
2016-10-01 You are "valuable" absolutely. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

From the dictator of the state, to the unemployed of cannabis addiction, they decided that a certain people is worthless and and got to massacre the people around with being caught in the obsession of such concept.

"Yeah, these guys are really helpless stupid."

First of all, for many of the human beings, most others are worthless, In other words "we don't care".

For many human beings, people who are worth, are myself and minimum of the others need in order to survive myself.

To begin with, if you think that "I am valuable", it is good at that.

In addition, I am sorry but , even if you think that "I am not valuable",

you are "valuable" absolutely.

(To be continued)

2016-10-02 It is the value of "resource consumption machine". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

It is the value of "resource consumption machine".

It might be hard to understand and say "consume resources," however, how do you think "eating rice and bread" ?

Using water, electricity, and taking a crap, social infrastructures are required, and needs will occur there.

Even if "AI" so called, work as a substitute for us, we need some people who operate the AI.

Even if I became bedridden, some services are required for long-term care, and a flow of money will occur there.

For example, actually, I go back my country home frequently, and I have to spend considerable money for the bullet trains.

I go to a wedding ceremony, even if I am called (I have not been called recently).

According to a funeral, many attendees will have gathered using the transportation, though it is not that the people come back to life(I have also not been called recently).

A dead body is also "valuable" during a fresh period.

(To be continued)

2016-10-03 If I have even the ability to enjoy the content, I have a "value" of "useful for someone". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Above all, I think that the economic effectiveness is enormous.

Even if we don't have any individuality and creativity and live a life aimlessly , we are enormous engines to make the economy move

Of course, it is a different story whether happiness or not.

For example, terrorist explosions, huge disaster, and care of the aged, they can stimulate the economy.


I wrote the above, however, I, myself think that "this is a fast-food logic and have problems with them".

I know well that it is impossible to resolve them with this light thinking processes.

However, at least, I think that it might be an idea doesn't need the religion of doctrine of "all of life is worth equally".


Far away from the original topic.

What I want to say,

"Watching sports" is a content that is not be established by only creators of the sport contents.

Any creation generates the "value" when it is consumed.

The ability to enjoy "watching sports" is to give the value to the creation, and everyone who who enjoy the "sports" is an engine turning the economy.

Even if I cannot do anything what I want by aging, and I become no longer making anything,

If I have even the ability to enjoy the content, I have a "value" of "useful for someone".

I believe that, even if everybody denies this my logic.


For now, I think that the ability is more valuable than more than one hundred patent applications of mine(my junior said),

2016-10-04 There is no relationship between "Autophagy" and "Fuzzy reasoning". [長年日記]

Dear Dr.Osumi who awarded the Nobel Physiology or Medicine Prize this year, -- Neither a national of Japan, nor framework of the Japanese --, I would like to represent the respect and heartfelt blessing.

Yesterday, when I read this article , I thought blankly that "phagy" in "Autophagy" is

a interfering substances against Master Hishinuma Seiko's study, in the cartoon "animal doctor" by Ms.Tomoko Sasaki

If I have misunderstood, please someone tell me.


When I went back home last night, my wife said happily

"Nobel Prize in the "phagy"!"

I was puzzled for a moment.

However I noticed the reason after three seconds,

"She misunderstood this one."


It is to be vain to explain such a thing at this late hour, however,

there is no relationship between "Autophagy" and "Fuzzy reasoning".

The research of this Nobel Price of Dr.Osumi is far way from the study that I had done before.

2016-10-05 "Anyway, obey a recipe" [長年日記]

Recently, I cook a dinner one day of weekend, at least.

In these days, I go back to my country house and have some chances do the cooking, and moreover,

"Cooking" seems , I think, to be a kind of "system construction", and I can enjoy cooking relatively.

By the way,

a tip to "enjoy cooking" is to "make it delicious", and

a tip to "make it delicious" is not to "take a risk".

"Anyway, obey a recipe"

This phrase comes to an end.


The ming might be good as a system engineer, but it is not enough as a researcher who is asked to make a new value.

