―― 三国志の登場人物を多く知っていれば、インテリである
先日もお話しましたが、今、酒見賢一さんの「泣き虫 弱虫 諸葛孔明」という本を読んでいます。
「シュタインズゲート」の実写舞台化 ―― うーん、ギャグとしては最大級の楽しさだ。「その方、褒めてとらす」と思っていたのですが。
The theater adaptation of "Steins;Gate”? O.K. It is a nice gag story. I give you a compliment --- I thought.
It is great!
I love not just the contents but the concept of "Steins;Gate" I don't care the live-action, theater-action and others at all.
In spite of something of the character images, the love of mine toward "Steins;Gate" is not fragile.
様々なメディアで、色々な表現で、カモン! オールオッケーですよ。あと100年は、この話が続いて欲しいものです。
Any media, any presentation will be good as long as I live. I want to be going to keep this trend for 100 years at least.
O.K.! Let me get the ticket! Where can I do?
It has been finished.
Yesterday, my junior daughter rushed to come to my room, and said
『パパ、「傷物語」凄いよ! この本、もう最高!! ―― それじゃあ、寝るね』
"Daddy! This "Kizu-Monogatari is really great". Amazing! So I'm gonna go to bed."
She talked her impression one-sidedly, and disappeared suddenly.
Going with this condition, it is like the matter of time that the whole series is going to be set.
I think that it is good.
In our times, there seemed not to be books like "the story series" which are easy and enjoyable to read.
Though these books are sometimes called "Light novel", I don't like this.
If the book is easier to read, it is more valuable that the book to read hard.
To tell you the truth, the books that we were forced to read in junior school were hell on earth.
According to the title of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology recommendation book, there was only the books of "they quarrel with a friend and are reconciled afterwards"
そして、鴎外、太宰、漱石、谷崎、三島 ―― 揃いも揃って、実に読みにくく、テーマは暗く、全く楽しくない。
Ougai, Dazai, Soseki, Tanizaki, Mishima
Every one of them is hard to read, really gloomy, and is not fun at all.
The time that I can find that their books become fun is in the immediate past.
Forced such a book on a child, I really think that "Does Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology want to promote this detached room of the child?"
Some fools think that the reading regards as "some kind of training", but I believe that the essence of reading is "entertainment".
『パパ、凄いよ! この本、もう最高!! ―― それじゃあ、寝るね』
"Daddy! This book is really great. Amazing! So I'm gonna go to bed."
This is the right reading like this saying of her.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
We cannot watch the calculation process"
Unless the visualization of the process realizes, nobody cannot believe the result of the service.
However, There is a superior person in the world, the person could make the service in just about no time.
なるほど、「Googleスプレッドシート」というのは、こうやって使うのか ―― と感心してしまいました。
I was impressed and I could understand how to use "Google spreadsheet".
Using Java-Script, we cannot watch the calculation process, even if the GUIs are beautiful.
But spread sheet can clarify the formulas and numbers shift.
Above all, "Google spreadsheet" is available on web browser, even if there is no Excel in the PC.
I also have made a new simulator by spreadsheet(by the Excel) because of avoiding the coding and compiling.
それで、次回の連載用の計算をしていたのですが、―― 今、その計算結果を見て、青冷めています。
I have calculated some issues for the next serialisation for this week end, and I was shocked by the result seriously.
『この結果を、一刻も早く、家族に知らせなければ 』と思い、家族全員を私の部屋に呼んで、シミュレーション結果について解説しました。
I thought "I should inform this result to my family as soon as possible" and called them to my room, and explained about it.
On the second thought, the result was a natural result, however, I believe that
―― ダイエットにおける「リバウンド」という言葉の意味を、完全に理解した
"I could understand the real meaning of a word "rebounding" in diet perfectly"
I am going to open the result in the next serialisation.
(Continuation from yesterday)
One obscure sentence mail is, for example
It starts with the phrase "People who have a love child is a tool of a pharmaceutical company", and
there was no background, and no sense of the subjects, objects and predication. Though I tried to read it more than ten times, I could not understand the content at all.
To tell you the truth, I could hardly imagine that it was written for the purpose of telling people something.
