
2017-09-01 ―― 今日は休め! これは命令だ!! もし、今日学校行ったら、もう二度と学校には行かせないぞ!! [長年日記]

About the yesterday's diary, I was talking with the second daughter(SD).


SD:"Do you take care about adults"?


Ebata: "That is not true, but psychological thresholds will go down"


SD: "What is a difference between children and adults?"


Ebata: "There are quite a lot of means to escape from suicide (systems and institutions), but children do not know it well, teachers do not tell them (*1). Even if children know it, they have no experience using that means"


"Child does not come to school" means that the teacher is useless. In addition, they were accused of lack of management skills.


SD: "Adults are same aren't they?"


Ebata:"For adults", it is lack of study. Because they are living longer than children, there should have been time to study it on their own."



In addition, parents tend to push a message their child "Anyway you go to school" with saying "If you really do not like it, you can take a day off."


I think that this phrase of "if you don't like it", will give a "death" to the child finally.

だって、上司に、『どうしても嫌だったら、この仕事はしなくていいんだよ』って言われて、「どうしても嫌だから、その仕事はしませんでした」と言える日本人が、我が国にどれだけいるのか、考えれば分かりそうなことです ――

When your boss told you, "If you do not want to do this job, you do not have to do this work", can you say "I did not want to do this job, so I did not do this work"? How many people can say this phrase in Japan?


Or, do not you know really, the guardian ?


Though you are an adult.


Even I, who has been continued being said as "insolent and arrogance", can not say such things (rarely).



Therefore, the phrase that parents should say to children who are uneasy about behavior, are following.

―― 今日は休め! これは命令だ!! もし、今日学校行ったら、もう二度と学校には行かせないぞ!!

"Take a day off today! This is an order! If you go to school today, I will never make you go to school again!"


You yells like this, and gives your child an excuse to help them.


Let's become such a guardian.


each other.

2017-09-02 『わたくしにとって敵なのは、あなたの名前だけ。たとえモンタギュー家の人でいらっしゃらなくても、あなたはあなたのまま』 [長年日記]


The second daughter should do a homework for summer vacation, to write impressions of an English book.


She chose "Romeo and Juliet" and I though

―― 一体何考えているんだ?

"What on earth is she thinking?"



Speaking of Shakespeare, it is now established as a single discipline for the translation and interpretation. Why is she going to choose that much more troublesome, this girl?


When I looked at the book, I noticed that it was a simple version.


Anyway, I have no choice, so I am helping with interpretation, However, there are a lot of shameful lines in the book, so they annoy me.


When I said,


"The only enemy for me is your name. Even if you are not a Montague, you remain yourself."



She said to me

「気持ち悪い 」





What do you expect me ?

2017-09-03 『"紅天女"なんぞに、どれだけのコストと時間をかけているんだ?』と ―― [長年日記]

ガラスの仮面に出てくる「大都芸能」は、大丈夫なんだろうか ――

"Daito-Performing Arts Co." in a comic "Mask of glass" is O.K. isn't it?


I am worried about unnecessary.


First of all, scenes of overseas expansion do not come out.


No appearance of entering idle business.


He seems not to be interested in the Internet content business at all.


As the case may be, the president sticks to a stage play which is unlikely to be popular, "Red Milky Woman".


To begin with, will "entertainment production" go well now ?


『"紅天女"なんぞに、どれだけのコストと時間をかけているんだ?』と ――

"How much money and time are you spending on "Red Milky Woman"? "


Why do shareholders get angry ?


If I were a shareholder, I would make a motion to dismiss "Masumi Hayami".

2017-09-04 もしかしたら、これは「武装化された江端宅」が理由ではないか、と推察しています。 [長年日記]

Recently, no solicitation of religion, sales, have come.


Well, I might think that there is a high probability of being absent at the time of visit.

それにしても、全く来なくなったのは変だな ―― と思っていました。

Even so, I felt strange that no one has come.


Perhaps, I came to think that the reason was "armed Ebata's house".


Three posters of "I'm watching you!" that had been modified including my face by me, are put on the wall around the entrance hall.

# ちなみに、このファイルの原本、ここにありますので、このビラの目的の範囲内で自由に使って下さい。


Surveillance cameras and sensors are arranged in this way in the entrance and the garden for show.



Against the house leader who owns this "armed house" thoroughly,


The person of solicitation of religion or sales, who is trying to battle directly,

セールスや宗教団体はいないかもしれんなぁー とか、思っています。

doesn't exist, unfortunately

2017-09-05 ―― サンクコストの呪縛 [長年日記]

The other day, I wrote about the movie "In This Corner of the World".