I think that researchers should keep seeking a new paradigm at any moment.

(To be continued)

2016-10-06 "Not bad , even if I don't know the original foodstuff" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Last Saturday, I cooked bowls of rice topped with chicken and eggs, based on onion and garlic, and

Last Sunday, I cooked stew of fibrous meat based on tomato.

Both became disastrous results after all.

I pleaded with my wife to rescue these poor foods, and she tried them. She succeeded in doing them, but the foods became another something against my initial imagination.


I let me down terribly last weekend.

"As for a feeble cook like me, it is too presumptuous to server dinners for people"

I had a poor dinner with drooping shoulders.

My wife, senior and junior daughters said to me,

"It is good. Delicious"

"New taste is coming."

"Not bad , even if I don't know the original foodstuff"

They seemed to go all out to comfort me.


I know well.

They also know well that they will be obliged to make the weekend dinner, if I decide to give up it.

2016-10-07 Needless to say, the fruits were different. [長年日記]

I don't have specific date and I know I can not tell you, however, some people who is likely to be top of the corporate ladder (of course, other type of people too) love "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma".

I have already told you again and again and in my understanding, "Nobunagara" was a serious psychopath and "Ryouma" was a arms merchant (or a merchant of death).

By the way, I am about to tell my daughters that "Chuushingura" is "terrorist attach by rural ex-warrior" and my wife scolded me terribly.

Above and beyond this,


I think that there are

a Chief Executive in a country of south-eastern Asia, who is saying "no problem to kill all the people on drugs" and have the citizen's sympathy( and receives a high rating from them).


The supporting nation or organization that provide "IS" with weapons,

"What is the difference among them ?"


Needless to say, the fruits were different.

(To be continued)

2016-10-08 (2)Acceptance of (small number of)loss (including "death") of human life in order for the new power. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Both "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma" had a great fruits that they launched their battle for the power which had given a terrible pains to citizens, and they were aiming for the revolution, and finally they accomplished the impossible.

However, What the above Chief Executive, nations and organization is trying is almost same as "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma".


Of course, even if I think it deeply again,I can not make a logic to justify Islamic extremism

In my opinion, terrorist logics are, either religious cult, Red Terror or others, same as the following two sentence.


(1)Making new power to realize people's happiness.

(2)Acceptance of (small number of)loss (including "death") of human life in order for the new power.


What I get mad with at all cost, even if it political battle or terroism attack, is the above (2)'s choplogic.

As for me, if they could add the following rider sentence,


(3)Making an exception for Ebata's life, despite of antecedent


I have no complaints about these choplogic.

(To be continued)

2016-10-09 On another front, what are you aiming for, Mr presidents ? [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

"I respect Nobunaga" or "I love Ryouma", and anything is .

However, I am afraid that many people cannot make an image of themselves of "killed by Nobunaga or Ryouma, for no reason at all" at the old age.


To tell you the truth, this is a prelude.

I don't have specific date and I know I can not tell you, however, some people who is likely to be top of the corporate ladder ( of course, other type of people too) love "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma".

People of top of the corporate ladder, for example, president or politician, who respect "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma" and want to reflect their life-style in their life

ANNOY ME absolutely.

O.K. I can accept the fact of both "Nobunaga" and "Ryouma" had a great fruits that they launched their battle for the power which had given a terrible pains to citizens, and they were aiming for the revolution, and finally they accomplished the impossible.

I can agree that they are true justices.

On another front, what are you aiming for, Mr presidents ?

Increasing your company profit?

Expanding your company?

Don't bullshit.

(To be continued)

2016-10-10 Stop it as soon as possible [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

For such your private timid ambitious, why I should have a risk of "disease", "mental illness" and "overwork death" ?

I want to claim the above.

for instance,

(1)for future some hundred years,

(2)for the happiness for more than some billion human beings

(2)for a great revolution ( I dislike the word)

(4)my life should be made victim of the revolution,

I might accept to being a sacrifice (but I won't allow for the person).



for your private timid pride or personal aggrandizement

with setting up for "Nobunaga" or "Ryouma"

going after us with overwork death

managing a company with petty-minded motivation,

Stop it as soon as possible

I want to say that.

