
2018-08-01 この父の顔は、父を現わしていない。だれにも、この死に顔で、父を覚えていて欲しくない。 [長年日記]


On the day my father died, my father came back home for the first time in a month.


That night, I slept together next to my father's body.


I had to keep candles and incense until the wake, however, the funeral company had said "Before going to bed, please turn off the fire", for fire preventation.


On that day, a huge typhoon called typhoon 12 was supposed to hit the this area, but it was not a low temperature, and a hot night.


The person in charge said to me that "please keep turning on the air conditioner all day.


In this hot weather, air conditioners are essential not only for living people, but also for dead people.


It is because I must prevent deterioration of the body.


That night, I set the temperature of the cooler considerably low, and I felt a bad cold feeling.


(I was pointed out by my relatives at a later date, "you should have used a futon for winter")



I understood that my father's face gradually changed over time.


When I saw his face for the first time, he had a mild face that really felt asleep,


The next day, the carving of his face got deeper, and became a fearless face,


The face with death makeup was like an actor in Takarazuka (probably, I thought the impact of lipstick was great)

―― 違う

"No way"


"His face is not like this"


"This face is not his. I don't want anyone to remember my father with this his face".



In the room, there was a picture when my father celebrated my birthday in the facility of day service,


I insisted that "No matter what I think, there is only this picture. The background is a light colored pink gradation", and I had my sister convince you.


My father's life was wild, and often struggling. I am afraid that there was few fun time for his life.

しかし、それでも、私の見えないところで、こういう笑顔ができる人であり、こういう笑顔ができる幸せな時も、きっと多くあったハズであると ―― 私は信じています。

However, I believe that he was a person who can smile like this, and there were a lot of happy times that such a smile can happen.

2018-08-02 「パパ。『健やかな顔』じゃなくて『安らかな顔』」 [長年日記]


(1)Greetings of my father's wake


"Thank you very much for your time, even you are busy today"


"I really appreciated it that you had a close relationship with my father, Kazuo Ebata"


"Here, I would like to let you know a little story about my father's final appearance"


"My father quietly took his last breath at 6 AM yesterday.

『まだ、寝ているだけではないのかな? と疑ってしまうほど、大変・・・健やかな顔で・・苦しんでいる様子も・・・』

"Is not he just sleeping?" It is hard for me to believe it ... He was a healthy face and did not seem to suffer... "


At this time, I remembered that I arrived at the hospital yesterday morning, I cried out loudly, hugging my father's death face, decided to be "only one minute".

私は、次の言葉を発することができなくなり、10秒以上も嗚咽をし続けるという ―― 私としては、滅多にない経験をすることになりました。

I was unable to put the following words out, and kept choking up for more than 10 seconds --- For me, I got rare experiences.

私は、司会もプレゼンも学会発表も、全く緊張せずに、ベラベラとしゃべり続けることができる、非典型的な日本人なのですが ―― 私の記憶している限り、生まれて初めて「スピーチの中断」をしてしまいました。

I am a non-typical Japanese who can continue talking by several presentations at conferences or ceremonies. However, as long as I remember, I had "interrupted my speech" for the first time in my life.



After that, I took a deep breath a couple of times, I resumed my greetings.


"I was very sorry that I showed you something ugly"


"I will tell you here that my father never suffered seriously and he took my breath. I would like to have peace of mind for you"


"It is easy, however I would like to express my gratitude and greetings to you"


"Thank you very much for today"

私が御礼の挨拶を終えて、顔を上げると、多くの参列者の方が目を潤ませており、親戚もハンカチを目に当て、私の家族に至っては ―― 私以上の状態になっているようでした。

When I finish my greetings and raise my face, many participants got misty-eyed, relatives also held a handkerchief to their eyes, and my family were --- more than me



After the evening, as a mourner, I had to stay at the funeral hall. Before that, I put my family on the car and sent it to my parents' house.


At that time, from the wife, she pointed out


"Not a "healthy face" but a "peaceful face"



From my daughter, she said


"I really was surprised because I did not think you would cry in public"


2018-08-03 その中でも、この「故人を『笑って』偲ぶ」という葬儀は、素晴しい文化のトップクラスに入ると思っています。 [長年日記]


During my assignment to the US, "Mike" who was next to my partition, died, and I experienced a funeral in the United States.


There was a hall like a little concert venue in the church, and a lot of people, as if all people in the town.


Several people talked about memories of the deceased at the stage of the hall, and the participant listened to the story and was raising

―― 大爆笑

"very loud laugh"




In the story when the deceased was playing tennis,

「ファイナルマッチになった時、相手が打ち込んだスマッシュが、コートぎりぎりで入り、私たちが残念そうな溜息を付い時、彼は、大声で叫んだのです ―― 「アウト!」と」(*)

"When it became a final match, when the opponent's smashed came in at the end of the court, and we got a sorry sigh. But He shouted out loud - "Just!" (*)


(*) In general tennis, we play games with such a self judge.


In other words, he said "he was a funny and fun guy that the deceased is vulgarious about winning", and he was inviting the laughter of the venue.


I have been in the US for two years, and I feel that "there are about half a wonderful culture and a non-wonderful culture in the United States"


Among them, I think that the funeral "to remember the deceased with smiling" goes into the top class of a wonderful culture.


(However, you need to think a little, that among the United States, "Fort Collins" in Colorado, had large IT companies and a state university and most people were intellectual people)


比して、我が国の葬式を見直すに ――

In comparison, to review the funeral in our country


- Odorless meaning Unknown senescence, smell of incense sticks


- Participants who can not do anything other than burning incense by walking


- Buddhist sermon, we do not know what they were talking about, and worse than our newcomer presentation.


- With ordinary, no substitute greetings by the mourner


"What on earth is it for anyone?"


"Is not the funeral to remember the deceased?"


I always think it again and again.



