I have said many things in my daily life and on my blog.
When I wondered what I hadn't said to the contrary,
"Nurturing People"
I have never used the phrase
(I searched all past diaries, and it was not there.)
I've never thought of even my children as 'Nurturing' -- that was 'Nurtured on their own.
I have scolded them tremendously for wrong things, but I can only remember a few.
All I did was provide, build, and maintain the infrastructure for their lives (although I also fought to the point of destroying the organization if necessary).
In my case, I will not say that I Nurtured my children or anything like that.
Because I didn't want to go through all that hassle.
When I read materials for company managers, I see phrases such as "nurture subordinates.
I am genuinely impressed (no sarcasm intended).
I think of "measures" to move people, but not to "train" them.
It is purely to make things easier for me.
Through my long career as a salaried worker, I have learned that those who use phrases such as "nurturing people" without hesitation are usually "destroying people.
This is one of my few specialties from the perspective of how inventions and patent specifications were created. Still, it was particularly noticeable in the work of invention-creation.
I have seen enough of "stupid bosses who crush the freshly born, feeble little inventions of young researchers with their own experience and knowledge.
The invention is born as a weak and small being, like a 'newborn.'
The boss's role is to nourish this "newborn" and raise it into a strong patent right by enabling it to walk.
I have seen bosses who say this is 'nurturing people' but continue to kill these newborns because they are 'not novel' or 'not progressive.'
Anyway, I thought,?
- What are you doing? Isn't it the role of the boss to raise that "newborn baby" with you while struggling to make it work?
- What in the world are you talking about "Nurturing subordinates"?
But, well, this is just one example in my tiny scope.
It would be presumptuous of me to discuss human resource development from my narrow perspective and experience.
Anyway, I am deeply convinced that it is pretty natural that I, who consider "Nurturing people" to be "troublesome," have not been in a position to lead an organization.