2016-10-11 Whether working well or not. [長年日記]

I like program codings, which are called "programming" in public,

Though the debugging annoys me, it is also enjoyable if I could think that it is a kind of game of quest.

But what is the most annoying work, is to check a propriety of the program algorithm.


"Program" is going to work well, if you could set the development environment and, keep the rules of syntax.

However, it is an awful annoying to check whether the program works, based on my design.

Especially, for example, a reasoning engine who need many input parameters, (might be called "AI") or a simulation of non-liner control systems,

I cannot check whether

working well or not.

at all.

(To be continued)

2016-10-12 I thought that "the coding is good to understand the reasoning algorithm". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

If the program is for a control system, I could find the wrong algorithm of the program by a phenomenon of strange system behavior, for example, halt or uncontrolled system.

On the other hand, in case of a reasoning system, whose purpose is "reasoning", we cannot know the correct answer in advance. So if the output of the reasoning system become a mess, nobody cannot notice the mess.


When I was a college student, I started an AI team (fuzzy and neural network) alone at the beginning, in view of my tuition in attendance.

Of course, the beginning period, there was no time-tested reasoning engine around me, so I had to make a reasoning engine with reading a lot of papers and books from scratch.

As the team leader, I asked members of the team to make a reasoning engine by themselves. I didn't open my codes to anyone.

I thought that "the coding is good to understand the reasoning algorithm".

However, the above my policy was to fall into a pit.


Now I notice that

This story is available for the next serial of "AI".

I will continue this story on the next the serial.

Please don't think badly of me.

2016-10-13 The "Ameshon" is a derogatory term meaning "He went to the piss to the United States." [長年日記]

Previously I told the word "AmeShon" in my columns.

The "Ameshon" is a derogatory term meaning "He went to the piss to the United States."

In postwar Japan occupied, deputes or entertainers went to the United States one after another in order to put the foil.

"Ameshon" was used with irony and poke fun of the largest, against people who behave like a "savvy, such as international politics and international culture, after returning home,


In one of my favorite animation respectability "Steins;Gate", an organization whose name is "Sern" comes into the picture.

This is, of courser, just a simulated organization, and it is CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire).Anyone who study elementary particle physics knows the organization.

In Steins;gate, SERN, not CERN appears as the evil of power organization to dominate the space-time, but ff course, it is a fiction.

(To be continued)

2016-10-14 "I ENVY YOU VERY MUCH." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

The other day, I got a mail from my column's reader, and there was a message of "I have been to CERN. Do you envy me?"

Well,well. shit.

I also I has been thought as a sort of "Ameshon", because I got this message. It is downright pathetic.

In this rare opportunity, I profess clearly,


As a fag end of research engineer, I think that it is natural to long for the CERN, because I could study some abysses of physics and space.

For me, I am confident in oneself to continue same stories again and again in a drinking party, to say "I used the restroom nearby the front desk of CERN," and get on junior fellows wrong side.

I can eat more than three rice served in a bowl by "Cershon" not "Ameshon"

2016-10-15 "No way to succeed in "anti-aging" except for loss weight" [長年日記]

When I was going through storehouse, and I found a lot of VHS tapes in the warehouse.

So I work the VHS recorder (still runnning) , and burn it to DVD, and the captured data to my PC.

It will be a long war because of many DVD tapes.


To my suprise, I who was 15 years ago, seemesto much "old man" than I am now.

Simply speaking, I was "fat" 15 years ago, rather than now.

I feel strange to be looked an old man who became just fat, but it cannot be helped, because it is fact.

We, human being, might be inprinted, like

"human being becomes fat as they become old.

The other days I had tried many analyses about diet from the view of private merit, however, I passed over "a man of 15 years ago".


In the TV program of mail-order, they do "methologoies or making-ups for anti-aging" to death, however I think that I can tell you,

"No way to succeed in "anti-aging" except for loss weight"

2016-10-16 But recently, an odd phenomenon are annoying me, [長年日記]

I am very sorry but I cannot work a video monitoring system of my wife's country house , as I expect.