I was self-evaluating "Speech Failure" on the previous evening's greeting, and I was planning to recover from the mourning greeting at the main funeral.

「どこにでもいるような人物」の話ではなく、『私の父の話を、私の気持と、私の言葉で語る(しかも、1分以内で)』と ――

It is not a story of "people like everywhere". I will talk about my father's story with my feelings and in my words (and within a minute)"



At the venue in the late night night without anyone, I was continuing to elaborate the contents of my speech, by myself in front of my father in the coffin.

2018-08-04 『私も滅多に見たことがない、満面の笑顔の父です』 [長年日記]


(2)Greeting from the mourning of the funeral


"Thank you very much for your time, even you are busy today"


"I really appreciated it that you had a close relationship with my father, Kazuo Ebata"


"Now I am looking your faces today, I think that all of you are almost my family. So from now, I would like to feel free to remember father with you"



"My father seems to have been quite active, even from his son's view"


"For example, when I was a primary school student, my father pulled me through deep snow and brought me to the point of fishing around a river, and let me fish in the extreme cold, Though I was a child, I thought "what on earth is he thinking ?"


"However I knew well that he was overflowing with is mind, "he would like others to enjoy what he felt fun".

『父を語る言葉があるとすれば、自分の思いを、真っ直ぐに ―― 時々迷惑だったりしましたが ―― 相手に届けようとする"誠実"。それが、父の本質であったと思います』

"If there is a word to express the father, it must be "honesty",to try to deliver his thoughts straight to the others --- sometimes it was annoying. I think that was the essence of my father.


"To be honest" is often a lot of losses. Especially for my father who had operated the company, I think that it was not all good for him.


"However, in my life, I have come to know that "honesty" is never inferior to "not honesty"


"And I think that my father's life that has been honest, is the utmost proof of what he got friendly from all of you.


"I will burn it strongly to my heart now, I think I will keep it in my future life"


『さて、皆様には、父とのお別れの際に、父の顔をご覧頂くことになると思うのですが、・・・ なんとなく、父の顔、生前よりも"かっこいい"感じがして、私なんかは違和感を感じるんです』

"Well, I would like you to see the father's face after my greeting, I am afraid that my father 's face feels "cool" than before, and I feel a sense of incompatibility"


"So, I would like to ask you that you will take my father's memory with this father's picture, not that of the coffin.

"My father with smile full faces, I have rarely seen.


Please remember this father's smile"



"It is easy, however I would like to express my gratitude and greetings to you"


"Thank you very much for today"

2018-08-05 宗派、家紋、親戚縁者、出席者 社会的ステータス ―― 一切興味なし。 [長年日記]


I worked as "mourners" for the first time in my life, but most preparations were done by a funeral service company.


I felt like I was "canned" moving over the factory's production line, but honestly I was relieved with my heart.


The persons of the funeral service company advised what I should have done, and the preparation for the funeral progresses. S I was given a lot of ease.


For researchers in the system, which are pushed down to the brain's mind, to speed up, to increase efficiency, to save costs usually, I think,


"There are so many things to learn from this structured funeral system"




Well, I think that this is due not only to my job, but also to my mind.

宗派、家紋、親戚縁者、出席者 社会的ステータス ―― 一切興味なし。

I don't care about sects, family crests, relatives, attendees social status at all.


I am not interested in funeral hall location, design, flower arrangement, telegram, monk's sermon, etc.


To be honest, I just wanted to do a "farewell party with my father", but the others were out of my scope.



Nonetheless, my father is not my personal possession.


My father had walked with others for his life.


So, I do not think I should go behaving selfishly, and I think that providing the opportunities for farewell to his father is the work of the mourner.


加えて、葬式というのは、故人とその血縁者ののステータスを客観的に示す場である ―― これは否定できないと思います。

In addition, the funeral is a place to objectively show the status of the deceased and its relatives - I cannot deny the fact.


A big venue, many flowers, and many participants will show the credit of the deceased and a pride of the family.


Especially for asset owners, politicians, executives of companies and shops, where blood-related relationships have important meanings, there may be implications of "showcase of successors".


This is the same in wedding ceremonies as well.


These thoughts are based on as individualism's assertiveness, or rooted in customs in the regional culture. So I don't think that we make them poor.



Even so, I still do not think that all of them will go beyond the will of the deceased.


The funeral against "the intention of the deceased" should not be forgiven.


(To be continued)

2018-08-06 『死んだ後ですら、会いたくない奴』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Well, on this occasion, now I declare "I will not do my funeral".


This does not means,


"I decline my funeral"




"I refuse to implement my funeral in an absolute sense"



Of course, I will feel very happy, a people I want to meet, comes to meet me.


However, although it is a really small number, there are

―― 『死んだ後ですら、会いたくない奴』

"the persons who I don't meet even after my death"



I cannot bear, the person will say condolences and look down on me (because I will be in a coffin), even if it is an imagination.


Anyway, I will not able to shout from inside the coffin,

『帰れ! バカヤロー! どの面さげて来やがった』

"Go home! Idiot! Why did you come here?"



This is really frustrating.


In addition, the guy is subject not to notice that "I hated and hatred him from the bottom of my heart"


They guy might say that "I was dependent on Ebata" and "We are real best friends" with saying a lie in peace.(Because I will hate or hate them).


(To be continued)

2018-08-07 私なら『私(のような奴に)こそ、葬儀に来て欲しくない』と思う。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The existence of such a person can cause the crush of my family.



Initially, I also thought that it would be good to prepare a "black list" in advance.


However, I am sorry to have such a troublesome task as a mourner of my funeral(It will be a fuss in the funeral hall)


Also, most participants will fear and decline attendance, because of the black list.


After all, the "funeral" will not be established.



In addition, this black list is ironically returning to me like a boomerang.

―― お前(江端)が、「参列拒否リスト」に入っていない保証が、どこにある?

