
2013-06-04 「私以外の」多くの著作者の皆様にお願いがあります






























2014-06-04 「研究対象を具現化せずに、どうやって研究を進めることができる訳?」


"Well, do you think that colleges don't give their students how to operate computer programming recently?"


"What is that suddenly, Mr.Ebata?"

「何人かの新人と話をしてみたのだけど、『プログラミングをしたことがない』 という人が結構な数、いてね」

"I have discussed several fresh persons in this laboratory, and they told me that they have no experiment of programming"


"Do you talk about the fresh persons who major in information science in their college?"


"No. It means the general industrial engineering including life science of biogenetics, for example.




"Don't you agree that programming is the easiest way to understand the objects of their study with using numeric?




"How do they make a progress of their study without realizing their research objects?"


"Excel is enough. If they need the statistic approach, MATBAL script is the best"

「でも、それでは、具現化できる範囲が凄く限定的になるし、自分の発想を組みこむことができないよ? 第一、自分の仮説を立てて、それを検証することもできないし」

"That tool's capabilities restrict the range of their realization, and it should be hard to add new innovative idea to their study. To begin with, it is impossible to make their own hypothesis and to validate the evidence.


"O.K. O.K. I understand what you want to say"




"Mr.Ebata. I am sorry but you are wrong."


"Which point?"


"First of all, what is not realized by excel or MATLAB is what is not realized.


"Pardon? "


"Your thought is absolutely wrong. The interfaces of Excel or MATLAB are kinds of the limitation of research object. You don't have to think over"




"Nothing. Your hypothesis should not be beyond the ability of Excel or MATLAB"


"You said that "don't think about heliocentric theory”, “God makes human. Be unsuspecting!""


"That's right. What is inconvenience?"


"Researchers should ...."


"Mr.Ebata. you know better.”Blindness" is the easiest way to reach "happiness""



I noticed that he told me about my column.

2015-06-04 私たちが、制御システムと共生していくことは、避けられないでしょう。


(Continuation from yesterday)


Some guardians often tell that they are worry about aftereffects of radiation of their children. I think they should start to study about atomic energy or radiation very hard from even now.


I know well that it is difficult for us to understand the knowledges(from the bottom of my heart)


In Japan, 70% persons come from the faculty of liberal arts. So I know well that many people have not experimented to use big numerical like Tera size.


It is just spending much time, no effect and in vain after all.


I know well we want to avoid such annoying things even for myself, needless to say, for others.


But I believe that

―― 子どもの為なら闘える

"We can fight for our children"




For example, trying to


research for the new rules for atomic power plant management, or


read the decisions of both acceptation and rejection of the power plant restart,


are easier to understand than the mechanism of atomic energy.


Especially, the decisions of courts are easy to read, and more fun than the book around.


Unfortunately, it might be difficult to avoid living with control systems.

しかし、私達は、訳も分からないまま、制御システムに『自分の子どもが殺されるかもしれない』と怯えるだけの日々からは、決別しなければならない ―― と思うのです。

But I also think that we have to break away the days, that we should been scared that our children are going to be killed by control systems.

2016-06-04 ―― なんで、私はまだ生きているんだろう?


There is a research of "People who have no friend, is like to become death in early life".


Certainly, it might be right.


Communications with friends can activate our mind and body, and the same or different person's senses of value make our life be enrich.


When I suffer something, a friend who conform me and cure my ache is a priceless property.



However, I have one big question against the research.


Based on the research about "people who have no friend, is like to become death in early life". one unreasonable fact is coming.

―― なんで、私はまだ生きているんだろう?

"Why am I living still now?"



In my case, there is no problem that I was dead ten years ago.

2017-06-04 「国民は愚かなままにしておくのが良い」というのは、古今東西、権力者の常套手段でした

I wrote a map of the Korean Peninsula by myself for the first time in my column series last but one, and I was quite surprised.

―― <北>って、スッゲー面倒な場所にないか?

" is really a troublesome place isn't it ?"

上は中国、右上にロシア、真下にアメリカの軍事同盟国(韓国 + 日本)。

China on the top, Russia on the upper right, American military allies (South Korea + Japan) beneath.


"What is on earth this annoying place with feeling to suffocate ?"

と思い、速効で、 「マンガでわかる地政学」という本を買って読んでみました。

I quickly bought and read a book called "Geography in manga".