So now I am, as a weekend researcher, developing a packaging of the video monitoring system with "Raspberry Pi". using my house security system,

In fact, the works themselves are not so hard. They are for example, just making shell scripts. However, I have a lot of troubles with remembering UNIX command, even I had used overwhelmingly.


But recently, an odd phenomenon is annoying me,

The monitor camera out of door, records the view of my wife's and daughter's commute perfectly (movable object detection).

"No video of my figure at the time of my returning home."

The half of month has passed from this test system, however, the camera ignores me even I do swollen gesture in front of the camera.

I think a variety of hypotheses, and one of them is "a camera unexpectedly detects movable object with human spirit".

The camera does not recognize me as a human being, because I go home with dizzying at work.

2016-10-17 They seem look at me with surprise and sense of awe. [長年日記]

Everyday, making a lot of materials annoy me.

Thanks to these annoying, however, I have had a detailed knowledge of the Microsoft Office applications.

I sometimes help my wife and daughters with editing their materials by the Powerpoint, and I always finish editing within a few minutes.

They seem look at me with surprise and sense of awe.

I cannot feel happy, because I don't want to make me a master of the Powerpoint.

However, in my company we are indicating our intention by the Powerpoint, neither Japanese nor English. It is natural that I have become "a wizard of the Powerpoint".

Communication using the Powerpoint, is very effect because it is possible to express our ideas with real objects, and very inefficient way to consume much time desperately.

Of course, expressing our ideas by pictures is one of the best way absolutely, you know, this way is accepted for patent application in public.

At the same time, this way also fit chicken minds of Japanese administrative position, because they cannot say "GO" without perfect understanding of subordinates idea.

When I think, that it is a way "O.K. I will give you a free hand to do, however if it won't work well, you become fired for being the failure."

Both are wrong.

Anyway, I want to pick up a hypothesis that the Powerpoint is accountable for "why we Japanese cannot realize shorter working hours"


Above and beyond this

I don't think that "English is an universal language"

I don't want to say "we should use the Powerpoint" however, the best thing to do is to communicate with picture and character.

2016-10-18 "Creating a real object, indicating the object works amd proving the correctness of my design" [長年日記]

I also have lived in the OT and IT field for long time,

whenever I hear the phrase, "I will transmit that concept to the world"

I think

"Well, that is a heavy burden for you"


I don't want to deny the "transmitting concept" itself.

Sharing a concept is to share sense of values, and to indicate the direction to go. it is inevitable in order to operate the state and organizations.

However, a human being who is able to "transmit a concept" need some qualities, for example.

Attract people charisma, celebrity, a government or a world-wide economy company.


For example, even if a underling only engineer ,like me, try to "transmit a concept", who wants to hear the message seriously?

Needless to say, it must be impossible absolutely. That cannot be helped.

No great performance, no special ability and no attractive thin, such a dwaft engineer, like me,

still, if I think I want to send something to the people,

"Creating a real object, indicating the object works and proving the correctness of my design"


"Using the actual data, analyzing a lot of annoying data and proving my hypothesis"

In fact, there is nothing what I can do except for the above.


So, I am doing them the day-to-day my best.

(The themes are fertility rate,diet, and suicides, anyway I can accept it is pretty pale contents.)

However it is utmost in my ability.

The phrase of "I will transmit the concept to the world", which is Overachiever to burn with shame,

The other might say the backbiting "Ebata? This guy is really stupid isn't he," and I cannot say only just one word for a timid person like me.


Just walking around the net, finding unpleasant articles, criticizing them in the dirty words, no contributing to problem-solving, and they are all left as own messages,

Even if I were such unfortunate human beings, I think I will still be better not to say "I will transmit the concept to the world"

2016-10-19 However, I have never thought that a person who tells technical concept by the powerpoint sheet is "tremendous". [長年日記]

A person that I think "he/she has a really tremendous technical capabilities" gives a prelude

"I know well that Ebata-san can understand the technology"

and starts to discuss the issue.

