
2021-12-01 もの凄く読みたいのですが ―― 高い。 [長年日記]

It seems that a book called "Introduction to WebAssembly" is being published.

もの凄く読みたいのですが ―― 高い。

I want to read it so badly, but -- it's expensive.


(It seems that there are still only about three books on WebAssembly in Japanese)


I believe that the price of technical books is generally fair, but the problem is that sometimes the content of the technical book does not match the content of the knowledge that I want.


(1) The content of the book is "too difficult" or "too easy," or


(2) "Information provided by the book" and "Information I want to know" do not match.


are often the case.

Speaking of which, I think I've read through most of the books published on Bitcoin at this point -- and I'm not sure I've ever read anything else.


There was only one book describing "Bitcoin trust" that I could find.


Even for that one book, I think the matching was about 15%.


Well, that's beside the point.



I would like to learn WebAssembly.

Ever since I saw this demo that my mentor, Mr. S, taught me, I have been thinking of converting this technology into a GIS viewer.

I've done a lot of work on my own.


The problem is that now I have to prioritize what I have to do over this, and I don't know if the book is a "hit" or a "miss".


Hmm, I wonder what I should do.

2021-12-02 『あの10年、全くの無駄だった』と思うと、やはり悔しい思いはあります。 [長年日記]


I had "ten years of crazy studying".

In fact, I almost went crazy and fell onto the train rails -- I wrote about it here.


It is much harder to "throw away" a dream than to "have" one.


However, if we do not recognize this and courageously implement "discarding", we may lose our lives.


Therefore, when I listen to young musicians on singing programs and hear their simple lyrics such as "It's wonderful to have a dream" or "Don't give up on your dream," I am seriously worried about brainwashing the youth of their generation.


In addition,

―― いずれ売れなくなる(ことが運命づけられている)ミュージシャンである彼らの未来が、本気で心配です

"I'm seriously worried about their future as musicians who will eventually stop selling (and are destined to)"

For more information on this, please see my calculation of "1 in 10,000 entertainers who remain active in the entertainment industry for more than 5 years" here.


But that's beside the point.



During the "ten years of crazy studying", I know there are many adults who are studying after their working.


For the ten years, I would order a cup of coffee at a fast food restaurant and concentrate on my studies for two to three hours. And no matter what kind of restaurant I entered, there would always be one or two people like me there.


However, in my case, I did not go to "Starbucks" and "Mac"


The coffee at Starbucks is too expensive and the seats are badly mixed.


The coffee in "Mac" is bad and the air conditioning is terrible (cold or hot).


In my case, I used to use the "Mossberg" or "KFC" that stood poking around near the local train station with few people coming and going on the way to work.


Of course, I didn't order a hamburger, but just a cup of coffee.


After 9:00 p.m., there were no more customers, so there was less psychological resistance.

店員に迷惑がられた、という記憶もありません ―― まあ、暗黒オーラを出している時の私に、声をかけられる店員がいなかっただけかもしれませんが。

I don't remember any shopkeepers bothering me -- well, maybe there just weren't any shopkeepers who could talk to me when I was giving off a dark aura.



Anyway, as a result, I lost 10 years of my life.


I still feel frustrated when I think that those 10 years were a complete waste.

もっと、良い時間の使い方があったのではないかと思うし ―― 客観的に見て、私は数多くのチャンスを見逃してきたと思います。

I think I could have used my time better, and -- objectively speaking -- I think I've missed a lot of opportunities.


The time I'm spending writing this diary may be wasted in the same way.



But the regret that I may see in the future is a regret that I cannot see in the present.


I don't want to regret anything, but I know I will continue to regret something.


I think that at the end of my life, I will sum up this "life of mine that has been a constant wandering" as "a life that has been a constant wandering".

2021-12-03 「政治資金収支報告書のオンライン提出を怠っている政治団体」を、江端から思いっきりDisって欲しい [長年日記]


I received a phone call from the person in charge at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, to whom I made a request for information disclosure, stating that they would be able to send me the documents today.

I was prepared for it to take a long time, since they had to create a document that didn't exist in the first place, however...


Nevertheless, I'm very grateful for their careful follow-up.



While I'm glad for their kindness, I'm getting a little worried.


The reason for this response is that I think there are three possible cases.


(1) Basically, the person in charge at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is kind.

(2)情報開示請求をしてくるような民間人はやっかな奴が多い → その対応のノウハウがある

(2) Many private citizens who request disclosure of information are difficult, so they have the know-how to deal with them.

(3) A guy who writes a column like this (Ebata) can be a pain in the ass if they piss him off.


I hope it's (1) above, but if it's (3), I'm a little sad.



Oh, there may be the fourth case.


(4) They want Ebata to disrespect "political organizations that fail to submit their political fund balance reports online" with all his might.


Yeah, that's a possibility.


"It's not good for the government to embarrass a political group, but if a civilian writer (Ebata) can do it, so much the better"



This is a win-win situation for the government and me.


まあ、こんな感じで、『アナログ かつ アナクロ な政治団体を見張っていくのは、私のようなシニアの義務だろう』てなことを思っています。

In this way, I think it is the duty of senior citizens like me to keep an eye on analog and analogous political organizations.

2021-12-04 最近の私は『こういう映画がいい』と思えるようになってきました。 [長年日記]


I'm learning the Go language now, and it's quite difficult.


This is because I don't know how to implement the programs I've been working on in the Go language.


In the case of C, it is very easy to create an image of the hardware (memory, CPU, etc.) in my mind and draw a line diagram on it.


However, the Go language is very difficult to debug because of the large number of ultra-light threads (goroutines, to be precise) that exchange messages between objects unattended.


'goroutine' is also difficult to code because it is not easily interfered with from the outside.


That aside.



I am walking around the city at night, watching movies on my iPad to get some exercise.

I watched "Samurai Sensei" on Amazon Prime.


This is the story of Takeichi Hanpeita, the leader of the Tosa Kinnoto Party, who makes a timely leap to the present.

過度で派手な演出もなく、ストーリーとしても落ち着いたものでしたが ―― 面白かった。

It was not overly flashy, and the story was calm -- but it was interesting.


Lately I've been able to think, 'I like the movie like this'

I've had enough of Ryoma and Nobunaga.

2021-12-05 『パパの健康と長寿の為に、私は、"英語に愛されない次女"を、これからも続けなければならない。ああ辛い』 [長年日記]


Recently, I was finally able to stop in front of the liquor shelves at a convenience store and look at the displays.


The days of closing my eyes and walking fast past are finally coming to an end.


Come to think of it, the period of time I kept wanting cigarettes after quitting smoking was about three weeks, and the period of time I kept wanting alcohol after sobriety was three years.


There is a big difference in the "duration".


As I recall, I had been smoking for 9 months, but drinking for over 30 years.


The longer you take it, the longer you may find it hard to give it up.



The reason for my sobriety was to "win the right to order my second daughter to study English, which she hates.


As an engineer who is not loved by English, I thought that if I was going to tell other people to "study English," I would have to give myself an appropriate load.

まあ、こうして断酒はスタートしたのですが ―― 最初に現われた現象は「肩凝り」がなくなったということでした。

Well, that's how my sobriety started -- the first thing that appeared was that my shoulders were no longer stiff.


