Previously, I wrote that "I cannot understand why a person of ability like "Gorgo 13" work as a assassin"
This is a same story. I also cannot understand why "the absolute assassins" are working as assassins. Because I don't think that they can earn much money and riskless to be arrested.
In a word, "the absolute assassins" cannot be established as a business model.
In addition, "the absolute assassins" cannot be done from the viewpoint of technical issues.
There is few change to assassinate routinely, in concrete form, few change of On Job Training(OJT).
In addition, even if they don't need to improve their performance, they need daily hard yards to maintain their skill.
I think that a power of the state could give them the skill of assassin, for example police, Self-Defense Forces, secret military agency. Otherwise it is a training school of terrorist.
However, watching the drama of "the absolute assassins", the hero of the drama, "Nakamura Mondo" had never got the training in a special physical plant.
In addition, the method and device of "the absolute assassins" is something to feel of absurdity.
To begin with, a Japanese sword is not a killer-device for a certain death.
That is a weapon that leads to massive bleeding, and difficult to realize a instant death.(I know it well).
Moreover, I am afraid that both topknot and string of instrument are useless for a instant death, It is likely a fiction (Absolutely it is a fiction)
If they don't realize the instant death, "the absolute assassins" will be ruined by the power at the moment by testimony of an eyewitness.
What I want to say, is that
There is no place in working for "the absolute assassins" without the power's backup.
"Nakamura Mondo" might be a kind of "police spy"
I thin that this hypothesis is powerful.
In short, now, for me,
Though I feel disagreeable experience by the comments of reviewer of an international academic conference, I have to modify my paper.
"There is no easy work like "the absolute assassins" in the world."
I am just venting the anger altogether.