I am now a member of a new team this year.
The team includes several people whose official language is English (not their native language).
I am surprised that everyone on this team speaks English normally, but more than that, I am surprised -- or rather, astonished -- by the new form of communication.
"Bilingual Simultaneous Use Communication"
Native Japanese speakers speak Japanese, English officials speak English, and
"Almost perfect communication"
has been completed.
This is what "eye-opnening" means.
There are many cases in which a person can speak well but has difficulty speaking (I believe the opposite is almost never the case).
Our goal is not to use English or Japanese, but 'communication'.
The approach can be anything, as long as that objective can be achieved.
Of course, this requires mutual "hearing" between Japanese and English, but conversely, "hearing" alone is enough.
To be honest, I am stunned by the fact
"I (Ebata) did not come to this way"
Come to think of it, I have seen a lot of Japanese who say, 'I can hear English, but I can't speak it well'.
There were also certainly many people, even from outside Japan, who said, 'I can hear Japanese, but I can't speak it well.
So, I should have realized this approach, but I think that our (our) 'English supremacy' mindset has prevented us from thinking this way.
This method is, neither,
"If you're in Japan, use Japanese"
"English is the default language"
This is a new paradigm.
And I think it is important to expand this method as a new form of communication that "should" exist in the next generation.
If your team has this operation, we would like you to keep sending it out.