I took a paid holiday, and went to country home to proceed final income tax return.
当然、e-Taxシステムを起動する為に、父と母の住基カードと電子認証を得る ために、朝から役所を走り回っていました。
I had to run around a city hall in order to get Basic Resident Register card and digital certification for both father and mother all day.
I want to omit the details but I was amazed to know easy computer security managements in the government office.
―― うん、これなら簡単に破れる
I convinced me that
"It's piece of cake to break the system."
I am going to tell you the story later.
(散々警告してきたので、今頃必死の対応中だと ―― 信じたい)。
I have warned them about the dangers, so I want to believe they are making repairs on the system.
Anyway I go and call to anywhere in order to know taxes and insurances of my country home, and I came back to home with be exhausted.
My daughter told me that,
"You are always busy and look like be tired in vain"
I answered that "I admit that I prefer busy to free by nature."
"Papa you seems to be too busy to do anything."
"There are a lot of persons who always more busy than me, for example, cartoonists, politicians, presidents. All of them look like energetic."
"But, they are great people aren't they?"
―― お前、今、さりげなく失礼なこと言ったな。
"Hey you. You now, said something rude casually."