In this movie, only one time, "Suzu" who is a heroin, is driven by wild emotion.


At the moment I watched the scene, I reminded the phrase,

―― サンクコストの呪縛

"Sunk-Cost Fallacy"




"Sunk-Cost" is literally "sunk cost", and to be honest, it means "wasted investment cost".


For example,


I have been a performer for twenty years. one or two people who has same career like me, become a smash hit every year, Next year, I may become a smash hit. If you stopped the entertainer here, what was my life for this 20 years?


I have been studying about judicial exam for ten years. If I give up the judicial exam this year in the 11th , what was the past ten years for me?


Our company has been doing research on this technology, putting enormous budget and talent into the company. If we stop it here, what should our company do from tomorrow?


Japan has continued to put in taxes of 50 million yen every day (×every year) to put the fast breeder reactor into practical use, which will realize not rely on overseas energy for thousands of years in the future. If we stopped it here, what was the enormous amount of taxes exceeding 1 trillion yen that we've entered so far?


Recently, he who lives together, lost his job, and he came to use violence. I think I should be separated. But, I wonder if I can find a new man who will live with me. Moreover if I had not married to him, what was my seven years that I continued to associate with him?


And so on.


(To be continued)

2017-09-06 主人公「スズ」にとって受け入れることが可能だった解 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


"Sunk-Cost Fallacy" is that,


(1)even if there is no method and expectation to resolve a problem that stares their in the face, in the future,


(2)they will do at the risk of their life against a lucky that even they don't know, and


(3)the continues the present situation thoughtlessly



And as a result


(4)They might come to be ruined. for example, loss of face, bankruptcy and suicide.


Anyway this is absolutely tragedy.



Though there are some categories, for example, "public and private", or "trivial or severe", the world is made with a lot of "Sunk-Cost Fallacy".


We are destined to not be able to escape from this tragedy.

サンクコストがどんなに大きかろうが、その悲劇の最終形のコスト(倒産、自殺)を超えることは ―― 論理的には ―― ありえないはずなのですが、

No matter how big the sunk cost is, we should not go beyond the cost the tragedy (bankruptcy, suicide) "logically"


On the other hand, we can not look at the result (the total amount of damage) of "sunk cost" directly.





Only two solutions that the heroin "Suzu" could accept, are


(1)Japan would win in the Pacific War




(2)She was killed by the War

の2つしかなかったのだ ―― と、私は思うのです。

I thought that.


(To be continued)

2017-09-07 それどころか「一生懸命は、結局のところ『損』である」と斜に構えるになるでしょう。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

彼女失ったモノの総量は、あまりにも大きすぎて、到底、上記の(1)(2)で取り返せるようなものではないのですが、彼女に、残されている解は、そのくらいしか残されていなかった ――

The total amount of things she lost was too big, so it was impossible to be recovered by the above (1) (2), however, these two are only solutions she left in her hand.


"Sunk-Cost Fallacy" might be not enough for her tragedy.



By the way, even if we overcome "Sunk-Cost Fallacy", another problem will happen in another place next time.

例えば、『自分が心血を注いで何年も取り組んだ仕事が、経営陣の判断で断念させられる』 ―― なんてことは、日常茶飯事です。

For example, it is a daily routine that, "a work that I have worked on for years by pouring my heart is abandoned by senior management."


Or, it is the case that "I was removed from work that I managed to keep on track, and was ordered to launch another project"


If these things continues, nobody will think that "trying hard" is worth.


On the contrary, "hard working eventually will be a "loss" and we are going to be cynical about any working.



So, let's try a reverse thinking.


(To be continued)

2017-09-08 「自分には、これしかない! 」(類例:「私には、あの人しかいない!」) [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

私達は、サンク(沈む)コストしか発生しないモノに ―― リターンを一切期待しないモノに ―― 私達の「一生懸命」を捧げれば良いのです。

We only need to devote our "hard work" to things that do not expect any return - to things that only generate thunk (sink) costs.


What we should not devote "hard" are,


(I am sorry for always being a poor image)、Doujinshi, cosplay, figures, photos of hobbies, climbing, watching baseball / soccer etc., diary (blog), column, weekend security system,


And what we should not devote "hard" are investment, gambling, qualification, management, and romance.


Even if they happen to costs, the things not to be expected from anyone, the things not to be interfered by anyone,the things never to never be returned, I think that we should become serious only to such things.

そういうものに本気になれるか? という反論はさておき。

Aside from the refutation that "can we be serious about such things?"


We try to forget all things except for the above things, without excessive expectation and with not serious, hold the phrase "any opportunity will come" in the mind, and live our life as carefree persons.



