長女とレイトショーで、映画『るろうに剣心 伝説の最期編』を見てきました。
I went to the movie "Rurouni-KENSHIN, The last legend" with my senior daughter.
前作『るろうに剣心 京都大火編』で、その殺陣の凄さに度肝抜かれたので、 流石に、今回は慣れて見られるだろうと思っていたのですが、
When I watched the previous work, I was really surprised at the swordfight action. So I thought that I got used to seeing the action.
However, I felt excited from another view.
―― この撮影で人死は出ていないんだよな
"Nobody were dead in the filming weren’t them?"
Thought it might be hard for me explain the good scenes of this movie,
This sword fighting is too fast and complicated, and unfortunately I could not process both the sight and information at all.
So I want to watch the movie more than five times at least.
The following is my proposal.
『るろうに剣心 京都大火編』『るろうに剣心 伝説の最期編』の両方で、
For the movie of both "Rurouni-HENSHIN Kyoto big fire" and "Rurouni-KENSHIN, The last legend"
―― 「殺陣シーン」詳細解析ブック
"The detailed analysis book of sword fighting"
will be published, I hope.
多分、日本の映画、演劇世界に、ある種のパラダイムシフトを起こす―― というのは、正直どうでも良くて、
To tell you the truth, I don't care that whether this book might make a kind of paradigm shift for Japanese movies and theater world.
Maybe, I will read the book until it crumbles,
From the viewpoint of an engineer.