
2016-05-24 The present slogan of both my wife and me is "I survive after about 10 years (until the loan is completed at least)" [長年日記]

I have already repeated the same story until now, that my vomiting reflex is too strong to continue any operation using gastric camera.

Even if you feel my irreverence or arrogance.

"I can accept my death if I have to repeat the pain of gastric camera"

I, who live my mundane life, don't tolerate the torture of that extraordinary pain.

In such a reason, I have continued to ignore the warning of medical checkup for more than 10 years, and have done barium examination only. When polyps of the stomach had been found, I have left it. (Because I was diagnosed with a benign polyp in 10 years ago).

The other day, the examination center passed me the ultimatum with a message "Go to specialized agency as soon as possible", but I didn't care of it at all.


Now I have changed my opinion.

"I have to do my best to survive for my family"

The present slogan of both my wife and me is "I survive after about 10 years (until the loan is completed at least)"

It was my junior worker that made us bring a paradigm shift. He had to leave the world, leaving his family.

I feel a sharp pain in my body, whenever I come to think of his regret.

(To be continued)