There are a lot heroes who said "I am going to come back alive absolutely" and is dead easily in the movies and novels.
I think they make an irresponsible statement.
"I deal with the matter in an appropriate manner in to come back alive."
"I deal with coming back alive constructively"
They should say like the above.
Of course, the deceased persons are not held responsible without otherwise provided for
But anyone should not overissue "coming back alive absolutely" at any scenes.
If you told "I am going to come back alive absolutely",
―― 何をどれだけ破壊しようとも(国家が命じるなら、国家を転覆させても)、誰を何人犠牲(幼い子どもや幼児を含めて)にしようとも ――
You never hesitate to destroy anything (even if it is a national") and to kill anyone (even if they are babies and children of tender years).
I want them to say that "I am going to come back alive with bloodred my hands for other person's blood",
I understand that some persons had to tell the above to their family and lover, though they know it is a lie.
So we have to know that there was the system that ordered them to tell a lie.
Assuming that, we should foam at the system and our mandatory missions are to stop reviving the system absolutely.
But the work is unspectacular, hard, joyless, and difficult, drawing criticism from other persons.
I believe that you are just fool if you watch the movie and are moved to tears.
I was given the following comment from a key figure.
@Tomoichi_Ebata 結婚の許しを請う際に相手の両親に言う「娘さんを必ず幸せにします」という台詞も、無責任だと思うのです。「娘さんを幸せにするつもりは充分ありますが、状況の変化によってはできないかもしれません」のほうが、うそ偽りが無い。
I think that the saying "I am going to make your daughter happy absolutely" is also irresponsible. The correct saying is "I deal with the matter in an appropriate manner in to make your daughter happy, but it depends on the situations and environments".
Good job