The theme she was given by her teacher was
"hydropower counts for more than other other power generations."
and her homework is to study the theory of both Con side and Pro side.
I said "O.K. Let us practice it".
ということになり、長女がConサイド、私がProサイドになって、シミュレーショ ンしてみました。
My daughter was on the Con side and I was on the Pro side, and we tried to run a simulation.
【Conサイド 1回目】
The first trial for the Con side.
Hydropower is
not to care the resource import problem
not to care CO2 problem and good for the environment
not to care the limitation of resource eventually, in fact,
is suitable for Japan land environment because of water and vertical interval
【Proサイド 1回目】
The first trial for the Pro side.
Hydropower is
to be needed much cost for initial construction and resident eviction
to acceralate CO2 problem because of the ruin of woods.
is to stuck soil at the bottom of dam, to need to remove them, and increase the maintenance costs
is unsteady energy based on the weathers.
この段階で、娘がGiveUPしてしまった(早いな!)ので、私が2回目のConサイド とProサイドの例を作ってみました。
In this step, my daughter has already given up the debate. So I continued to make the next step of both Con and Pro sides.
【Conサイド 2回目】
The second trial for Con side.
Hydropower is
to be needed the initial construction const. But thermal power has a danger of explosion and unclear power has severe damage of environment for from 100year to 100000years.
■CO2の排出量は、石油を延焼させる時に発生する量に比べれば、森林伐採に よるCO2の吸収量は、比較にならない程小さい。
to generate less CO2 problem than burning oil.
not to have happened trouble to blackout in Japan. Electric power can transmit to other area by power lines, so there will no problems if we can make up a lot of several Hydropower in Japan.
【Proサイド 2回目】
The second trial for Pro side.
Now the pollution of Japan is going to decrease, so the consumption of power also decreases. About this problem, we will only cut of the resource of oil and Uranium. On the other hand, Hydropower is going to b dead storages.
According to the CO2 environment problem, in the present, it is not clear the reason. Nobody knows whether burning oil is problem or not. Added, unclear generation has no problem about CO2.
In Japan, it was clear not to resolve the power transition procedure because of power frequencies difference. We have no plan to resolve this problem at all now.
Hearing the above my statements, my daughter seemed to be impressed. But I am a research engineer whose work is to make a lot of choplogic as a daily tasks.
Finally I told her the followings,
What I want to tell you is that
you should study from the debate,
―― 万人にとって、唯一絶対の正論、というものは、存在しない
"There is no uniquely positive logic in the world."
どんなテーゼにも、ConとProがあり、そして、―― どちらも正しくて、そしてどちらも間違っている。
Any theme has both Con and Pro, and both of them is right and fault.
Whenever what you do, unanimous vote is absolutely illusion, and some person will be enemy.
You don't do anything what you want, unless you have this preparedness.
―― ということだ。