I am making 100,000,000 person's simulator little by little every day.
Though it might be similar to make a plastic model little by little,
I tried it just two times in my life.
10年前にキモに命じたハズなのですが、「プログラミングでやってはいけない リスト」をすっかり忘れていることに気がつきます。
I remember that I perfectly forgot the forbidden actions of programming even I promised not to do them.
- Never program it over the 12:00 a.m.
→寝られなくなるから。 頭の中がキラキラして、コーディングが走り回り、強いお酒も、精神安定剤も、全然効果なしになります。
I cannot sleep at all. My brain makes clear and the code run over my head. After that, the strong liquor and the pills entirely become useless.
- Never add new parameter in my program.
→ コンパイルが通らないとムキになって、デバックを続けて、朝日を見るはめになるから。
If the compile doesn't go well, I become excited. Finally I am going to notice the morning sunshine.
After all, working in midnight is going to waste the next daytime, and the condition also will be broken.
There is the case that what I was troubled for two hours in midnight is going to be resolved easier in the next daytime.
ただ、これは、「前の夜に2時間悩んだ」→ 寝た → 頭の中が整理された →「次の日5分で片づいた」とも言えるかもしれない訳で、何が良かったのか、断言できないところがあります。
But I cannot figure out what was better for me, because I might be able to reach the solution against annoying at the last night.
(To be continued)