One of the tasks of this GW, was
"Building a monitoring using SORACOM and Raspberry pi"
and I was working for it at my parent home.
残念ですが、タイムアウトとなりました ―― 構築を完了できず、機材を自宅に持ち帰ることになりました。
I was sorry, but it was a timeout - I could not complete the construction and I decided to take the equipment home.
食事、掃除、風呂、庭の草取りや除草剤の配布、電球や電池の取り替え、介護ホームへの母の見舞いに加えて、特に、今回は、町内会の仕事で時間を思いっきり持っていかれ ―― そして、決定的なのだったのが
Meals, cleaning, baths, weeding in the garden and distribution of herbicides, replacement of bulbs and batteries, and mother's visit to nursing home. Besides that, in particular, this time, I took many time for the work of the neighborhood association.
The crucial trouble was,
"Suddenly occurring father's sleep".
I had to change my schedule for him sleeping time.
It has been quite a long time since I could not have a normal conversation with my father.
My father has lost not only the idea of the season but also the concept of the time zone, I have not observed what my father is thinking from outside for a long time.
―― 故に、
A woman in a drama shouting loudly, "I do not know what you are thinking!"
I want to say to you that
―― 舐めんな。会話が成立する人間に対して、何の贅沢を言っていやがる。死力を尽して言葉を交せ
"Do not be silly. Why can you say such luxury to the person who can talk with others. Talk to your lover to the full extent of your power"
I think that I am qualified to say that.
(To be continued)