"Where is the guarantee that you (Ebata) is included in the black list?"



For me, I think "I do not want the guy like me, to come to the funeral."


As a matter of fact, I think that people who are preparing for the black list or who want to prepare it in their mind, are not zero.


However, it is impossible for the mourner to guess the black list in the hearts of the deceased.


The conclusions drawn from these studies are that I have to make a reasonable effort by myself with a strong will, about my own death. that means,

―― 葬儀の実施の拒否

"Rejection of funeral practice"




When I told this story to my wife, she said


"it is a "direct burial" isn't it?"



(*)A ceremony with a few close friends, omitting wake and funeral


(To be continued)

2018-08-08 『これを読んだら、とっとと失せろ』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


When I look it up on the net, I will have plenty of information about "direct burial".


The reason why people can choose "direct burial",


(1) Economic circumstances (there is no money)


(2) Changes in the view of religion (I do not have to call a monk as there is no faith in particular)


(3) Dilution of human relations (Since there is no participant, it is not necessary to do a funeral)


And, each is a good reason.


In my case, it is (2) (3).


As in (1), money may be gone, even if I have money, I will recommend going an overseas trip and learning a language and culture of the country with the money for my family


Many people in the city center seems to choose "direct burial". Because urban areas tend to avoid such "disturbance".


Conversely, in rural areas it will be hard to do "direct burial". There are complaints from neighbors as well as relatives.


"Do not something" may require the same or even more energy than "doing something".


Even if I am alone, I will accept a challenge to a quarrel. However in this case, the target will not be me but my "survivor".


これらの話は、全て家族の了承済みです ―― 条件付きですが。

All these stories are acknowledged by family members - although conditional.


My family has ordered me that "Make it clear by handwriting for our safety" (Because it will annoy me, I will tell them that digitally sign for blogs in the last few days, is enough.


In the end of the sentence, I will add the following sentences.


"The reason I decided not to do my a funeral, is YOU, who annoys my family. I don't want you to come to me"


"After reading this, go away"



(To be continued)

2018-08-09 ―― 別段、神様なんぞいなくても、私たちは、今の私たちになることができた [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Before I realized, I seem to have become a materialist.


However, I think that I am not someone like an atheist. but I also think

―― 神様がいると主張する人も、いないと主張する人も、好きなように主張すれば良いと思う(時間の無駄とは思うが)

"Both people who claim "God exists" and people who claim "God doesn't exist" might insist on their intention (even if it is a waste of time)

―― 神様がいるのか、いないのか、ぶっちゃけ、私にはどーでもいい(興味がないし、知りようもないし、期待もしていない)。

"I do not care whether there is a God or not, (I am not interested in it , I do not know it, and I do not expect it).

―― ただ、『神さまがいない』と考える方が、私には「理解しやすいことが多い」とは思う

"However in my case, I think that it is easier to understand, if there is no God


It is a loose material historical view (however I like a Bible or myths as stories).


この私特有の唯物史観が、どこから始まったのかな ―― と、そのルーツを辿ってみると、「ニューラルネットワーウ」と「遺伝的アルゴリズム(GA)」だったりします。

I wonder when I started my this unique materialism historical view. It was the time I met "Neural Network Wah" and "Genetic Algorithm (GA)".


In my era of graduate students, it was really dramatical impact for me that even more simple Neural Network with seven nodes, could realize nonlinear separation of space (XOR problem).


If nonlinear separation (high dimensional grouping) was possible with only seven neurons, we, human beings who has


- Human brain with 100 billion neuros and 150 trillion synapses,


- A 0.75GB DNA map describing a perfect human blueprint,


- Natural selection process of natural environment


―― 別段、神様なんぞいなくても、私たちは、今の私たちになることができた

"even if we do not have a god, we could make us "as is""


I came to think that.


(To be continued)

2018-08-10 この想いがあれば、それだけでいい [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Besides this, there is also the idea that "the soul after death" is "the mind of life".


However, if you know that medicine that you give from a psychosomatic department can changes the state of the human mind easily,


you will think that the human mind is only one of the states of "chemical change" that it can easily be controlled with medicine.


So, I am thinking about this fact.

―― 薬物でコロコロと変化する程度のもの(「心」)が、死後の「人間の魂」?

"human soul after death" is easy changeable even by medicine?"


Well, no way. I can not even deceive me by myself.


If such a thing is "human soul"


"The soul floating in the air can be rested in peace by insecticide"


I think that.



I come to think that "there is no big difference between the death of a human being and the shutdown of a personal computer."


If there is a difference, it is the point that human death is "there is no restart"


It is important that only one point "I can never meet a deceased person"


"we had lots of things", "I am lonely" "I want to see you again if I can, and

―― それだけでいい。

"That's all"


I don't need unnecessary things like, "God" or "religion" or "Buddhist service" at all,



I returned to my parents house once two months and 3 consecutive holidays a year (my sister frequently went to my father)


In the kitchen, I liked the time writing the manuscript with a personal computer, with looking at my father who was sitting in front of the TV all day in the living room


"I liked the time to think about the menu of my father's dishes,"


I liked the time to eat together with my father without a single word of conversation (and when my father completed the dish, I made a small guts pose)


私は、父と過したあの時間が好きだったし、そして、これから、あの時間を過せないと思うと、とても、とても、寂しい ――

I liked that time I had with my father, and I feel very, very lonely that I can not have that time again,


Only this feeling is my pleasure.


That is enough.

2018-08-11 「声優の花澤香菜さんに、国民栄誉賞を」 [長年日記]

Previously, I wrote a diary saying "Ms. Miyuki Nakajima of the singer should be given a national honor award."



Even for just this week, I was

■シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ 第17話 の 「椎名まゆり」 の台詞(セリフ)に涙して、

teared by the phrase of "Mayuri Shiina" of Stein's Gate Zero 17th episode

■働く細胞 第5話 の 「赤血球」の 叫びに 大爆笑しました。

burst into laughter by the shout of "red blood cell" of "working cell" the 5th episode.