To begin with, it is "rude"
Of course, a unknown and rude e-mails like above, will go to a trash box in 3 seconds, and the mail address will be set as a reject.
However, all of sudden, I remembered the mail last night, I took out this mail from this trash box, and I tried reading it again.
However, I could not understand it.
Even if I read it again and again, only the word "Denpa" comes to mind.
(To be continued)
ドラマ三国志(Three Kingdom)の音声を聞きながら、仕事やらコーディングをすることがあるのですが、
I sometimes work or code a program with listening to the sound of Drama Three Kingdoms (Three Kingdom).
なんというか、規模がデカいんですよ ―― 戦死者の。
How can I say that the number of battle dead was amazing.
Just one night's battle made number of war dead, which exceeds the number of the atomic bomb victim, dropped in the non-combat area of the United States once.
Even in medium battles, tens of thousands are lightly killed in the battle.
As I mentioned before, the domestic economy basically gets GDP (GDP), and GDP is proportional to the population.
―― なんで、数万人から数十万人の労働人口を一瞬で失うような
- Why didn't they continue the battles that is was like losing a workforce of tens or hundreds of thousands of people in an instant,
―― 政令指定都市の全ての住人を、たった一晩で消滅させるような戦争を
- that means that the battle extinguished all the inhabitants of a Cabinet designated city, for just one night
―― 年がら年中続けていたんだ ?
- all year round
I come to think that.
Whatever I think, it was a waste.
It was uneconomical and irrational.
"I heard that "Zhuge Kai" was a clear-headed military ruler wasn't he?"
(In addition, the three who pledged in Oath of the Peach Garden looks like "Three cloudy-headed" to me)
So I also think that
"Why did he aim "Three Kingdom peace agreement" ather than" the war between the three Kingdom" ?
But, well thinking, I could understand that these (wars) were reasonable economic actions.
(To be continued)
私の、研究員としての仕事の一つに、(Step 1)研究用の試作システムを考案して、(2)それを組み立てて、(3)自分の仮説を検証する、ことがあります。
One of my works as a researcher is (Step 1) devising a prototype system for research, (Step 2) assembling it, (Step 3) verifying my hypothesis.
I receive support from myself or other people, and have to build up one system of myself.
For that, first of all, I will purchase (order) necessary software and hardware parts.
(Before that, there are procedures to secure the budget, however, I will omit this story this time)
Of course, in order to purchase these parts at the company, it is obvious that I should not make a wrong order (mis-order).
In addition, I must do the right procedure according to the law.
で ―― 今の私は、
I am exhausted by this ordering work.
In recent years, in addition to strict laws on purchasing goods, I think that the administrative footwork has become lighter.
Quite often, inspectors are getting into the workplace (it is a hearsay, though), and in response to this, the internal operation of the company becomes stricter than before.
And the biggest reason is that "there are departments overseeing those operations."
However, it was quite later that I noticed it.
From the email address (or name) of the person who is doing business, I noticed that the person in charge of business is foreigner.
However, I have not noticed that the base is in the mainland (China) for a long time.
大陸(中国)の方の使われる日本語の文章は会話が ―― 海外の方であることを忘れてしまうくらい ―― ほとんど「日本人」です。
The conversation used by the people of the land (China) is, I sometimes forgot being an foreigner, almost "Japanese".
―― 凄い
I think it from the bottom of my heart.
The seriousness of truth is against my standing position of "engineers not loved by English".
Of course, I know that the situation surrounding me is too special (there are many excellent people), and unusual.
Even so, I like whoever is kind and to help me.
On the other hand, I dislike any people who "only give me advice" even I don't ask it.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
The other day, I suddenly thought.
What if the Emperor's position is restored to the pre-war "current God" concept ?
In fact, before the Pacific War, a picture of His Majesty was in shrine, The Emperor was not only a tangible human but also an intangible god.
Although it is a little rough, the Emperor's Majesty (human being) before the war was the "God's Interface".
I am afraid that some people who don't understand the word "interface".
Software is basically a program that is intangible.
Therefore, in order to communicate with human beings, you must input and output commands, hit Windows and smartphone icons, and input characters and voices.
These terminals, icons and commands are called "interface (boundary surface)".