I realized "I got to study so much." after a long absence


Three basic principles of geopolitics.


(1) The ultimate goal of the state is "survival"


(2) Neighboring countries surely confront each other


(3) The enemies' enemies are ally


It is far easier to understand than Asimov's robot 3 principle. In this book, many use-case in the world are introduced, and I understood the behavioral principles of each country.


In particular, I feel like I understood well the behavioral principle of the peninsular state (north and south) near Japan.


People who are irritated with neighborhood behavior, may make their feelings easier, to know the fact that "there are no neighbor countries that are not fighting in the world".

ですから、一歩引いて、「地政学」から世界を見ることは ―― 勉学とか知識の取得とか、そういうもの一切関係なく ―― 、「精神衛生上」、良いかもしれません。

So, with a step back, it might be good for our "Mental hygiene" To see the world from "Geopolitics" ---- No matter regardless of study or knowledge acquisition, etc.


For me,


I love the web site of "contemporary history with stand-up reading"


If the contents are published as a book, I will give an order at the head.



I fell strange, why MEXT doesn't make "geopolitics" an essential subject of compulsory education.


I think that making the very beginning of history textbooks an item of "modern history" and its content may be "Geopolitical".


So, I want to think a following distraction from here,

「地政学」を理解できてしまうと、国民は理性的に国際情勢を分析できるようになってしまって ―― 国民の負の感情や激情を利用した政治の運用がやりにくくなってしまう ―― のではないかな、と。

If we citizens, can understand "Geopolitics", we can reasonably analyze the international situation, and for the politicians, it might be difficult to operate the politics using the negative emotions and passion of our citizens.

特に、隣国との対立関係や、遠国との同盟関係を争点にしないと、選挙も闘いにくくなり、国家の最高規範である法律の改正なども、とても難しくなる ――

Especially if they do not settle the confrontation relationship with neighboring countries and the alliance with the far country, their elections are also hard to fight, and the revision of the law, which is the highest norm of the nation, becomes very difficult.


"It is good to keep the people stupid" is a usual means of the ancestor all ages and countries.it may be an ordinary story normally, although it may not be a disturbance.



Indeed, we were also considering these before more than 20 years.


In order to stop the economic development of the neighboring country in the continent, we had reached the conclusion,

"To interfere with the educational system of the neighbor country, and disturb to teach differential or integration"




By the way, there were such stupid stuff in Japan too.


The pathetic stupid writer couple, said that "Quadratic equations don't work at all in our society, we should expel such study", and they made a tremendous contribution to the country's declining national strength,

2018-06-04 世界で初めて「エロ本のモザイク」から深層学習の説明を試みた、週末研究員の江端です


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(22) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"

Sensual artificial intelligence - a paradigm that explains deep layer learning most easily



I am Tomoichi Ebata, a weekend researcher, who tried to explain "deep learning technology" with the concept of "erotic book mosaic" for the first time in the world.

―― と、自慢できる日は、永遠に来ないだろうなぁ、と思っています。

I am afraid that the day I can boast about that, will never come forever.


Rarely, I have been invited as a lecturer, however,


I am confident that "No one will call me with this story."

2019-06-04 「勝てない相手とは、喧嘩はしない」のは、当たり前のことですが ――


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, once the method has been disclosed, the software that has prepared the method may be deleted and another method may be installed.


As each government, if the spy activity can be monitored, it is better to use it conversely.


From that point of view, it is natural to make the specific method non-disclosure.


On the contrary, I think that if there is an organization or an individual who does such a thing, any government wants to stop it even if I apply pressure.


To begin with, this problem seem to be "cyber spy war", but the essence is the "war" that the United States government launched against the Chinese government.


This war, from the old days, is a the US folk art.


By the way, do you know the term of


"Super 301"




It is a US law that was created with the aim of "targeting Japan" as "retaliation" to the import / export imbalance with the United States.


The law was enacted in 1988 to strengthen Article 301 of the US Trade Code (in 1988, it was a time-limited law, but it was revived in 1994).


Of course, our country has been defeated since the 1945 Pacific War. we made a national policy of "do not fight" against any war set up by the United States.


At this time, the government and the private sector cooperated to implement self-regulation of US exports and avoid a trade war with the United States.

