(Continuation from yesterday)
Colleague(C):"Ebata-san, in the first place, "blog" is
- a message of "I had pasta today fro lunch. It was very delicious. I want to come again (heart)" with the pasta photo.
- "It looks like good", "I want to have it too" as a response message.
Anyway, it is made by something like "beauty of style" "
Ebata:"I don't think so"
C:"Above all, what Ebata-san continue to write everyday" is not "blog".
C:"In my case, before reading Ebata-san's HP, I breath deeply, and I make up my mind with saying "Let's read it!"
Ebata:"So what ?"
C:"How do you think that the blog which burdens the reader?"
Ebata:"Well then, may I try to write
"Today, I ate Soba at the company's cafeteria. It was not good, however, I have to do diet and diet" ?
C: "I just imagined, and I'm going to spit it"
Ebata:"What do you want me to do?"
(To be continued)