(Continuation from yesterday)
Heroines in the books are very intelligent and beautiful women, whose occupations are president, secretary, doctor, model and artist, and they are all single.
On the other hand, heros, who meet the above women, are very intelligent and handsome, and "rich", whose occupation are president, doctor, and artist, and
prince at oil lord in middle-east( and successor to the throne)
These line-up make me fun, and the numbers of these combination are going to be infinity.
In addition, the ending is always
"Happy ending"
It it clear that the possibility of the existing women and men is extremely low.
Moreover, the possibility of the appearance of these pairs is lower than of meteorite strikes the Earth this year.
Finally the probability that these stories will result in a "happy ending" is lower than the probability of life on Mars existing.
"Harlequin" is a very interest material from the viewpoint of math(or the probability) study.
Nobody can think of this funny combination, except for a computer.
Moreover I am afraid that there is one important problem of the category.
I think that "Harlequin" is not romantic novelette, but Science Fiction(SF).