The "weight loss" was noticeable.

そして決定的だったのが、「不眠症の劇的な改善」です ―― 「お酒がなくても入眠できる日々」は、私にとっては「お酒を自由に飲める権利」と十分に交換可能でした。

And, crucially, the "dramatic improvement in insomnia" -- "the days when I could fall asleep without alcohol" were, for me, fully interchangeable with "the right to drink alcohol freely".


Another very important point is that I can now concentrate on my work and column writing for a longer period of time, even if I have to sleep less.


Well, as for sleep, I am still on a tripod with Sercin (stabilizer), but the use of Sercin is decreasing considerably.


In the past, I would have gone crazy if I tried to read a manga about drinking, such as "Wakako Sake".


Now I am able to read calmly.


In the future, I expect to read content like "Wakako Sake" for those who have quit drinking, or for those who are sober.



By the way, what I am doing now is not "quit drinking" but "stop drinking".


It's not that I think I'll never drink alcohol forever.


For example, I decide that the day I was diagnosed as terminally ill would be the day I would lift my sobriety.


However, I am worried about whether I will be able to enjoy drinking alcohol at that time.


Just the other day, my face turned bright red after licking a little plum wine.



But what makes me uncomfortable is the way my second daughter talks to me.


"For the sake of your health and longevity, I must continue to be the 'second daughter unloved by English'. Oh, the pain.

―― と。


No, the link between your (my second daughter's) English study and my sobriety has already been broken.

それ以前に、『英語抜きで理系(リケ女)の人生を生きる』って無理だろうって思うのですが ―― もしかして、今は、可能なのでしょうか?

Before that, I think it would be impossible to "live the life of a science major without English" -- maybe it's possible now?

2021-12-06 そして、今だに『結婚というシステムを前提とした出産』などという、タルいことを言い続けていれば ―― 『ゼロエミッション』は、二酸化酸素より先に、人口の方で、簡単に実現されてしまうでしょう。 [長年日記]

In 2013, I had calculated the expected rate of unmarried people.

まあ、当時は、あまり深刻に考えずに、「こういう可能性もあるよ」という警鐘のつもりで、このような机上シミュレーションを出していましたが ――

Well, at the time, I didn't take it too seriously and put out these desk simulations as a warning bell that this was a possibility.


To be honest, I was surprised to learn recently that 47% of the population will be unmarried by 2040.

ちなみに私の算出した未婚率の予測式(男性 0.6417x - 1270.7, 女性 0.6417x -1280.0 x:西暦)に当てはめると、ざっくり"34%"でした。

By the way, if you apply my formula for predicting the unmarried rate (0.6417x - 1270.7 for males, 0.6417x -1280.0 for females x: Western calendar), the rate is roughly "34%".


However, in the view of the following table, it seems to be generally consistent.



Back in 2013, as I stared at the data, I had an ominous feeling that "this might not be linear (equation).


This is because there are signs of an exponential increase, especially in the lifelong singleness rate for women.


However, if this is taken into account, the lifetime unmarried rate for men would jump to a ridiculous value, as the female unmarried rate would be greatly affected. At the time of writing that column, I decided I waited and saw.


As it turned out, there was no need to be cautious.



I've been saying for quite some time that we need to think about a social system where non-marriage is the default, but no one (not even the company) has taken me seriously.


In any case, a society with a declining birthrate in Japan is certain.


There is an urgent need to build a social system that does not assume human resources.


そして、今だに『結婚というシステムを前提とした出産』などという、タルいことを言い続けていれば ――

And if we continue to talk about "childbirth based on the system of marriage" and other nonsense others,


"Zero emissions" will easily be achieved by the population before oxygen dioxide.

2021-12-07 『人のアカウントを引用するのは良いとして、自分の言葉として"論"を作る労も取らずに、2行程度のメールを人に押しつけるとは、なんという無礼な人だ』 [長年日記]


I am traumatized by asking questions on a forum.

This is because, as I have written here, I have had a lot of bad experiences with the "fj" newsgroup.


I still remembered that I had written about this story a long time ago, so I searched my website.

I did a search for "rounding error" and it came up.


Then, the discomfort of that moment came back to me.

『稚拙な質問があった時には、何も言わないで、無視する』 ―― なぜ、その程度の優しさが発動できないのか。

If you take a poor question, don't say anything and ignore it" -- why can't you invoke that level of kindness?



I am not interested in "teaching and leading others," so I basically do not preach to others.

I also know that preaching to others is the "best entertainment" for the elderly.


I have no intention of participating in such a vulgar event.


In addition, I continue to ignore juniors who have bad attitudes or colleagues who say or do insane things, as long as they do not harm me.



By the way, this morning,




"The idea that vaccination has reduced the number of infected people is just a cognitive bias.

I'll post the Twitter accounts of those who know more."



That's all he or she wrote in his or her email and sent it to me.


"Quoting someone's account is fine, but forcing a two-line email on someone without taking the time to create an "argument" in your own words is just plain rude"


I'm not going to preach to you with the above lines, so please don't worry.


However, I am not tolerant enough to respond to such insincere and rude e-mails, so I will naturally 'ignore' you.


In response to the question, "So what kind of email would you like to see?" Here is a sample to answer the question.


The point is, "Are you speaking in your own words?

2021-12-08 ―― え? 政治家本人じゃなくて、警察? 抗議も、警告も、訴状もなしで、いきなり警察? いきなり刑法案件か? [長年日記]

The other day, we calculated the percentage of online submissions ignored (online submission ignorance rate) by linking Diet member-related political organizations with the names of politicians.


The next day, I received a phone call from the police, and to be honest, I was blue in the face.

―― え? 政治家本人じゃなくて、警察? 抗議も、警告も、訴状もなしで、いきなり警察? いきなり刑法案件か?

-- What? Not the politicians themselves, but the police? No protest, no warning, no complaint, and now the police? Is this suddenly a criminal law case?


While I was in a panic,

The police contacted me about this "'power dog' called by my senior daughter".


He told me that he had completed his work and called me to ask about the procedures to be followed.


I sighed in relief.



By the way, needless to say, I can't tell you the details of my cooperation with the police.


Please accept our apologies.

2021-12-09 『いらんことを言うと、後で恥をかくことになる』 [長年日記]


There are many people who say, "We don't need 5G," but you should be careful.



"An 8-bit computer is good enough, what kind of game needs a 16-bit computer?"


"What the hell do you expect to see with more than 640x320 pixels?"


"What would you store on a 40MB (note the units) hard drive?"


"What are you going to do with over a hundred pages of text on a 500KB (note the units) memory board?"


"Where would I need anything more than a 300pbs ultrafast modem?"


I couldn't answer the question at the time when it was posed to me.


I couldn't even imagine a future where audio and video would be carried by computers.


The word "smartphone" made no sense at all.


Of course, I can answer all of the above now.



This is the same from "Why do we cook rice with electricity? to "What is the point of traveling from Tokyo to Osaka in three hours?


It goes back to this story that is "Letters are engraved on wood pipes, how can they be recorded on paper, which is squishy and unsustainable?"



In other words, "applications and services drive the infrastructure" is mistaken.


From the perspective of my life as an IT engineer, this is "absolutely wrong".