「勝てない相手とは、喧嘩はしない」のは、当たり前のことですが ――

It is a matter of course that "to hesitate with the opponent we can not win."


However, at this time, the United States also destroyed various "industrial innovation" in Japan.

私が覚えているだけでも、 宇宙開発事業(人工衛星)、スーパーコンピュータ、オペレーティングシステムなどまで、狙い打ちにされました。

As far as I know, development of space technology, super computer and computer operating system were listed as targets.


You might think "even if we cannot export the things to the US, we can buy the things in Japan", however, the activities of the law had another aspect.


A high-pressured selling for American-made products that works as a remedy for trade imbalances


For example, if Japanese satellites, supercomputers and operating systems are "pushed" in Japan, Japanese products will not sell in Japan.


Naturally, companies will not invest in R&D into products that can not sell, and the industrial innovation"will be crushed.


(To be continued) <

2020-06-04 すくなくとも、このブログの執筆者より、私の方が真面目に「孫子の兵法」を実践していると思います。


(Continuation from yesterday)

「孫子の兵法」でいうところの「敵を知る」ということは ――

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, "knowing the enemy" means...


Learn about viruses, identify their general properties, and understand the properties specific to COVID-19.


Understand the mechanism of infection and tackle the mathematical theories of experts


Examine the process of making a vaccine



Of course, each person has his or her own background, but I don't think the above efforts, whatever their background, will prevent them from "knowing their enemy".


I am an amateur in infectious diseases, pharmacy, and many other things, but I am studying hard as an amateur.


And even if it's my own understanding, I'm going to disclose it to others and hopefully that will help someone else if they're lucky enough to do so.


At least, I think I'm more serious about practicing "Sun Tzu's Art of War" than the writer of this blog.



If he/she have time to criticize the people and the government, looking from the top.


The essence of "Sun Tzu's teachings are that even if they're not good at it, even if they're out of your field, they study this disaster head-on, even for a millimeter or a second, and strive to help others, aren't it?


I think that.


Well, if they're saying, "the experts should be in charge of the technicalities" or "the politicians should be in charge of the politics", well, it's not up to me to say.


But I'm not going to participate in that.

2021-06-04 「同性婚できないのは憲法違反」札幌地裁が日本初の判断 ―― このニュースが流れた時、私の取った行動は、裁判所の判例DBの検索をすることでした。

「同性婚できないのは憲法違反」札幌地裁が日本初の判断 ―― このニュースが流れた時、私の取った行動は、裁判所の判例DBの検索をすることでした。

"Sapporo District Court rules for the first time in Japan that same-sex marriage is against the Constitution". When this news came out, my first action was to search the court's case database.


Because I want to read the sentence without foresight.


As I've said before, the text of the ruling is interesting in itself, without any lofty motives such as "primary information is important"


If you look at the information in the media, it will be "spoiled" and less interesting.


Unfortunately, at that time, the sentence was not yet reflected in the DB.


So, even though I'm a little late, I've just read the judgment and I'm laughing... not burst laughing,


もっとも,同性愛を精神疾患の1つとし,禁止すべきものとする知見は, 昭和55年頃までは通用していたものであり,それは教育の領域においても広く示されていた。

However, the knowledge that homosexuality is one of the mental disorders and should be prohibited was accepted until around 1980, and it was also widely shown in the field of education.


One of the reasons why the majority of people in the relatively older age group of 60 years old and above have a negative opinion about same-sex marriage is that such knowledge was accepted and as a result, negative opinions and values about same-sex marriage have been formed among the people.


In light of this history, the fact that there are not a few citizens who have such negative opinions and values is a circumstance that the legislature can take into consideration when exercising its discretionary power.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) 同性婚を、じじい達やばばあ達は、到底理解しないだろう

(1) Old guys and old ladies will never understand same-sex marriage.

(2) とは言え、票田を考えると、国会議員は、じじい達やばばあ達の存在を無視できないだろう。

(2) Nevertheless, given their voting power, Diet members will not be able to ignore the presence of the old guys and old ladies

(3) 上記(1)(2)を考えると、『同性婚を認める』という方向に立法府が動かんのは、まあ理解してやらんといかんだろう

(3) Considering (1) and (2) above, we have to understand that the legislature is not moving in the direction of 'recognizing same-sex marriage.

