(Continuation from yesterday)
If it is difficult at a public school, we might start at a private school first.
Students and parents who think that privacy is important, don't have to enter the school.
Schools that has installed "surveillance camera everywhere", will contract with insurance companies.
When the "bullying problem" occurs, the company can pay for
- Medical expenses (about violence, of course, about PTSD)
- Court dispute fee
- Cost of brand damage at school
If the school reflect it in education tuition, it will be even better.
- Tuition fees become cheaper,
- School's brand value improve,
- From the storm of the parent's claim, they can protect the mental of the teacher
will come true.
Of course, whether or not to choosing such a school depends on the independent judgment of children or parents - but you can bet.
"A school that installs surveillance cameras will survive"
(To be continued)