The correct answer is, "Once the infrastructure is built, there will always be applications and services that use it up.


Carelessly. you don't have to say


"We don't need 5G."



At the moment, I can't imagine any services or applications using 5G either, but I can assure you that


"if you say something nobody knows in the future, you'll be embarrassed later"


2021-12-10 『(1)コロナ禍の(経済的)影響によって、(2)ご家族のお子さんと一緒に、(3)スシロー(回転寿司)に行くことができない』 [長年日記]

Today, the police came and gave me a reward for the Ebata's "cooperation".


I thought, "If I don't get this, the police will be in trouble," so I took it, but now I'm in trouble.


I thought about donating the money to an organization that is fighting the new corona, but I'm wondering. Because I don't know the activities deeply.

それならば ―― 私の日記を読んで頂いている方のお役に立ちたい、と思いました。

Then -- I thought I would like to be of service to those who read my diary.





"Due to (1) the (economic) impact of the Corona disaster, (2) you and the children in your family are unable to go to (3) Sushiro (conveyor-belt sushi)"


I would like to give one opportunity to one person who satisfies the above three conditions (if there is any change, please keep it).


(a) Please contact us by e-mail (see my home page).


(b) Please include only your name and address in the body of the email, with "Sushiro" in the title.


(c) Please do not write anything else (no greetings, thank me, requests, etc.).


(d) After receiving the money, please do not contact me, thank me, or copy the receipt at all (or rather, I do not want to hear from you).


You can think of it as a trade-off for the risk that Ebata will know your name and address.



I will send it by regular mail (84 yen stamp, at Ebata's expense).


And then (and I hate this phrase), "Let me replace the announcement with the shipment."

Please wait for about a week, and if there is no offer, I will donate it here.


2021-12-11 私たちは、組織というものに、かなり縛られすぎている(洗脳されている)のではないでしょうか? [長年日記]


I sometimes conduct interviews with experts for my column.


From the offer to the interview, it took a total of about three hours.


The same thing can take more than six months if it involves an organization (such as a company).


The reason for this is that there are a lot of departments that want to check for "anti-corporate," "bankruptcy risk," and "profit sharing.


It is inevitable that an organization will work with a 'worst case scenario' in mind.


However, I am afraid that

―― これでは、勝てない

"We can't win"



Especially in the digital service business, I think this "slowness" is fatal.

で、このような社内手続きに対して愚痴を言う人は多いですが、これを解決した、という話は聞きたことがありません ―― 私も随分「闘ってきた」という記憶はありますが、これに「勝った」という記憶はありません。

So many people complain about these internal procedures, but I've never heard of anyone solving them. I remember that I have "fought" against it for a long time, but I don't remember that I have "won" against it.


The only person who can change the company is the president, and unless you become the president, the company organization will not change, and even if you become the president, you may not be able to change it (because there is a huge resistance within the company).

で、まあ、結論として ―― 私は『会社を変えようという努力』は諦めました。

So, well, in conclusion -- I gave up on the 'effort to change the company'.



You can do it privately.


If you don't bring up the company's name and act as a completely private person, you won't be bothering anyone.


In the first place, a company would fire a person who caused a problem at the company and then claim that he or she is not an employee of the company.



The reason I am able to release a column every month is because of my light-footedness, with saying "In the end, I am the only one who can take responsibility"


No one should have any say in the program code or columns I write over the weekend, and it's up to me to offer interviews to whomever I want.


Nowadays, you can get pretty much everything you need in terms of IT environment within your own pocket.


The cloud, edge computers, and, these days, 3D printers are inexpensive and readily available.

It is so easy to get map information from all over the world on the Internet that you can create your own GIS.


In general, my own room at home is better equipped with excellent research facilities.



It's hard to do what you want to do within the organization of a company, but once you leave the organization of a company, you can do what you want to do quickly and easily.


I think we are all too tied (or brainwashed) by our organizations.


There are many exit strategies that show your results outside of the organization.


Volunteers, NPOs, technical comikets, and even academic societies can participate individually (you can even create a group with one member).


I think it is mentally easier to do things outside the company that are unrelated to the company's business rather than getting frustrated with company procedures that are not being processed.



These days, it seems that even the equipment for genetic research can be provided by individuals.


It might be possible to create a vaccine for individuals and use themselves to test the effectiveness of the vaccine.


By the way, I did some research (Law Concerning the Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Drugs, Medical Devices, etc.) and found that the target parties are "those who manufacture, sell, lend or repair drugs, etc. as a business, and others".


I don't think this law applies to drug production and human experimentation by individual researchers without profit motive, as mentioned above.

2021-12-12 「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」+ 「母親の併走」 + 「父親のIT x OT技術のフル稼動」―― [長年日記]


Currently, the drama "February Winner" is on air (I am reading the free part in the comic).

キャッチーなキーワード「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」で、コミック、ドラマともに好調だと聞いております ―― というのは、私は、見ていないからです。

With the catchy keywords "father's economic power and mother's madness," I hear that both the comic and the drama are doing well -- because I haven't seen them.


Oh, by the way, "Dragon Cherry Blossom" was also popular.


However, I don't know of any case where a student with hopeless grades was able to pass the entrance exam to Tokyo University after reading the Dragon Cherry Blossom drama or comics.


If you know of such a person, please let us know. I would love to interview them.


But that's beside the point.



Our senior and junior daughters were both "February Winners".


This was the result of their own efforts and talent.


Of course, I think there was "father's economic power and mother's madness" in the back end, but there was other 'madness' as well.

思い返すと ―― あの当時の嫁さんは、娘と共に、日本の全て都道府県の特産物、河川や山河の名称を、暗記できるレベルになっていました。

Looking back, my daughters and wife were able to memorize the names of all the prefectural specialties, rivers, mountains and streams in Japan.

I had created my own content for text-to-speech software, and completed read-aloud audio content on politics, history, and science to get it into my daughters' heads.


We also introduced a profit-driven education system, in which my daughter was asked to memorize more than 500 historical timelines without looking at anything, and were given 50 yen for each day that she read out the entire timeline (the Ebata family called it "air").

We also had a plan to transport her to the entrance exam venue on the day of the exam.

「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」+ 「母親の併走」 + 「父親のIT x OT技術のフル稼動」――

"Father's financial strength and mother's madness" + "mother's running together" + "father's full operation of IT x OT technology"


And, well, I think that I could say that the Ebata family put in "all the madness" that they had at that time.



However, thinking back, (I don't know about my wife) I don't think I was that enthusiastic about the exam.


To be honest, I even thought, 'Their (my daughters') school fees are an exploitation of my retirement funds.

それでも、私たち夫婦が、娘たちのバックエンドに徹した理由を問われれば ―― これを言語化するのは難しいのですが

Still, if you ask me why my husband and I are committed to the back end of our daughters' lives -- it's hard to put this into words.

―― そこに受験があったから

"Because the exam is here"


I think this is the most accurate phrase.

2021-12-13 ドラマ「おいしい給食」が面白い ―― もう、めちゃくちゃに面白い。大爆笑です。 [長年日記]

ドラマ「おいしい給食」が面白い ―― もう、めちゃくちゃに面白い。大爆笑です。

The drama "Delicious School Lunch" is so funny -- it's already crazy funny. I'm laughing so hard.