Therefore, I think that,


Ms. Hanazawa Kana, voice actress who has continued giving breath to countless animated characters,


should be given a national honor award.




I think that animation in Japan is already on a stage, to remove "sub" from "subculture"


How do you think that this a good chance ?

歴史に名前を残せると思います > 内閣総理大臣殿。

I think that you can leave my name in history > M. Prime Minister of Japan.

2018-08-12 問題は、「父が、父自身であったこと」の証明です。 [長年日記]


After my father's death, both my sister and I have to do the procedure about his account and insurance for my mother. However mother is at a home for the old.


So we had to work as agents of my mother just after my father's funeral.


Though, Many people had already written it, the most difficult procedure is to prove that "we were real father's children, and we have proper qualify as my mother's agent.



How can we prove that we were real father's children at law ?


This is not so difficult. We can show the copy of my father's family register, and deacquisition of both my sister and me. In addition, we can show the copy of my family register and I have already made a new census register.


The problem is to prove "my father was himself"


In order to prove this fact, we have to gather all document of his census register as his birth records.


The next day of the funeral, my sister and I went to the city hall to remove my father's name from the register.


Next, I had to go the city hall of my father's family home, and get his census register for his birth certificate.


I borrowed the from my sister, and drove the car, given into smartphone GPS and Google map and arrived at the city hall after one-half hour.


As is to be expected, the office seemed to be used to their works. I came to know an unexpected fact here.


The place where the city hall manages was not my father's birth place(that means. my father had moved before)


Ebata:"You said that I have to go another city hall from now, don't you ?"


The office:"Yes, it is"


Ebata:"Can you assure that the next city hall will be the terminal ?"


The office:"No, we can't. If you find the new information of register, I am sorry but you should go the next city hall"


Ebata:"Can you check the information here"


The officer:"No we can't. We have just information that belonged in the competence of this city hall"


I thought that it was natural.


(To be continued)

2018-08-13 ―― 父は、こういう風景を見ながら、人生を送ってきたのか [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


After calling my sister, and telling "might be impossible to finish it", I restarted the cruise.


In order to find my father's birth place, I drove the car to arrive at the next city hall, through a wooded area, along a coast, and in an industrial zone.


The cruise was done under the killing shining in the murderous heat, however I could enjoy driving in the air-conditioned car.


I thought

―― 父は、こういう風景を見ながら、人生を送ってきたのか

"My father had lived his life, watching these landscapes"


with driving as following his tracks of his life.



Fortunately, the cruise was terminated at the next city hall, however when I read the copy of family register, I was really surprised.


There was over ten people names in the copy, I felt in suspense that it was almost impossible to find my father's name. (Finally I could find it at the bottom lines.)

I understood that


There were three families in the same place, and one of the families had several children.


There were almost "class" or "colony" not "family"


At least, in the copy, I could not find the concept of "declining birth rates".



After all, I continued the cruise about four hours and drove around the peninsula of his birth place. And I could start on my return home.

父の人生に比べれば、ほんの微かな時間のことだと思いますが ――

This time was scant rather than the period of my father's life, however,


I could enjoy the cruise because I had a feeling that I could play back his life quickly.

2018-08-14 ―― 矯正不能の馬鹿 [長年日記]


In the past, I failed to park the kindergarten where my daughter passed, and I had destroyed the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.


It was a long time, about years ago, but it was still in the middle of a hot summer.


I got pale.

―― この猛暑の中に、エアコンのない教室の中にいたら、子どもたちが確実に死ぬ

"In this intense heat, if children were inside a classroom with no air conditioner, they definitely die"

私は事故の瞬間から、考えうる最速の速度で、保険会社に連絡して、対物保険を使って、エアコン室外機の「修理」 ―― でなく、「交換」を請求しました。

From the moment of the accident, I contacted the insurance company as fast as possible, using objective insurance. I requested "replacement" instead of "repair" of the air conditioner outdoor unit.


At the moment, I thought that the fastest operation of the air conditioner was the top priority.



Of course, I kept asking the insurance company for maximum pressure, and I also contacted the kindergarten headmaster and also asked him the insurance companies to put the pressure.


Head: "I do not need to do that."


Ebata:"Pardon me?"


Head: "Even without air conditioning for about a week, children should bear them."


Ebata: "No, no, if the child is a heat stroke, the possibility of death ..."


Head: "Our children can do it."


Even if I answered the question five times, at last the director never changed his opinion.

―― あ、こいつは、話してもアカン奴だ

"Oh, this man is useless even if I talk"


I though him as one phrase,


―― 矯正不能の馬鹿

"Uncorrectable stupid"


I felt a bottomless fear of the fact of a person who never tried to study the recent trend of climate change, the change of the constitution of children, and had anachronism who misleaded psychology and education


If this idiot is still doing the kindergarten headmaster, the life of the kindergarten's child is seriously dangerous.



If you personally know me, and who lives near me, and if you would like to know the name of this kindergarten, please contact me.


I will teach you loudly.


If you can, please spread in the word of mouth.


(To be continued)

2018-08-15 江端:「では、今から、この会話を録音させて頂きます」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

この幼稚園の園長 ―― 矯正不能の馬鹿 ―― は、当てにならん、と判断した私は、単独で、保険会社との戦闘・・・もとい、交渉に入りました。

After I judged that the kindergarten headmaster was "uncorrectable stupid", I started negotiations, not battle with the insurance company.



Insurance company:"At the moment, there is a possibility of "repair", so we can not make a decision on "exchange" right now."


Ebata:"I see. I understand that "your company will bear the damages entirely" about the inaction of infant death if the infant dies due to the delay in setting up the outdoor unit. You can agree can't you?"


Insurance company:"..."