There is no problem.


In my experience, the maximum duration of zeal

「自分には、これしかない! 」(類例:「私には、あの人しかいない!」)

"This is for my life!" (Example: "You are my life!")



is just two years.

2017-09-09 「"Cc"の使い魔」 [長年日記]


When I send a mail with "Cc:", some people return a reply-mail without "Cc:".


And I return the mail with "Cc:", they return the reply-mail without "Cc:" again.

―― これは、何かの「ナゾかけ」か?

"Is this a blind message to me?"


Sometimes I think that.


However, in most cases, the persons like this, don't know the way to send the message to all mail-addresses. or don't know the concept.

ほとんどの人には「悪意」はないです ―― が、私にとって、「Cc:を無意識に消去する人」は、結構、やっかいなんですよ。

Almost people like this, don't have any malice. But for me, "the person who delete "Cc:" unconsciously" will annoy me.



Until now, I was ordered by my bosses ..(restating).., I tried to become "Director of Secretariat(D.S.)" of many projects, I always manage them by e-mail, so I call myself


"familiar spirit of "Cc:""


# この他、「王禅寺の特許明細書量産機」など。

One of others, is a "patent production maker in Ozenzi-woods"


In my case, I will send a mail to , not only the destination address, also all project members address.


This is the method of "mail governance" of Ebata's style.


(To be continued)

2017-09-10 私がやっているのは、「メールによる恐怖政治」です。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


For example,

---- 例1 ----

---- Example 2 ----

To: Mr_A@kobore.net

Cc: project_X@kobore.net


Dear Mr.A

本日正午締切の提出の資料の格納先は、\\prject_X\20170910 ですよ。

The directory you will submit your materials whose deadline is today noon,

is "\\prject_X\20170910"


Regards, Ebata



I send the above message, soon after the noon.(12:01, for example)

穏やかなフレーズの向こう側に『ひきつった笑顔の 事務局江端』の存在感をバッチリ示す、という点が特徴です。

This is a characteristic that "to show him/her the existance of Ebata of the D.S. who get angry with smiling, over the peaceful phrase".


This mail broadcasts to all members of the project, too.


Wel, you know.


What I am doing is a "reign of terror by e-mail".


(To be continued)

2017-09-11 どうです。この悪意の満ちた、事務局の運用方式は。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

---- 例2 ----

---- Example 2 ----

To: A-san@kobore.net

Cc: project@kobore.net


Dear Mr.A


If the deadline is severe for you , please inform me of the submission time, since it can be extended,





This is a high technique to let them declare their deadline themrselves.


Although such emails are often sent to only Ebata (without Cc:) (it is natural, of course), I will not let them escape.


For such e-mails, I will reply with Cc: attached.

---- 例3 ----

---- Example 3 ----

To: A-san@kobore.net

Cc: project@kobore.net


Dear Mr.A




I understood. Then, I will review your materials at home this evening, then start editing.

Thank you for your consideration.


> 江端さん

> 申し訳ありません。本日の帰宅までには、なんとか提出しますので、

> しばらくお待ち頂けますよう、お願い申し上げます。

> Mr.Ebata

> I'm sorry but I will submit it by the end of today's home,

> We appreciate your patience as we wait for a while.



How do you like this malicious full of operation system of the secretariat?


(To be continued)

2017-09-12 『政治はやはり難しいなぁ』と実感することは、結構あります。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


If this mail continues everyday, the members of the project are not really tolerable.


It makes sense that all members come to feel hate and disgust against this type of management .... (restating) Ebata himself.

しかし、私は、そのような怨嗟の込められたメールすらも、「公開」してしまうので ―― 誰も、正面切って、私に立ち向かうことができないのです。

However I also open the mail with even the feeling of hate and disgust, nobody can say something openly against me.



Of course, I have to continue my efforts for this mail governance.


For example, I will add an amusing "small talk", which is Ebata's daily accident or my family's failure story at the bottom of my mail.


Like the style of "mail magazine", I will avoid that my mail is doomed to be scrapped toward a trash box automatically,



However, there is also a problem with this method.


Ebata: "I think I have already told you the matter many times by e-mail,"


Junior: "I'm sorry, I have a habit of reading the Ebata-san's e-mail from the bottom from, so I skipped the contents."


After hearing that story, I also had to to change the place of "small talk" every time.



In this way, even if it is "mail governance (e-mail politics)", there are quite a lot of things that I think deeply "politics is still difficult".

2017-09-13 "Why am I making the concept of a screenplay?" [長年日記]

Previously, I wrote such a diary,


Apparently, it seemed that she was in charge of the screenplay of "Romeo and Juliet" at the school festival of the second daughter.


