I previously investigated the psychological state of people who caused personal injury (diving) on a train in my series columns.
After all, the following was my conclusion.
"Because it is troublesome"
For example, this is for example,again,
- The Raspberry Pi Linux caused a kernel panic, the system was completely stopped,
- There are only 4 hours left (3 am now) until the start of the demonstration experiment with many people and huge costs and time.
Suppose that the situation exists (it is just an example).
The service operation start has already been released to the media, and there are dozens of system developers, operators, and experimental investors gathering, four hours later,
(0) In the anger of these people,
(1) Explaining why the system does not work without using "technical words"
(2) While discussing damage costs and future measures,
(3) While reordering necessary equipment,
(4) starting to reform the system, which had been installed for several months
If the situation will be confirmed,
If there is a way to avoid all of this hassle and to convince the parties the fastest, what is it?
That's right. Of course, it's a "dive".
A small-brain writer (*) of a third-class magazine that easily states at the end of the sentence, "If they feel like dying, they can do anything."
This small-brain writer could not understand that psychological situations where they can't make the right decision, and desperate feelings with a completely clear path to the future.
This writer is criminally incompetent.
(*) Next time, he write a fucking article like this again, I'm going to open the name of his no-brain guy in a pop-up with an emphasis on 36pt.
(To be continued)