Ebata: "I understand now that" I was warned against infants hospitalization due to heat stroke and death, so I will be totally exempted from this matter. You can agree can't you?"


Insurance company:"..."


Ebata:"Now I will record this conversation from now."


Insurance company:"..."


Ebata:"Since I will do the same question again, please answer the same. Also, in a conversation, I will ask your name and today's date and time, so please also answer that. "


Insurance company: "... I will consult my boss soon"


Ebata:"That is fine, but if the child fails or dies during the consultation, I will testify in court "Because of your negligence in the business of omission, not "your company's negligence "



On the next day, parts exchange was completed and the air conditioner was ready for use.

2018-08-16 毎日が、市役所、警察署、郵便局、病院、銀行の「巡回セールスマン問題」です。 [長年日記]

故人が死去した後、全ての手続(行政、保険、相続、その他)についてアシストしてくれるAIが欲しい ――

"I want an AI agent that can help procedures of pension, insurance, and inheritance for an deceased"



"Bon holiday" that is Japanese traditional about one week summer holiday, is the best period to make a progress for the procedure, because most Japaneses companies will set the holiday, and city offices and banks is in business.

私は、実家で一人で過しながら、これらの処理を進め続けていて、そして ―― もの凄く疲労を感じています。

I stay at my parent house and continue to the procedures. And I feel fatigue very much.



Everyday is "traveling salesperson problem", including, city halls, polices, post offices, hospitals and banks.


In addition, I realize that the solver (solving algorithm) is just a toy using mathematical models and computers.


That means,


(1)I cannot know the waiting time of each point, before(Sometimes, it is surprisingly fast, or disgustingly late)


(2)In the traveling, I notice that I have to add a new point to visit.( The conditions are changeable dynamically)




(3)More than two player should be added in this problem, and resources(persons and time) are changeable everyday


In conclusion, "the condition of problem will not be fixed"



Question: If we enforce to make this "AI agent", what will happen?


Answer; It is useless.


Reasons: No method to mediate several persons intention, No mechanism to set exceptions, and need several days just to install initial condition.


(To be continued)

2018-08-17 で、まあ、この「スマートEX」などでも、『AI技術を使ったうんぬん』などと言う馬鹿が出てくる訳で、テレビなどに出て、"AI"を連呼する奴等は、大体こんな感じです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


By the way,


This time I have used the Shinkansen ticket reservation system "Smart EX", and deeply moved.


First of all,


(1)The whole ticket-vending machine is coming to my PC.




(2)I can pass the Shinkansen ticket gate by IC card of commuter pass.


This should be "emotional experience", I think.


I know that this is just one-stop ticketing service, and doesn't have any special innovative technical point as a system.


Of course, I know well that there are a lot of difficult solutions for system management, backup and several trouble-shooting methods."


And the technology of operation and management of such services is the essence of the system, and it is the skill of system engineers.



Some the stupid , who come to use the word "AI", referring to this "Smart EX", appear in mass media.


So in this staying period, I had to change the TV channel again and again.


For me, when the AI agent who can manage the inheritance for an deceased, I will discharge "the stupid"

2018-08-18 ―― 人間以外のものを人物として、人間の性質・特徴を与える比喩の方法である [長年日記]


I studied the word "personification" with wikipedia.

―― 人間以外のものを人物として、人間の性質・特徴を与える比喩の方法である

"A method of metaphor giving human nature and characteristics with things other than humans as people"


Well, although I understand so far,


"The pencil flew from the hand"


"The tree jumped on the way in front of my car"


"U.S. Defends Sale of Ports Company to Arab Nation"


Looking at the above examples, I know "personification I have thought" is quite different from them.


(I also wrote personification columns of "Japan", "artificial intelligence" or "EtherCAT"),


"Personification I have thought" is about characterization for me, and I have introduced them well until now repeatedly.



- Standing modern history

- Working cells


make me fun very much, I am crazy for comics, based on "Characteristics of the people of a prefecture"

"At the place where I live"




Some people think that "giving a character for each prefecture" might be

a danger of misunderstanding, as same persons who believe that "blood type and personality are related"



The author's "Mogura" is sufficiently explained that "the person's personality is not determined by the place of origin" (The way of this explanation is also pretty good).


Based on that, "giving a character for each prefecture" feels good for me.


(To be continued)

2018-08-19 なにしろ、この「うちのトコでは」を読んでいると、そのバックエンドに、著者である「もぐら」さんの膨大な勉強量と、山のように積み上げられた資料の山(山脈)が見えてきます。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

基本的には4コママンガなのですが、私としては、各巻の後半に出てくる、各地域独特の事件を取り扱った特別読切が ―― 本当に泣ける ―― のです。

Basically it is 4 comic manga, and as for me, the special reading which appears in the second half of each volume really can cry.


I love all the stories, but I dare to pick up my favorite story,


- World heritage registration of Iwami Ginzan (Volume 3)

→ 先日、出雲大社で、私がはっちゃけた理由はこれ

->The other day, the reason why I am crazy is this at Izumo Taisha.


- Four bridges between Honshu and Shikoku, and Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake (Volume 1)

→ 震災ボランティアに参加したことを思い出しました

->I remembered participating in the earthquake volunteer


- Fireworks festival in Akita (Volume 4)

→ ベルリンの壁の話が圧巻

-> The story of Berlin Wall is masterpiece


- Elimination of Strange Disease (Volume 4)

→ 技術に関わる一人の人間として胸に響く

-> moved to the story as an engineer


- History of Japan-US friendly goods doll (Volume 5)

→ 近視的な国際的な憎悪の愚かさを説く

-> Stupidity of myopic international hatred


- Yosakoi Festival (Volume 2)

→ 地域の発展や人間の生きる意義を問う名作

-> Masterpiece to ask about regional development and the significance of living


I think that this is also due to personal preference (the second daughter says "the story of a doll is the best").