映画「サムライせんせい」つながりで、俳優 市原隼人さん主演作品を探したら、すぐに出てきたのが、この「おいしい給食」。

In connection with the movie "Samurai Sensei," I looked for a movie starring actor Hayato Ichihara, and this "Delicious School Lunch" came up immediately.


In any case, the concept is amazing.


A teacher who says, "I love school lunches. It's no exaggeration to say that I come to school for the lunches.


It is no longer an exaggeration to say that this is a new standard for gourmet dramas and a paradigm shift in the image of teachers.

この週末で、Season1 → 映画 → Season2を一気に見てしまうという、異例のハマり方をしてしまいました。

This weekend, I watched Season 1, the movie, and Season 2 all at once, which is an unusual way to get hooked.



When we talk about "school lunches" in the Ebata household, it is interesting to see that there is a generation gap, and of course, regional differences even within the same generation.


I didn't have a chance to eat the "rice", but my wife seemed to eat it as usual.


I was also surprised that I did not share the concept of "soft noodles" with my daughters.


Looking back, I used to get excited on days when "Curry Noodles" and "Oboro Miso Noodles" were delivered


On the other hand, I was less excited about the raisin bread (my wife said she was more excited).


On the other hand, thanks to school lunches, I learned (1) "Happousai" are delicious at "Gyoza no Ohsho" that , and (2) there are truly delicious breads in the world at "HOKUO"


Looking back, I think school lunches were the "key sentences" in English education, the "solutions to two-dimensional equations" in mathematics education, and played the role of "national standards" for the food culture of the Japanese people.


Aside from that.



I've had enough of tedious human relationship dramas such as internal factional struggles, romantic relationships, and emotional reunions.


"I live my life as a teacher only for my own desire (to eat school lunch)"


"Students, schools, and colleagues are only means to that end."


What a refreshing way to live.


What we lack today is the spirit of selfishness that says, "As long as I am good, I don't care about anything else".


In this drama, morals, relationships, common sense, and other such things are all just noise.


In addition, the setting is wonderful, as the purpose behind the noise is "school lunch," something that can be scoped out on a daily basis.


We don't need to go out of our way to set goals that are hard to obtain.


This drama also gives us the courage to say, 'We can find things that make us happy in our daily lives".



So I recommend you to watch "Delicious School Lunch".


If you think you haven't laughed in a while, this is a good place to start.

2021-12-14 枝野幸男さん、片山さつきさん、小泉進次郎さん、高市早苗さん、辻元清美さん ―― あなたたちの団体に関しては、『絶対ダメ』でしょう? [長年日記]

The percentage of online submissions that are ignored (online submission ignorance rate) was calculated by linking political organizations related to Diet members by politician name.


I have calculated it, but have not been able to review it, so I am looking at it now.



(1) Organizations that have implemented online submission

■菅義偉さん、二階俊博さん ―― の団体の皆さんは、さすがに、ちゃんとガバナンスが効いているみたいです。

As expected, the members of the organizations of Yoshihide Suga and Toshihiro Nikai seem to have good governance.

■大串正樹さん、大島理森さん、小林鷹之さん、小山徹さん、篠原孝さん、島村大さん、鈴木馨祐さん、武田良太さん、田城郁さん、那谷屋正義さん、野間健さん、原口一博さん、平井卓也さん、藤末健三さん、古川元久さん、牧原秀樹さん、丸山穂高さん、宮澤洋一さん、室井邦彦さん、森裕子さん ―― の団体の皆様、オンライン提出ご苦労さまでした

Masaki Ogushi, Rimori Oshima, Takayuki Kobayashi, Toru Koyama, Takashi Shinohara, Dai Shimamura, Keisuke Suzuki, Ryota Takeda, Iku Tashiro, Masayoshi Naya, Ken Noma, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Takuya Hirai, Kenzo Fujisue, Motohisa Furukawa, Hideki Makihara, Hotaka Maruyama, Yoichi Miyazawa, Kunihiko Muroi, Hiroko Mori -- thank you for your hard work in submitting online!


(2) Organizations that ignore online submissions.

■麻生太郎さん、小沢一郎さん、菅直人さん、杉田水脈さん、鈴木宗男さん ―― もう、この方たちの団体については、多分、今後もダメだろう、というあきらめの気持ちがあります。

Taro Aso, Ichiro Ozawa, Naoto Kan, Mizutake Sugita, and Muneo Suzuki -- I have a feeling of resignation that their organizations will probably not make it in the future.

■安倍晋三さん、甘利明さん、石破茂さん、石原伸晃さん、稲田朋美さん、小渕優子さん、萩生田光一さん、三原順子さん ―― あなたたちの団体は『ダメ』でしょう?

Shinzo Abe, Akira Amari, Shigeru Ishiba, Nobuteru Ishihara, Tomomi Inada, Yuko Obuchi, Koichi Hagiuda, Junko Mihara -- your organizations are 'no good', aren't they?

■枝野幸男さん、片山さつきさん、小泉進次郎さん、高市早苗さん、辻元清美さん ―― あなたたちの団体に関しては、『絶対ダメ』でしょう?

Yukio Edano, Satsuki Katayama, Shinjiro Koizumi, Sanae Takaichi, Kiyomi Tsujimoto -- as far as your organizations are concerned, "absolutely not," right?


In addition, all the people who were not mentioned above are "ignored groups".



I would like to follow up with you every year from now on.

2021-12-15 ―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ? [長年日記]

Open Street Map(以下OSMといいます)とは、「自由に利用でき、なおかつ編集機能のある世界地図を作る共同作業プロジェクト」のことです。

Open Street Map (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable, map of the world.


In general, it is often used to mean a map information file named "xxxxxx.osm" file.


These oms files are very helpful for researchers who are working on map-based traffic simulations.


However, OSM's maps are made with the cooperation of people from all over the world, and in the first place, maps are always expanding and changing.


There is no such thing as a "perfect map.


Especially when using oms files in my own research, I may want to modify the map information correctly if necessary.



That's why I've been trying to edit the OSM map since this morning.


The following is a map of the grounds of Yokohama National University, which I have just added to the map because it did not include a "car road".

なぜ、私が大学キャンパスの道を知っているのか ―― そりゃもう、このキャンパスの中を、何百回、自動車と足で走り回り、GPSロガーでデータを取りまくったことか、分かりません ―― 仕事(屋外実証実験)で。

How do I know my way around a university campus? Well, I can't tell you how many times I've driven around this campus by car and foot, taking data with my GPS logger for my work (field demonstration).



By the way, I was stunned to see that this correction of mine this morning was registered in the OSM Map Information with the click of a button.


After the revision, the map I described will be reflected all over the world.

―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ?

"What if the map is tampered with due to my negligence or malicious intent?"


I came to feel quite uneasy.


After all, this is my first trial with this modification.

そのような場合でも、多分、『だれかが私の改竄を修正する』、そして、『私が間違いを続ければ、私をOSMメンバから除名する』と期待しているのですが ――

Even in that case, I'm hoping that maybe "someone will correct my falsification" and "if I continue to be wrong, they will expel me from OSM membership" -- but I'm not sure.


Anyway, I really feel that "a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable world map" is a great idea.

