The first computer I had used in my life was in college computer center.
I think that I was second grade.
The computer was composed of TSS (Time sharing system), and was enormous valuable resource in those days.
The college student use the computer resource for several ten minutes in a year, and the sequence calculation time was in 70 seconds.
It was a true story.
In those days, few students had used the computer seriously. In my case, I would have use it if my friend had not advised me how to use it,
学生実験の計算結果を、コンピュータで検証するという、課題にもなっていないことに対して、挑戦をした私は、―― 本当に、エラい奴でした。
I was really great student, because I had tried to verify the experiment result with the computer calculation.
What my trial was to check the difference between result of experiment of thermoelectric couple and the calculation (You don't ignore such a complicated story.)
Just before 70 seconds was passed, I wrote down the output number and I enter the number to the computer again. I retried again and again.
After many miry burdens and failures, what should I say when I could find the perfect matching between two.
―― エクスタシー
It was an ecstasy.
When I see a person who enjoy a game by Smartphone on my way home,
―― ああ、そのCPUパワー、もったいない
Oh, never waste that CPU power,
I become thinking what I don't have to think.
How would you use your CPU power for the time-scale simulation of contaminated areas of the nuclear accident?
Yes, I do understand that I am saying something meaningless.