I can look at the enormous amount of study by Mr. Mogura who is the author, and stacked materials like mountains, reading these books


I think that it is the ability to be a little away from humans, with assembling a story of "personification", from these enormous information.



It is very easy for me to accept because of each person's preference, thought some people (my wife) say "personification content".


Many of my knowledge are obtained by the efforts of those who are doing their best with "personification content" like this. When I think so, I will be full of gratitude.

2018-08-20 ―― あなたが第三者に対して「アナログハック」を仕掛けている [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Over the AI (24) Extra edition:This is the seriousness of a engineer

"Steins Gate" and "BEATLESS". Let me verify the feasibility of the AIs in animations



For me, the biggest result of writing this column is that I was able to understand the effect of "Analog Hack" from the bottom of my gut.


"Analog hack" is used to mean "machines hack humans", however, I think that it might be O.K. to use in the sense that "humans hack humans".


- Briefly bowing to the latter person, before reclining the seat of Shinkansen.


- When a car approaches while walking on a pedestrian crossing, trying to pretend to "trot" as I noticed the car


- Do not criticize, pretend to be in sync on the surface, even if it is a foolish opinion of an urgent boss



There is no problem that these are not your flattering, but

―― あなたが第三者に対して「アナログハック」を仕掛けている

"You are doing "analog hack" against others"



No extra "kindness", "sincerity", "courtesy", or such things are necessary for these actions.


Even if you do not want to "take power", the implementation cost of "analog hack" is scary "cheap", considering "insurance to avoid troubles in advance"

For example, the content of this column I wrote before, is a typical "analog hack".

2018-08-21 みんな、情報システムに冷たすぎる ―― [長年日記]

みんな、情報システムに冷たすぎる ――

"Everyone does cool to IT system". For example,


(1)"My wife suspected an affair of me" by error detection from GPS system of the smartphone.


(2)"I was shaken out of bed in the mid night" by an accident warning audible signal from emergency earthquake alert system


(3)"I was ignored by the other" by delivery delay of e-mail and SNS.


By the above case, not a few people come to be inflamed with rage.

しかし、私は、システムの誤動作、あるいはパフォーマンスの不調で、このような現象が発生してしまうのは、仕方がない ―― というか『当たり前だろう』と考えています。

However, I think that this accidents are inevitable because malfunctions occur and performance come down in any system. If anything, I think "they are natural".



(1)Location detection functions of GPS go out of order, if the system lost the GPS satellite. The errors extend to more than ten kilometer.


(2)The emergency earthquake alert system is useless against inland earthquakes, and the alert should sound, even when the existence of earthquake is not fixed.


Above all, most message communication system don't guarantee the arrival, and never in realtime.



(To be continued)

2018-08-22 もし、そんなシステムが一つでもあれば、私は、3秒で「宗旨替え」して「転向」して見せます。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


To begin with, "system" should repeat the failures and there is no way except for learning many things from the failure.


Especially, social infrastructure system, sometimes run into big accidents, killing many people, in order to realize "ideal situation".

だから、原発も ―― まだ続けるつもりであるなら ―― あと200年ほどの間で、数回~十数回ほど、スリーマイル、チェルノブイリ、福島クラスの事故を繰り返すころで、少しずつ「超安全」なものに変化していくと確信しています。

So, I believe that nuclear power plants will come to change "Super-Ultra safety system" through more than from several to over ten times of big serious accident (classes of "level 7" ), like Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl nuclear plant and in Fukushima.


There is no system that never causes an accident in the world.


Any system should be managed with being regarded "an accident will occur"


Please tell me the perfect-safe system from the beginning. even if the system works.


If there is such a system, I will change my mind in three second, as "going over" or "turnabou",


By the way, after the accident in Fukushima, the voice of technicians who had repeated self-criticism has not been heard recently.



In any case, the GPS system, the Earthquake Early Warning System, and the SNS, even if they cause problems, should not have done as much as "to kill you".


Please look them, based on generous-hearted vision.

2018-08-23 『社長にすらなっていないのに、戦国武将にたとえるとか、ずうずうしいです』 [長年日記]

Recently I enjoy reading the manga comic whose title is "howling a local woman (be Setoguchi Mizuki-san)"


Three comics has already been released until now, however for me, this might be the first time to buy all comics within 5days.


In these comics, there are a lot of keen and wit phrases and I will steal.. no, way quote them in my columns.


自分のことを戦国武将にたとえれば誰か? ―― という、(下らないことを聞いてくる)上司に対して、

For a "ridiculous" question from a boss, like, "Who is close to me, if I had been a warring lord?"


"You were an infantry weren't you?"


"You are really shameless because you are not even a president. Much less to liken a warring lord to you "


the man who gave out and was demoted to Shizuoka pref.



"Drinking party is a labor without allowance for overtime work, however we can endure to think it is a work"


the woman who gave a toast and returned her local(Shizuoka) from Tokyo,


and the mannerist others make a daily life in Shizuoka pref.


In these comics, "Mt.Fuji" and "Tokugawa Ieyasu (the original general of Edo Period)" come to appear anywhere, and they make me enjoy very much.

―― と、ここまでが前置きです。

And the above is a prolegomenous.


(To be continued)

2018-08-24 現代の私達は、権力がなくても、理不尽に殺されることは(滅多には)ありません ―― もっとも、これからも「ない」とは言い切れませんが [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Relatively cool days have continued for about a week, but recently the heat days has come back again.(However I did not think that I called the day of temperature 30 degrees "cool" in my life)

はっきり言って、エアコンなしでは、夜が眠れません ―― 眠れないだけなら良いですが、下手すると、命と引き換えになるかもしれません。

Frankly speaking, I cannot sleep well without air-conditioner. If not sleeping well, it might be no problem. However, I have to exchange for life.


The person who has a creed of "Nuclear Power Plants are needed and we have to keep and manage them, should argue his/her article of faith with this "blistering heat" in this summer.


