The other day, when I returned home to my parents' house, and I was bringing my mother back from the hospital to the facility, I received the following e-mail in a care taxi.
This is my first letter for you.
(2) Simple self-introduction
I am ◯◯, who is on loan from □□ (company name) to △△ (public research institution).
(3) Background to the issue of this mail
I have enjoyed your works from the series "I am not loved by English ...".
I have a sense of closeness because of closer of my age, career, family composition, etc.
I think you might have already known, however, for early awakening due to age
"Bersomura" is good for you.
why do not you try it, if you don't know it.
I also tend to break physical condition with early awakening, but it is easier to drink by chance.
(7) The last greeting
I sincerely wish for your continued success in the future.
I thought that "Oh, he read this," I was able to laugh for the first time while I was returning home.
(I have disclosed e-mail with the permission.)