Itching on my body, especially my face, neck, umami, and shoulders.
I had no choice but to spend my days applying "kinkan" to the badly itching area before going to bed and enduring the intense pain for a minute, but I thought, "I've reached my limit," so I went to a dermatologist.
The doctor in charge of my case glanced at my affected area and assured me it was hay fever.
Of course, I have terrible hay fever and have suffered from "sneezing" every year, but I never suffered from "itching."
She said lightly, "Oh, you added 'it' this year.
Various diseases and ailments continue to be newly entered each year.
Again, I went home with a prescription for various drugs.
It was pretty pricey, but I'm OK with it if it removes the "itch."
I did some research and found a past case 8 years ago.
I guess you could call me an "unlearned."