The middle management salaryman was here, with being preached by his daughter.

2013-12-28 オルダス・ハスクリーの「すばらしい新世界」を読みました。 [長年日記]


I read "BRAVE NEW WORLD" written by Aldous Huxley.


For the first time in a decade, I was about to fall down from the railroad station platform with reading a book.


Firstly, I got sick with reading frightful future society and concept of the book, and no matter how many times I thought I should discard the book.


After all, I thought this book was the same of "1984", but I kept reading it in patience.

一番最期に、この社会が構成された理由が、論理的に説明され、しかも、私は、それを論破することができない ―― で、夢中になって、ホームから転落しそうになった、と。

Finally, the reason why the societies were established by people disclosed and I never argued away the reasonability.

And I was about to fall down on the rails.



Recently I was engaged in the safety and health committee of my company, so if someone tell the above accident to the executive officer, it is so bad.


So I want to calls for calm to you, especially if you were my colleagues.

2013-12-29 休日に、朝から昼飯も抜いて、こんな人気のいない場所まできて、"1件"とは「そりゃないだろうと」泣きそうになりました。 [長年日記]


In order to search iPS cells, I contracted "NHK On demand" and search the program with a keyword "iPS", but only one program was hit.

NHKアーカイブという建物というものがあるらしく、そこではNHKの過去の全ての番組が見られる ―― と「誤解」して、川口という場所にあるところまででかけました。

I have known the facility "NHK archives" near Kawaguchi station, and I believed in all of the NHK programs in the building.


It was too far for me. It took over 30 min. from Shinjuku and 15 min. by bus, 20 min. on foot, and finally I was lost. Was it a kind of harassment?

―― 何も、ここまでアクセスが不便なところに作らんでも。

Why did they make this facility at so inconvenient location?

―― 小さい駅の駅前なら、便利だろうに。

Any stations are good if there is near the station.


Walking with my shoulders heaving from heavy breathing, Not enough time to watch programs at the day.(I had a meeting at Shinjuku at the night),

I entered the keyword to the terminal, but the result was only




"Is there something wrong?" Before coming there, I had got 44 program lists by "NHK chronic".


Thought early weekend morning, I skipped lunch, and came to such a unpeopled space (on Saturday), I was disappointed in the miserable service.



So, I tried to call NHK.

「NHKアーカイブス」って、一体何なのですか? と。

Q1: What is the purpose of NHK archives?


A1: The concept of "NHK achieves" means achieves of all NHK programs. Only some parts of the programs are opened because there leaves the copyright programs.



Q2: Why do the problems happen against NHK own right?


A2:There should leave not only copyright but also neighboring right.

―― あ、これは、ちょっと「あっち」だな、と思ったので、ここで質問を止めました。

I thought this was what it is, so I stopped question any more.


After making arrangement, I thought I should ask him the questions again.


He also said that "There are a lot of programs, so it would be difficult to open all contents eventually.


But I am afraid that this opinion is strange. To tell you the truth, it is nonlogical.


Though I had tried to write down the nonlogical points I came up, I erased them all.



I want to investigate about this issue.


But I am not interested in sprits of journalism and media theory. I want to use laws and logic only.


I don't care either criticism or defense. I want to concentrate whether it is logical or not.


If possible, I would like to argue this issues with the present copyright and TPP and so on.

2013-12-30 「必ず生きて帰ります」という台詞は無責任だと思うのです。 [長年日記]


There are a lot heroes who said "I am going to come back alive absolutely" and is dead easily in the movies and novels.


I think they make an irresponsible statement.


"I deal with the matter in an appropriate manner in to come back alive."


"I deal with coming back alive constructively"


They should say like the above.


Of course, the deceased persons are not held responsible without otherwise provided for


But anyone should not overissue "coming back alive absolutely" at any scenes.


If you told "I am going to come back alive absolutely",

―― 何をどれだけ破壊しようとも(国家が命じるなら、国家を転覆させても)、誰を何人犠牲(幼い子どもや幼児を含めて)にしようとも ――

You never hesitate to destroy anything (even if it is a national") and to kill anyone (even if they are babies and children of tender years).


