When I was a teenager, each house has one telephone which was installed in the living room.
Therefore, when I have to call my friend, especially who was a girl, I struggled against her family by making a virtual character that was not mine, after thoroughgoing lesson of the presentation.
Today I will omit it. Read this if you are interested in.
Now, my house has installed an optical fiber, and two wireless LAN access points are working. Wherever our family members are in my house, we can use IP phone.
"Telephone environment with account and time free"
From the viewpoint of my boyhood days, this looks like a kind of "ideal future coming", however, I don't feel that because of my daughter's features.
"No limitation" is sometimes highly cruel.
"Time" that is our precious asset is exploited by others.
A luck of our literacy, like our knowledges, wisdoms and topics will be exposed by others easily.
In the era with strong restrictions of "cynosure of all eyes" or "10 yen for three min.", I didn't have to care of my bottom of my intelligence. However I am very sorry for them if they have to fear for it .
I feel "Tough luck" for them, however, I am improving communication environment of my house today.