This weekend, I am trying to make a train diagram simulator privately,
But the scale of the simulator is limited for my commute line only.
Firstly, I started the study as a target of whole of Tokyo-metropolitan area, however, I noticed that the area was too large to research them for my ability and effort. Because there are much unknown data and parameters. They had annoyed me long time.
At the moment, I recovered my senses suddenly.
"Why should I take care of the train diagrams except for my commute lines?"
I think the thought is suitable for me.
Though there are a lot of worldwide professional engineers of train diagram research around me, I don't rely on them. To tell you the truth, I can't rely on them.
Of course, one reason is "contamination". But moreover, I am afraid that I should need more than half year to understand their difficult researches.
On the other hand, the deadline of next column is coming next month.