Well, whatever she does, she's free

―― なんで、私、脚本のコンセプト作りまでやらされているんだ?

"Why am I making the concept of a screenplay?"


I am not familiar with the circumstances of my recent teenager home, however are the recent guardians being helped like this?



As I recall, when I was a junior high school third grade student, I played a "comedy duo" on the stage in front of all the students, and I heard that my performance gained popularity( it was posted on the top of the PTA newspaper). Besides, I got various stages of productions and performances of various skits.

―― そういう方面が、不得手という訳ではない

"I am rather good at doing works for performance play."


Once I start doing it, it's also fun to be sure.


For that reason, we devised several secondary creation plans for "Romeo and Juliet", however, I want to say to her "your father is busier than you think."



"Nothing "extraordinary""


My wife said that, not my daughter.


Not only me but also the wife seemed to be involved in the screenplay of this second daughter.


Ebata: "What kinds of "extraordinary" do you want?"

Wife: "The scene of stamp of "Very well done" in "Golden Slumber""



Are you kidding !


That is God's script!


Even if I were reborn 100 times again, I can not make such a wonderful script!

―― と、叫んでいました。

I was crying.

2017-09-14 しかし、これが「論文」となると、もう滅茶苦茶に遅い。絶望的に遅い。 [長年日記]


Since I'm self-designating "patent (application) mass production machine", the speed of writing it is fast (Regardless of whether the content is good or bad).


I am proud that the speed of writing diaries and serial columns is so fast(Regardless of whether the content is good or bad).


However, when this becomes a "paper", it is too slow. Desperately slow.


The reason is clear that "I have never written a paper before."


The reason of "why I have not written a paper" is, for example, "I had no chance", or I run away from the task", however in a nutshell,

―― 面倒くさい



Until now, I have submitted papers for conference presentation (conference papers) several times (although they were just a few times).


Conditions for acceptance / rejection judgement of conference papers are loose (some do not judge), after submission, if you present at presentation place, mission is over.


The acceptance / rejection judgement of conference papers are loose (some case they are not judged), after submission, after you present at presentation place, the mission is going to be over.

しかし、論文 ―― いわゆるジャーナルに掲載されるものとなれば、そういう軽いノリでの提出ができないのです。

However, about "paper" that is posted in a thesis - so-called journal, we cannot submit it with easy-going feeling.


(To be continued)

2017-09-15 『書いたモノは、読んで貰ってこそ、ナンボ』 [長年日記]


"What is written should be read by people"


I think the above soon, and I come to think "To begin with, is there more than ten people who try to read my paper in the world ?


If I start thinking about the topic. my writing motivation is going down dynamically.


Of course, I know well that this is "verbal abuse".


Any paper is going to be checked by plural intelligent reviews in a authoritative organization as such,

Here is a counter-example.


- Any work and research activity comes to be "values" if it become communicable or repeatable outcome.



- Any work and research activity is given a objective feedback of "valuable", after being checked by many icy eyes.


A paper is one of the methods to realize the above.


This is a big difference between "patent applications, columns, diaries", and "papers"


(To be continued)

2017-09-16 畢竟、私達の世界は、「しきたり」だけで出来ているといっても過言ではありません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Besides this, paper are required to quote a lot of past papers.


Also in the requirement, "please quote at 10 to 30 papers" (really).


So, if I write an English paper, I have to quote English papers naturally and I also have to read all of them.

For "engineers who are not loved by English", this can be said to be one of the hells on the world.



In the first place, I am a human who does not ask "people's opinion".


Because, even if listening to another person's justice?, is it fun for you ?


Listen to the story of everyone telling you?




Such a person should finish his/her life, just listening to people's opinions.


... I'm sorry, my feelings are annoyed, so I inadvertently vomited "justice".


Back on topic.


論文の執筆や手続が、どうにも良く分からなくて、その学会の事務局にメールで質問しています ―― 英語で。

I am not sure how to write the paper and to operate the procedure, I am asking the secretariat of the academic association by e-mail - in English.

事務局の窓口の方は親切な方です。丁寧に色々応えてくれます ―― 英語で。

The person in charge of the secretariat is very kind. It politely responds variously - in English.


However, the name of the secretariat, which is described in the e-mail, is like Japanese name, no matter how I look at it.


The location includes "Tokyo" and I am also sending the address of the company stating "Yokohama".


Somewhere in Scandinavia, Africa and the Middle East might be called "Tokyo", however , the possibility seems to be low.



In Japan, Japanese people exchanges English messages.

