Lately, there have been a lot of accidents involving credit card information leaks.
It is unlikely that the Ebata family was spared from these accidents.
However, the Ebata family has not received a single letter of apology, let alone a report of damage, from the source of the leak, but it is doubtful that there was no damage
The compensation the Ebata family received for the Benesse personal information leak was a single magnetic card worth 500 yen.
After this leak, my daughters received a mountain of DMs from prep schools, vocational schools, and kimono rentals for their coming-of-age ceremony.
There is no longer any way to stop the unrestricted spread of personal information, such as the name and address of our family.
Of course, even if the price is 500 yen, if 10,000 cases are leaked, it will result in 5 million yen in damages (the number of victims was 3.54 million).
But whether that amount is 50 million yen or 17.5 billion yen is none of our business.
The problem is the fact that we will continue to receive DMs from companies we do not know.
There is no way to prove causality, but the Ebata family is unified in their belief that 'Benesse is to blame.
(To be continued)