Artificial intelligence that appears in the science fiction anime "Beatless", has an interface as a way to communicate with humans-this is "Higgins' daughters" in the form of beautiful girls.
In this anime, each of the characters usually calls these beautiful girls "super-high AI interfaces" (as expected, the world after 100 years).
Computers that store super-high AI, are just boxes, but the means to talk to these boxes are "Higgins' daughters" in the form of beautiful girls.
話を戻しますと ――
When I return the story:
Before the war, the Emperor His Majesty (human) was an "interface" for talking with the Emperor Majesty (God) and the Japanese people.
The "interface" may seem rude (disrespectful?), however this has always been a common concept.
The so-called "Yoshiro"(a person who speaks the word of God, as god's agent) or "Hyoi"(transfering of the deceased spirit) is also an "interface".
(To be continued)
In today's NHK news,
―― クラウド活用をしてデータ共有をした企業に、その投資額の3%を法人税から差し引く
"3% of the investment is deducted from corporate taxes for companies that share data by cloud IT system."
―― 減価償却費に投資額の30%を上乗せ(初年度だけ)(*1,*2,*3)
"Additional 30% of company's investment to depreciation (for the first year only)(*1,*2,*3)"
というニュースを聞いた時には、正直、耳を疑いました ―― 『DX = クラウド』じゃなんだけどなぁ、と思いまして。
I honestly couldn't believe my ears when I heard the news that. Because I'm not sure "DX = Cloud" is not correct.
But now I've reconsidered " that's good too"
Right now, the priority would be to go digital, rather than worrying about those details.
The tax reform bill by the government and the ruling party is, with misleading saying
『四の五の言わずに、AWS(VPC: Virtual Private Could)を使って、2社以上で協業システムを構築しやがれ』
"Don't say a word, use AWS (Virtual Private Could) and build a collaborative system with two or more companies"
Just on the condition that the
―― 政府にシステムの内容を報告しろよ
"Tell the government what's in the system"
Well, it is natural.
"I'm well aware that DX is quite a difficult trial, if they are not a "company with a lot of engineers" like the one I work for.
I think the "digitization drive" with tax incentives is good.
ところで、私、週末には、AWS Lightsailを使って、クラウドコンピューティングで、システム構築の勉強やっています。
By the way, I'm doing a weekend study of system construction, in cloud computing, using AWS Lightsail.
AWSの本家プラットフォームを使うと「EC2 + LBS + Route53 + ドメイン費用 = (個人では)バカ高」となるからです。
Using the original AWS platform would be "EC2 + LBS + Route53 + domain cost = (personally) ridiculously high".
このような、「週末クラウド独学者」に対して、政府の補助も検討して頂きたいのですが ――
I would like to ask you to consider government subsidies for these "weekend cloud self-students", though,
Is it still too much to ask?
(*1) Depreciation is a system to divide a large investment (payment) of a certain size into multiple years.
For example: a system of 10 billion yen worth of equipment is purchased each year for 200 million yen for 50 years.
The benefit of this program is that (A) companies do not incur a large deficit when they purchase equipment, and (B) 200 million yen is deducted from their profits each year, thus saving the taxpayer money.
(*2) I understand that the "extra 30%" means that the amount of normal depreciation will be larger -> make the profit look smaller -> lower taxes.
But if the annual depreciation disappears, the company should be in trouble.
If this is the case, it seems to me that the system allows for a virtual increase in the first year's depreciation and amortization, leaving the depreciation expense unchanged, which is a "de facto tax break".
(*3)This is the study of Ebata.
In 2013, I had calculated the expected rate of unmarried people.
まあ、当時は、あまり深刻に考えずに、「こういう可能性もあるよ」という警鐘のつもりで、このような机上シミュレーションを出していましたが ――
Well, at the time, I didn't take it too seriously and put out these desk simulations as a warning bell that this was a possibility.
To be honest, I was surprised to learn recently that 47% of the population will be unmarried by 2040.
ちなみに私の算出した未婚率の予測式(男性 0.6417x - 1270.7, 女性 0.6417x -1280.0 x:西暦)に当てはめると、ざっくり"34%"でした。
By the way, if you apply my formula for predicting the unmarried rate (0.6417x - 1270.7 for males, 0.6417x -1280.0 for females x: Western calendar), the rate is roughly "34%".