2021-12-16 「資料と数値だけで、権力や当局を追い詰めていく」 [長年日記]

I watched the N-SPE program "Digital Hunter: Chasing a Mysterious Internet Research Group".


This is a documentary program on "Open Source Investigations", which uses only publicly available information (Open Source) to hunt down governments and criminal groups.

- 出所不明の動画から、集団虐殺の場面の場所と、虐殺に参加した人間までも特定

- Identified the location of the massacre and the people who took part in it from the video of an unknown source.

- 新疆ウイグル自治区にある「職業訓練や反テロのための教育施設」を称呼する建物に注目して衛星画像を分析し、隔離施設であることを特定

- identified "quarantine facilities", that Chinese Government Calls for "Vocational Training and Educational Facilities for Anti-Terrorism" - Looking at buildings in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, analyzing satellite images

- アメリカ政府が中東の砂漠に置いた秘密基地の存在を特定

- Identified the existence of a secret base placed by the US government in the deserts of the Middle East.

- マレーシア航空機の撃墜事件のロシアの関与を明らかにした上で、ロシア政府の情報機関の幹部や元幹部らを含む容疑者たちを特定

- Identified suspects, including senior and former members of the Russian government's intelligence community, in the case of Russia's involvement in the downing of the Malaysian airliner.


These are the result of their efforts.


Although it is far from this scale and results, I have also conducted psychological analysis of people who were victims of delays due to personal injury by analyzing Twitter text.


As a result, I found out some interesting things.


For example, there were many retweets about the accident, but surprisingly few tweets expressing their own opinions.

―― なるほど、言い難いことは『自分では語らずに、人に言わせる』のは当然だよなぁ

"I see, it's natural to 'let others say what's hard to say, without saying it ourselves"


I was impressed.



Open source alone can tell you quite a lot about what is going on.


Moreover, equipment costs (x time resources) are surprisingly low.

―― 彼らの武器はラップトップのパソコンだけ

"Their only weapon is a laptop computer"


This phrase is also quite catchy.



I've been thinking about my own school days and wondering, 'Why couldn't I have taken this approach back then?'


Well, back then, there was no Internet, and there may not have been a FOIA request, but...


"I could hunt down the powers that be and the authorities with nothing but data and numbers."

というやり方もあったはずなのに ―― と、少々落ち込んでいます。

As a science student... I am a little depressed.

Well, maybe it's because of those repercussions that I'm continuing with this series.

2021-12-17 普段はバラバラで活動しているのに、いざ選挙戦に入ると、無数の頭が1つの頭になる ―― 勝つためなら、何でもやる ―― という政党です。 [長年日記]

Copyright Infringing Doujinshi Allowed at Comiket? A manga artist's "tacit license".


I contributed to a column titled, before.


At this time, I had the opportunity to interview the manga artist Ken Akamatsu.


I remember learning a tremendous amount about copyright law, creative common license, child pornography laws, etc. before the interview.

Since then, I have been doing a lot of research and writing my own views (yet I have not been able to review up to the latest revision).



Mr. Ken Akamatsu has announced his intention to run for election to the House of Councillors from the Liberal Democratic Party.


I was a little relieved to hear that Mr. Akamatsu would be the best person to handle this problem.


But I'm also thinking, 'The Liberal Democratic Party.... It's going to be tough to make it in there,' I think.


The LDP is a hydra-like monstrosity with a myriad of heads: on the right, more radical than neo-Nazis, and on the left, a far left that even the JCP refrains from.

普段はバラバラで活動しているのに、いざ選挙戦に入ると、無数の頭が1つの頭になる ―― 勝つためなら、何でもやる ―― という政党です。

This is a party that usually works in isolation, but when it comes to the election campaign, the myriad heads become one -- doing whatever it takes to win.


By the way, I have given the prize to one person who applied for it, as mentioned last week.


Just to report.

2021-12-18 スマートシティを推進すると、スマートシティを推進する人たちの首を締める ―― [長年日記]

"Why do smart cities keep failing?"

"Is data collection a bad thing in smart cities? Why Toronto and Sidewalk Labs Failed"

"Lessons from cities where smart city plans did not go 'smart'"


There are articles with provocative titles as the above.


In my opinion, the reason is "IT".


To put it more simply, it's because "we don't know what they're doing".



Naturally, those who design smart cities grasp the city from a "God's perspective," as if looking at it from air

しかし、スマートシティの利用者には、そのようなデザイン―― 文字通りの「トップダウン・デザイン」―― は見えません。

However, smart city users do not see such design - literally "top-down design" - as such.


In this sense, we can understand what is being done in buildings, facilities, transportation, or "hakomono" such as government buildings, schools, community centers, museums, and theme parks.


In addition, those "failures" and "successes" are also clear from the user's perspective.


Above all, it is important to clarify who to blame (both individuals and corporations) in case of "failure".



I believe that smart cities can be understood by users if their effects can be clearly stated.


For example.


"We'll cut our city's energy use in half, but we'll still be able to maintain our mobility services."




"In this city, you don't need to have your own car to get by"


It is enough if they can say it properly in the "user's language".



However, the fact that the service provider for smart cities will be the "government" is troublesome.


"We will halve the number of people at City Hall, but maintain the current level of government services."


The question is, can they say the above phrase to the people at city hall themselves?

スマートシティを推進すると、スマートシティを推進する人たちの首を締める ――

Promoting smart cities strangles the people who promote smart cities --


This is the dilemma of smart cities.

2021-12-19 次女へのインタビューメモの写真のみで、ご勘弁下さい。 [長年日記]

今週末は、コラム原稿締切前の週末 ―― 修羅場週末です。

This weekend is the weekend before the deadline for my column manuscript -- the Weekend of Carnage


Please bear with me as I only have pictures of my interview notes for my second daughter.

2021-12-20 長期戦を闘うパートナーが、ノリの軽さと要領良さだけの奴であれば、私が困るんです。 [長年日記]


The other day, when I was watching TV, I heard the story.


"The guys who were popular, got good grades, and were popular with the opposite sex in school have not been successful in society.



I had been thinking that way for a long time, so I was deeply convinced that it was true.



I have a hypothesis about the reason for this.


"Those who were popular, got good grades, or were popular with the opposite sex when they were in school will mistakenly believe that their working life is on the same continuum as their school days"

学生の頃のノリと軽さと要領良さは ―― もちろん社会人になっても役に立つことはあります。

Of course, being easy and smart in a college period, can come in handy in the working world.


However, the life of a working adult is long, so, being the time for easy and smart becomes short.


At the end of the day, seriousness, honesty, diligence, and persistence are more important for a working person.

なぜか。それは、それらに人間としての価値があるから ―― ではありません。

Why? It's not because they have value as human beings.


To be honest, it doesn't really matter.


In a nutshell, it is because working people have to fight a long-term battle.


I'd be in trouble if my partner is just easy and smart in a long-term battle.

I call this "integrity as a strategy".



So, what I'm trying to say is...

ノリの軽さ、要領良さもなく、そして、真面目、誠実、勤勉、粘り強さもない、この私が ――

I'm not easy, I'm not smart, and I'm not serious, honest, diligent, or tenacious.


I just think that it is natural that "I'm not socially successful".