However I have never read such arguments before.


(To tell you the truth, it is not unknown thing, but) the present Japan is in trouble handling power surplus. This is the normal knowledge for our engineer. (I will write the column about this issue)


So, unfortunately, this "blistering heat" might not be a "value of hostage"


Set it aside,



Recently I have done a thought experiment.


When I bring Tokugawa Ieyasu to the present age (tropical night with high humidity) and ask him,

「江戸幕府の最高権力者の地位」と「エアコンのある日常」をどちらかを選べ ――

Choose either "the position of the highest authority of the Edo shogunate" and "the day with the air conditioner"


Which will he choose ?


In my case, I absolutely choose "air conditioner"

仮に「エアコン」のありがたさを知ってしまったとしても、「権力」というのは「エアコン」を越える魅力があるのなぁ、と ―― そんな(本当にどーでもいい)ことを、ずっと考え続けています。

Even if he knows a comfort of air-conditioner, he might think that "power" is appeal to him more than "air-conditioner". I have thought nonissue for a long time.


まあ、当時は「権力を失うこと = 即死」という状況にあったことを鑑みれば、この比較自体がナンセンスである、と言えると思います。

At the period, "Losing power" reaches to "instant death", so this comparison might be nonsense.

現代の私達は、権力がなくても、理不尽に殺されることは(滅多には)ありません ―― もっとも、これからも「ない」とは言い切れませんが

We, nowadays, are seldom killed unduly by others, even if we have no power. However, nobody knows in our future.

例えば ―― 大日本憲法が制定された時には、軍部が統帥権を楯に政府を無視するなど、想定していませんでしたし(文民統制ボロボロ)

For example, nobody knew that the armed services ignored Japanese government by the reason of invasion of supreme command( civilian control was broken perfectly) when Imperial Constitution of Japan was established.


Nobody also knew territorial defense by the Self-Defense Forces, and the possibility of amendment of the Constitution, article 9, when Constitution of Japan was established.


まあ、そういう面倒なことは、いったん、忘れるとして ――

Well let me forget all annoying things,


In view of the past period, I was just a "foot soldier" that was lower class of "infantry"



"A warring lord who cannot use air-conditioner" or "a foot soldier who can use air-conditioner". I think I like to be the latter.

2018-08-25 ―― "準"非日常 [長年日記]

―― 飛行場(特に国際線が多い)につくと、その写真を、SNSに投稿する人(特に男性が多い)が多くて、うっとうしい

- When you arrive at the airport (especially many international flights), there are a lot of people who post on the SNS (especially men) and it is annoying.


When I knew the opinion (certainly I think that it was an opinion of a woman)


I think, "Apparently it's so"




Today, getting on an airplane and going abroad do not boast of themselves, and it is not about "unusual".


Where is it coming out from that the feeling that we want to let people know about these self-portrait pictures.

―― "準"非日常

A "semi-unusual"


will make us feel happy.


The opportunity to board an airplane is less than the number of rides on a train, and when we come to the airport, we become excited without reasons.


That is such a strange place.


However, if you look at the picture from the "show it" side, I can also understand the feeling that you want to say "What do you want to say".


Especially, just before the delivery date of the job, or at the time of semi-frenzy in response to customer complaint, the discomfort will be greatest to be shown such a photograph full of "feeling of excitement"


(To be continued)

2018-08-26 ―― 辻説法(つじせっぽう) [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

私は、これらの写真を投稿する人は、「自分用の記念」して、自分のSNSに残しているというだけで、それ以外の他意はないのだ ―― と、善意解釈をしています。

I am interpreting good faith. I believe that the persons who post these pictures as "memorabilia" for themselves, and remain on their own SNS, and there is no other intention except it.


"A picture of a meal" is the typical example.



"Why do I take care of your food ?"

『"SNS が 絆" ?寝惚けてるんじゃねーよ』

"SNS is bonds? You must not be sleepy"


People like me who think that, are not suitable for SNS.


As I develop this theory,


"Why do I care about your clothes ?"


"Why do I care about your enjoy being with a costume of a mouse character ?"


"Why do I care about the scene of your conference presentation ?"


And the target of "Why do I care about" is expanding, and the significance of existence of SNS collapses.



"However now, Ebata, you. Every day you are updating my diary (blog)"


I heard the voice is coming.


"Is that the same as SNS? "


I think that I can clearly answer "different", if asked.


For me, I have no intentions of "I want to connect with someone", "I want to be committed", "I want to stay warm".


"I do not want to hear anyone's comments and I do not expect any feedback from anyone. I do not need cheering or criticism". I am keeping this diary with the stances.


In short, it is a

―― 辻説法(つじせっぽう)

"street preaching"



(To be continued)

2018-08-27 その飲み会を「欠席する」勇気がなかった、あなたが悪いのです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

オーディエンスが一人もいない場所で、延々と一人自説を語り続ける狂人 ――

"A mad man preaching on the street above the heads of an audience"


It is me, and it is good for me.



I think "SNS" look like "neighborhood association(NA)"


And, both


"To be shown the posted picture from the SNS"




"To be listened a song of an amateur in the drinking party of NA"


are almost same.


To be honest, "to be listened a song of an amateur" is nothing but pain.


I always want to ask someone "What guilt of mine?",however, we have no future after the query.


"The less said about it the better."


It is irrelevant to blame the singer.


You are wrong, because you have no guts to be absent from the drinking party.



I think that "SNS" is a information broadcasting system with anyone's convenience.


So I also think, after joining the system, blaming the picture like this(in an airport) is

―― ちょっとズルくないか?

"to behave dishonestly ?"


2018-08-28 「愛国心」はチョロい ―― [長年日記]


Previously, I have memories that I wrote.