However, in the view of the following table, it seems to be generally consistent.
Back in 2013, as I stared at the data, I had an ominous feeling that "this might not be linear (equation).
This is because there are signs of an exponential increase, especially in the lifelong singleness rate for women.
However, if this is taken into account, the lifetime unmarried rate for men would jump to a ridiculous value, as the female unmarried rate would be greatly affected. At the time of writing that column, I decided I waited and saw.
As it turned out, there was no need to be cautious.
I've been saying for quite some time that we need to think about a social system where non-marriage is the default, but no one (not even the company) has taken me seriously.
In any case, a society with a declining birthrate in Japan is certain.
There is an urgent need to build a social system that does not assume human resources.
そして、今だに『結婚というシステムを前提とした出産』などという、タルいことを言い続けていれば ――
And if we continue to talk about "childbirth based on the system of marriage" and other nonsense others,
"Zero emissions" will easily be achieved by the population before oxygen dioxide.
Last night, I was reading material for a classmate's (international student) presentation of the research paper.
The paper is described the conclusion that 'no matter what technological innovations may come in the future, zero emissions will not be possible'.
Especially the "transportation field" is said to be in desperate need of help.
I can summarize the argument of this paper in my own way.
―― むやみに移動するな
"Don't move unnecessarily"
Today's lecture, when I gave him a question of
"The conclustion of the paper's author is "Don't move, Stay home, Do your remote system", Is that Right?"
と疑問を投げつけたら、彼は困った顔をしていました ―― ちょっと、悪いことをしました。
He had a annoyed look on his face -- I felt sorry for him.
That said, I very much agree with 'don't move unnecessarily'.
Traveling should be as much as a walk in the park, and all work that can be done remotely should be done remotely.
The remote may be half as efficient as F2F (I agree), then just double the F2F time.
Considering the time it takes to travel, it should pay off perfectly.
Having said that, I am also well aware that 'it is work that does not go according to logic.
First, let's start by stopping "moving around unnecessarily" with other "remote" people who can "hold" each other's hands.
Q1: 自民党の政治団体のキックバックが話題になっています。このキックバックはどのような問題が発生するのか教えて下さい
Q1: There has been a lot of talk about kickbacks from LDP political groups. Please tell me what kind of problems these kickbacks can cause.
Q2: このキックバックの行為は、どの法律に抵触することになりますか
Q2: Which law would this kickback activity violate?
Q3: 我が国の法律に限定して、可能であれば条文も指定して下さい。
Q3: Please specify only the laws of our country and, if possible, also the text of the articles.
Q4: 政治資金規正法に限定して、抵触する条文を推定して下さい。
Q4: Please estimate the conflicting articles, limited to the Political Funds Control Law.
Q5: キックバックで得られた資金は、本来課税対象になるものでしょうか
Q5: Are kickback funds taxable in nature?
Q6: つまり、キックバックで得られた資金について報告がない、ということは脱税が行われたという理解で良いでしょうか
Q6: In other words, is it correct to say that there is no report on the funds obtained through kickbacks, meaning that tax evasion has occurred?
What I wanted to know, at the bottom, is the answer to this last question (Q6).
ChatGPT: "Yes, if you do not report the funds obtained from kickbacks and do not declare them taxable to the tax authorities, it may be considered an act of tax evasion."
ChatGPT: "Tax evasion is a serious legal offense and a violation of tax law."
ChatGPT: "Failure to properly report taxes and avoid paying them is a criminal offense in many countries."
To derive an answer from ChatGPT, we must repeat these questions and answers to elicit the answer.
It is a bit tedious but much more helpful than bulletin boards and social networking sites.
That aside.
Recently, I have been limiting my writing activities, so I don't file tax returns, but even so, if the amount exceeds 200,000 yen, I file a self-report and pay the additional tax.
Hmmm...they don't have to pay taxes even if it's over 10 million yen, let alone 200,000 yen...
They can do that kind of thing.
And such persons are members of our country's parliament.
Being a Member of Parliament is wonderful.
(If I have misunderstood the interpretation of the kickback, anyone is welcome to point it out. I will publish your remarks through the Ebata Firewall.)