
2020-10-28 I find young people who talk about their dreams of being a teacher in the future to be "creepy". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

However, in this closed-off environment, there are idiots who think that they are popular with the opposite sex.

And this idiot takes advantage of the child's ignorance in such a closed environment to commit crimes (sex crimes) in society without much awareness.

Perhaps many of those incidents will never come to light.

This is because the child, the victim, has not learned and does not know that the means of "accusation" exists.

"Stupid adults who can't evaluate themselves and children who can't accuse them of sexual assault". This is a frightening combination that sends chills down my spine.


That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I have to be honest with you.

I find young people who talk about their dreams of being a teacher in the future to be "creepy".

Just the fact that I have a 'bloated ego' that says 'I can be a person who teaches and leads others' gives me chills.

In the first place, I think it's crazy that there is a 'direct route to employment, from student to teacher, with zero time lag', without ever having to deal with the contradictions, irrationality and unreasonableness of society in general.

A teacher's employment qualifications should be included

A person who has at least three years of work experience in a position equivalent to or higher than section head in a company certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

I believe that only those who have had their "bloated ego" "thoroughly beaten down" can enter the special environment of school.

(The reason for including the phrase "accredited by the Ministry of Education, is that 'anyone could build a company for a penny and become president on the same day")

(To be continued)