―― なんという無駄なことを

"What a useless think they do!"


I agree with you, however, in the world of such academism,

"オフィシャルランゲージ = 英語"

"Official language = English"


It has such a strong power.


This is "customs".



When we say "customs", we make images as follows,

■旧家でである、旦那の実家では、嫁さんは新年会には出られずに、台所でひたすら食事作りと、給仕をするだけ ―― とか、(実話)

- In the old family, at the husband's parents home, his wife should not join the New Year's party, Just to make meals in the kitchen, or just to serve dishes (true story)

■大晦日の夜には、配偶者の親戚全員が応接室に集まり、ソファーに座り(背筋をのばして)、NHK交響楽団の年末コンサートを視聴する、―― とか、(実話)

- On the night of New Year's Eve, all relatives of the spouse gathered in the drawing room, sitting on the sofa (stretching the spine), and watching th NHK symphony orchestra's year-end concert (true story)



In conclusion, it is no exaggeration to say that our world is made with just "customs".

2017-09-17 「見逃しません! その暴力、犯罪です!」というポスターが張られるようになりました。 [長年日記]

I watch a poster "Do not miss it! That violence is a crime!"


A organization of private railroad company started posting it all at once, I just reconfirmed that.


I am engaged in research on video surveillance systems,

―― 結局のところ、時間の問題だったのか

"After all, it a matter of time isn't it?"


(Please refer to the item of "For my video data transfer experiment" on this page)


Of course, I have no opinion on the contents of this poster.

Regarding privacy issues, even with the police and judicial checking system, I think that I have no problem.

The Supreme Court also makes the same judgement as I am.



In 2007, London has installed 4.2 million cameras in the city, and tourists are photographed in security cameras almost 300 times a day.


And they succeeded in surprisingly sharply reducing the number of crimes.


The price of surveillance cameras has dropped to 0.5% (1/200) on the basis of around 1990.


It is no longer possible to deny system installation due to the cost of surveillance cameras.


Now, The cost of installation and operation may be cheaper than installing a PC.


以前から私は何度を主張していますが ――

I have insisted on many times from before -


If we want to solve the problem of "bullying" seriously, we can install surveillance cameras everywhere in the school.


(To be continued)

2017-09-18 「カメラの映らない場所があれば同じことだ」の理屈は、もう通りません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The theory of "If there is a place not reflecting the camera is the same thing", we do not pass.


Everywhere, any number, we can install as many surveillance cameras as we want (really, like postering).


Even bullying without violence can easily prove a "ignorance bullying" as long as observing the camera image over the long term.


Directors and coaches' abusive words (which they insist on saying "pep talk") can all be recorded.


Let me verify thoroughly whether "encouragement scolding (or abusive words)" claimed by them, is acceptable for our society.


If they say "doing that, any education and club activity is not established", That "education and club activity" does not have to exist from the beginning.


On this occasion, let us crush them first.

または、日々激務の教師に「イジメや暴言の兆候」を発見するのには限界がある、というのであれば ―― それ(「兆候検知」)を、ITサービス会社に「外注」してしまいましょう。

Or, if it is said that it is too difficult for teachers with hard work to find "signs of bullying and verbal abuse", - let's "outsource" it ("sign detection") to the IT service company.


Even without "outsourcing", the present image recognition technology is enough to realize the "sign detection" (we do not have to use a dubious term such as "AI").


If you are concerned about the cost, I have a good proposal.

画像処理をやっている研究ゼミと、行動心理学の研究ゼミのある大学に、研究委託をすれば良いのです ―― 賭けても良いですが ―― タダで、解析やってくれます。彼らは死ぬほどデータが欲しがっているからです。

You should do research consignment to the university, which has both research lab. of both "image processing" and "behavioral psychology". ? - I can bet, the cost will be free. Because they are crazy for the data everyday.


(To be continued)

2017-09-19 「いじめ対策として、監視カメラを設置している学校が、最後に生き残る」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


If it is difficult at a public school, we might start at a private school first.


Students and parents who think that privacy is important, don't have to enter the school.


Schools that has installed "surveillance camera everywhere", will contract with insurance companies.


When the "bullying problem" occurs, the company can pay for


- Medical expenses (about violence, of course, about PTSD)


- Court dispute fee




- Cost of brand damage at school


If the school reflect it in education tuition, it will be even better.




- Tuition fees become cheaper,


- School's brand value improve,


- From the storm of the parent's claim, they can protect the mental of the teacher


will come true.

そのような学校を選ぶか否かは、本人、または保護者の自由ですが ―― 賭けてもいいです。

Of course, whether or not to choosing such a school depends on the independent judgment of children or parents - but you can bet.