# まあ、一応、私も「じじい達」の範疇に入っているという自覚はあります。

# Well, I am aware that I am in the category of the "old guys".



However, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is the difference in sexual orientation, which cannot be chosen or changed by a person's will, and there should be no difference in the legal benefits that can be enjoyed by persons of any sexual orientation.


Nevertheless, homosexuals are not provided with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) でもね、異性愛者と同性愛者の違いは、つまるところ「性的指向の差異」だけで、本人達に責任はないよね?

(1) But, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is "difference in sexual orientation", and they are not responsible for it, right?

(2) これを結婚という制度の利益受益者として、"1"か"0"の2つしかないように扱うって、どうよ?

(2) Isn't it strange that we treat this as a beneficiary of the institution of marriage, as if there are only two choices, "1" or "0"?



In addition to these circumstances, and in light of the fact that there was no judicial decision on the constitutionality of the lack of a system for same-sex marriage, it must be said that it was not easy for the Diet to immediately recognize that this provision was in violation of Article 14, Section 1 of the Constitution.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) I think it's a bit pitiful for the Diet to unilaterally assume that 'the Diet is at fault' under such circumstances.



As described above, the Court finds that there is no reason for any of the plaintiffs' claims.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) Therefore, the plaintiff's claim for damages under the State Redress Law is dismissed.


―― あれ? この裁判、原告の敗訴?

"Huh? The plaintiff lost this case?"


We might be able to read it as above.


However, a (final) judgment takes effect from the entire text of the judgment.


In this judgment, this part of the judgment is very important.



The refusal to provide homosexuals with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage is beyond the discretion of the legislature, and to that extent violates Article 14, Section 1 (equality under the law) of the Constitution.



It is important to note that the Sapporo District Court declared that the above state of affairs, where there are only two options, "1" or "0," is a violation of the Constitution.



I think that this ruling has not been finalized yet.


Even if the court decision is finalized with this content, if the government continues to fail to enforce the law on same-sex marriage and the system, the "negligence of the Diet" will be recognized, and every lawsuit after it is finalized will result in a decision subject to the State Compensation Law.


If this is the case, the plaintiff can decide that it would be better to let the judgment stand without filing an appeal.


On the other hand, the defendant that won the case, the "State," should not be able to appeal to the higher court.


However, in this ruling, the Sapporo District Court did not find any violation of Article 13 (respect (dignity) of the individual, the right to pursue happiness and public welfare) and Article 24 (freedom to form family relationships and equality between men and women) of the Constitution.


I haven't been able to follow up on how this trial is going to go (I'm working on it).


I will let you know when I know more.

2022-06-04 取り敢えず、ぎっくり腰の予防になってくれれば、かなり嬉しいです。

This is a follow-up report about "hanging by iron bar".


Frankly speaking, keeping hanging on a iron bar is pretty hard.


I know that moving my body front and back or side to side is low load for long time hanging.


However, if you try, you should do it little by little not to hurt your body.


私、最近は、週に1度ほどサウナにいっているのですが、サウナ室の中でストレッチをしていたりしますが ――

Recently, I go to sauna once a week, and stretch in the sauna room.


I often had my abdominal and back muscles cramp


Though I stretched in the sauna today, I didn't feel such pains.



Researching about it a little, Hanging Health Method make us effect to strengthen abdominal and back muscles and core.


Twisting on air seems to be a good stretch for me.


Anyway, if it prevent strained back, I am happy.


Because I have to keep sitting on my chair for 10-14 hours a day now.

2023-06-04 ―― 上司の個人的コメントは、部下にとっては「命令」になる


I've come to understand at this age,

―― 上司の個人的コメントは、部下にとっては「命令」になる

"A supervisor's "personal comment" becomes an "order" to his/her subordinates."


This is a reality of the situation, and


The fact is that there are an alarming number of bosses who are unaware of this.



At a gathering of section chiefs regarding patent creation, I said that


Your comments are the "word of God" to your subordinates, so don't be careless with your "personal comments."



And I said that real-life examples of how "subordinates will always surmise their superiors."


However, one of the section chiefs said to me,


"Are you aware that when Mr. Ebata talks about patents, it will be the "word of God"?"


I was stunned by his comment.


"There are a frightening number of bosses who are unaware of this" is the fact.