I feel really happy to hear the above scene.

However, I have never thought that a person who tells technical concept by the powerpoint sheet is "tremendous".

I know that the technical concept is a creation of technical idea(the article 1 of patent law), and it is an important intellectual property.

However, I am likely to prefer a person that can embody the technical concept, to a person who just explain the technical concept.


On the other hand, I am afraid that this "tremendous" person doesn't pay socially and financially.

I have gotten the opportunity to speak with presidents or engineers of a variety of venture companies and software houses from the standpoint of the weekend researcher.

Among them, the person has "really techniques, such as surprised as the exit is hip" without any exaggeration.

However they gave me a lot of real stories that they have to get money to maintain their companies, or have to work of troublesome outsourcing, because they cannot spend time and money for their "tremendous" technologies.


In fact, I think that the tremendous people are not good at showing themselves "the tremendous people".

(To be continued)

2016-10-20 For me, there are few person I think "tremendous", less than half-dozen. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

In other words, they don't have a capability to show themselves delicious.

In opposition, the technical potential of a person who has the capability

is anything but "tremendous". To tell you the truth, it is unspeakably poor, in many cases.

Talking to such a person, I can find it easily, however, it is before too long.


For me, there are few person I think "tremendous", less than half-dozen.

It is natural because I have had to understand a specified field deeply, if I can feel "he/she is tremendous"

So a person who says that "I have a lot of "tremendous" friends" is

(1)A really "tremendous" person who can reach real understanding of several fields,


(2)A "poor" person who cannot understand any field, but get the feeling that their understands.

I think the person is either the above (1) or (2).


I think that a current addicted AI boom is being made by

people of above the (2) type, as a both suppliers and demander.

Of course, you know, it is just my hypothesis (I am testing now)

2016-10-21 Keeping a white book of measure against suicide ( pressed by Cabinet Office) at the bed, and reading the book before sleep, [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number" Accident resulting in injury or death (34) "

Data tell us a chilly reality of one-under of trains


Keeping a white book of measure against suicide ( pressed by Cabinet Office) at the bed, and reading the book before sleep,

Such a senior researcher

has existed.

2016-10-22 "The thought of "If I ask for my work someonem, I will do it by myself because it is faster" is danger" [長年日記]

"The thought of "If I ask for my work someonem, I will do it by myself because it is faster" is danger"

That phrase has been told at various from long ago, however, honestly, I, we have tired of hearing,

Of course, overstretching large amount of work, will cause long working hours, overfatigue and mental problems of "depression".

These problems also come to be publicly recognized social, and long working hours is becoming spread recognition as "social evil".

I think it is very preferable.

Companies exist in order to use the power of the organization, so "all do it myself" is to deny the existence of company.


However, on the other hand, what I can say is

"I do not like "to be asked."

(To be continued)

2016-10-23 "Even another person cannot like "being asked" " [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

Of course, needless to say, any work of a organization makes ends meet in "mind of the give-and-take", however human being is likely to projects one's way of thinking on another person at the same time.

"Even another person cannot like "being asked" "

like the above.


I can agree that "The thought of "If I ask for my work someone, I will do it by myself because it is faster" is danger"

However, it is true that "doing it by myself is faster than asking it to others".

Because it is true that "faster"

We can finish the work without any delay before asking someone to do it.

If we ask a work to someone, something different from our image of the work, is going to happen. In addition, the cost and time for the modification should be considerable.

Moreover, it is a pleasant feeling that "I will takes responsibility for for the work that I did only by oneself".

In addition, I hate to be scolded by someone because of other's fault of the work( Of course, any praise is welcome)

(To be continued)

2016-10-24 I want to purpose "runaway". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Whether you accept the phrase of ""doing it by myself" is faster than "asking it to others"",

After all, it depends on

- quality and quantity of the work

- importance of the work,

- character of the person who ask you the work,

- my mental strength,

- and others,

and we have to think the above all from the view of overall efficiency, and that needs enormous information processing and high-speed calculation performance.

