I wrote before that the reason I like "technology" is that
―― 動くものだけが絶対
"only something working is absolute"
While some people are excited "let's make XXX (working group, etc,)" "let's start XXX (standardization, etc.)",
an engineer says bossy,
"I made it, and working now"
Just murmuring, I can see a happy scene that they, who are excited, are going to lose their face in a moment.
I know both positions of "I have smashed the face" and "my face has been crushed", and I also know "greatness" and "cruelty" of technology every time.
多分、他の分野 ―― 政治、経済、文化、歴史 ―― の世界では、このような場面に立ち会うことは、多分ないのだろうな、と思ってます。
Perhaps, in the world of other fields - politics, economics, culture, history - I cannot watch such scenes.
動くこと、速いこと、小さいこと、安いこと ―― これらについて、「技術」には、議論の余地がない、という点が、私は好きです。
Working, fast, small and cheap. I like that there is no room for discussion for "technology".