There's a movie on Amazon Prime whose title is "Tokyo Nuclear Power Plant (*)" -- it's good. It's funny.
(*)This is a separate content from Mr.Hirose's book "Nuclear Power Plants in Tokyo".
Please watch it with a light heart.
If you want, you can listen to the audio alone, like a radio, and enjoy it fully.
Nevertheless, I was shocked to learn that this movie was produced in 2004.
It's as if the movie was made with a foreknowledge of what will happen in 2011.
This is a sudden change of subject, but our family basically subscribes to the Yomiuri Shimbun.
I basically 'dislike' the tone of the Yomiuri Shimbun, but I continue to subscribe to it for one reason only: The articles are written in 'technical writing' style.
(Click here for a list of my biases against each newspaper in Japan)
Recently, the Yomiuri Shimbun has been annoying me with its articles on the "push" for nuclear power policy after the earthquake and nuclear accident, however I read the front page of the paper as I need to know the information.
"The ghosts of Monju are making a comeback, using "carbon neutrality" as an oddity, and their stories are popping up all the time"
From the bottom of my heart, I marvel at how immortal they (the nuclear interests) are in an absolute sense.
By the way, I recently contributed columns recommending (or so it seems) the use of the COVID-19 vaccine.
And I've been reading about me (Ebata) on some forums.
"A government agent (apparently that's me) contributing under the guise of an ordinary citizen"
I laughed quite a bit when I saw it written (my wife and I were laughing hysterically).
To be honest, I would be happy to write anything if I could make a living as a "government agent" -- but the government has never approached me before.
Maybe this is the reason.
If I were a "government agent,"
This column, or
This column
would have made me be fired in a heartbeat, I think. What do you think of that?