Anyway it is very annoying.


In conclusion, we can understand that both "doing it by myself" and "asking it to others", are important ways.

So we need to search the third way, apart from the above two.

I want to purpose "runaway".

(To be continued)

2016-10-25 "Do it by myself", "Ask it to others" and "Runaway". Any activities are absolutely annoying. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

However this skill of "runaway" is modestly difficult.

I had already written more than 30 lines about two requirements, three instructions and two attentions however I finally noticed,

"No way"

"The person who can execute this "runaway" skill" has already done the work and gone to somewhere to visit for pleasure."

After that, I went through other activities to solve this problem, however,

"Do it by myself", "Ask it to others" and "Runaway", these activities are absolutely annoying.


I am sorry that I have to tell you a poor conclusion,

"If you feel certain that "I cannot do it", you should keep believing the "I cannot do it" absolutely, even if whoever says whatever"

I am afraid that even it might annoy you.

2016-10-27 "I have no choice but to make me "the great mad scientist of terror"" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

The illustration of this time had rough going.

There is no way I could find a picture "a great mad scientist of terror is using Harisen" absolutely.

I know well that it is very difficult to find out the convenient scene, however I had a death wish to show the illustration.

I could not concede to you a bit about this illustration, because of the story of this my column.

In this time, I could finish drawing the picture with much effort, and I was very tired. The most important issue is to waste of time.


What I did after finish writing, was to

purchase a white lab coat from Amazon.com

"I have no choice but to make me "the great mad scientist of terror""

"and make a pose and take a shot of mine". It is absolutely downright uncomfortable.

You might think that it is just a costume play.

However, I have no intention to enjoy "costume play". So if I said it as "costume play", it might be impolite for them.


However, I dare to say to you.

Look with keen interest, youngsters.

I am just a white-collar employee, married man, having wife, daughters of junior or high school, and live more than half a century, and doing such a stupid activity.

I believe that this my stupid activity will give you a "great big courage".

2016-10-28 They came out with a counter-view of "let us try it and take a picture for the next new years post card". [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(3) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination"

Embarrassed artificial intelligence -- More than 100 years are needed to explain their thought per one second.


Being faced with the problem of "drawing a illustration",

I bought a white lab coat(for mens) for real business purposes from Amazon.com, against family's opposition, and

After my whole family tried the coat,

they came out with a counter-view of "let us try it and take a picture for the next new years post card".

The family, like the above

has existed.

2016-10-29 "A classic music played from the PC" [長年日記]

Wife:"Today, I could not continue the work well with being troubled by sleep

Ebata:"Hey, all right. Why don't you go to a hospital?"

Wife:"When I tried to check around me..."


Wife:"A classic music played from the PC"


Wife:"It is natural to make me sleepy"

The junior daughter(JD) broke in us.

JD:"Any classic music is bored. It never hit my heart"

Ebata:"No, no no way. It would not do that. Of course, I think that some kind of classical music might be sleepy ... "

JD:"Never. All are not acceptable for me"


Well, I also cannot enjoy classical literature at all.

I will not stake my life on book burning, especially, in the case of the great writers of the work. (except for science field)

I am confident that I can black out in a minutes when watching Kabuki.

(To be continued)

2016-10-30 There is a sleep-inducing drag in the classical music. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Well, anyway, "classic music makes us sleepy" is a famous story.

- There is a sleep-inducing drag in the classical music.

- There is an illusion that "classic music makes us sleepy"

I think that the above two issues seem to be reasons. I want to check them.


Ebata:"If you were a musical performer, you could understand the good mark of classic music, for example, playing trumpery,clarinet or euphonium.

SD:"I wonder about that.I have not done any instrument before."

Ebata:"Well, gray case, I had learned pi until junior high school, so I think I can feel "Isn't that something?", hearing a piano sygrayy.


Ebata:"Whon't you try anything about music, like brass band or lgraymusic and try to play a instrument ? I believe that your world l change dramatically,"


After the talk, my wife spoke slowly in under-tones

"I also had learned piano for six years when I was a child"

(To be continued)