About a week ago, I wrote "I crashed a HDD by my mistake" in my diary.
A few days ago, I got a HDD by yahoo auction to recover files.
I wanted to save time, so I made a bit of owner's suggested price.
Last night, I started a recovery software, and left it until this morning.
This software showed in a display
"The estimated remaining time 33.45 hours"
All files has renamed alphanumeric characters, so I will change the file names again.
If I ask this work for a professional engineer, it might go well. However I didn't want to spend much money for this task.
I know well "It's too late to say such a thing", however,
I ask you to work for backup, not only files but also OS images.
In fact, OS image backup is very important.
Now, PC is crashed by not only users, but also mal-ware from outside world.
If you save the OS image backup, you can date back to the time.
Once my PC was hijacked by a crack software that showed Kanji characters only. At the time, I can recover the PC before the cracking attack.
"The PC that leapt Thought Time"
At this point, PC is great.
However, PC can just leap to a past time.