Odakyuu-Dentetsu, I use everyday as a commuter, is also used by non-Japanese tourists.
There are two terminal station of Odakyu down line, "Odawara" and "Enosima". and the two stations are rely points toward "Hakone" and "Kamakura".
In short, for non-Japanese tourists. it might be high possibility to wrong Odawara-line and Enoshima-line, some person did it so.
The persons next me seat are likely to be tourists from China.
When they watch their smartphone and seems to be in trouble on a train, I will want to say something.
The reason why I want is that I am never kind, but I have "debt feeling" while having been helped by many people overseas.
In conclusion, it means,
"I want to be easier as soon as returning my debt early"
It might be no problem when they are English native speaker, or European people. In most cases, I can use English.
Even Asian young people are also O.K. about English.
My objective is to help senior tourists seems to speak Chinese, Hangul or other Southeast languages.
(To be continued)