As I mentioned in yesterday's diary, I've just done a fair amount of research on a certain person (a politician) and I have to admit, I'm tired of it.
In conclusion.
"I cannot understand what the "rules" of this person's madness are"
I have spent quite a bit of time reading books and papers on population issues, fertility, LGBT, productivity, etc., making hypotheses, designing calculation models, and doing all kinds of calculations on computers.
- I interviewed the people involved in "LGBT" directly and continued to receive consultations from FTM and MTF even after the article was published.
- Regarding the "population problem", we conducted a computer simulation of all the people for dozens of hours using 127 million agents.
- After conducting a thorough investigation and consideration of "productivity", he asserted that "there is no" productivity "that can be uniquely defined."
I am the person who have done them.
In addition,
"After seeing the whole picture like a mirage while being hazy, I start talking about "something"
I have seen social problems with an inefficient approach.
My approach is to look at the present and predict the future with "hypotheses, data and calculations"
I don't think "I want to persuade others" at all, and the above approach is "it's enough if I convince myself".
If I deceive myself, that's enough.
This person, like me, may not even think "I want to persuade others" at all.
The only difference is that it's not "hypothesis, data, and math," but "no evidence, logic-ignoring, thorough subjectivity."
"It seems to be enjoyable"
I think deeply,
When I think, "How easy is life if I can deceive myself without logic and evidence?", I really envy her from the bottom of my heart.
I think "Lunatics will win eventually".
However, my madness is "weak" because of the strong constraints (evidence / dataism, weak perspective, logic consistency).
Compared to this person's madness, my madness is about the difference between an adult and a baby.
Well, I think it's better to die than to go "crazy unsightly" like this person.