The eldest daughter majors in psychology at university, but now she looks desperate for knowledge acquisition.
She seems that the phase has not been reached that applying the contents of the learned psychology to the world around her.
Well, it cannot be helped.
I was also able to realize that statistics and imaginary numbers were "this is really amazing" when I realized that I knew "ease" with this knowledge after calculating with a computer.
After all, literature is the culmination of methods for "easy" with the knowledge of the predecessors.
Well, aside.
心理学を専攻しているなら、とりあえず、著名な本を一冊読んで ―― 理解なんぞしなくてもいいから ―― 読んでみたことがある、という事実を持っておくと、あとあと便利だと思う(例:就活とか)
If you major in psychology, read some famous books will help you at some stage (Example: job hunting), whether you understand the contents of books.
―― とは言っておきました。
I said.
Anyway, I know only the book I read, so I recommended "al bouquets for Algernon", "night and fog", and "irrational as expected".
("Courage to be hated" seems to be a best seller, but I didn't recommend it because I didn't read it)
Well, I think it would be useful to talk to the interviewer.