(Continuation from yesterday)
In conclusion, the class room of professional ramen craftworkers and plasterers is a system to make the mentors fall into disuse.
Of course, the mentors also are expected to lead newcomers toward several fields of service, management, account, sales and advertisement, but even so, if the class room also begins to teach them,
the world of
"mentor-less society " is coming.
It is the world that destroys any respect toward experiences, so called "seniors"
However, this "mentor-less society" has already started.
For example, we am going to ask unknown topics not for "seniors" but "Google search engine", and open our troubles not for persons but web sites.
Many people have thought that
"It is absolutely impossible to make a digital service of ramen and plasterers craftworkers"
The success of this "ramen class" means, that "craftworkers" are not also special, but they are same of ordinal business persons in the world.
After all,
They are also just "interchangeable parts".
The fact was confirmed accidentally.
(To be continued)