(Continuation from yesterday)
What I am doing as a anti-super person, is to read many books of world history in commute trains or restrooms.
I buy easy world history books for beginners and try to grab "big flows of world history"
I think that adults are better than children to understand a big picture.
It just means that "adults can study without considering entrance examinations"
I think that study of world history for adults are good.
I can accept my situation in my office, like
"Even if I struggle against my difficulties, the struggles will not be recorded by anyone. So it is O.K. to take it easy."
"Even if I fail to do something, they might be trivial. I never destroy this nation."
Let me say, study of world history is better than other studies for me, because it makes my lazy and neglect right.
In short, I am a guardian as a anti-super person who has broken memory and is hard to understand something in detail, but I think what I can do is to
_ "study with my daughter again"
_ This activity makes good effects for both of us, as opposed to say "Study right away !"