―― これまで、色々な国に行った。

"I went to various countries"

―― 全部ではないが、好きになれる国があった。

"I could like some countries but not all"

―― 帰国せずに、ずっと住み続けることができたら、その場所を愛することができると思う

"I think that I can love the place if I can keep living forever"



Both living in a certain place and living with someone are easy to loving the place or to loving that person,


I think that is one of the wonderful qualities of human beings.



In other words, "patriotism" can only go so far.


So I think

「愛国心」はチョロい ――

"Patriotism" is easy.




I believe that guys who often use the word "patriotism" are stupid, and they are really stupid.

私の知っている範囲では、ロジックで語れないし、簡単に切れるし、一瞬で感情的になる ―― そういう人間が多い。

As far as I know, they can not talk in logic, reach a boiling point, and become be emotional in a moment.


The feeling of loving your place of living, occurs spontaneously, with no arbitrariness or intention, and that is "all".


I think that it is "good" and "easy" and "irreplaceable", because it is "all".



For me, I do not know the concept of "teaching patriotism" thoroughly.


It's kind of like teaching that "you shold love this woman / men, because he/she has a value you will"t," I feel feel sick to my stomach at the bottom of my heart.


(To be continued)

2018-08-29 「愛国」「愛社」「愛校」は、どれも、「愛することを強要される」する点においては、同じです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Conceptualizing "Loving the place where I lived" as a word "patriotism" means, I think, that there are persons in need, who want to include the concept in the process of primary school education.


In fact, before the Pacific War, our nation was eager to develop consensus-building systems by the education based on "patriotism".


This was really good approach.


If our child say about "national honor" or "pledged loyalty", the parents should have kept silence.

―― とまあ、長々と書きましたが、これらの話は、いわゆるリベラルと言われている人の定型フレーズであり、別段、目新しいものではありません(私は「賛同」してはいますが)

I am bloviating the above, however, this is a typical stereotype opinion of a person who is called "liberalist". and this is not novel at all( I agree with these opinion ).



However, recently I sometimes think the following.

もし、我が国が太平洋戦争で勝利していたとしたら、この「愛国心教育」は、今なお、有効な教育プロセスとして継続し続けていたのだろうか ―― と。

Would the "patriotism" education continue, as a effective education system, if Japan won the Pacific War finally ?


To tell you the truth, the "patriotism" education has a beneficial effect.


For China and the USA, this system with using "patriotism" is managed in the field of education and law.


For example, the elementary education leads on hate against the past and present potential enemy, and the law to impose punishment on a person who insults their nation.


However, these two countries have the multiethnic population, and the statism of them doesn't work well.


Therefore, from the view of statims, "patriotism" education is a good strategy for the cost effectiveness.



Not only "patriotism", but also "company spirit" is the first process of "black company", so called, and "school spirit" also has many troubles. They has been reported about in the media.


"patriotism", "company spirit" and "school spirit" are same in that respect "being enforced to love"


However, the difference between "patriotism" and the others, is that we can run away from "being enforced to love" in the frame of nation.


Especially nations can make a law ( for example, military-draft system) and take us by the collar.


(To be continued)

2018-08-30 ―― この国は、私に「愛」を要求するほどの「何か」を、私にしてくれたのか? [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Recently, I write a series of "Working reform", I come to know that our nation (especially Japanese government) is in serious trouble.


Particularly, the burden of youth is dynamically increasing, I am amazed at their patience from my view. It is not hard for me to think that

―― 若者世代が徒党を組んで、内乱を勃発させても不思議ではない

"No wonder if they band together and precipitate a civil war"




Compared to the conflict against "Japan-U.S. Security Treaty" in the 1960's or 70's, I think that the present period is more pressing earnestly.


It's only a matter of time that the youth come to reach the concept of hate to the nation.


More over, they had overcome the stage of "civil war", and then might have already reached to resign themselves.


「愛国心」に対義語は「憎国心」 ―― ではなく、たぶん「無国心」でしょう。

An antonyms of "patriotism" is not "hostility", but, maybe "apathy".


For the person who can not have a concept of "nation" or "homeland", it might be difficult to show emotion of "hostility".



To begin with,

―― この国は、私に「愛」を要求するほどの「何か」を、私にしてくれたのか?

"Has this nation given me something that pushes me to love this nation ?"


Even I think it normally.

『この息苦しさ、生き難さは、まだマシな方なのか? 』

"This feeling of smothering and hard life is better ?"


"Should I accept the situation because of the present assured life and existence?"


I have thought it again and again (almost everyday)



The nation that has a lot of "apathy" people, will make the government feel the maximum fear.


Even I also think that "the nation that the people lose sense of belonging in, has no future"


That means,


The "patriotism" education might be one of the national strategies against the "apathy".

2018-08-31 私は、課題が与えられれば動き出す、ただのエンジニアです。 [長年日記]


In SteinsGate Zero episode 18, it was opened that Dr.Alexis Leskien is a mastermind.


Knowing erupting the Third World War, Dr.Leskien bounced out with


"The reason is that I proof a theory that is shown by myself in the future. That is all"



Many viewers might feel bad with his words, however,


I can accept his thought with uncomfortable feeling.


私という人間は ――

I think that


If I had been requested to develop "atomic bomb", I could have accepted the order absolutely,


If I am requested to develop "atomic power plant", I will be able to accept the order absolutely.




If I am requested to develop it "with ensuring complete security"

―― そんなことは、できっこないと分っていても、

"Even I know well nobody can do it"


I will accept the order.



I am just an engineer, who can be activated, when real problems are shown.


And believe or not, "honor" and "money" are not big motivations for me.


Of course, they are motivations for my living life, however, they are a little weak to activate my above-normal performance.


For me, I would rather write my columns than write the papers,


and I also can rather accept "lecture presentation at my choice", than go to an international conference.



The Dr.Leskien's phrase


"The reason is that I proof a theory that is shown by myself in the future. That is all"


is absolutely true, at least for me.


(To be continued)