Wife:"Today, I could not continue the work well with being troubled by sleep
Ebata:"Hey, all right. Why don't you go to a hospital?"
Wife:"When I tried to check around me..."
Wife:"A classic music played from the PC"
Wife:"It is natural to make me sleepy"
The junior daughter(JD) broke in us.
JD:"Any classic music is bored. It never hit my heart"
Ebata:"No, no no way. It would not do that. Of course, I think that some kind of classical music might be sleepy ... "
JD:"Never. All are not acceptable for me"
Well, I also cannot enjoy classical literature at all.
I will not stake my life on book burning, especially, in the case of the great writers of the work. (except for science field)
I am confident that I can black out in a minutes when watching Kabuki.
(To be continued)