2021-12-21 ―― 軍師なんぞをたくさん集めて、どうするんだ? [長年日記]


Cao Cao", who appears (basically as a villain) in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, seems to be famous as a human resources enthusiast.


He collected all kinds of people who were skilled in military valor, art, and technology, as well as military strategists.


However I think that

―― 軍師なんぞをたくさん集めて、どうするんだ?

"What was he going to do with a bunch of military strategists?"




A military strategist is a person who advises the monarch or general commanding an army on strategic command.


I think that if there were many such people, all of whom had different opinions, monarchs and generals would have a hard time planning their strategies.


General Eisenhower, who planned the Normandy landings, said, "I will not accept the command of the operation unless I alone am the final decision-maker.


(I haven't been able to find any evidence of this.) I was also told that the core of Microsoft's Windows OS is basically built by a team of a few people.



It is a common practice for organizations to put people into a team that is in a death march, but it causes a lot of confusion in the field.


This is because the cost of training new members takes up a lot of the team's resources.

私、一度、このような炎上したチームに投入されたことがあるのですが、何も命じられなかったので、何もしませんでした ―― 実に3ヶ月間。

I was put on such a flaming team once, but I didn't do anything because I wasn't ordered to -- for three months, actually.


Over the past three months, I have been able to study the Linux kernel code at length.


Of course, I had to make up some random story to report at the regular briefing.


「曹操」に集められた軍師の大多数も、適当なことをやって 禄を食んでいたんじゃないかなー、と思っています。

I believe that the majority of the military strategists gathered by Cao Cao were also doing random things to earn their stipends.


Because, after all, there are only about three military strategists for Cao Cao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and those three are usually the ones who propose the strategy.

2021-12-22 笑って、泣いて、これまで同様『外れのない』キャラメルボックスの舞台を、十分に堪能させて頂きました。 [長年日記]

Today, my whole family went to see the play "Singin' with Santa Claus" by the Caramel Box Theater Company.


When I got the call in May 2019 that they had suspended their activities, I was stumped, 'What am I going to do about our family's Christmas events now?'


Since then, we have been unable to find a replacement for Caramel Box and have been forced to suspend the Ebata family's winter theater events.


I was delighted when I heard that it was back after two and a half years.



My wife asked me for my "preferred date and time" for this play.


'You don't care about my work. The time we get the ticket is my schedule,'


I said.



We laughed, we cried, and we fully enjoyed the stage performance of Caramel Box, which has never failed us.


Yes, after all, Caramel Box plays are the best.

2021-12-23 「ポスターに役者名を入れて貰う」っていうのは無理ですかね? 流石にプライド傷つきますかね。 [長年日記]

Yesterday, I wrote about watching a play by the "Caramel Box".


And now, I'd like to find out about the actors, however,

I'm having trouble linking to the actors on this page.



So, I have a suggestion for the staff of the "Caramel Box".

■「ポスターに役者名を入れて貰う」っていうのは無理ですかね? 流石にプライド傷つきますかね。

- Is it possible to have the actors' names put on the posters? Would that hurt their pride?




- When we click on a person on a poster on the Web, we will be taken to that actor's page.


I think it's a bit technically difficult.


If so...


How about "gently drawing QR codes next to the actors on the poster"?


They might say that it will ruin the quality of your poster.



At the stage yesterday, I felt a little sad because I was the only one who couldn't laugh while the audience was "laughing hysterically at the inside jokes".


So I wanted to follow up with them now.

劇団紹介のページは、舞台時の衣装の写真のものに差し替えて貰えると、私が役者ご本人を特定できて良いと思うですが ―― いかがでしょうか?

I think it would be better if you replace the introduction page with a photo of the actors in their stage costumes, so that I can identify them -- how about that?

2021-12-24 私、日本沈没の3日前まで『上司や権力に忖度するサラリーマン』であり続ける自信があります。 [長年日記]

最近テレビでやっていた「日本沈没 ―― 希望のひと」をNetFlixで視聴しています。

I recently watched "Sinking Japan -- A Man of Hope" on TV on NetFlix.


I've just reviewed two episodes in about five minutes, skipping around.


これを視聴して思っていたことは ――

What I was thinking when I watched this was--


- The people who are talking about government conspiracy theories with the COVID-19 vaccine are anti-power windbags like "Dr. Tadokoro."


Since I "deserve" the new coronary vaccine, I guess I am a bureaucrat or a government academic who is obsessed with profit-making, promotion and career.


Well, I won't deny it.


I am confident that I will continue to be a "business person who obeys his boss and authority" until three days before the sinking of Japan.



Dr. Tadokoro seems to be doing the coding of the disaster simulation on his own.

『他人に計算を任せられない』という気持ち ―― すごく良く分かります。

The feeling of "I can't trust my calculations to someone else" -- I understand very well.

画面をキャプチャしてみたところ、田所博士が使用している言語は、"Visual C++"のようです。

From the screen capture, it seems that the language Dr. Tadokoro is using is "Visual C++".


I am sure of it, because I have mass-produced more programs in this language than any other in my life.



You will see a screen where a government scientist who is in conflict with Dr. Tadokoro is accused of "Data tampering".


Data tampering" is an absolute no-no.


As a scientist and an engineer, this is unacceptable behavior.

どうせやるなら ―― シミュレーションプログラムのアルゴリズムの方を改竄するべきです。

If you're going to do this -- you should tamper with the algorithm of the simulation program.

なぜなら、自分で書いたプログラムの内容を、他人が読みとることは ―― 不可能ではありませんが ―― 相当に難しいからです。

This is because it is very difficult -- though not impossible -- for someone else to read the contents of a program you have written.


Furthermore, even if you wrote the program yourself, it is already "hopelessly" difficult to falsify the program so that it outputs simulation results that are convenient for you.


This is because a program is usually buggy if some part of it is tampered with, and the effects can appear unintentionally.


It is a kind of art to falsify a program in such a way that you can get the output result you want, without any contradiction, with no problems at all.

そういう意味では ―― 私は、『一流の芸術家』であると自負しております。

In that sense -- I am proud to say that I am a "first-rate artist".

2021-12-25 ―― 嫁さんが換気扇の掃除をしても、いいんだよ [長年日記]


Tomorrow, I'm going back home to help my mother transfer to the hospital.


Since snowfall is predicted, I am thinking of a backup plan.


That aside.


Today, the temperature rose at noon, so I took the opportunity to clean the exhaust fan.


This has already been a routine process, so I was able to crunch through it.


A few liters of oil (used for 8 years) is poured into a tray and the exhaust fan parts are thrown into the tray and washed.


This has already been a routine process, so I was able to crunch through it.

These gloves are especially "motivating" for the depressing task of cleaning the exhaust fan.


I'm glad that I can put my hand into the oil.


It seems that "cleaning around the ventilation fan" has become a target for media outlets to gain viewership.


Even in the Ebata family, my wife has acquired these know-hows and is 'passing them on to me'.

―― 嫁さんが換気扇の掃除をしても、いいんだよ

"No problem if my wife cleans the exhaust fan"


However, cleaning the exhaust fan has the advantage of exempting me from other cleaning tasks, so well, it's an exchange condition.


Also, for some reason, making New Year's cards is my job.


