(Continuation from yesterday)
After that, I had finished writing the modified draft, and sent it to the person in charge. But I feel very sorry now that I made her to do extra overwork.
"Why I made a mistaken calculation?"
After all, I embraced the illusion of the atomic bomb.
For Japanese, the atomic bomb is a absolute negative legacy. I think that other races can't understand our deep feeling of tragedy.
Every August, the special TV program of "the thread of atomic bomb" produced by NHK and other the broadcast companies, give us a basic fear of unclear.
And, the accident of atomic power plant in 2011 made me think about a kind of the revelation of God, which never make me forget the thread of unclear.
It was enough for me to dismay me that "the Japanese energy consumption a day is equal to the 6 times of power of Hiroshima-type atomic bomb.
You don't say,
It is the 600 times far from the 6 times.
How can I believe the calculation result?
The Hiroshima-type atomic bomb killed more than 200,000 persons, and the 600 times power of the bomb means that it could kill 12,000,000 persons simultaneously by simple arithmetic.
It would be beyond the reach of my imagination, that we consume the energy which could kill all of the people in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
"Is this "the 600 times" really right?"
I run about the INTERNET to seek the backdata as evidences. I was really fear of writing "the 600 times" in my column.
But it was true absolutely.
In fact, Japan has consumed the 600 times (1000 times, as a maximum estimation) of the Hiroshima-type atomic bomb everyday.
Everyday I ride on bus, train and elevator, escalator and work, use PC , watch TV,
I wonder if this our society that we need the 600 times energy of the Hiroshima-type atomic bomb, is really proper life.
I am now in a chaotic darkness of a grain of doubt about the authenticity.