"A school that installs surveillance cameras will survive"



(To be continued)

2017-09-20 私たちは、「監視カメラと共に生きる社会」を、すでに選んだのです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)




Poster in the top of this thread, London city, public square, and moreover,


We didn't come to feel something wrong with the goods on the culprit from a surveillance camera in a news program.


I think it is enough for the reason.


We have already chosen the society we live with surveillance cameras


We had a lot of chance to crush the society with surveillance cameras, we dare to pass undetected intentionally.


(*)Ex. all injunctive relieves against "Google street view" had already discharged


You are so naive if you say "No"


Also, to begin with, I am not talking about installing surveillance cameras in children's rooms.


What I am doing are, in public places, discovering bullying and verbal abuse, identifying the cause, and suggesting absolutely effective means to control bullying and verbal abuse.



Privacy is the basis of human dignity.


t is worthy to protect humans with their lives.



Once I know the reality of suicide by 50 children (and 131 on September 1) teenagers on average every day,


I think that "such things are not comparable".

2017-09-21 それが、お前にとっての「最適戦略」である [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(11) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"

AI Embedded in Mind - Matching Technology Mathematizing Human Psychology



Combining "signaling theory" appearing on the last page with the "VCG mechanism", I can lead the following story.


No matter how it become miserable


about the results of your daily efforts (study and sports),


That is the "best strategy" for you




The "disgusting feeling" stated at the end of this column, becomes "more disgusting feeling".

2017-09-22 で、あわてて、ラズパイで、学習リモコンを作ることにしました。 [長年日記]

以前、バファローDVRーW1V2/1.0T HDDレコーダーのリモコンが壊れ、代用品を注文したことがあるのですが、今度も壊れかけたら ―― 「リモコン発売終了」 P

reviously, when the remote controller(RC) of Buffalo DVR - W1V2 / 1.0T HDD recorder broke, I ordered a substitute RC. This time the RC also broke again but - "The RC "Remote release finished"


I looked pale.


So, in haste, I decided to make a learning RC with "Raspverry PI".

久々に、秋葉原の「秋月電子通商」に行ってきましたが、―― 最近、秋葉原は、輪をかけて「気持ち悪く」なっています。

I went to "akizukidenshi company" in Akihabara for a long time. Recently, Akihabara has become "uncomfortable" more and more.


I wonder if someone try to make a shirt, printed "I have just come to buy electric-parts in Akihabara"


Hi, Maid-san . Please do not close my walking direction.


●欲しい赤外線リモコン受信モジュール"GP1UXC41QS"を1つ ―― だけど、5個セット(250円)だったし

- I wanted one infrared remote control reception module "GP1UXC41QS" - but it was a set of 5 pieces (250 yen) (残り4個)

●欲しい赤外線LED "OSI5LA5113A"は1つ ―― だけど、10個セット(100円)だったし

- I wanted one infrared LED "OSI5LA5113A" - but it was a set of 10 pieces (100 yen) (残り9個)

●欲しいトランジスタ "2SC1815Y"は1つ ―― だけど、10個セット(80円)だったし

- I want one transistor "2SC1815Y" - but it was a set of 10 pieces (80 yen) (残り9個)

●欲しい抵抗1/4W 100Ω、10KΩ は1個づつ ―― だけど、100個セット(100円だし)だったし(残り99個)

- I wanted one 1/4 W 100 Ω, one 10 K Ω - but it was 100 set (100 yen)


If someone wants one set parts one by one, I will give it, so please send me a 100 yen coin as stamp fee.


This is the circuit diagram.

This is the circuit picture.


(To be continued)

2017-09-23 パソコン→SSH→ラズパイから、テレビ画面が変化したのを見て、次女が驚いていました。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

>sudo apt-get install lirc

Add the following to the last line of /boot/config.txt

>ls -l /dev/lirc0


Check the device file

>sudo /etc/init.d/lirc stop

>mode2 -d /dev/lirc0


Press and pointing the remote control towards the infrared remote control module and try pressing something, it will be displayed variously.


I made the learning file from here.

>irrecord -n -d /dev/lirc0 lircd.conf


(Operation is omitted)

This is the file that I made.

Here is a hard copy.

バファローDVRーW1V2/1.0T HDDレコーダーのリモコンが壊れた人は、このデータを使って下さい。

The person who Buffalo DVR - W1V2 / 1.0T Person broke, can use this data.

Here is /etc/lirc/hardware.conf after change


You can use this command, if this learning was successfully works.



So, since irsend does not work well (facts and reports, many), make the following two screens and check the operation.