However, my daughters have already stopped making New Year's cards, and I have changed to a "ping server" approach, sending New Year's cards at the beginning of the year.


That is why I am forced to check my wife's friendships (within the scope of her New Year's cards) only once a year.

2021-12-26 「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の原理主義者の江端です。 [長年日記]

「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の原理主義者の江端です。

I'm Ebata, a fundamentalist of the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks"


I have always said, "Don't be stingy with other people's creations. Be silence as my criticism". Hence, I would like to refrain from giving my thoughts on TV dramas in 2021.


I just tell you that I agree with the criticisms listed on the Internet.


「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」は、『悪人が1人も登場しない』というとろが、私は好きなんですよ。

I like the fact that in the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks", there is not a single bad guy.


I think the theme of "Japan sinks" is a fierce exodus in which everyone, from ordinary people to scientists, the Self-Defense Forces, and politicians, all work together desperately, risking their lives.

―― 日本が沈没するという未曾有の大災害の前に、『政局』なんぞ、のん気なことやっている奴がいるかぁ?

"In the face of a catastrophe of unprecedented scale that could sink Japan, who would be so carefree as to engage in "political affairs"?"


I come to think so.


日本沈没のメカニズムに関しては、「小説 日本沈没」では、膨大なページ数を割いて、徹底的な説明をしています。

As for the mechanism of the sinking of Japan, The novel "Japan sinks" devotes an enormous number of pages to a thorough explanation.


I was so worried that the readers would lose motivation if the explain is so technical at such length.

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」では、マントル対流の話を、本物の地震学者に解説をさせる徹底さでした(確か、東京大学地震研究所の先生だったと思います)。

In the movie "Japan sinks", they had a real seismologist explain about the mantle convection (He was a professor of Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo).


The realism of it scared me.


I also heard that the number of students majoring in seismology had increased since then.



What the great about Sakyo Komatsu's "Japan sinks" is


"In what areas is the behavior of fluid mass of different temperatures on Earth most clearly understood?"


As represented by this line, the paradigm of meteorological models has been brought into tectonic models.


Of course, this model may be unreasonable, but science fiction is science fiction.


And then, that is it.

『最悪の場合・・・これは、地震の被害の大小にはかかわらずだ。・・・最悪の場合 ―― 日本列島の大部分は、水面下に沈む・・・』

"In the worst case scenario... . ..this is regardless of the size of the earthquake. ...In the worst case -- most of the Japanese archipelago will sink below the surface..."


No matter how many times I reread the phrase, it still sends shivers down my spine.


「小説 日本沈没」の中で、「日本沈没」という複合語が登場するのは、わずか7箇所です(Kindleで調べました)

In the novel "Sinking of Japan," the compound word "Japan sinks" appears in only seven places (I checked on my Kindle).

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の中でも、この言葉はあまり使われていなかったように思います。

I don't think this word was used much in the movie.


I think it is very important to make the reader understand the theme of creation without using power words.

2021-12-27 ―― 考えすぎじゃね? [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.



I have a fierce sense of urgency about Japan's IT backwardness because I am an IT engineer and researcher.


Perhaps people in the medical field are terrified of Japan medical backward, and people in the economic field are madly worried about Japan's financial crisis.


In the same way, I think people in the judiciary are worried about the courts that keep running away with "highly political decisions," and people in the legislature see a hopeless future for Japan in the situation of "no progress in revising Article 9 of the Constitution.


I think people in the education field are heartbroken by the current devastation in the education field, from "bullying" to "indecent teachers".


And people in the SDF may really believe deep down that 'Japan must be nuked.


And the rest of the people above are probably thinking like that

―― 考えすぎじゃね?

"They're overthinking"




I think I lived in the middle of the Cold War era, but in the end, World War III did not occur.


As far as I know, not a single person predicted the self-destructive collapse of the Soviet Union.


People who strongly advocated the Soviet invasion of Japan have yet to properly sum up the fact that their predictions were wrong.



So, in conclusion.


(1) That no matter what I worry about, 'what will be will be'.


(2) That there are many things in the world that can be done, if only time would pass.


(3) That people who agitate for a crisis are usually irresponsible.


I guess I can say that.



Therefore, I believe that STEM education and programming education will probably be "what will be," and that we will probably be able to "work it out".

結局、『なんとかなる』と思っていた人が、もっとも気楽な人生を送ることになる、という事実は ―― なんとも業腹ではあるのですが。

In the end, people who think "work it out eventually" can live the most carefree life, even if it makes me feel angry.

2021-12-28 というか、これから社会で活躍する子どもたちが、iPadを使うのであれば、それに迎合していくことがシニアの運命です。 [長年日記]

その国の教育システムの方針で、その国の国是が決まる ―― これは、間違いないと思います(別に、独裁国の専売というわけでもない)。

The policy of a country's education system determines the national policy of that country -- I'm pretty sure this is true (not that it's the exclusive business of dictatorships).


It is natural for countries to have different historical perceptions.


If I was born in Korea, I would argue that Korean history is legitimate, and if I was born in China, I would argue that Chinese history is legitimate.


There is no such thing as "correct history," only "the history that a country claims to have" as many countries as there are countries in the world.


It is only natural from the perspective of national interest that the history that is convenient for the country is adopted.


But that's beside the point.


その国の教育システムの方針で、その国のデジタル化が決まる ―― これも、間違いないと思います。

The policy of a country's education system will determine the digitization of that country -- I am sure of this, too.

As mentioned here, iPad is currently the most used device in the GIGA School Initiative.


So, for the next 10 years or so, I think iPad will be the definitive tablet culture in Japan.


At this point, even I, who have been resisting Linux and Android, need to "get with the times".


So, as a first step, I'm currently typing on the bullet train with my iPad, wireless mouse, and keyboard.


I also brought my familiar Windows laptop, but I can learn a new system for me by being forced to use an inconvenient environment (like on the Shinkansen).


Or rather, if the children who will be active in society in the future use iPads, then it is the fate of seniors to pander to them.


Writing on an unfamiliar iPad can be stressful for me, but that's what "pandering" is.



We, seniors, have no choice but to live with our children.


We have always laughed at seniors who cannot use a computer.


It is our turn to be laughed at.


It's cause and effect.

2021-12-30 大人が『それ』を躊躇することによって、天秤にかけられているのは「少女たちの命」です。 [長年日記]


I have repeatedly urged my daughter to go get the "cervical cancer vaccine".

However, she has refused to go, saying she was busy.


まあ、実際に忙しいのは、傍から見ていても明らかですが ―― 私も理系出身で、理系の激務には理解があります。

Well, it's obvious from the side that she is actually busy -- I also have a science background, and I understand the intense workload in the sciences.


However, observing how busy she have been with reports, experiments, and productions since her first year of college, even I feel like I'm losing my mind.

―― 最近の大学(理系)って、みんな、こんな感じなのか?

-- Are all universities (science courses) like this these days?


I think it was in my third year of the seminar (instrumental research) that I really started to work hard.


Well, I can't remember any time during my college years that I can think of as "free time" either.



However, I think

"Can 'busy' be a reason to vaccinate against a cancer that kills 3,000 women a year?"



To be honest, I'm frustrated with my daughter's lack of awareness, but I can say that I've given her more than enough warnings as a parent, so I won't say anything more.



