(Continuation from yesterday)
In my home town, frauds using telephone and email seem to be frequent.
After a rough calculation, it should have cost several hundred yen to more than 10 million yen in the town alone. The information is not disclosed at all.
I can understand it.
Nobody wants to tell their faults to others.
The average amount of damage caused by the Internet fraud is around 16,000 yen.
In this case, they want to keep silent for anyone.
Therefore, the situation of the damage will not be opened in the future, and the fraud side will continue to win the game for a long time.
I have a proposal.
Why do not you do "fraud training attack" ?
It is very difficult for administrators to do such trainings, because they are restricted by a law of privacy protection.
So the groups such neighborhood association(NA)s are good as perpetrators.
Some NAs still list phone numbers are opened on list of members.
I think that the training with using phone and email ig going to work in such scale groups.
After the training, the money received can be refunded later or donated (threatening?).