When PC worked by 8-bit CUP, I could make a graph on a PC display with 640x400 dots, only making lines. points and circles by a PC programming.
I just drew lines by a PC, as the same way of an analog method on a plotting paper
After making a transmutation fomular for dots, I could draw the graph just putting data into a PC.
Now I try to make a graph using JavaScript libraries, however they really annoy me honestly.
As usual, I can make a graph with 30 seconds using data files and a spread-sheet.
However, this time, I have to make a more less beautiful and realtime graph for an international exhibition.
So I, who specialize in super-high-speed calculations and bigdata managements, using C/C++ and postgreSQL
have to use "JavaScript" that is a script language whose purposes are fancy and beautiful drawing.
This uncomfortable feeling is like
"A labor foreman in a road construction waking on the stage of Paris Collection, keeping on a working wear"
Though I can access any resource of PC with C/C++ language,
this "JavaScript" is restricted to access resources for security concerns.
"Don't be aloof"
Now I am uttering curses to the display.
I know that it is easy to escape from mt troublesome,
However, I publicly proclaim that "I have a down on the person who cannot or does not make things"
Now I am feeling that I put my head in the noose.