Also, it seems that you can not reset the device somewhere in "reboot".


Since I can not reset the network in my case, I also re-inserted the SD card after turning off the power.


Hardware system has many troubles.



From the PC → SSH → Razpai, the second daughter was surprised to see the TV screen changed.

2017-09-24 『私がオタクになっているとしたら、その原因はパパだからね』 [長年日記]


"If I am an otaku, the reason is "you" "


my second daughter said to me that.





(1)It was me who handed the red book of "Bakemonogatari" to the second daughter.


I thought it was a more readable book than Akutagawa or Dazai.


(2)It was also me who made her watch all the story "Magika Madoka" (by highly recommended by my boss).


When she was not used to studying hard for a Junior High School entrance exam, I told her that


"Do you want to become the side that creates such story? Or, do you want to become "colored" on the line drawing, by a people's order? "


in order to push for her preparedness.


(3)It was also me who made her watch the whole story of "SHIROBAKO".


I didn't want to preach her to make her understand that "it is difficult to realize something by being easy".


(4)It was also me who made her watch the whole story of "Steins;Gate".


It is a masterpiece that remains in history.


What I did to her were such things,



According to the above facts, as a matter of course, the second daughter's claim


"If I am an otaku, the reason is "you" "


is going to be rejected obviously

2017-09-25 『今、彼らがやっていること以外に取り得る手段って、何かあるかな?』 [長年日記]


I asked my second daughter "Why?", So I tried asking questions from me.



- There is a country that wants to maintain the current system (however, dictatorship state), and behaves as being "Incorporated" to be recognized internationally as "crazy"


- and works as a cushioning material for power balance by the uncertainty to be thought "crazy"

●具体的には、真上にある世界最大の超大国(C国)と、右上にある世界最大の超大国(R国)と、真下にある世界最大の超大国(A国)の同盟国の、直接対決を回避する、(強烈な皮肉を込めて)「世界平和維持装置」として機能してきた国がある ―― とする。

- Specifically, the country that have functioned as "world peacekeeping equipment" (with intense irony) to avoid direct confrontation, in the middle of the world's largest superpower right above the country, the world's largest superpower in the upper right of the country, and the ally of the world's largest superpower(A) right under that country.


- By the way, the country has been in a state of fighting against A country, from 1950 until now(Now, it is a sate of ceasefire)


Let us assume the virtual country.

―― と、私は次女に言いました。

I said that to my second daughter.



Ebata: "Question."


Ebata: "This country has always thought "We want to continue to live in the present system (dictatorship system) without interference from any countries". If the national bodies can be kept, they are enough.


"Can you come up with something beyond what they are doing now?"



Second daughter(SD): "Voluntarily shifting to the parliamentary democracy system ..."

江端:「現在の元首とその一族は、間違いなく市民に惨殺されるだろうねえ(like ムッソリーニ)」

Ebata: "Current heads and their families will definitely be slaughtered by citizens (like Mussorini)"


SD: "Looking for a military alliance ..."


Ebata: "Candidates for allies were almost destroyed by the US"





Ebata: "Okay, It will be your homework, so tell me if you think of it."

2017-09-26 現代の私たちは、望む望まずに関わらず、マイクロソフト社の「Windows OS」と「Office」の奴隷・・・もとい、ユーザとなっています。 [長年日記]

現代の私たちは、望む望まずに関わらず、マイクロソフト社の「Windows OS」と「Office」の奴隷・・・もとい、ユーザとなっています。

Now, regardless of our hope, we are Microsoft's "Windows OS" and "Office" slaves...I mean "users".


In the proverb dictionary, in the explanation of "the army if you win", they have to use an example, "Wining story of Microsoft Corporation", instead of the shogunate at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the new government army.

By the way, in this column, I wrote a little about "Nash equilibrium" and "Pareto optimal".


Many of us have been forced to upgrade our version by Microsoft Corporation, with the threatening phrase "We do not support anymore" OS and Office", though even we have finally got used to OS and Office over the years.

私たちは、古いWindows OSを使うことで、いわゆる「ナッシュ均衡」に至っている訳であって、その世界は、ぬくぬくして、居心地のいい場所なのです。

We use the present Windows OS to reach the so-called "Nash equilibrium", and the world is warm, cozy.

しかし、マイクロソフト社は、「バージョンアップ + サポート停止」という手段をもって、このナッシュ均衡を破って、パレート最適に至らしめているのである ―― という、ウルトラスーパー善意解釈もできなくはないと思っています。

However, Microsoft breaks this Nash equilibrium, and try to be reaching Pareto optimal, as a means of "upgrading + halting support", however I am afraid that this is a Ultra Super good faith for the company.


