
2020-10-29 "The "educational system" functions as a "sex crime generator" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

On the other hand, the paper says that "crime rates are low compared to the crime rates of the general public".

But crime in spaces that confine children who cannot escape. It makes no sense to discuss this in comparison to the crime rate in the general public.

When it comes to 'teachers', there is no reason why it should be treated in the same way as society's general stance on crime.

The absolute figure alone, listed in Table 1 of this paper, of 2,685 offenders by teachers in the four-year period 2008-12, is astounding (although the more recent data should be even more impressive).

The fact that "sexual crimes committed by teachers are about half as high as those committed by the general public" is not "low", but shockingly "large".

To begin with, teachers are essentially a group of highly educated people made up of college graduates.

If you want to make a comparison, it's reasonable to compare it to "employees of a publicly traded company with tens of thousands of employees".

I haven't studied it, but I assure you -- if you compare these two populations above, the sex offense rate for teachers should be significantly higher.

According to the pair of "Stupid adults who can't evaluate themselves and children who can't accuse them of sexual assault", I am convinced that a significant number of sex crimes consisting of this pair have not come to light.

If you request, I will cover the subject in this series of articles and examine it with various analysis methods.


"The "educational system" functions as a "sex crime generator"

This is a painful reality for all of us adults, but we must begin with an acknowledgement of this fact.

And we must do everything in our power to destroy the functioning of such a device.

Anyway, for today, I propose the perspective of

"Young people who talk about their dreams of being a teacher in the future to be "creepy""

Of course, this is an outrageous argument, a horrible prejudice, and the ultimate in professional discrimination.


However, based on the facts of

"There's at least one person here who's looking at you like that. That is "Ebata""

All young people who want to teach ask themselves,

"Do I have a 'bloated ego' that says 'I can be a person who teaches and leads others'?"

If this is a "trigger" for them to ask themselves, it might be good.


At least, I made a self-assessment that "I'm not the kind of person who can treat all students equally." and has excluded "teaching profession" from by candidates.

And now, from the bottom of my heart, I realize that my evaluation at that time was "terrifyingly accurate".