There are leaders who "take drinks" when the project is in crisis.
Leaders of this sort are not only incompetent, incompetent, but also garbage, bikin, and cockroaches of the project, and are arguably the biggest obstructors of the project.
First of all, the project that cannot not work, can not work by a drinking party.
If doing such a "drinking party", the project would be further delayed and fall into a bad state.
This incompetent project leader is "escaping" from fundermental problems of the project, because they don't really understand the project itself.
Indeed, it can be said that there is no medicine for this kind of fool.
What the project leader should do are
After thorough hearing with the members,
- Negotiation with customers to extend delivery time or reduce system functionality,
- Introduction of human resources that can provide technical support,
- Project withdrawal to minimize damage
It's hard, and harsh, so is likely to be killed, however, this is the works of the project leader.
The person who hinders the progress of the project, at least in the "drinking party", is not the leader.
"Disappear from this project as soon as possible"
This is no problem,