And while doing that, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to offer the opportunity to get the "cervical cancer vaccine" for free on the 23rd of this month.


The conditions are,


- Only for women aged 16-24 (born between 1997 and 2005)


- Vaccination period is only for 3 years from April 2022.


これで、江端家が負担する5万円がなくなったのですが ―― 私としては、ラッキーとも思っていません。

This eliminates the 50,000 yen that the Ebata family will have to pay -- and as for me, I'm not feeling so lucky.


If my daughter insists that she will be vaccinated by April 2022, I (the Ebata family) will pay the money (50,000 yen) (seriously).


I believe that the risk for 3 months is worth 50,000 yen.



Cervical cancer is caused by sexual intercourse (sex).


It is estimated that more than half of all women who have ever had sex will become infected in their lifetime (50%).


Ten percent of them are infected (5%), and some of them progress to "cervical cancer".


Specifically, the following people are currently considered to be at risk of developing cervical cancer.


- Fecundity


- Smokers


- People taking oral contraceptives (pills)


- Women who have many sexual partners.


- Women with younger age at first sexual intercourse


- Women with weakened immune systems


In an absolute sense, the only people who don't need to get this vaccine are women who have decided to 'not have sex for the rest of their lives'.



The trouble is that the most appropriate age for this "cervical cancer vaccine" is before they start having sexual intercourse, and the current free vaccination period is "6th grade to 1st grade of high school.


This means that parents and teachers have to explain to the girls about "sex" as a prerequisite for vaccination.

I think we should talk more frankly about sex at school and at home -- no matter how embarrassing or painful it may be.


It is the "lives of the girls" that are being weighed in the balance by the adults who hesitate to do "it".

2021-12-31 『米軍』が絡んできて、そこで始めて『集団的自衛権』が発動するのだから、米軍が何もされていない段階では、自衛隊は、1mmも動けない、が、正論です ―― が、 [長年日記]


I subscribe to "NHK Plus" so I can watch NHK programs on my computer (free of charge if you pay the subscription fee).


NHK Special "What's Happening in the Taiwan Strait: The U.S.-China "New Cold War" and Japan" can be viewed until January 2.


If you are interested, please watch.


―― もの凄く面白く、そして、怖かった

"It was so interesting and scary"


The simulation of the Japanese government's response to a possible Taiwanese emergency was very realistic.

By the way, when we say "simulation", most people think it is computer simulation, and in fact, that is how it is described in the Wiki -- but this is not correct.


Simulation is "an attempt to recreate a hypothetical situation and respond to it in a way that has not been done in reality".


The simulation in this program was "Taiwan Emergency".


People with experience in security-related legislation, former senior officers of the Self-Defense Forces, and current members of the Diet played the roles of the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief Cabinet Secretary.


The former top official of the Self-Defense Forces has prepared several hypothetical scenarios of a Taiwanese contingency, which were delivered to the situation in real time, and the cabinet members discussed and made decisions on the spot.


There are (as I understand it) two conditions for this simulation


(1) While adhering to the principle of "diplomacy for peaceful resolution through dialogue," invoke the right of self-defense in the event of an emergency.


(2) However, the use of force and other actions (evacuation of residents) must be carried out in accordance with existing laws.



シナリオの第1段は、「台湾で独立派の総統が誕生 → 中国軍による強襲揚陸訓練が開始 + 陸戦部隊も海岸部に結集」というものでした。

The first stage of the scenario was that an independent president would be born in Taiwan → Chinese forces would begin assault and landing drills + land troops would be assembled in the coastal areas.


Now, at this stage, what can the Japanese nation do?


If China attacks the U.S. military, Japan will be able to enter a combat situation through the "right of collective self-defense".

さて、ここで問題となるのは、どの時点で「集団的自衛権」の発動条件が整うのか? です。

Now, the question is, at what point do the conditions for triggering "collective self-defense" come into play?

米軍が戦闘準備に入った時? 米軍が攻撃を受けた時? 米軍が反撃を開始した時? 米軍が自衛隊に要請をしてきた時? と ―― 考えてみれば当然なのですが、これらの発動時間にはタイムラグがあります。

When the U.S. military prepares for battle? When U.S. forces are under attack? When the U.S. military launches a counterattack? When the US forces request the SDF? It is natural to think that there is a time lag between these activation times.


So, the SDF has a plausible argument that since time is needed to move the SDF, joint operations with the U.S. military will be meaningless unless it is clear at what stage the right of collective self-defense can be activated.



As an amateur like me, I apt to think

―― 中国軍による軍事演習が開始された時点で、自衛隊を動かせばいいじゃん?

"Why don't they just move the Self-Defense Forces when the military exercises by the Chinese military start?"


しかし、自衛隊は法律に元づかないと動かすことができない組織なのです ―― いや、シビリアンコントロール下にある、法治国家は、すべてそういう運用がされていますけどね。

But the Self-Defense Forces is an organization that can only operate under the law -- well, all law-abiding nations under civilian control operate that way, though.


The SDF is tasked with the defense of our country.


From a legal standpoint, the correct stance is to say, 'I don't care what happens to Taiwan.


Because Taiwan is not a military ally of Japan.

『米軍』が絡んできて、そこで始めて『集団的自衛権』が発動するのだから、米軍が何もされていない段階では、自衛隊は、1mmも動けない、が、正論です ―― が、

Since the right of collective self-defense is activated only when "U.S. forces" are involved, the SDF cannot move even a millimeter when U.S. forces are not doing anything, however,


The real feeling on the ground is that the right of collective self-defense is meaningless.


And this case is also consistent with our common sense in our daily lives.


For example, in a company, if you are working on a project and you don't start working on it until it is approved by the executives, the project will not work.


The normal way of operating a project is to prepare the project until it is just about ready to move, and then wait for approval when it is ready.


This is not to say that the Diet was incompetent.


The use cases of the right of procedural self-defense were discussed in the "Korean Peninsula Emergency" and "Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz".


The "Taiwan contingency" was not in the scope at that time.


シナリオの第2段は、「中国軍による与那国島周辺の海上封鎖 + 台湾本土への攻撃開始」でした。

The second stage of the scenario was the "blockade of the sea around Yonaguni Island by the Chinese military + launch of an attack on the Taiwanese mainland.


At this stage, joint operations with the U.S. military will become possible, and of course, the Chinese military will also be able to attack the Japanese mainland.


The SDF will not be able to fulfill its mission of self-defense if it does not have a complete interception system in place against an attack from the Chinese military on the Japanese mainland.


Furthermore, they found out that there is "no law" to support the SDF in evacuating residents in response to such a military attack, even though the law must be applied to evacuate residents.

"Why don't they just evacuate them based on the Disaster Relief Act?"


And, like me, some people in ministerial roles thought that this was an unreasonable interpretation of the law.


It was very impressive to see a person playing the role of a cabinet minister, opening a collection of legal texts and discussing them.


I was watching the program, muttering, "I know that feeling".




I wrote here that I have no idea about the current approach to "programmatic thinking (tekishiko-) education" in programming education.


Perhaps one of the ways to do this is through education using simulations like this one, I think.


However, I also think that this "simulation education" will be difficult to create the subject matter and the method (human or computer) to judge the situation.