(To be continued)

2017-09-27 ちなみに ―― 私は本気だ。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)



なんで、"Office"のインタフェースの場所まで変える必要があるんだ? おい、Officeの設計している奴。

Hey, the "Office" designers.

Why do you need to change to the location of the Office interface?


Why are you bothering us, as valued customers who are using your products in their daily life? (I have been a user from the period of MS-DOS).


Does the development team of "Office" do internal power struggle for each version?


The way is that a new government, which took office, try to change only the "name" of the existing policy, and make it as if it is a new policy in order to achieve that feature.



Don't be silly.


By using different version of "MS Word", the paper I have wrote for this month is collapsed now. Who is responsible for this?


From now on, if you continue to change the interface as you want, I will calculate the total damage done by the user and publish it in my column.


ちなみに ―― 私は本気だ。

By the way - I am serious.

2017-09-28 ―― うちの町内会って、もしかして、凄くね? [長年日記]


The other day, I did a group interview as a work of a neighborhood association spokesperson.


In that group, there was one foreigner (native English), however,

I am sure that "I am second to none to speak nonsense English"


I was not too worried.



Yeah, I really did not have to worry at all.


He was speaking fluent Japanese,


For details,


The director of the public relations department was talking in English, and


One of the interviewees is engaged in English translation.


―― うちの町内会って、もしかして、凄くね?

"My neighborhood association is possibly awesome isn't it?"


The population is small, so it is difficult to compare my company with my neighborhood association directly, however,


My neighborhood association may be more responsive to globalization.

2017-09-29 だから、私は、本気で「凄いなぁ」と感心することができるんです ―― 「羨しいなぁ」と思ったことはないですが。 [長年日記]


Recently I have been exhausted from unaccustomed making a paper (Yesterday, I posted it to the academic conference).


Because I have to read a pile of papers of others.


There is a personal history in the last page of a paper. Whenever I read the part,

―― 凄いなあ

"How overwhelming they are"


I'm impressed.

学歴、職歴、渡航歴、役職、その他もろもろ、まあ、あんなに記載することがあるもんだと ―― イヤミではなく ―― 本気で感心しています。

Educational background, history of employment, history of travel and carrier e.t.c anyway I am really reading their thesis with admiration

私のコラムの著者紹介なんぞ、もうそれ自体が「笑い話」になっていますが ――

On the other hand, my author's note is just a funny story.


No way, above and beyond this.



Indeed, a person who can write a lot of personal history, has work hard for a lot.


In my experiment, the person is likeable, polite and merry person.


I mean,


most of the persons who is likeable, polite and merry person can gain appointment to a high position, and


they has usually excessive hard works,


in addition, they don't feel the works hard.


だから、私は、本気で「凄いなぁ」と感心することができるんです ―― 「羨しいなぁ」と思ったことはないですが。

So, I can really admire "they are awesome" seriously - I never thought "I envy them".


(To be continued)

2017-09-30 政治家の経歴なんぞ、私には、何にもヒットしません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

選挙の時のポスターの中にも、こういう履歴を見つけることがあるのですが ―― 不思議と、こっちは何も感じません。

I can find person history in a campaign poster, however, I cannot fell anything in this case.

というか、ポスターの中に、そんな履歴を記載するくらいなら、「政治家としての、自分のKPI(Key Performance Indicator)と、その達成度を数値で書けよ」と思います。

I mean, I think that why not write your goal of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) as a politician, rather than writing your history ?


A politician's history doesn't appeals to my emotions at all.

It is not so much as a "signal"



The KPI of a politician must be hopeful about their political activities.


However, so-called, "software service" KPIs, like diplomacy, administration are difficult to express numerically, and includes a lie.


So, for example, "load expansion project" and "numbers of bridge" and "a new station for shinkansen-line" such "hardware services" has come to be a "signal" for breeding ground for the dispensation of favors.


However, now decreasing population, and being difficult to maintain social infrastructure, the politician, who keep saying about hardware services, is going to be dead end.



In the future, the KPI of politicians is going to be




individual interest first, (not local profit)


software services.


So both the KPI and the result should be disclosed on their poster.



If it is true, the items of their KPI should be as follows.


(1)Numbers of marriage meeting,


(2)Success rate of the marriage.


(3)Birth rate after the marriage.


In addition, if


(4)LGBT couple rate in the above (2)


will be added, they could get Ebata's appreciation.

―― まあ、世間一般的には、上記(4)は、時期尚早なのかもしれませんが。

The above issue might be rejected as being premature, in general