
2022-11-20 If love can be systematized to the point where it can be designed, implemented, and verified using an engineering approach, I believe it can be established as "love engineering". [長年日記]

I have been looking for a long time now for sample code that programs the logic of economic behavior and have not been able to find it on the net.

Well, the reason for that is that I want to "cut corners" with the coding I do at work.


By the way, the other day, I suddenly realized that "◯◯ engineering" sounds like an academic discipline

The start is Financial Engineering.

I have recently been conducting a literature survey on "dissatisfaction" and am still reading the paper, "Subjective Well-Being Related to Satisfaction with Daily Mobility," while utilizing a translation engine.

If happiness could be engineered, this would be what we could call "happiness engineering".

If love can be systematized to the point where it can be designed, implemented, and verified using an engineering approach, I believe it can be established as "love engineering".

For the same reason, there should be "marriage engineering".

At least I feel I can trust them more than self-proclaimed "relationship consultants" who give advice to others based solely on subjectivity and their own experiences.


"Divination engineering," for example, has already been established in engineering at this point in time.


If "divination" is purely "predicting the future," then this is essentially the work of mathematicians and engineers.


I don't know if "baseball engineering" or "soccer engineering" exists, but "sports engineering" does.

If only I had a teacher in elementary school who could have taught me the theory of "upside-down engineering" -- I might not have had a traumatic childhood on the bars.