The other day, I wrote the column of the percentage of unmarried people in life time.
Today I happened to find the same kinds of data in the white book published by Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
I am relieved to know that the data seems to be almost same as my prediction of population trend.
I am a just weekend researcher, but they are the authorities base on Japanese government.
They could use many intellectual researcher and high spec computer though I just use poor tools, like pocket calculator and PC in my house.
I think that the credibility differed from my environment.
On the other hand, I had been working to predict the population movement for more then 30 hours, so I could find out the important difference between my result and their ones.
[1] They (looks like) adopt the exponential function in order to calculate female unmarried ratios.(I was scared to use this function)
[2] The increasing ratio will become show down slightly from 2025. (Few person noticed that).
Why did the differences happen?
There might be some factors that should be added for them though they didn't use the liner increment.
I really want to know the reasons.
Dear Mr./Mrs. Authors who were in charge of this white book.
Would you please show me simulation programs and/or macro programs of the spread sheet that you have used?
I never talk nonsense like "You should open all materials for all of Japanese!".
I pledge that I keep your secrets, so please show me ONLY (The rest is omitted.).
A lawmaker “Antonio Inoki” is going to prohibit attending a session of the Parliament, because of visiting North Korea without parliament committee permission.
_ I don’t know the severity of the issue, I could not talk anything.
But I think that the prohibition means to deprive his right to vote in the Parliament though he was trusted by this followings.
I remember that lawmakers have a right of “immunity from arrest”.
Even if they kill someone or set afire, they are never arrested by police.
The purpose of the right is to protect lawmakers against powers, when the powers want to make favorable laws easily.
But I heard this "immunity from arrest" has been available in the Diet session.
So, I think that it is enormous server restriction to stop attending the Parliament though some procedures are needed.
There are many ten or more thousand followers behind "Antonio Inoki", and this restriction also stop their politics intentions.
But I don’t sympathize his circumstance at the present.
I feel that “a lawmaker visits North Korea” is not good emotionally. On the other hand I become interested in the logic of the restriction.
Though I think “Let me check this issue”, the staring bell is ringing. That's enough for today.
Once, I wrote that I didn't care what you call me at all.
But when I read my name on some social medias as "A guy of "Tomoichi Ebata", I could not possible put up with the rudeness.
I want the person to say "I am not cheaper than you as you call me "The guy"".
Don't determine "Omitting titles from names" by yourself. I never permit to use my name like that.
You don't have to write "Mr.Tomoichi Ebata". But you are thoughtful of use my name as "A engineer, Tomoichi Ebata".
I noticed the unpleasantness, so I used to not omitting titles from names.
For example, I wrote "Your Honor Governor of Tokyo” as the former Tokyo governor.
It is called "feigned politeness", and of course, I do them on purpose.
My colleagues are good at the attention out and away.
For example, [company name]-san ("San" means "Mr./Mrs." in Japanese).
They often seem to use the way, though I don't like it.
Especially, young researchers use "San" for a computer program like that following.
Two quarter of year ago, the animation "Servant x Service" has been broadcasting. That animation is based on Ms. Karino Takatsu's four-panel cartoon
With my wife's permission, we whole family, kept watching the animation every week. But my wife often got angry saying,
Don't Play at workplace! Work earnestly!
Now, the animation "Golden Time" is broadcasting. That animation is based on Ms. Yuyuko Takemiya's novel.
With my wife's permission too , we whole family, are watching the animation every week. But I often get angry saying,
Don't Play at college! Study earnestly!
My wife, she had been buried under office counter work in a bank, and I has been a self-supporting student during college life.
Both of us has been having what we can never afford.
Using a public library, I can save money not to buy a lot of books. But there is a problem of "write inhibit" in the book (to make sense). So I always buy secondhand books at the use book store.
Now, I am researching iPS cell from the view of the destructive methods against the system of interfere in birth.
So, recently I stock up on many books whose title includes "iPS", the other day, I got angry with the following issue.
A book showed not "iPS" but the author's research fruits, despite of my intention.
I don't say "deceptive indication", but I think it is a moral principle that the main description should be "iPS cell" and the additional things might be his own results.
I could admit that the contents of the book are good. But the book is difficult for me to understand and I had to spend and WASTE long time of mine. So ―― I got mad with the book.
When I checked Amazon site, there are four good evaluation results.
I can't believe it.
I doubt if it might be organized vote.
But this way, using title with attractive buzzword is my day-to-day situation.
I try to make my blog title attractive every day.
_ 。
Unfortunately I have no right to give names of my productions and the editor office authorities decide it. But I was always blamed for the title.
Anyway, both the author, the editor of the book and I are "birds of a feather".
