Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
"Let's turn the world by "Number" : Work style reform(4)
The meaningless "short time" is a SOS warning from "Tsundere government"
I am investigating various things, but, indeed, there is no flower in this "working reform"
I hope there is a positive message like the "Income Doubling Plan" formulated under the Ikeda Cabinet in 1960.
I don't think that the goal that includes ambiguous words "short-time" is good in many cases..
In addition, I also don't think that the present way with time restriction like 40 hours or 80 hours is good. Because those numbers has have the flexibility.
I am afraid that setting a goal such as "Promotion of annual holiday acquisition" will work well.
Legislation of "three days week holidays including Wednesday"
I think that there is no impact of the "Income Doubling Plan" unless we do so far.