I want them to say that "I am going to come back alive with bloodred my hands for other person's blood",



I understand that some persons had to tell the above to their family and lover, though they know it is a lie.


So we have to know that there was the system that ordered them to tell a lie.


Assuming that, we should foam at the system and our mandatory missions are to stop reviving the system absolutely.


But the work is unspectacular, hard, joyless, and difficult, drawing criticism from other persons.


I believe that you are just fool if you watch the movie and are moved to tears.





I was given the following comment from a key figure.

@Tomoichi_Ebata 結婚の許しを請う際に相手の両親に言う「娘さんを必ず幸せにします」という台詞も、無責任だと思うのです。「娘さんを幸せにするつもりは充分ありますが、状況の変化によってはできないかもしれません」のほうが、うそ偽りが無い。

I think that the saying "I am going to make your daughter happy absolutely" is also irresponsible. The correct saying is "I deal with the matter in an appropriate manner in to make your daughter happy, but it depends on the situations and environments".


Good job

2013-12-31 「青春」とは「歴史改竄」のことです。 [長年日記]


I am reading "KIKEN"(the word has two meaning "danger" and "machine research laboratory", whose author is Hiro Arikawa-san.


Come to think about it, I had belonged in "KIKEN".


In this book, KIKEN means "machine control research laboratory". In my case, that means "electrics industrial engineering department, instrument research laboratory".


Sometimes my research lab. was also called "KIKEN". At that time, my brain tried to translate the word into not "danger" but "research lab.”


But I belonged in KIKEN and at the same time I was KIKEN too. It has already been a famous story.



Arikawa-san has never used my experiments as follows

this story,


that story,


and another story (no wonder).



"Basically, schoolboys who major in engineering used to experimentalize explosions and/or fire on the verge of their house extinction."

―― と、会社の同僚(後輩)に語ったとき、

When I told my junior colleague the above,


they shouted "You're alone." at the same time.

「ええー、そうなの? 何かを壊すことなく、どうして何かを創作できる訳?」

"Is it true? Why do we create something without destroying something?”


My junior colleagues seemed to profess regret (I don’t know the reason even now).




Recently I think there is no story like "KIKEN", "Golden time" in this season, "TORA-DORA" in several years ago.

―― そんなものは、存在しません。

in this real world.


These stories are just fictions.


Such a beautiful and cool juvenescence period doesn't happen conveniently.




for example, trying steepish experiments, prizing beyond your reach (and dismissed), going abroad without using any languages,


"play the goat", "behave recklessly" and "run without thinking"


are good for you when you are old.


The reason why you are good is to do "history interpolation" of your life.


Added, the more you become old, the less your friends exist around you.

―― 「裏」を取られる心配がない。

You don't worry about your friends who do some back research.


Your "history interpolation" becomes promoted "true" in your brain.




In that event of the above, you can make a new story in your life, for example, a story to combine "suicidal attach of your first love" and "hydrogen chemical explosion".


Though whoever thinks that the story is a malicious "history interpolation", nobody checks the facts and stop it. Anyway you believe that the story is true.



Unless you do "Best foot forward", like "play the goat", "behave recklessly" and "run without thinking", you cannot make any your history.


Naturally, the promoted facts also burn off.


It is not good for you.



Thought I regard the person who said "you could buy your burden” as mere foolish,


"do your best" in your youth might becomes values after that.


It means, that it is valuable for you not to "do your best" but to live your life with using an illusion that you will make from your "history interpolation".


Though I think that playing game and watching animation is wonderful time for you, it is impossible to make your history by yourself.


All you have to do is to make “Real”. It is necessary to make it perfect.



There are columns "personal history" in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper.

あれが、自己の歴史改竄のサンプル ―― と私は思っています。

I think that it is the best sample of "history interpolation".


If someone would ask me "what are you doing in this matter?"

―― 「私は『歴史改竄』だけで構成されている」と、自分で自分を定義できます。

I could define myself that I am composed of just "history interpolation" Apparently.