If someone blames me saying "Ebata is no right to get angry with anything", what I do is only to leave nothing to become silent.
The other day, I wrote a small talk about the "self-help book" in convenience stores.
Last night I was very surprised to find the book whose title was "how to make you the happiest in the world".
―― What's a courageous author !
―― "Man among men" thought the author was a woman.
I also always open my own methodologies in my diary or column. But I have no brave to make a title, "How to make you the most beloved person in the world", for example.
Anyone can admit the undividable principle that "everyone wants to be happy". So the author should be the happiest person in the world, because she knows the way to be happy.
Last night, I wrote the author's name down, and I am going to open the name in my diary.
Dear the author.
If you want stop me, it is now.
When I released the column about "Hatsune Miku", I found a comment on the web board, that is "Ebata was just the company provocateur".
_ I made a small talk unconsciously.
"Are you really silly?"
Who (especially "I") made profits, how, where on earth by my columns?
I would like the person to tell "Do you have a pea-brain?”
The other day, when I calculated the birth-rate in Japan with blood in my eye, my daughter asked me
"Did you get jobs from the Japanese government?”
Um... it makes a sense.
If the research organization of the government asked me to speak for another about what they never open by themselves, my daughter's question might be natural.
But unfortunately, I think it might be opposite.
I am afraid that the research engineers got mad with me, because I pointed out the problems in the white paper about the declining birth rates strategies.
First of all, it is almost a subside attitude that the hired engineer wrote the nuclear accident in detail.
But the reason why I keep writing such dangerous columns is to inform my wife and daughters the facts.
If they say "we don't understand the accident", their father should be used to investigate the reasons and processed of the accident.
When I accepted the column job, I declared the followings,
I choose themes, and
Nobody interrupts my decisions.
The other hand, I don't care "company provocateur". If asked, I am going to write any column.
I am not a journalist, so I am not interested in the moral hazard of journalism.
(Honestly speaking, I want to meet such persons who ask me the column)
But I am a just engineer, so I don't write atheoretical documents. To be precious, I can't write them.
We, engineers, had been completed not to be able to write atheoretical documents at all.
Yesterday, our family went to Pizza "all-you-can-eat restaurant" as a second daughter birthday party.
I ordered them to hold the party in my house with "Take-out Sushi". They rejected it immediately.
I promised that I disclosed my old secret story, so I showed it off.
Twenty years ago, I broadcasted our wedding ceremony on my web site. That was rare in those days. To begin with, The Webs were not popular in our life.
After opening the ceremony information, I got a mail.
The mail sender was a man. He told me that he was a co-worker of my wife and asked me to tell her "Congratulations!”
What I did after that is...
To delete the mail from my mail system perfectly, and
To embed the fake program to the mail server in order to return the mail of "mail undelivery”
This was an act of violence that was called not "abuse of power" but "abuse of technology"
In my opinion, he couldn't understand the man's psychology, which was waiting wedding ceremony before his very eyes, and was so nerves too.
I had been waiting my wife's acceptance of marriage for several years, so he should have understood the following my mind,
"Any man who was approaching my future wife was enemy"
The other day, I was late, and went home from the station at just before midnight.
I was walking walk along a sidewalk alone under street lamps
I happened to find ahead,
A cat
The cat looked like thinking something deeply, under weaker shine of street lights in the middle of the sidewalk.
The cat was just thinking without running away, despite of my approach.
She or he kept sitting on the sidewalk with brooding brows. I didn't know what she or he was considering, life, world, peace or something.
I was overwhelmed her or his aura and step down the sidewalk and started walking on the road side.
This is a rare case that a human gives the way to a cat.
Someone who speculated in a philosophical manner in deeply serious -- even it was a cat --- I thought that I could never bother her or him.
"Itasha" (that might be translated in "a shamed car"?) is a car whose owner pastes or paints characters of manga, animation, game and others on his car. It also called "Moesha"(Wikipedia).
I think, this is violence of copyright apparently.
Except for "Hatune Mike" and other characters that are guaranteed by Piapro license, they cannot avoid the illegality.
Added, the character seals and paints has been downloaded from some web site or books, the action should apply for right of reproduction directly, needless to add adaptation, translation, film and, secondary production.
I think the men who make the "Itasha" prepare themselves for the worst.
I am anxious about the company that provides them with the seal and paint service.
Though that is the typical on-demand service, I am afraid that the service also corresponds to illegal action.
After being enacted into law about "Non-Complaints" by TPP, these events also is going to be a memory of "Good old days".
As long as the permission mark for doujinshi has become common to be extended to the Itasha.
Until the time, the world is yours.
I think in all sincerity, that I want you to fully enjoy the time left.