Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(6)量子コンピュータ(6):
Dancing Buzzword-Behind the Buzzword (6) Quantum Computer (6)
Even a cynical lonely engineer was moved to tears by the "supreme technology of the quantum computer"
This is the final installment of the "Quantum Computer" series.
As this is the last episode, I asked the self-proclaimed "quantum computer geek, Mr. T", who supervised the article, to contribute a comment.
"I gave it some thought, but I couldn't come up with a good sentence"
He declined to do so because of the reason.
Well, as far as I know, I'm the only person who is suddenly asked to contribute and responds immediately.
For a long time, I asked the juniors who have been reviewing it as a "rude junior series" about contributing comments. However he said to me.
"No merit"
I was kicked off by him.
"Ebata-san, you've been writing a column for years now, but you haven't become a major player at all.
"There's no benefit to me in free-riding with Ebata-san"
確かに ―― その通り。
Certainly -- that's right.
コラム執筆に、こんなに膨大な時間と労力を注いでいるのに、「日の当たるところにいる」という感覚が ―― "ゼロ"
I've put such an enormous amount of time and effort into writing the column, however, the sense of "being in the sun" is "zero"
I don't know why. It's funny. Why are my efforts so spinning out of control?
―― というような話を、嫁さんにしたところ、
I told my wife about the story, and she said
Wife: "Do you want to 'be a major player' in the first place?
Oh, I'm starting to remember more and more of the bad stuff.
Come to think of it, when I was studying for my graduate school entrance exam.
―― エバちゃんってさぁ、「入試の目的(合格)」を忘れて、「勉強の為に勉強する」ようになるから、心配だよ
I'm worried about you, Eba-chan, because you're going to forget the purpose of the entrance exam (passing) and start "studying for the sake of studying".
It reminded me of a message from a seminar friend (a woman) who sent me a letter, when I was studying in the boarding house.
# 電子メールを使うだけで、オタク呼ばわりされた時代でした(BBS(nifty)経由のみ)
# It was an era when people were called nerds just by using e-mail (only via BBS (nifty))
By the way, I don't really understand what the "major" is.
I don't know it like the contents of a "flag" of "raising in Tokyo".